Zulm - Ep 01 [CC] - 20 Nov 23 - Sponsored By Happilac Paint, Sandal Cosmetics, Nisa Collagen Booster

  • last year
01:49Your designer clothes are ready and have arrived.
01:53Yes, keep them.
02:06You are still standing here?
02:07Go from here!
02:11Minal madam,
02:12if you’re wearing any of these then should I gather the rest of the things?
02:16Why are you in such a rush?
02:18I’m not in a rush, madam had asked me to clean up the kitchen.
02:26First you will clean this then you will do any other work!
02:29And don’t give me any advice next time! Do you understand?
02:44Forgive me, sir.
02:46Forgive me..
02:49Forgive me, sir!
02:51Forgive me!
02:53Forgive me!
02:55Forgive me!
02:56Sir, forgive me..
02:57Sir, forgive me..
02:59Look where you are going next time.
03:02Yes, sir.
03:03And yes,
03:04clean all of this up.
03:05Yes, sir.
03:42Brother’s call!
03:48Greetings, brother!
03:49Oh my!
03:51Don’t be scared.
03:52It’s me,
03:53your Esha.
03:55I have put on a face mask.
03:59Have some fear of God..
04:01If you were coming looking like a witch then you could have told me earlier..
04:04I have a fragile heart..
04:05I would have had a heart attack.
04:07Oh please, you don’t have such a fragile heart.
04:11Tell me, where are you planning to go?
04:15Today is Minal’s birthday.
04:18Oh, so today is your best friend’s birthday.
04:24Then you should be very happy but….
04:27why do I feel that you are very sad behind the mask.
04:33if I didn’t have this mask on…
04:34you would have then seen my real expressions
04:37Then you would have known how off your sister’s mood actually is.
04:42So …
04:44won’t you tell me the reason?
04:47you know that my Minal is my best friend!
04:50And the gift for my best friend should also be very special!
04:54So give it,
04:55who has refused?
04:56How can I…
04:57Mom has given me 5000 rupees and she’s saying get whatever you want from this.
05:02You tell me, can we get a nice gift for 5000 rupees in these times?
05:08So that means my witch wants money for the gift..
05:12I do..
05:13But ….
05:15mom had scolded me while giving me those 5000 rupees.
05:19Do you know?
05:20I even had a dream today..
05:22I’m wearing a Cinderella dress and the maid is serving me juice.
05:28Really? Then?
05:30Then? Then what?
05:32As I reached for the juice..
05:35Mom handed me a broom and said,
05:38dear.. You are off from university today..
05:41Start cleaning up.
05:43This is such cruelty on you.
05:46Brother, mom makes me do chores in my dreams also.
05:51Mom, greetings!
05:53Hey dear…Guiding her to what is wrong, and right is part of my upbringing.
05:58Brother, look..
05:59She has started her lecture again.
06:03don’t scold her too much.
06:05She’s already very spoiled..
06:07And you are encouraging her even more.
06:09Mom, what are you talking about?
06:11My sister is so innocent and sweet.
06:15Mom always has complaints from me.
06:18My mood is already very bad.
06:20Don’t bother me anymore.
06:22Check your phone.
06:30You have spoiled her alot..
06:33Thank you! Thank you!
06:35You are the best brother in the world!
06:36Mom, I am going to the market!
06:38Listen! Take care of yourself!
06:40I am noting everything..
06:42She has made a useless request..
06:44And you transferred her to the money right away!
06:48Mom, it’s such a small amount of money..
06:51I trust my sister fully..
06:54She will never get spoiled.
06:56Alright. Okay then…
06:58I’ll go check on her, we’ll talk later.
07:20Yes, mom?
07:22Where are you going?
07:23To buy a gift for Minal.
07:24Brother just sent me the money.
07:26Dear, I have told you so many times..
07:28Friendship is made with people who have the same standard of living as ours.
07:31There’s a huge difference between us.
07:33Mom, you always say that!
07:39I say it every time because you don’t understand it if I say it once.
07:45Don’t insult me by saying I have a small brain..
07:48You are talking to a future MBBS doctor.
07:53Future MBBS doctor, be a little mature..
07:56There’s a limit.
07:58You know that your brother is studying and earning there..
08:02And you make requests from here and ask him to send you money.
08:06My sweet mom, when do I make any requests to brother?
08:09He sent the money for the gift himself.
08:12Let’s do one thing..
08:13I’ll send him the money back …
08:15and won’t go to Minal’s birthday party.
08:18‘I won’t go..’
08:19As if you will agree to whatever I say, you won’t go and end your friendship with Minal?
08:23My sweet mom, I’ll be back soon!
08:28I'm getting late now.
08:29Okay, bye!
08:30Wait! Wait!
08:32How many times have I asked you
08:34That before heading out…cover your head
08:39Like this.
08:41Is it okay?
08:41Can I go now?
08:45May God protect you.
09:07Ma’am, this looks nice on your feet.
09:10Thank you.
09:11Actually, I have come to buy it for my friend.
09:13She and I are the same size.
09:16But if there's a size issue, you’ll change it, right?
09:19You can bring it.
09:21If there’s any size issue, we’ll change it.
09:29Please pack this.
09:30Okay ma’am.
09:31Thank you.
09:34Minal will love it!
10:03Here, your 15000 rupees.
10:05Mam, this is for 1.5k.
10:08You can check the price.
10:10It’s not for 15000.
10:14Yes, you can see the price.
10:35Where did this come from?
10:36The courier guy delivered it.
11:29Happy birthday to you..
11:31Happy birthday to you..
11:34Happy birthday to you to dear Minal.
11:37Happy birthday to you..
11:40Thank you so much, dad.
11:41You remembered.
11:43If you had forgotten,
11:44I would have gotten upset with you.
11:46Is your birthday something to be forgotten about?
11:49How is my daughter?
11:51Of course, I am happy.
11:53But if you had been here then this happiness would have doubled.
11:57I am occupied with work..
11:59Otherwise, I would have come.
12:01I know.
12:02What if I’m away from you?
12:04Your function today will go very well.
12:08Ajlal brother is arranging it, of course it’s going to be grand.
12:12That’s true.
12:14Dad, you’re not here and so is Asher..
12:17And he hasn’t even wished me yet.
12:19And you will see…if he doesn’t wish me and forgets my birthday then I will never talk to him.
12:25Your birthday isn’t something to forget..
12:28He won’t forget but if he forgets..
12:30Then I will also not speak to Asher..
12:33That’s a promise.
12:39This handbag is so nice..
12:41Minal will like it.
12:44Why are you upset?
12:47do you know how expensive branded shoes are?
12:50I wasn’t able to buy them.
12:52Since you’ve become friends with Minal..Your complaints have increased.
12:57If you had become friends with someone of your own standard,
12:59then you wouldn’t have found it so difficult to buy a gift.
13:03Tell me, who gives shoes as a gift anyway?
13:07Mom, I will give Minal whatever she likes the most.
13:13Oh God..I can’t understand you girls.
13:17You can do whatever you like.
13:23How dare he bump into you?
13:26And you let him go by just crushing his hand?
13:28You should have shot him.
13:30This lesson was enough for him.
13:40Shall I serve you tea?
13:42I’ll take it when I want it.
13:44Keep it.
13:50She has the habit..
13:53Of trying to act like a wife and daughter in law.
13:58And poor thing, fails miserably at it.
14:24I’m leaving, I’ll be back.
14:25What do you mean, brother?
14:29I had kept a reminder call..
14:31It’s a very important meeting.
14:32You kept a meeting today also..
14:36What do I do?
14:37I think ….
14:39maximum I’ll be back in 2 hours.
14:43No one cares about me in this house!
14:45Asher hasn’t even wished me yet!
14:47Dad also doesn’t care about me!
14:49Do I have any importance in this house?
14:54My doll, relax.
14:56Everyone cares about you.
14:57And your birthday will be according to your liking.
15:01Don’t worry.
15:02Everyone will be there.
15:06Can I go now?
15:08Yes, you can go but come soon.
15:10Whatever you say.
15:11I’ll be back soon.
15:13Bye, bye.
16:37When did you come?
16:50When your focus..
16:53Was somewhere else.
16:55Where will my focus be?
16:58I’ll go bring something for you to drink..
17:02Who were you with at the restaurant?
17:05At the restaurant..
17:06Who are you talking about?
17:08With whom she was sitting holding hands.
17:11Who is he?
17:12Ajlal, leave me..I’m getting hurt.
17:14I also want you to get hurt!
17:16Who was he?
17:17It was a client.
17:21It was a client
17:25You were so informal with a client that you were holding hands with him?
17:31Do you think I’m a fool?
17:34I’m telling the truth..It was a client.
17:36He has come to my outlet many times to get his clothes made, that is why we became friends.
17:40You became such a big fashion designer today by using my money.
17:46You started being friends with strange men?
17:51You forgot who you were before this?
17:56I remember..
17:57How can I forget?
17:59When you remember..
18:01Then why do you forget
18:04what I like, and I dislike?
18:07Marrying me ….
18:09and such frankness with strange men?
18:11What frankness?
18:13It was a very casual meeting.
18:17By marrying me in secret and by hiding it from the world..
18:19You are acting as if you are doing a favor to me.
18:23Why don’t you introduce me as your wife?
18:32What is so special about you that I would like to introduce you?
18:36I am way better than Hansa!
18:37Don’t take her name from your tongue!
18:41Like you …
18:43She is not a butterfly hovering everywhere
18:48You are being unfair, Ajlal..
18:53You know how much I love you.
18:58And you married me by your own will.
19:01And you have benefited the most from this marriage.
19:04You became a fashion designer overnight.
19:07Think about it,
19:09if I stop protecting you
19:12then who will save you from me?
19:15Why would you do that?
19:19When I want to stay with you only.
19:21If you want to stay with me then why do you do these things?
19:24You felt bad?
19:29I felt very bad.
19:32If you felt bad then it won’t happen next time.
19:34And if …..
19:36it does happen next time then?
19:41Then I will have the same punishment as the thief.
19:58I’ll talk to you later, okay.
19:59Mom, where are you?
20:02What has happened?
20:03Why are you shouting?
20:06Tell me quickly..
20:07What heels do I wear on this dress?
20:09These or these?
20:16I also liked these.
20:18What time will you be back, dear?
20:22Mom, I haven’t even left yet, and you’re worried about when I will be back.
20:25How will I not be worried?
20:27You’re going alone.
20:29Minal had told me that she’ll get me dropped by her driver.
20:32By the driver?
20:36Dear, I don’t like you being friends with such wealthy people.
20:42All rich people aren’t the same.
20:44Minal and her family are very nice.
20:49I go to their house quite often..
20:52Everyone treats me with a lot of love and respect.
20:55Still, dear..
20:57Mom, if you’ll be worried like this then how will I be able to enjoy there?
21:03Let’s do one thing..
21:04I just won’t go.
21:07There’s no need for such drama.
21:09Go on, your cab is also here.
21:12Can I go?
21:17You didn’t even tell me how I look?
21:22My daughter looks best to me like this.
21:27So nice….
21:29that I hope you don’t get affected by my evil eye.
21:31Aww, mom.
21:33Okay now.
21:34Can I go?
21:34I’m getting late now.
21:35Go go.
21:35Bye Bye.
21:37But the veil should remain on your head!
21:39Yes, okay!
21:46You’re leaving so soon.
21:48It would have been so nice if we could have dinner together.
21:52It’s Minal’s birthday today.
21:55I have to celebrate that.
21:57And I think…..
21:59you don’t remember.
22:04I had forgotten.
22:07You forgot..
22:09You forget everything related to me.
22:12It’s good.
22:15It hurts if I remember such things.
22:21You will enjoy family time there and I'll be alone here.
22:39It would have been so nice
22:42if I could have also joined you in your family function as your wife.
22:56Why don’t we….
22:58plan for a baby?
23:06Look, if we’ll have a baby..
23:10I’ll get busy..
23:12I won’t bother you much..
23:14I won’t even ask you for more time..
23:18You know what?
23:22I have ….
23:23certain botheration from pregnant women.
23:28And If you become pregnant.
23:30Then you won’t look pretty at all.
23:34You won’t feel any difference.
23:39Whatever I’m saying..
23:42Consider and understand that alot.
24:32I know what you are saying
24:38Let’s go cut the cake.
24:40Alright, brother but did you see, Asher hasn’t wished me yet.
24:43What can I say..
24:45Oh my my my..
24:47How was it possible that I wouldn’t have come to my cutie’s birthday?
24:52What a surprise!
24:56Hey, my brother!
25:01What a surprise!
25:04Happy birthday!
25:06Greetings, sister-in-law!
25:10I wouldn’t have spared you if you hadn’t come.
25:14If you hadn’t come,
25:16she would have put a great penalty on you.
25:18I’m telling you.
25:19How could I have missed it, brother?
25:20I have come. See? I have come.
25:23Go and change quickly.
25:25We have to cut the cake also.
25:26Yes, mam.
25:26Just give me 2 minutes.
25:29You sent him to change?
25:32He’s in his airport clothes.
25:34He’ll look nice.
25:36Let’s go, we’ll go there.
25:37I’ll come when he’s back.
25:43Your middle-class friend doesn’t seem to be here.
25:45It seems Minal hasn’t invited her.
25:49She’s already here.
25:55Oh God..
25:57You only found her to be friends with?
26:00Look, I need an assistant in the university.
26:05Who takes care of my mood..
26:07Who would do my assignments..
26:10And who would pick my pen fallen on the floor.
26:13And Esha does all these things very well.
26:17Don’t you feel that you’re increasing her value by keeping her with you?
26:21I don’t think so.
26:23Look at her.
26:25What does she have that I would feel insecure about?
26:29When she walks with me,
26:31everyone’s eyes are on me.
27:25Happy birthday to you..
27:30Happy birthday to you..
27:33Happy birthday, dear Minal.
27:37Happy birthday to you..
27:45Sister in law, you also have some.
27:53Now I will also feed you.
27:56Thank you.
28:07Mom will get very upset.
28:09It has gotten so late. I should be leaving.
28:14What is the rush?
28:18I haven’t even seen you properly.
28:22How are you?
28:24If you ask me honestly..
28:27Not complete with you.
28:37Just give a minute.
28:38I’ll be back.
28:43Oh its so late…just look at the time
29:39You bothered yourself for no reason.
29:42Minal was getting me dropped with the driver.
29:45When I am here then why the driver?
29:49Are you uncomfortable with me?
29:52No no..
29:52It isn’t like that.
29:54You left the party because of me..
29:58That’s why I was saying..
29:59How would I have been able to enjoy that party after you left?
30:03That is why I thought of becoming your driver..
30:06That way I’ll get to spend a few moments with you.
30:10You know what, Esha?
30:12I was really missing you.
30:16You know I am seeing you after so long.
30:19I haven’t even seen you properly.
30:23I was also waiting a lot for you.
30:26But you were away for a very long time this time.
30:28Oh sorry..
30:29Semester was about to start so I was occupied with that.
30:35You will leave again?
30:38I’ll have to go.
30:41To come back to you forever.
30:45You will come back forever this time, right?
30:48Of course!
30:49Forever to you.
30:59What happened, Esha?
31:02When will you talk to your family?
31:08Very soon.
31:18Your house arrived too soon, didn’t it?
31:25Um Esha!
31:31One minute..
31:42Why did you stop me?
31:46All this like this..
31:48I got this gift for you with so much love..
31:51All this has to happen in front of everyone in the future then what’s the harm if it happens now?
31:56All that is fine, Asher but..
31:58Trust me..
32:00Wear it considering my wish..It will look very nice on you.
32:06Wait a minute..
32:08Is it because you don’t trust me?
32:11You think I will betray you!
32:13No no..
32:14It’s nothing like that.
32:16Then what’s worrying you, Esha?
32:21Okay, fine.
32:33Can we meet somewhere outside tomorrow?
32:37It will be difficult tomorrow.
32:38That too outside..
32:39Here we go..
32:41If I can come to meet you from far away..
32:45And you can’t even spare a few moments to meet me?
32:49You know what, Esha? You really hurt me sometimes.
32:52Okay fine..
32:54Give me some time.
32:55I’ll think about it and tell you.
32:58You can take as much time as you want.
33:01I want the answer to be a yes.
33:04Alright, fine.
33:06Let me go for now.
33:08Someone will see us.
33:08Okay, fine.
33:09Take care.
33:33Greetings, mom.
33:56Yes, mom?
33:57You got late..
33:59Yes, mom..The function started late today.
34:03The driver dropped you?
34:04No, Asher dropped me.
34:15Asher who?
34:17Minal’s brother.
34:21I had refused Minal,
34:24Minal’s family loves me so much,
34:28they give me so much respect
34:29which is why they didn’t send me with the driver.
34:32Asher dropped me himself.
34:56Where did this ring come from?
