• 2 years ago
Scott and Romana are shaking up the anime scene! Join Ashley as we look over the best moments from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
00:00 We are saxophone!
00:02 One, two, three, four!
00:04 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we're counting down our picks for the very best of Netflix's Scott Pilgrim anime.
00:11 Number 10, Ramona vs. Roxy.
00:27 With Scott missing, it's up to Ramona to take the role as lead character and figure out the mystery.
00:33 Her search leads her to one of her evil exes, Roxy, and the two inevitably battle it out,
00:39 because there's still a lot of bad blood between them, in a fight that's wild from start to finish,
00:45 with the two leaping between movie scene after movie scene.
00:55 While the original battle between Roxy and Scott ended up with her getting punched in the boob,
01:00 this one has a more sentimental bow wrapped around it.
01:03 Ramona actually apologises for the way she treated Roxy, and the two reconcile.
01:09 Scott's sudden death in episode one certainly raised a lot of eyebrows,
01:22 and while many of us were wondering what on earth just happened, the show threw this ludicrous scene our way.
01:28 All the main faces turn up here, but it's about as sombre as you'd expect from this wacky adaptation.
01:39 What little sentiment there is was thrown out the window when Scott's ex, Envy Adams, shows up in big fashion.
01:46 Then, the singing starts.
01:48 I'm so tired, but I can't sleep.
01:54 It's not long before everyone forgets Scott's even gone. Everyone except Ramona, of course.
02:01 It's gotta be said, the fight choreography in this show is insane.
02:16 We only wish there was more of it.
02:18 One of the standouts is when Lucas Lee turns his fists against the pesky ninja photographers
02:24 that are plaguing the set of the Scott Pilgrim movie.
02:40 Lee's skateboard skills are on full display as he drops paparazzi after paparazzi,
02:46 until pretty soon, the set is flooded with coins.
02:50 How this guy's movie career is suffering, we'll never know, because we couldn't take our eyes off this scene.
02:56 (Sounds of a
03:10 musical)
03:11 Scott Pilgrim's precious little musical.
03:13 The bizarre subplot of Scott's life in the original timeline being adapted into a performance
03:19 all culminates into this finale, which sees all the leads turn up for the show.
03:24 It's Matthew Patel's turn to take on the mantle of Scott,
03:28 and what little we see of this stage play had us begging for more.
03:32 As it was originally pitched by the new Sex Bob-Omb formation of Stephen Stills and Knives Chow,
03:47 it includes a few off-camera melodies depicting some of the events of the original series.
03:53 (Sounds of a musical)
03:59 Best of all being the musical edition of Scott Pilgrim's most iconic quotes, "Bread makes you fat."
04:05 Number 6, Wallace steals the show.
04:16 (Sounds of a musical)
04:21 If there's one thing we wanted and the show delivered on, it was Wallace Wells being Wallace Wells.
04:27 As he did in the comic book, he essentially serves as an agent of chaos,
04:31 stirring rumours and throwing hilarious insults.
04:34 His snark even earns the affections of Todd Ingram,
04:42 after he ends up starring as himself in the Scott Pilgrim movie.
04:47 But over everything, Wallace once again proves himself to be an unconventional but great friend to Scott,
04:59 even letting him live with him in the future.
05:02 Kieran Culkin absolutely steals the show throughout.
05:08 Number 5, The Epilogue.
05:10 With the relationship ending threat out the way, it's up to our characters to convene their normal lives,
05:16 albeit with a few changes.
05:18 Sex Bob-Omb is back together as a four-member band.
05:26 Wallace has found his new partner while travelling overseas.
05:30 The evil exes are picking their lives back up again,
05:33 including Lucas Lee, who actually took Julie's advice and started working at Second Cup.
05:38 And was that a potential Kim Pines infatuation we picked up from him at the end of the scene?
05:51 But honestly, it's those closing moments that got us.
05:55 Can you really call yourself a fan if you didn't choke up
05:58 the second you heard the first chords of Plumtree's Scott Pilgrim?
06:03 [Song plays]
06:11 We're still mad it got cut off abruptly.
06:14 Number 4, Scott Meets Scott.
06:17 After a long absence from the show, we finally discovered the real reason why Scott disappeared.
06:26 He was actually kidnapped by… himself.
06:30 After the events of the original Scott Pilgrim timeline,
06:33 Scott and Ramona got married but eventually fell out.
06:36 This heartbreak leads to old Scott, now voiced by Will Forte,
06:49 to concoct a plan so that he and Ramona never got together in the first place,
06:54 kidnapping Scott so that he never fights the evil exes.
06:59 It's hard to believe Scott could ever sink this low,
07:02 and even harder to think that Ramona and Scott didn't work out the way they should have.
07:25 One of the show's highlights actually comes really early on in its run.
07:29 When Matthew Patel's ego gets out of control after taking down Scott Pilgrim,
07:34 he sets his sights on the throne of leader of the evil exes.
07:38 What follows is possibly the most exciting battle in the show
07:42 as we genuinely don't know who's going to win as they tussle around G-Man headquarters.
07:53 Patel makes full use of his mystical powers,
07:56 while Gideon powers through with whatever he can get his hands on.
08:00 Shockingly though, it's not the head honcho who walks out on top, it's Patel.
08:21 Thus begins the spiral of Gordon Goose.
08:24 When going into the show blind, you're treated to a near flawless adaptation of the first book.
08:42 Not to sound ungrateful, but if this was what the show could have been,
08:46 then we'd have been overjoyed.
08:48 Scott and Ramona's first meeting, their first date together at Hillcrest Park,
08:53 the showdown with Matthew Patel,
08:58 right up until that sudden twist, it was pitch perfect.
09:04 We'd be lying if we said it didn't bring a tear to our eyes
09:07 to see this comic book cultural touchstone finally come to life in animated form.
09:13 Hey, it was nice while it lasted. Maybe someday we'll get that one-one adaptation we crave.
09:19 Cool.
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09:37 They were saving the best for last, that's for sure.
09:48 When his plan to split his younger self away from Ramona falls apart,
09:52 future Scott comes back and this time he's absolutely jacked, angry and ready to throw down.
09:59 It's awesome to see the heroes teaming up with the League of X's to try and stop him.
10:04 Alas, it's useless and so Ramona and Scott are left to face him on their own.
10:15 Their desperate struggle to protect their love for one another
10:19 is everything we love about the two come to life in the form of a beatdown.
10:24 Ultimately, it's up to Ramona to put a stop to the madness and she does so in pretty dramatic fashion.
10:30 Do you think there could be a Scott Pilgrim sequel?
10:36 Let us know what you think it would be about in those comments below.
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10:54 [Music]
