My Daddy Dearest: Full Episode 6 (Stream Together)

  • last year
Bong (Ogie Alcasid) chooses to visit a witch doctor to find out what he's been up to lately because everyone believes he's going crazy for the reason he's moving so oddly.
00:00 [music]
00:11 You don't look okay.
00:12 And you've changed.
00:14 Do we need to know something?
00:16 [screams]
00:18 Someone's mad at me.
00:20 And who would put drugs in my drink?
00:23 That's normal.
00:24 Wait, I think I'm gay.
00:27 Gay?
00:28 Maybe you're just stressed.
00:31 Think happy thoughts.
00:33 What can make me happy?
00:37 And your name is ugly.
00:39 You should be destroyed.
00:42 Ouch!
00:45 Of course you're fine, Miho.
00:47 Those hangovers are nothing.
00:51 Right, my boy?
00:52 Ouch!
00:54 You're so rude.
00:56 Bong!
00:57 Bong!
01:02 I'm sorry, Nino Macho.
01:05 I didn't mean to.
01:07 But why did you make me drink?
01:11 It's like you didn't know my sexuality.
01:14 Sexuality?
01:17 What's wrong with you, Bong?
01:19 Why are you acting like a girl?
01:21 [music]
01:26 I have to go.
01:27 Bong, Miho, wait!
01:32 Macho, are you hurt?
01:36 No, I'm fine.
01:38 I'm just worried about Bong.
01:40 What happened to him?
01:42 You're the one who's worried.
01:44 It's like something's wrong with him.
01:46 Maybe he has a problem.
01:50 What could be his problem?
01:52 He has a lot of money.
01:54 He has a lot of women.
01:56 Maybe that's it.
01:57 He has a lot of women.
01:58 That's why he's affected.
02:01 Well, whatever it is that he's going through now,
02:05 I hope he'll get over it soon.
02:07 Because as the president of our company,
02:09 he needs to control his thoughts and actions.
02:13 [music]
02:22 This is not true.
02:23 I just had a dream.
02:25 Ouch! It hurts.
02:30 Why are you hurting yourself?
02:32 So I can wake up.
02:34 You're not dreaming.
02:37 I'm here. I'm real.
02:39 [music]
02:46 You're real.
02:47 And I touched you.
02:50 You're not dreaming.
02:52 But I looked for you yesterday.
02:55 And I called your name.
02:58 But you didn't show up.
03:01 I told you,
03:03 we pixies can't really show ourselves to people.
03:07 But your cousin is really a voice.
03:10 She's always hurting you.
03:12 She's always fighting with you.
03:13 Thank you for protecting me from Lily.
03:17 You're welcome.
03:18 What are friends for?
03:20 Are you afraid of me?
03:22 Of course.
03:24 That's why I helped you to fulfill your wish.
03:27 Let's be friends.
03:29 If you're real,
03:30 every time what happened yesterday,
03:34 I really wished for it.
03:36 Why didn't my wish come true?
03:38 Why didn't Daddy change?
03:41 Why did you hit me?
03:44 I used to get hit on my butt.
03:47 It's okay with me.
03:48 I don't have a problem with it.
03:49 But now, I feel like
03:52 I'm a bad person.
03:56 Why do I feel like I'm a woman?
04:01 Daisy, your wish will come true.
04:05 It might be a little delayed.
04:07 But don't worry, it will come true.
04:09 I didn't mean to.
04:11 I just wished.
04:13 My feelings for Daddy are just bad.
04:18 Oh no, you can't make up your wish.
04:22 You know, that's one of my wish commandments.
04:25 Wait, why did you change your mind?
04:28 Why don't you want your wish anymore?
04:30 Don't you want to be a mom anymore?
04:32 I still want it.
04:34 Really?
04:35 I don't want to lose my Daddy.
04:37 Mommy, I'm being thrown by a wolf.
04:41 Oh no, they can't see me.
04:43 I need to hide.
04:44 I'm so jealous.
04:45 I'm becoming gay.
04:51 Bong?
04:55 Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong.
04:57 I'm Bong.
04:58 What's wrong?
04:59 Nothing's wrong.
05:01 I'm okay.
05:03 I'm a man.
05:04 I'm a real man.
05:05 I'm a man.
05:06 I'm a man.
05:07 Yes.
05:08 Bro, it's obvious that you're not okay.
05:11 What's that?
05:12 Bong, why don't you go home and rest first?
05:17 Let us handle the situation.
05:20 We'll take care of your company.
05:24 Okay.
05:25 Mommy, believe me.
05:42 I'm being thrown by a wolf.
05:44 There's a wolf here in the garden.
05:46 Ask Daisy.
05:48 Isn't there a wolf here?
05:51 I don't think so.
05:53 There is, Mommy.
05:55 I'm being thrown by a wolf.
05:57 Auntie, he's not being thrown by a wolf.
06:01 You're lying.
06:03 I'm not lying.
06:04 Right, Auntie?
06:05 You told me that the wolves are not real.
06:09 Oh no, Lily.
06:10 I'm doing a lot of things.
06:12 I'm getting dizzy.
06:13 You're so annoying.
06:14 Oh no.
06:16 I'll think about it.
06:17 [music]
06:23 Sir?
06:24 Yes?
06:25 Are you okay?
06:26 Huh?
06:27 I'm fine, sir.
06:29 Why did you ask?
06:31 I noticed that you have a problem.
06:34 Maybe you were affected by your girlfriend's separation.
06:38 You're saying something nice.
06:40 Jessamine.
06:41 Yes?
06:42 It's good that we separated.
06:46 It's like she's crazy.
06:48 Aren't you afraid that you'll get karma?
06:51 Because of your craziness,
06:53 all the bad things,
06:55 there's a punishment waiting for you.
06:57 You'll pay for your sins.
07:01 Be careful with people.
07:03 You'll be in trouble if you're not careful.
07:06 I can't believe it.
07:09 Sir?
07:11 Are you talking to me?
07:12 Mga Dora.
07:13 Yes, sir?
07:14 Do you believe in bad luck?
07:16 Yes, sir.
07:18 In fact,
07:19 I have a cousin.
07:21 He's good at countering bad luck.
07:24 Why did you ask?
07:27 Is there something wrong with you?
07:29 Huh?
07:30 Nothing.
07:32 [music]
07:37 Are you okay?
07:39 Yes.
07:40 Thank you for not telling your aunt about me.
07:43 Do you know that she can never know about me?
07:48 But,
07:49 I need to introduce you to my dad.
07:52 Huh?
07:53 Why?
07:54 Come here.
07:55 Join me in confessing to him
07:58 about my wish.
08:00 Mga Ador said
08:01 I shouldn't be jealous of my dad.
08:04 Daisy, I told you.
08:06 We, pixies,
08:08 can't show ourselves to people.
08:10 If our enchanted tree finds out,
08:12 he'll say I'm dead.
08:14 But,
08:15 if I tell him,
08:18 he might not believe me.
08:21 Why would you tell him?
08:23 He'll just get mad at you.
08:25 He'll kick you out.
08:27 Do you want that?
08:28 No.
08:30 Don't tell him.
08:33 Let's keep it a secret, okay?
08:35 [music]
08:39 Mmm!
08:41 Delicious!
08:43 It's perfect for me to sit here.
08:46 Isn't it, son?
08:47 It's perfect, Madam President.
08:50 [laughs]
08:52 But, wait a minute, son.
08:53 Tell me,
08:54 what really happened?
08:57 Did you really make Bong drink drugs?
09:00 Mama,
09:01 no.
09:02 That's what I'm wondering.
09:04 But,
09:05 it seems like he has a friend who drinks drugs.
09:09 He's denying it.
09:11 What if it's not the effect of drugs?
09:15 What's happening to Bong?
09:17 Whatever it is,
09:20 now is our chance to strike.
09:22 We need to use this against him.
09:26 Why are we so patient
09:28 in looking for a thievery?
09:30 We can steal the whole company.
09:33 [laughs]
09:35 I can feel it.
09:37 I can feel that this whole company will be ours.
09:42 [laughs]
09:53 What?
09:54 Yes, he's here.
09:56 Why so early?
09:57 What's happening to Bong?
09:58 He's not himself.
09:59 He's on a half-day.
10:00 Is he sick?
10:01 Good.
10:02 I have a plan.
10:04 Find Bong's old video camera.
10:08 Why?
10:09 What do you want me to video?
10:11 Marco,
10:12 sex video is not popular anymore.
10:14 And,
10:15 I'm fat.
10:16 What are you?
10:17 [laughs]
10:18 What are you saying?
10:20 I want you to get Bong.
10:23 Get Bong.
10:24 Follow him.
10:26 But, why?
10:27 What do you mean why?
10:28 So, you can prove that Bong is the one.
10:31 Why?
10:32 What do you mean why?
10:33 So, you can prove that he's not worthy to be the president of the company.
10:37 So, they can know that his head is broken.
10:41 [music]
10:47 [screams]
10:49 [music]
11:00 Bobby,
11:01 why are you here?
11:04 Don't you have work?
11:07 Why are you home so early?
11:10 Is there a problem?
11:12 Did something happen to you?
11:13 Nothing.
11:14 Nothing happened.
11:15 No problem.
11:16 I'm okay.
11:17 You're okay?
11:19 My wish is not coming true.
11:22 Wish?
11:23 What wish?
11:24 Wish?
11:25 Nothing.
11:27 I'm not guilty.
11:29 So, don't be mad at me.
11:32 Okay, Bobby.
11:35 [music]
11:38 Crazy.
11:40 What are you looking at?
11:43 I don't have a problem.
11:45 [music]
11:49 What's happening to you?
11:52 Why are you moving?
11:54 Why are you talking?
11:55 Is there something lacking in you?
12:00 No.
12:01 Nothing is lacking.
12:02 Nothing.
12:03 I should believe what the doctor told me.
12:07 I'm just stressed.
12:09 Yes, stress.
12:10 Stress in my work.
12:12 In my hectic social life.
12:15 Of course, my problem is my son, Daisy.
12:20 Right?
12:21 That's all.
12:22 I'm just stressed.
12:24 So, until now,
12:26 Yes, I'm still a man.
12:30 You see?
12:32 I'm a man.
12:33 Like Manny Pacquiao.
12:36 Be bright, be bright.
12:37 A bro-cat, a bro-cat.
12:39 There.
12:40 A man.
12:42 Fight for your manhood.
12:45 A strong man.
12:48 A manly man.
12:50 A manly man.
12:52 A manly man.
12:53 A manly man.
12:54 And most of all,
12:56 No one is afraid.
12:58 No one.
12:59 No one.
13:00 [screams]
13:02 A cat.
13:03 A cat.
13:04 [screams]
13:08 A cat.
13:09 A cat.
13:13 What am I going to video?
13:15 And why did they think that Bong made is crazy?
13:19 [screams]
13:23 Wait, wait.
13:24 Don't be scared.
13:25 Huh?
13:26 I'm not afraid.
13:28 Huh?
13:29 I'm a man.
13:31 And you're a manlier man.
13:34 Huh?
13:35 You can kill.
13:36 Right.
13:37 You can kill.
13:39 What?
13:40 There.
13:41 What?
13:42 You think?
13:44 Huh?
13:45 You think I can't kill you?
13:48 Huh?
13:49 [screams]
13:51 Ha!
13:52 You're dead.
13:54 Who's the man now?
13:56 Who's the man now?
13:57 Huh?
13:58 I'm the man now.
14:00 [screams]
14:01 It's flying again.
14:03 [screams]
14:05 It's alive.
14:07 It's alive.
14:08 It's dead.
14:09 [screams]
14:13 Bong.
14:14 Daphne, what are you doing here?
14:17 I heard you scream.
14:19 I was worried.
14:20 I was screaming because I was practicing my scream.
14:25 You know, I might get burned.
14:27 I need to practice my scream, right, Daphne?
14:31 Yes.
14:32 Yes.
14:33 You should practice too.
14:35 You should practice your scream.
14:37 Yes, okay.
14:38 Yes.
14:39 [screams]
14:40 Yes.
14:41 Oh, my.
14:45 I can't do this anymore.
14:47 I can't eat anymore.
14:50 I'm really changing.
14:52 I'm becoming a woman.
14:58 [screams]
15:04 Brother.
15:08 Brother.
15:10 Yes, sir.
15:12 Mga Dor, is your cousin Alvolario really good?
15:16 He's one of the best.
15:18 Wait, sir.
15:20 What do you want from him?
15:22 I just need to consult something.
15:24 Okay.
15:25 Wait, sir.
15:27 Hey, bro.
15:31 You're so rare.
15:33 I'm surprised.
15:34 How are you?
15:35 I'm good.
15:36 I'm good.
15:37 I'm waiting for you here for a long time.
15:39 Oh, by the way, this is my neighbor, sir Bongo.
15:42 Oh, good evening, sir.
15:44 Why?
15:45 What's the problem?
15:46 Uh, there's something strange happening to Bongo.
15:51 He's becoming surprised and nervous.
15:54 We need to continue getting videos from him.
15:59 That's not enough.
16:01 We need more evidence.
16:08 Don't worry, Ma.
16:10 I have a new way to prove that Bongo is going crazy.
16:17 And after that, we will make him go crazy in the company and we will get all his wealth.
16:27 [laughs]
16:29 [laughs]
16:32 [laughs]
16:35 [laughs]
16:40 [laughs]
16:42 [chanting]
16:47 What is he doing?
16:49 [chanting]
17:03 [chanting]
17:26 [chanting]
17:36 [chanting]
17:46 [chanting]
17:58 [chanting]
18:17 [screams]
18:19 You're right.
18:21 You're right, sir.
18:23 Huh?
18:24 What?
18:25 You're right, sir.
18:26 One by one.
18:27 One by one.
18:28 Huh?
18:29 And they're all girls?
18:31 One by one.
18:32 Girls and boys?
18:34 Yes.
18:53 I'm telling you, Jessamine is up to something.
19:00 Sir, do you have any money to pay me?
19:04 I'll pay you whatever you want.
19:06 Money?
19:07 I don't need money.
19:09 I can't afford it.
19:10 This is a big problem.
19:12 This is what you're bringing to your body.
19:15 [speaking in Tagalog]
19:36 [speaking in Tagalog]
19:37 [speaking in Tagalog]
19:50 [speaking in Tagalog]
19:51 [speaking in Tagalog]
20:20 It's like a storm is coming!
20:22 I need to go back to our country.
20:24 You know it's difficult to fly when it rains.
20:27 Promise me okay?
20:29 Yes, promise!
20:31 Winnie, I'm happy that you're a friend.
20:35 Because all of mommy's stories about me and the Fairies and the Magic Garden are true!
20:43 So your wish will become a reality!
20:47 How will that happen?
20:50 You said your daddy wants to be a mommy, right?
20:54 He will be a mommy!
20:56 My daddy will be a woman?
20:59 What?
21:00 [Thunder]
21:02 [Music]
21:04 [Music]
21:06 [Music]
21:08 [Music]
21:13 [Music]
21:17 [Music]
21:20 [Music]
21:23 [Music]
21:26 [Music]
21:29 [Music]
21:35 [Music]
21:37 [Music]
21:40 [Music]
21:43 [Music]
21:46 [Music]
21:49 [Music]
21:52 [Music]
21:55 [Music]
21:58 Why did you do that?
22:01 [Music]
22:04 [Music]
22:06 No!
22:08 [Music]
22:10 Are you okay?
22:12 Something's wrong.
22:14 It's time for the ladies to stand up and protest!
22:17 The men and the women don't need to be happy!
22:21 Girl power!
22:23 Girl power!
22:25 Daisy's wish should be for her.
22:28 Why?
22:30 Who made her a wishy-wishy flower?
22:33 Maybe I can make my wishy-wishy flower a wishy-wishy flower.
22:36 The ritual is not yet over!
22:39 What?
22:41 Do I really need to do the ritual?
22:43 Do you want to do it or not?
22:45 I want to do it!
22:47 You're making me do it!
22:49 I'm sorry that you're making me do it!
22:52 It's good that my nails are not broken!
22:54 I told you that I don't want to see your face!
22:57 I'm not leaving until you leave the worship!
23:01 Okay, drink that.
23:03 [Music]
23:12 (baby crying)
