ভারতে কর্মসংস্থান কমেছে, বাংলায় বেড়েছে কর্মসংস্থান : মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়

  • last year
ভারতে কর্মসংস্থান কমেছে, বাংলায় বেড়েছে কর্মসংস্থান : মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
00:00 You tell me so many small shops are there in every area.
00:04 Yes, sometimes the people like our young generation
00:08 like to go to shopping mall.
00:10 You set up so many shopping mall.
00:12 Because there, the big bazaars, everything
00:15 is available together.
00:19 But please remember, just I'm giving one example.
00:25 If you go to my Badawaza area, the wholesale market,
00:32 in Southeast Asia, it's a big market.
00:37 If the market price is in big shop, it is 20,000.
00:45 You can get within 1,000.
00:48 The same thing, only they cannot use the brand.
00:53 So branding is a system which encourages nowadays.
01:00 I will request all the small scale industry also,
01:03 use your brand.
01:05 And never think that you are weak because you
01:09 belong to a small scale industry.
01:14 Never think that you are the district chambers,
01:18 so you cannot deliver the goods.
01:21 Never think that my business is only 50 cores.
01:30 And a 50 cores is also very important.
01:34 Please remember this.
01:37 From 50 cores, one day you will be the man for 1,000 cores.
01:43 You can earn.
01:46 Today I am happy that World Bank, ADB,
01:52 my European countries, the Asian countries,
01:55 the African countries, all the partner countries,
01:59 when today also I met Russia, the delegation,
02:05 the Bangladesh delegation, the Japanese delegation.
02:11 And we missed Malaysia.
02:13 That's why he has spoken also today.
02:17 You from UK, can you imagine 50 businessmen came only from UK?
02:24 Is it not the big boost up?
02:26 Many times I came to know it's obvious that in everywhere
02:37 there is a political party system.
02:41 Some will not be there.
02:43 But in democratic system, central ruled by someone,
02:49 and state also ruled by someone.
02:52 But always we feel that everybody
02:56 should work together for the people,
02:59 for the development of the people.
03:07 At center, the other ruling party is there.
03:12 But in Bengal, we are the other ruling party.
03:15 One thing I cannot accept, that why our industry will leave
03:27 India?
03:30 Why they will always be concerned when some agency is
03:41 coming to capture their neck?
03:45 I want industrial area, business area should be green field.
03:56 Means green and clean.
03:59 Yes, you take tax.
04:01 Who said no?
04:03 Everybody is giving tax.
04:06 There is no problem for tax.
04:10 But problem for over taxation, it is a mental agony.
04:16 If mentally you are not OK, if health-wise you are not OK,
04:22 what is the requirement for the money?
04:27 So I believe that my young generation, so many IT
04:31 industries coming, data center is coming,
04:36 startup group is there, Amazon to budget paints.
04:44 I should have been happy to mention everybody's name,
04:47 but I have listened.
04:49 Everybody is doing and expanding their business.
04:53 Even if 1,000 hotel you want to build up in Bengal,
04:56 you will get the consumers every day.
05:00 We have deep forest, we have deep sea,
05:07 we have Himalayan, this Kanchanjunga, hill areas,
05:11 and we have the market.
05:15 The Bengal main advantage is it is
05:19 the gateway of Northeastern India, eight sister state.
05:24 Bengal advantage is it is border of Bangladesh,
05:30 border of Nepal, border of Bhutan,
05:34 and Singapore is not so far from Bengal,
05:40 or Bangkok is not so far, or Malaysia
05:44 is not so far from Bengal.
05:46 And Bengal, if you invest Bengal,
05:54 it is ultimately the industrial destination,
05:58 and this is the future destination.
06:02 And this will be the powerhouse for economy nowadays,
06:06 not even coming days, I can assure you.
06:09 Who wants to see that Bengal, only
06:15 they see the narrative situation,
06:19 but they do not know our state, our land.
06:24 It is a culturally we are capital of India.
06:32 Are you UNESCO already announced that cultural destination
06:40 globally?
06:41 It is Bengal.
06:43 Our Durga Puja have got intangible cultural heritage.
06:52 Our Konyashree have got United Nations first award,
06:58 first public prize.
07:02 If you see BGB, the ease of doing business,
07:06 we are top of the top.
07:09 If you see skilled worker, we are top of the top.
07:13 If you see MSME, we have 900 units,
07:17 and there are so many clusters.
07:19 And our plan is ready for six economic corridors.
07:25 Your land is ready.
07:28 Your infrastructure is ready.
07:31 Side of the rail track, side of the national highway,
07:36 or the state highway, be prepared for next so
07:41 many businesses.
