French farmers embrace a new era of agriculture

  • last year

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00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 In the picturesque French province of Beaujolais,
00:12 a unique crop is currently being harvested.
00:15 One that carries a distinctive aroma.
00:18 - It has rather a strong scent.
00:22 By the end of the day, the fragrance really lingers.
00:24 It's very powerful.
00:25 - Yes, indeed.
00:26 The unmistakable scent of cannabis.
00:29 Meet Thomas, a farmer who specializes in hemp production,
00:32 a type of cannabis plant widely used
00:35 for its soothing properties.
00:37 Hemp in France is strictly regulated.
00:39 It must contain less than 0.3% THC,
00:43 the psychoactive component found in cannabis.
00:46 - I want to emphasize that I'm not cultivating
00:51 illegal substances.
00:53 These plant genetics have been carefully chosen
00:55 for the production of CBD,
00:58 specifically cannabidiol, which gives a sense of well-being.
01:01 - So this field is entirely legal?
01:04 - 100% legal.
01:05 - Thomas has not always been a hemp farmer.
01:09 He made the bold decision to enter this industry
01:11 four years ago after taking over the family business.
01:15 - Financially, the farm was burdened by debt.
01:19 The scenery behind me is beautiful,
01:21 but it isn't sustainable.
01:22 We needed a more dynamic approach.
01:25 We've since achieved a remarkable 20-fold increase
01:28 in the farm's profits, with hemp alone contributing
01:30 up to 80% of our overall earnings.
01:32 - The switch required substantial investments.
01:37 This included buying EU-approved seeds
01:39 and implementing security measures to deter theft.
01:43 Today, the farm has become a flourishing family business.
01:48 The current market values hemp
01:50 at 350 to 500 euros per kilogram,
01:55 with one crucial requirement.
01:58 It must not exceed the 0.3% THC limit,
02:02 or it risks falling into the illegal category.
02:06 - We can't control the weather,
02:09 and occasionally there are fluctuations.
02:13 Any plants that fail to meet our standards
02:15 must be discarded because, from a commercial standpoint,
02:18 they cannot be sold.
02:20 - Strict THC limits mean that roughly 20% of the crops
02:23 are thrown away every year.
02:25 However, it hasn't deterred farmers from embracing hemp.
02:29 In 2020, there were only 30 producers.
02:32 Today, that number has risen to nearly 800.
02:35 Many of these farmers now directly engage with consumers,
02:39 a practice made legal in France since January 2023,
02:43 giving the green light to the sale
02:45 of CBD flowers and leaves.
02:47 - This variety is called Harlequin.
02:51 It offers a more peppery, spicy, and earthy flavor.
02:55 - Camille decided to join the family business
02:59 five months ago and open a shop selling the farm's produce.
03:03 Her customers include former cannabis users
03:06 who view CBD as a less harmful alternative to marijuana.
03:11 - It serves a multitude of purposes.
03:16 Personally, for me, it reduces my alcohol consumption.
03:20 I'm less inclined to reach for a beer for relaxation.
03:23 Similarly, it diminishes my reliance on painkillers
03:27 when my body is experiencing discomfort.
03:30 - With CBD soaring in popularity,
03:33 France has become heavily reliant on imports.
03:36 Around 80% of the CBD consumed in the country
03:39 comes from abroad, which has sparked concerns.
03:42 This association supports farmers
03:45 moving towards hemp production.
03:48 However, banks remain reluctant to finance
03:50 these new businesses.
03:52 Therefore, they actively lobby the authorities
03:55 so that hemp farmers are seen like any other farmers
03:58 and get potential state funding.
04:00 - This market is valued at approximately 6 million euros,
04:06 and that's solely within the French market.
04:08 So why shouldn't we support producers
04:11 who are generating profits and stop importing from Europe
04:14 or even farther afield for a product
04:16 that can be cultivated right here?
04:19 - As France is currently lagging behind its neighbours
04:21 in terms of self-medication, CBD-derived products
04:25 could have the flavour of success.
