Love Is Blind's Bliss and Zack Over the Moon About Expecting First Child Togethe

  • last year
Love Is Blind's Bliss and Zack Over the Moon About Expecting First Child Togethe


00:00 First of all, oh my goodness, congratulations.
00:03 How are you feeling now that the news
00:05 is out there in the world?
00:07 - Relieved, happy, excited to not have
00:10 to keep the secret anymore.
00:11 Just over the moon to be able to share our joy with others.
00:15 - Yeah.
00:16 - Who was the hardest person to keep the secret from?
00:18 - Oh my gosh, I think my grandma and Chelsea.
00:24 - Dad, how are you feeling?
00:26 - I'm probably the happiest I've ever been in my life.
00:28 So I feel incredibly blessed.
00:31 - How are you physically feeling?
00:32 Like what's going on in the body?
00:35 What's happening?
00:36 - Yes, well, I was definitely super sick at first,
00:39 but I am feeling really good and healthy and happy now.
00:43 So yes, I'm feeling all better.
00:45 Just a little tired,
00:46 but I think that's probably to be expected.
00:48 - It's a lot of work growing a human.
00:51 - It sure is, yes.
00:52 I think I've definitely gained a lot of respect
00:55 for mothers and just my own mother
00:58 and what she went through.
01:00 - Yeah, me too.
01:02 - How is this chapter so far making you guys
01:04 stronger together?
01:06 - Yeah, I think that we,
01:08 like the level of intimacy between us has gotten deeper,
01:11 like having really, really deep conversations
01:13 about how we wanna raise our child
01:15 and what we kind of wanna shield them from
01:18 and what we don't wanna shield them from.
01:20 And just having those deep conversations
01:22 has even led to discussions even more so
01:24 around our own childhood.
01:26 So when you think about raising a human together,
01:29 you almost get to know your partner in a deeper way.
01:32 So.
01:32 - With that being said,
01:34 what kind of parents do you both wanna be?
01:37 - I think just really unconditionally loving our child
01:40 is like a very important number one thing
01:42 that we're absolutely gonna do.
01:44 - I think even just us making the conscious decision
01:49 to have a baby, 'cause we planned this.
01:51 This wasn't an accident.
01:54 It was a deliberate decision.
01:56 And that was kind of a,
02:00 that was a big moment for us.
02:03 And I feel like after we made that decision,
02:06 it was, I felt so much more connected to bliss.
02:11 And I already was incredibly connected to bliss,
02:13 but it was just a tightening and a deepening
02:16 of our connection.
02:17 And then the moment when she told me
02:20 that the baby was actually here, you know.
02:23 - Coming.
02:23 - Yeah.
02:24 It was surreal.
02:27 It was this surreal moment.
02:29 And just, I was so elated.
02:31 - Did you know right away?
02:33 Like, what were you,
02:34 did you have that mother's instinct where you're like,
02:36 some, this might be happening.
02:39 Like, what was that process like?
02:41 And when you found out?
02:42 - Yeah, I were actually at dinner with my friend
02:45 and I was just feeling like a little bit off.
02:47 And I decided to have a mocktail
02:49 instead of a cocktail over dinner,
02:51 just 'cause I was feeling a little weird,
02:53 like slight nauseous and a little bit aversion to things.
02:57 And so I think I kinda had a little bit of a feeling,
03:01 but it was definitely still like very shocking.
03:03 Like I took the test while Zach was still sleeping
03:05 'cause I wanted to surprise him.
03:07 And it was still a very shocking, shocking moment
03:11 and very happy, kind of surreal thing.
03:14 But definitely had that inkling for sure.
03:17 - The moment you took the test
03:19 and you saw the result, what was that like?
03:23 - I just was shocked.
03:24 I just remember like looking at myself in the mirror
03:26 and like my hand was over my mouth and I was like gasping
03:29 and tears definitely came to my eyes.
03:31 It just, it was the best,
03:34 one of the best moments ever in my life.
03:36 And you have all of these crazy,
03:38 different competing emotions
03:39 that are happening at the same time, you know.
03:41 You obviously want it to work out.
03:43 Then I was like, I can't wait to tell Zach.
03:45 And like, my gosh, this is real.
03:47 Like there's a human on the way.
03:49 And it was just a lot of really crazy, beautiful feelings.
03:53 - Dad, at first, how confused were you?
03:55 - Very confused.
03:58 Very confused.
03:59 So her story to surprise me was that her mother
04:02 had sent me a cake.
04:04 - Which she does.
04:04 - For her birthday.
04:06 Okay, sounds a little weird,
04:07 but it's something that Kit would do.
04:09 So I'm thinking, okay.
04:11 So I opened the cake and it says, I love you, dad.
04:14 And I'm like.
04:15 - I don't want to read this.
04:17 You can eat it.
04:18 - I don't know why your mom's calling me dad.
04:20 That's weird.
04:22 - So then once that happened, what were your emotions?
04:25 What was, talk me through just that,
04:28 that moment in time.
04:30 - I'm realizing, oh my gosh, this is real.
04:34 We really have a baby on the way.
04:37 This is, 'cause up to that point,
04:39 it was just a dream, right?
04:42 You know, just something that we had dreamed.
04:44 And then now it's real.
04:46 And that realization and how our entire world
04:49 is about to change.
04:51 'Cause it's a long process.
04:55 And it honestly, it's really scary.
04:58 And then every time when you're trying,
05:00 if it doesn't happen, you're sitting there
05:03 and you're just like, oh my gosh.
05:05 So then when we were, we were so lucky.
05:07 - Yeah, I feel like we were really blessed on our journey.
05:10 It was a very long journey to the pregnancy,
05:14 but yeah, it was, he definitely was teary-eyed
05:17 and it was really sweet.
05:18 And just, there was like a shock, you know,
05:20 there's almost a moment too,
05:21 where it's, your brain can't comprehend it.
05:24 - Like, what's happening?
05:26 - Yeah, then you see the ultrasound and you're like, okay,
05:28 there really is a little human in there.
05:31 - Oh my gosh, those appointments, Zach, for you,
05:34 seeing the baby, the ultrasound, all of that.
05:36 What was it like for you, Zach?
05:38 - The most special thing is just when we were able to know
05:42 that the baby was healthy.
05:44 And that is, you know, one of the things
05:48 that's just so scary.
05:49 And so I think when we see the baby moving
05:52 and it's heart beating, there's just a sense of relief.
05:55 Like.
05:56 - And like the first time you saw it move,
05:58 you were like, my gosh.
06:01 - Yeah, 'cause it's, as you see it get bigger, it's, yeah.
06:06 And the first time I felt a kick,
06:08 that was something completely unreal.
06:11 - Oh, Blitz, for you, experiencing it for the first time,
06:14 that first kick, like as your body's changing, all of it,
06:18 what is that like for you?
06:20 - It's very bizarre and it's beautiful at the same time,
06:25 but it's very, it can be very alien feeling.
06:27 You know, you literally feel like there's a little alien
06:29 in something like moving that's not you,
06:31 but it's really special.
06:33 I found myself talking to the baby more
06:36 as I've like felt it moving.
06:38 And it's just the most wild thing.
06:41 - And it's the first "Love is Blind" official baby.
06:44 (both laughing)
06:46 That's, I mean, to think of that
06:47 and to think of how your love story began
06:50 and everything that you guys have gone through,
06:51 and then now to have a baby on the other side of this,
06:54 I mean, thinking back on the journey, what comes to mind?
06:58 - I think our story is such a special one
07:00 because it can show that things can go wrong
07:03 and then things can go really, really right.
07:05 And that's the truth of life sometimes.
07:08 So, you know, that's my thought on it too.
07:11 - Yeah, I think the message that I would have for people
07:14 is life comes in waves, you know?
07:17 And sometimes you can be at your darkest moment
07:20 right before you reach your brightest moment.
07:23 - Like our love story is so beautiful
07:26 and I wouldn't change one thing about it.
07:29 And I'm just grateful.
07:31 I think we're just grateful.
07:32 And like, it was always just meant to be me and Zach.
07:34 It was always just meant to be that way.
07:36 - Yeah.
07:37 (upbeat music)
07:40 - Who was your first call in the "Love is Blind" family?
07:44 - So Chelsea and Kwame actually were the first people
07:47 that we told we saw in the "Love is Blind" family
07:49 from the cast.
07:50 And we actually, we have a really great reaction video
07:53 from them.
07:54 It was Halloween and we were all hanging out
07:57 and we gave them a chocolate.
08:00 (laughs)
08:01 And in the chocolate we wrote,
08:04 "Baby Gwaitowski is so excited to meet Auntie Chelsea
08:08 and Uncle Kwame."
08:09 And Kwame, we hand it to Kwame,
08:11 he opens it and reads it.
08:12 And he's kind of confused at first
08:14 and then you can see that it clicks
08:16 and they're like, "Oh my God."
08:17 (laughs)
08:19 - Oh my goodness.
08:20 That's so cool too.
08:20 Like, 'cause Bliss, you have said that you would want
08:22 to raise your kids together.
08:25 - Yeah.
08:26 We talk about that still all the time.
08:28 Even before she knew that we were having a baby,
08:30 I was like, "Let's just get like a mansion
08:33 and just raise our kids together
08:34 and we'll let Zach and Kwame come."
08:36 You know, that wasn't in the original plan.
08:38 We'll allow it.
08:39 - We keep saying the baby, the baby.
08:42 Are you going to find out the gender?
08:44 - Next month we're gonna do a little gender reveal.
08:46 So we don't even know if it's a girl yet.
08:48 That's why it's so easy to say they or the baby.
08:50 - Right, right, right.
08:51 - The only person who knows in the world is her brother.
08:55 - My twin brother, he's the keeper of the secret.
08:58 He's known for a while, the gender.
09:00 And so he's planning the party and everything.
09:03 - Have you started planning the nursery
09:05 or are you gonna wait?
09:06 - The only thing we have in the nursery
09:07 is this cute little stuffed animal fox
09:10 that Zach's sister gave us.
09:11 So that's the only thing.
09:13 - Have any names come to you yet?
09:15 - We do have a name picked out.
09:18 We're not sharing it,
09:20 but we do have at least a good idea on a first name.
09:23 - Yeah. - Yeah.
09:23 - Is it a gender neutral name?
09:25 - We consider it a gender neutral name.
09:27 It'll be interesting to see how everyone else takes it,
09:29 but we decided even before we actually started trying
09:32 to have the baby that we wanted to name it that.
09:36 I think once we find out the gender,
09:37 we'll start thinking about middle names and stuff more.
09:40 Unless it's born and then we look at it
09:41 and we're like, that name does not match that child.
09:43 Then we're in trouble.
09:45 - When is your due date?
09:45 How far along are you?
09:47 - So we're not sharing the exact due date,
09:49 but it's gonna be in spring of 2024.
09:51 So coming up.
09:53 - What are you doing to prep?
09:54 - Doing a lot of reading.
09:56 And a lot of my friends have just recently given birth
09:59 or had babies.
10:00 So relying on a lot of real world advice too.
10:03 - Bliss and I have been doing deep dives
10:08 into parenting stuff.
10:09 We just had our first conversation with a doula,
10:14 which I had no idea what a doula was
10:16 until we met with a doula.
10:17 And I'm like, this is great.
10:18 We definitely need to get a doula.
10:21 - Now you're a doula expert.
10:22 - Yeah. - I wouldn't say that.
10:24 (laughing)
10:25 But I'm probably someone who thinks
10:26 it's a good idea to get one.
10:28 So we're definitely on a process.
10:31 And we're actually,
10:32 we're gonna be kind of documenting our journey
10:36 as we learn more about the process of-
10:41 - Parenting. - Parenting and raising a child.
10:44 - I wanted to go back to the show
10:46 and being kind of a time capsule of your love story.
10:50 Is there a particular moment
10:52 that you are really looking forward
10:53 to showing your child one day?
10:55 - I think our proposal was so special
10:58 and so different than anything
11:01 that's ever been on the show thus far.
11:03 And to be able to like,
11:05 he's gonna be able to,
11:06 he or she is gonna be able to see us together.
11:08 And it's, I think that's just gonna be really,
11:11 a really special moment.
11:12 And then our wedding.
11:13 I think the wedding is gonna be a magical thing.
11:15 - I think if I could show something to the baby,
11:20 and we haven't ever recorded anything like this,
11:23 but if I could show something to the baby-
11:25 - From the show?
11:26 - No, not the show. - Oh, just in general.
11:27 - Yeah, it's what you've been through in the last-
11:31 - Ooh, we don't wanna, we don't wanna,
11:33 I'd be at the camera when I was being,
11:35 and I would have been like, get away.
11:36 - For me, what Bliss has gone through,
11:39 it is so inspiring, her strength.
11:42 And I want my child to know
11:47 how much her mother or his mother has sacrificed.
11:53 And so, yeah, if I could show our child anything,
11:55 it would be that, how strong their mother is.
11:58 - That's very sweet, baby.
11:59 - What's your reaction hearing that?
12:01 - I mean, I just continue to be grateful
12:04 for who he is as a person.
12:05 He's a very emotionally intelligent person.
12:07 It's always truly like honors me and cares for me.
12:11 And I just feel very safe for him, with him.
12:13 And like, I just know that our child is so lucky
12:16 to have him as a dad.
12:17 He's just a good man.
12:18 And I just feel really lucky.
12:20 - "Love is Mine" is obviously such a huge hit,
12:22 but we have not had a spinoff series yet.
12:25 Could we see a spinoff of your growing family?
12:29 Would you want the cameras around during this chapter?
12:32 - Who knows what the future holds.
12:33 We've talked about like how much we want our baby.
12:36 You know, we're still gonna figure out
12:37 like how much we want our baby exposed,
12:39 you know, to social media and all of that.
12:41 So we don't really have an answer to that part yet.
12:44 - Would you ever want them to do a show like "Love is Mine"?
12:48 - I would absolutely encourage them to.
12:50 I think that it's important to take risks in life
12:53 and be brave and do things like Zach and I,
12:56 Zach always says, it's like do things that scare you,
12:58 you know?
13:00 So yeah, why not?
13:01 I think we're gonna be like supporting of our child
13:04 no matter what they wanna do, you know, with their life.
13:07 They wanna go on a show if they don't want to.
13:09 It's totally fine.
13:10 It'll be interesting to see what they think
13:11 of all of this once they can comprehend it.
13:13 - Yeah, yeah, we're both on the same page about that.
13:16 - I was gonna say Zach, you had the biggest smile
13:18 on your face that entire time she was answering.
13:21 - I think that's it.
13:22 Like the one message that I think,
13:25 if you saw our season,
13:27 the song that my mom dedicated to me,
13:31 "I Hope You Dance" ended up being the theme of our season.
13:35 And the message of that story is to don't sit it out.
13:40 Don't play it safe.
13:42 Get out there and dance.
13:44 And so, yeah, I think we both encourage our baby
13:48 to go out there and dance.
13:49 - Yeah, do it all.
13:51 This baby is in great hands.
13:54 I'm so happy for you and congratulations
13:56 on this incredible blessing.
13:58 And please keep us posted along the way.
14:01 (upbeat music)
14:04 (upbeat music)
14:06 (upbeat music)
