Strathpeffer Pavilion Art Fair 2023 preview

  • last year
A sneak peek into this year's Strathpeffer art fair
00:00 Can I ask you who you are and why are we here tonight?
00:05 I'm Nancy McDonald, I'm the Facility Manager for Strathclyde Pavilion.
00:09 This is the annual art fair that we have every year.
00:13 It runs over four days, this year we increased it to four days.
00:18 Tonight's our preview night and we have a special painting tonight from the artist Liz Zekrack.
00:25 All proceeds are going to Microsoft Line.
00:30 It's an open option and it's online tonight.
00:34 Can you tell me about the pieces that are on display this year?
00:39 We have 89 artists in total, they're from all over the Highland area and further afield.
00:46 They drop off their pieces last Monday and then set them out in the hall.
00:54 Brilliant, and you were saying that they're all from the Highlands.
01:01 How important is this art exhibition to showcase local talent?
01:06 We've got quite a few new artists this year.
01:10 We also have the Tynwell Academy and their senior pupils have got some artists as well too.
01:18 They're on display as well, so it's really important that we capture all the local talent from a wide range of ages.
01:26 Liz, we are finally here at the opening night of the Strathclyde Pavilion Art Fair.
01:34 How are you feeling?
01:36 I was really nervous beforehand, because as you know the Mikey's Line painting is very important to me.
01:44 I just hope it does well online at the auction and raises lots of money for Mikey's Line.
01:51 Coming to Strathclyde is lovely, it's the highlight of the year for artists everywhere.
01:57 It really is, it's a wonderful venue, it's very professional and everybody works towards coming here.
02:06 I'm very happy to be here.
02:08 This year I had six pieces, but I was very lucky that two of them sold before I hung the paintings.
02:15 All my paintings are taken from my own photographs.
02:19 We travel the country taking photographs and I paint from them.
02:24 They're west coast mainly, because that's where the beautiful mountains are.
02:29 They're very quick for me to paint, because I paint in a wet-on-wet technique and they're great fun to do.
02:36 I'm very lucky that people seem to like them and that's always a bonus.
02:41 That's great. Have you seen some of the other paintings here tonight?
02:47 The standard this year is amazing.
02:50 You can walk around Strathcairn Fair and think "Wow!" but this year everything is "Wow!"
02:56 It's really amazing standard.
02:59 I'm very lucky to be invited to be here.
