Droga w Próchnowie już po remoncie. Kolejna inwestycja drogowa zakończona

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:02 [Polish]
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00:10 [Polish]
00:13 for the development of roads.
00:15 The cost of the investment was a little over 1 million PLN.
00:18 The Hodziska County received 70% of the financing
00:21 in the mentioned fund,
00:23 while 30% of the amount was the contribution of the county.
00:27 Two weeks ago, the investment was withdrawn,
00:29 it is now finished, so we are very pleased
00:31 that the worst part of the road has been fixed.
00:34 We have a few other investments in the future.
00:37 They concern the remaining municipalities in the Hodziska County.
00:40 Currently, the construction of the roundabout in the Budzyn municipality
00:43 is being completed by the end of December.
00:47 We are also in the process of distributing the proceeds
00:49 in the "Przejść dla Pieszych" competition.
00:51 Two such "Przejścia dla Pieszych" will also be built in Budzyn.
00:55 It will start at the beginning of next year.
00:58 Also next year, there will be a large investment
01:00 in the Hodziska County,
01:02 i.e. the modernization of the DPS building.
01:04 you
