• 2 years ago
Get ready for a heartsome dose of sibling cuteness! Watch as a playful toddler engages in a delightful encounter with her elder brother. In this endearing video, the brother playfully takes her ball, and the toddler responds in her own adorable gibberish, clearly expressing her desire for a little space. It's a precious moment of sibling banter that will bring a smile to your face

Video ID: WGA205560

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00:00 In this adorable and wholesome video, a toddler has a playful encounter with her elder brother.
00:14 The brother playfully takes her ball and in response, the toddler expresses herself in
00:19 her own gibberish.
00:29 The toddler's communication and her brother's playful teasing are sure to bring smiles to
00:54 your face.
