The Architect

  • last year
When a couple sets out to build their dream house, they enlist the services of a visionary modernist architect, whose soaring ideas are matched only by his ego. The woman is swept away by this uncompromising creative artist whose personality provides a stark contrast to her practical husband's. She is so taken she hardly notices the Architect is building HIS dream house.
00:03:48- Hi.
00:03:51- A colonial?
00:03:52- Yeah, I alwaysliked colonials.
00:03:54- I know. I just didn't thinkyou were serious.
00:03:56- It's the perfectcombination--
00:03:58old-world charm,modern convenience.
00:04:00- Where are we--18th-century New England?
00:04:02No, I don't want to livein some fairy-tale replica
00:04:04of a bygone era--it's ridiculous.
00:04:06- It doesn't matterwhat the style is, anyway.
00:04:08The important thingis a practical floor plan
00:04:10and a good location--
00:04:11how far is the commute,how good are the schools.
00:04:13- Schools are important.
00:04:14- Yeah, they increaseproperty values.
00:04:18- What a transformation.
00:04:21- I can't tell the oldfrom the new.
00:04:23- There isn't any old left.
00:04:24We just kept the facade.Everything else is new.
00:04:27- Wow. That'sa million-dollar view.
00:04:29- It's closer to 1.3 million.
00:04:30- Now there's a water viewin every room.
00:04:33Remember how awful the place waswhen we bought it,
00:04:35with that chartreuse shag rug
00:04:37and the sprayed-oncottage cheese ceiling?
00:04:39- We thought the ceilingswere only 8 feet.
00:04:41But believe it or not,they were 11 feet.
00:04:44- We only found outwhen we poked through
00:04:45to put in those skylights.
00:04:47- You remember how it waslaid out like a train,
00:04:48just all long and narrow?- Mm-hmm.
00:04:50- We completely openedall of this up.
00:04:52We ran a huge steel beam
00:04:54the entire lengthof the house for support.
00:04:56It cost us 20 grand.- It was so worth it.
00:04:58Our architect had a lotof creative ideas.
00:05:00- It's a brand-new house.- It's completely different.
00:05:03I-I don't evenrecognize the place.
00:05:04- That's becausewhen we opened it all up.
00:05:06We had to relocatethe staircase.
00:05:08- Which completely changedthe layout upstairs.
00:05:10- Wow.- Ouch!
00:05:12- Yeah, would have beencheaper to build new.
00:05:14- You're kidding.
00:05:16- Well, there are a lotof hidden conditions.
00:05:17I mean, you don't knowuntil you open up the walls.
00:05:19- It was not cheaperto build new.
00:05:20Ivan did a lotof the work himself.
00:05:23- You did?
00:05:25- No.- You programmed the audio
00:05:26and lighting systemsthroughout the whole house.
00:05:28- That can be tricky.- Yeah.
00:05:30No, I hope you worea hard hat for that.
00:05:33- Remember the kitchen?
00:05:34It was totallyoriginal condition,
00:05:37hadn't been updated at all--
00:05:39Formica counters,electric stove,
00:05:41avocado-green fridge, linoleum.- It was sweet.
00:05:45- Sweet, yeah, but not reallysuited to our lifestyle.
00:05:48- We gutted it completely.- Mm-hmm.
00:05:49- Oh, I've gottenso many compliments
00:05:51on your plates, Drew.
00:05:53- Oh, that's so nice.- Drew, you made those?
00:05:56Oh, my God,those are beautiful!
00:05:57I had no ideahow creative you were.
00:05:59- She has a great eye for color,doesn't she?
00:06:01- Right? I keep telling herwe can grow a business.
00:06:03With the right marketing,
00:06:04you could be movingthousands of units.
00:06:06- Moving units.That's so funny.
00:06:08- Would you make a set for us?Seriously, we'd commission you.
00:06:11- Ah, you signed it.I was gonna ask you to sign it.
00:06:13I have no doubtthese are gonna be worth
00:06:15some money down the line.
00:06:17Drew Davis?
00:06:19- I use my maiden namefor artistic pursuits.
00:06:21- Huh.
00:06:22- So I heardyou guys found a house.
00:06:24- Ah, we made an offer.
00:06:26There's beensome back-and-forth.
00:06:28It's practically a tear-down.
00:06:29- Aw, that we're goingto lovingly restore.
00:06:31It's our dream house.
00:06:33- Don't say "dream house."
00:06:34If we invest ourselvesemotionally,
00:06:36it will be harder to walk away.- I don't want to walk away.
00:06:38- Well, you don't want themto know that.
00:06:40It gives them the upper hand.
00:06:42- If you find something good,you have to move fast.
00:06:44- We have to balance the needfor a quick decision
00:06:46with the needfor the right decision.
00:06:48- Sometimes you haveto take a chance.
00:06:50Go on a gut instinct.
00:06:52- Drew, we need to settle down,overcome our emotions,
00:06:57and make a sensiblehome-purchase decision.
00:07:00You know, a houseis like a marriage, right?
00:07:02You can't just jump in.
00:07:03And you can't just jump outif you want to unload it.
00:07:05You're stuck with that decisionfor a very long time...
00:07:13- It is like a marriage.
00:07:15You do go by intuition.
00:07:17It's not somethingyou can analyze.
00:07:19- Intuition is a feeling.
00:07:21You don't basebig decisions on feelings.
00:07:23- You said it waslike a marriage.
00:07:25- Yeah, marriage isthe biggest decision of all.
00:07:27You don't base thaton just mere feelings.
00:07:38- Have you seenour warming drawer?
00:07:40- Ooh.- Mm-mm.
00:07:44- I like the way
00:07:46they did that recessedrectangle in the ceiling
00:07:47and the way it was lit up.
00:07:48- Oh, that just killed me.
00:07:50Here they havea classic mid-century modern,
00:07:52and they removeall the original fixtures
00:07:54and replace themwith recessed cans.
00:07:57- I like recessed cans.They work.
00:07:59They're bright.You can see.
00:08:00- You can see too much.
00:08:18- I'm ovulating.
00:08:21- What?- I'm ovulating.
00:08:26- Right now?How can you possibly tell?
00:08:28- Well, you just can.I know my body.
00:08:31I don't want to go into details,but, you know...
00:08:38- Oh.
00:09:02I paddled 11 miles today.
00:09:06I'm totally exhausted.
00:09:08- Why do you always haveto go so far?
00:09:10- That's not that far.
00:09:11I mean, I'll do16 or 17 next time.
00:09:23You c--you can't expect me
00:09:26to turn onlike a faucet, you know.
00:09:32At least try to seduce mea little.
00:09:42- Batten down the hatches, Seattleites.
00:09:44We've got a big storm system blowing in from the west,
00:09:46a bit of lightning and thunder
00:09:48with wind gusts expected to get 60 miles per hour.
00:10:08- Aren't you a littleunderdressed?
00:10:10- It's Saturday.
00:10:11- You look like a little boy.- Who do I have to impress?
00:10:14The broker works for us.
00:10:16- What about me?- Honey, we're married.
00:10:18- Hello, Drew. Hello, Colin.It's good to see you again.
00:10:21Your contractor'salready here.
00:10:23- It looks worse than last week.
00:10:25- Oh, it just needsa little TLC.
00:10:28It's got good bones.
00:10:29- It's great to find somethingthat hasn't been ruined
00:10:31by a spec developer.
00:10:33- It's gonna need a ton of work.- It's cosmetic.
00:10:36That's whyit's such a good deal.
00:10:38This locationand the water view...
00:10:40it's got endless possibilities.
00:10:42You just needa little imagination.
00:10:50- Gonna need to replaceall the windows.
00:10:53But you don't need to use wood.Vinyl is cheaper.
00:10:55- Vinyl is weird.- Well, I recommend composite.
00:10:58It's not vinyl,and it's not wood,
00:11:00but it looks like wood,and it lasts forever.
00:11:02- If it's not vinyland it's not wood,
00:11:05then what is it?
00:11:08- Composite.
00:11:11- Overall,what do you think?
00:11:14- Oh, seems pretty sturdy...
00:11:16I mean, there could behidden conditions.
00:11:18I'd have to pull offsome of the siding.
00:11:21But, uh, let's see.
00:11:30- It's so peaceful and quiet.
00:11:33- Country livingclose to the city.
00:11:35There's history here too.
00:11:37This house was rented one summerby Courtney Love.
00:11:40- Okay, so, roughly, ballpark,
00:11:42what's it gonna taketo clean this up?
00:11:44- Top of my head, um...
00:11:46$200 a square foot,depending on finishes.
00:11:50- Really?
00:11:51$200 a foot,2,500 square feet.
00:11:55That's $500,000.
00:11:59- You can financethe home improvements
00:12:00along with the purchase price.
00:13:06- Here we go. Here we go.- So cool.
00:13:07- Congratulationson your new home.
00:13:12Oh! Oh! Wow!
00:14:16- Oh, my God.
00:14:18- Jesus.
00:14:20- Ooh.
00:14:39- It's all right.
00:14:41It's their tree,so it's okay.
00:15:02- So you just closedyesterday?
00:15:06Boy, are you screwed.
00:15:10I'm just kidding.You're totally covered.
00:15:15- Tear it down.
00:15:16It's a no-brainer.
00:15:18It'd be cheaper to build new.
00:15:20- Where do we begin?
00:15:21- Oh, there's an architectnamed Ray Jenkins,
00:15:24does a lot of work in the area.
00:15:26I built a house of his downon Fulton Road.
00:15:27- Ah.
00:15:53- Is this a house?
00:16:08- I'm Putnam Hatch, and I find it ironic
00:16:10that I'm known less for the Hatch Foundation
00:16:12than I am for the Hatch House--
00:16:14my private residence designed by the firm
00:16:16of Sullivan and Moss.
00:16:17Now, the Hatch Foundation
00:16:19is actually a global philanthropic organization--
00:16:40- Hello?
00:16:42- Yes.
00:16:44- Hi, I'm--I'm lookingfor the architect Leo Sullivan.
00:16:48- Why?
00:16:50- I saw a house that he designedat 299 Fulton Road.
00:16:55- I designed that house.
00:16:57- Are you Leo Sullivan?
00:17:00- Sullivan is dead.
00:17:02- Oh, um...
00:17:04Who am I speaking to?
00:17:06- Miles Moss.
00:17:28- It's so exciting to meet you.- Really?
00:17:31- I just love the houseon Fulton Road.
00:17:33- Oh, thank you.
00:17:36Here it is.We call it the Hatch House.
00:17:39- Oh.- Please.
00:17:41- You're here all alone here?
00:17:42- The firm is transitioning.
00:17:44I apologize if I soundedcryptic on the phone.
00:17:47Mr. Sullivan diedunexpectedly three months ago
00:17:49and, uh, lefta lot of creditors.
00:17:52- He was your partner?
00:17:53- Leo's role was moreon the business side.
00:17:56As it turns out, my confidencein him was misplaced.
00:18:00I am so glad that you likethe Hatch House.
00:18:03I had a wonderful client,Putnam Hatch.
00:18:05- Mm.
00:18:07- Anytime I've ever doneanything good,
00:18:09it's because I've hada wonderful client.
00:18:11- What makesa wonderful client?
00:18:15- Someone who inspires me.
00:18:19Can I?
00:18:21As an architect, I have the jobof transforming hopes and dreams
00:18:26into wood, glass,steel, and concrete.
00:18:29But if the dreamsaren't there,
00:18:32there's very littleI can do.
00:18:34There will never bea great architect
00:18:37without a great client.
00:18:42- I can tell by your styleyou're a creative person.
00:18:45You appreciatethe process.
00:18:46- Yeah, I do.
00:18:48- It's very satisfying
00:18:49when a clientgets as excited as I do.
00:18:53- Do all architectsstart by drawing?
00:18:55- Many prefer the computer,
00:18:57I'm old school.
00:18:59With a pen and paper,I'm free.
00:19:01I could redesign the entire cityof Paris in half an hour.
00:19:05- You mentioned your fatherwas an architect.
00:19:07- Called himselfan old-fashioned modernist.
00:19:11The modernistshad this absurd idea
00:19:12that you could heal the worldthrough architecture.
00:19:16Of course,that's impossible.
00:19:19Nobody expects architectsto have grand visions anymore.
00:19:24What a shame.
00:19:26- Hmm.
00:20:41- Miles.
00:20:43- I just love the way
00:20:45you combine vintageand contemporary.
00:20:47- Oh, thanks.
00:20:49Miles, I'd like youto meet my husband, Colin Stone.
00:20:52- Miles Moss.
00:20:53- That's quite the houseat 299 Fulton.
00:20:55- Thank you.We call it the Hatch House.
00:20:57- It's namedafter the client.
00:20:59- That's traditionallyhow it works.
00:21:00Whatever you build herewill be called the Stone House.
00:21:03- Huh.
00:21:04Oh, Mr. Hatch must bea wealthy man.
00:21:07- People assume
00:21:08that interesting architectureis expensive,
00:21:11but it's not necessarily so.
00:21:13There are a lot of new andinnovative materials out there.
00:21:17- So how would youdescribe your style?
00:21:18Who are your influences?
00:21:20- Influenceis a difficult subject for me.
00:21:23I, uh, try to avoid it.
00:21:25It would be a nightmareif I started to think about it
00:21:27It would just tie my hands.
00:21:29None of us invented the house.
00:21:31That happenedthousands of years ago.
00:21:34Remarkable property.-
00:21:37Yeah, I must admit, as muchas I loved the old house,
00:21:40I feel we havea tremendous opportunity.
00:21:43- Oh, I agree--a tremendous opportunity!
00:21:45- Let's say we wanteda 3,000-square-foot house,
00:21:48four bedroom,three bath.
00:21:50Ballpark, what's thatgonna set us back?
00:21:52- That's a bit like saying youwant to marry a woman
00:21:55who's 5'6" and 125 pounds.
00:21:57Many women would fitthe criteria,
00:21:59but you wouldn't love them.
00:22:01What's more importantis designing a house
00:22:05to suit your needs.
00:22:08- And our budget.
00:22:09- Well, yes,that's one of your needs.
00:22:11But beyond budget,you have other needs--
00:22:13your hopes, your dreams.
00:22:16I need to learn those things.
00:22:19My process begins with a periodof intense communication.
00:22:22I need to find outwho you are, deep down.
00:22:25What are your eating habits,your bathing habits,
00:22:27your sleeping habits,and privacy needs?
00:22:30- - The more open you are,
00:22:33the more inputI have to work with.
00:22:36Important consideration--
00:22:38will the family growand change over time?
00:22:42- On a practical side,you know, we can't just think
00:22:44about what appealsto Colin and Drew.
00:22:47We've got to thinkabout the resale value.
00:22:49You know, most peopledon't stay in a house
00:22:51for more than 7 years.
00:22:52- What?That's crazy.
00:22:54- It's true. Look it up.- Really?
00:22:55- Again, the assumptionis that innovative architecture
00:22:58must not only be expensivebut impractical.
00:23:01I find the opposite is true.
00:23:10- He's odd.- I like him.
00:23:55I'm tired, honey.
00:23:56I rode 34 miles today.
00:23:58I just kind of wantto relax, you know?
00:24:01- We have to have sexto make a baby.
00:24:04- Well, can you--can you adda little more pressure
00:24:07to the situation?
00:24:10I got a full plate at work.
00:24:12We just made a hugeinvestment in this house.
00:24:14Now we have to builda whole new one.
00:24:19He makes me uncomfortable.
00:24:21He's too much of an "artist."
00:24:23What if we don't likewhat he comes up with?
00:24:24- He's an amazinglycreative person.
00:24:27He has fresh ideasthat we would never think of.
00:24:30Why can't you be more supportiveof his creativity?
00:24:32- Because it's all egoand vanity--that's why.
00:24:34And I'm telling you--
00:24:35that's going to show upin added cost.
00:24:37- He just...
00:24:38He thinks differently.
00:24:42I wish I could getinside his head for just a day.
00:24:46I like the chemistrybetween us.
00:24:47- Oh, chemistry.
00:24:49Drew, we have gotto think practically here.
00:24:50What if we want to sellin a few years?
00:24:52You do not want to beupside down on a mortgage.
00:24:54- Why are you talkingabout selling
00:24:55when we haven't evenbuilt it yet?
00:24:59- You know, and I don't likethe idea of separate interviews.
00:25:00What if we contradicteach other?
00:25:02If I wanted to talk to somebodyabout my feelings,
00:25:05I'd hire a therapist,not an architect.
00:25:06- Maybe you should.
00:25:08- Hey, you know whosean architect?
00:25:09Elizabeth's brother-in-law.We should call him.
00:25:12- No.
00:25:15- This was a spec housein Renton.
00:25:19We were supposed to dothree others,
00:25:21but the developer went broke,and the bank foreclosed.
00:25:25Here's a car wash in Everett.
00:25:31That was a good project.
00:25:33- What makes a good project?
00:25:36- When you get paid on time.
00:25:40Uh, this client wanteda French chateau,
00:25:42so we didan authentic reproduction.
00:25:52Elizabeth sends her regards.
00:26:09- Well, I now haveboth proposals.
00:26:13Guess who's cheaper.
00:26:16Miles Moss.
00:26:23- Here's my studio.
00:26:25- Aha.
00:26:37- Oh, don't look too closely.
00:26:38It's just a hobbyI do for fun.
00:26:42- What we do for funis what really matters.
00:26:45Art only has meaning
00:26:47if the process comesfrom an inner compulsion.
00:26:50- I wouldn't call it art.
00:26:54- This is my process...
00:26:57getting to knowyou and Colin.
00:27:01You're a creative person.
00:27:02You understand the dialoguebetween client and architect
00:27:06is an intimate one.
00:27:09When you talk about building,you're talking about...
00:27:15You must never let yourselfbe overwhelmed
00:27:17by a rational analysis.
00:27:19When we're talkingabout a house, a room, a space,
00:27:23it's not somethingthat you think.
00:27:25It's something that you feel.
00:27:29- My--my main concernis separation.
00:27:34I need my own space.
00:27:36- Of course.
00:27:37There must be a placefor solitude.
00:27:39A couple can't be together
00:27:41if they have no placeto be alone.
00:27:42- Colin'suncomfortable alone.
00:27:45So the TV stays onto keep him company.
00:27:48- Many people avoid solitude.
00:27:51Frightening to be alonewith your thoughts.
00:27:55You may findthere are none.
00:28:04Do you intendto have children?
00:28:06- We're trying, yeah.
00:28:08Our--our genes may not match.
00:28:12- Well, it's an importantconsideration.
00:28:15The couple needsto have privacy,
00:28:16so their children can havea place of their own
00:28:18so they don't driveeveryone crazy.
00:28:35- Oh, that's beautiful,isn't it?
00:28:39- The nautilus shell...
00:28:43A symbol that goes backto the ancient Hindus.
00:28:48- The golden ratio.- Exactly.
00:28:53Plato called itthe key to the cosmos.
00:28:57From the structureof the human skeleton
00:29:00to the patternon sunflowers seeds,
00:29:03the ratio is there--
00:29:04seemingly a geometrical patternfor life itself.
00:29:26- Look, the golden ratio.It's everywhere.
00:29:30- Ah.
00:29:40- Accumulated benefits.
00:29:42Right,during the absorption period,
00:29:44the debt is dividedinto a series
00:29:45of staggered maturities.
00:29:49No problem.
00:29:51Look, if Drew answersquestions differently than me,
00:29:53it doesn't mean we disagree.- What does it mean?
00:29:55- It means we haven't hada chance to talk about it yet.
00:29:58Sometimes she doesn't thinka thing through logically.
00:30:01The point is,we know what we want.
00:30:02- Of course.You could design it yourself.
00:30:04You just need someoneto draw up the plans.
00:30:06- No, I--
00:30:08- It's like someonewho has no knowledge of fashion
00:30:09but wanted to design a suit
00:30:10It would bean amorphous sack.
00:30:12- All I'm saying is,
00:30:14we want to make surewe get what we want.
00:30:15- Well, that's whywe're here, Colon.
00:30:17I'm trying to determinewhat you want.
00:30:19- It's "Colin."
00:30:21Colon is the large intestine.
00:30:24- Forgive my accent.
00:30:27- One thing I want for sureis plenty of storage space.
00:30:30- Now, is that the first thingthat comes to mind?
00:30:32- It's an important featurethat's easily overlooked.
00:30:35Also, I want a whole-housemulti-zone audio system,
00:30:39you know, so I can listento my music in any room
00:30:42while she listens to her musicin another room.
00:30:46- When did music becomeso personalized?
00:30:49It's funny how technologybest serves mediocrity.
00:30:55- I want a flat-screen TVin the toilet
00:30:57so I can watchthe stock reports.
00:30:59- Check.
00:31:00- All the TVsshould be mounted flush.
00:31:02That has to beplanned for, right?
00:31:04'Cause you got to make sure thatthey're recessed into the walls.
00:31:06Shouldn't--shouldn'tyou write this down?
00:31:08- I just want to takea step back,
00:31:11go a little deeper.
00:31:13What is itthat you really want?
00:31:22- Some friends put ina voice-activated butler system
00:31:25that performsall these household tasks.
00:31:27You know, you can call...
00:31:28from the freeway,and it starts the sauna.
00:31:30Is that the kind of thing--
00:31:31Hey, Jim.
00:31:33Basic structureis where all the investors
00:31:37owning a sequential-pay mortgageinvestment conduit
00:31:39receivedinterest payments.
00:31:42Yeah, the principal receivedfrom the underlying mortgages
00:31:44repays each tranchein a predetermined order.
00:31:47Right. No problem.
00:31:53- Our work has becomeso specialized, hasn't it?
00:31:55People know more and moreabout less and less.
00:31:58- Yeah.
00:32:00S-shouldn't we bemore systematic here,
00:32:03you know, make a listof things we like and don't like
00:32:06about our current house?
00:32:07- If you want, but we couldalso use our imaginations
00:32:10and dream of what our newhouse could be.
00:32:12You--you must have dreamsfor your new house.
00:32:15- Yes, I do. I dream.
00:32:16I dream that we don't goover-budget, you know.
00:32:19I dream that the placeis re-saleable
00:32:21and I don't lose my shirt.
00:32:23- And yet you're asking fora voice-activated butler system.
00:32:25- No, no, no, I researchedthe butler system.
00:32:27It's surprisingly affordable.
00:32:30Look, this isn'trocket science, you know.
00:32:33For one thing, we havethis great view of the water.
00:32:35Just put up a wall of glassand frame the view.
00:32:38- Nothing spoils a view so muchas huge windows
00:32:41that gape at it incessantly.
00:32:43It's better to glimpse itas you pass by.
00:32:46- I don't want to glimpse it.I want to see it.
00:32:49It's a big viewfrom a house on a hill.
00:32:53- A house shouldnever be on a hill.
00:32:55A house shouldn't be on anything.
00:32:57A house should be of the hill.
00:32:59Hill and houseliving together,
00:33:01each the happierfor the other.
00:33:03- Yeah.
00:33:06Look, uh, Miles,here's my concern.
00:33:09You're, um--you're an artist,
00:33:11and I'm just--I don't know
00:33:14that your visionreflects our needs.
00:33:17- Rest assured--I find the client can be
00:33:19a significant design resource.
00:33:21They sometimesmake wonderful suggestions.
00:33:23- Thank you.Don't forget--
00:33:25we're the onesthat have to live there.
00:33:26We have to pay for it.We have to be rational.
00:33:29- I understand completely.
00:33:30Rationalismis the enemy of art,
00:33:32but is necessary as a basisfor architecture.
00:33:35- It certainly is.
00:33:36- A work of artis revolutionary.
00:33:38A house is conservative.
00:33:39- That's right.
00:33:40- A house must satisfya requirement.
00:33:43A work of art does not.
00:33:45- I'm gladwe're on the same page.
00:33:46- A house is designedto provide comfort.
00:33:49A work of artwants to draw people
00:33:50out of their comfort zone.- Exactly.
00:33:53- That is why people love housesand hate art.
00:33:55- Yes.
00:33:56No, I don't hate art.
00:33:58- Only a small partof architecture belongs
00:34:00to the realm of art--
00:34:02the monument and the tomb.
00:34:05Everything elsehas a function.
00:34:08I believeit is just as important
00:34:10to design a chicken coop
00:34:13as it isto design a cathedral.
00:34:31We're roughly at the heightof the second story.
00:34:37- A blank canvas.
00:34:39Where do you begin?
00:35:22- I got something for you.
00:35:24- Oh.
00:35:26- I want youto start noticing things,
00:35:28little details that contribute
00:35:30towards how a spacemakes you feel.
00:35:32Drawing is betterthan taking photos.
00:35:34It forces you to lookmore closely at things.
00:35:45- Nobody talksabout these things.
00:35:47It's like a big secretand they only let you in on it
00:35:50once you have children.
00:35:52- Where's your sweater, Max?Did you leave it in your cubby?
00:35:55- What's a cubby?
00:35:56- I can't believeyou don't know what a cubby is.
00:35:59When did youstart sketching?
00:36:01- I'm taking notesfor my architect.
00:36:03- "My architect."Drew has her very own architect.
00:36:07- He's...
00:36:08so inspiring.- Oh.
00:36:11- It's like I'm seeing things
00:36:14in a completely new way.
00:36:18I love my architect.
00:36:22- Does Colinlove your architect?
00:36:25- Colin is suspiciousof creativity.
00:36:31- Hey, are we gettingtogether Wednesday?
00:36:33I have a facial at 9:00and a laser appointment at 4:00,
00:36:35but other than that,I'm pretty open.
00:36:37Emma's doing my nails at 1:00.What about late afternoon?
00:36:39I have 6:30 yoga.Thursday?
00:36:41- No, I do weight trainingThursday mornings,
00:36:43but the afternoon is free.
00:36:45- I'm getting my hair coloredthen I have therapy. Friday?
00:37:12- Any recent changesin your health?
00:37:16- No.- Any big life changes--
00:37:19new job,death in the family?
00:37:22- No.
00:37:23- We're building a house.
00:37:26- Ooh, that's exciting.It can also be stressful.
00:37:29Drew, everythingis within range.
00:37:32Colin,your testosterone is low.
00:37:34Levels tend to drop offafter age 35.
00:37:36We want to try to raise it.
00:37:38As with any hormone treatment,there are side effects.
00:37:40The most prevalentis increased sex drive.
00:37:43Do you thinkyou can handle that?
00:37:50- Yeah...
00:37:52- Seriously, though,stress can be a factor.
00:37:55You're building a house--big financial commitment,
00:37:58countless decisions to be made.
00:38:00The pressurecan affect fertility.
00:38:02Think about the message thatyou're sending to your body.
00:38:04From an evolutionary standpoint,
00:38:06your body knows that a periodof extreme stress
00:38:09is not an ideal timeto get pregnant.
00:38:11- Well, what do yousuggest we do?
00:38:13- Try to ease upon your work schedule.
00:38:15- W-work is not stressful.
00:38:17This--this is stressful.- She's trying to help.
00:38:19Maybe if you cut back on your50-mile rides and paddles.
00:38:24- It could just bebad timing.
00:38:25Two busy people havingintercourse
00:38:27once or twice a week--it's hit or miss.
00:38:29You can predict ovulationby calculating your next period
00:38:32and then counting back 14 days.
00:38:36- Oh. Well, maybemy app is wrong.
00:38:39It says day 14, not 19.
00:38:43- What, we had all that sexfor nothing?
00:38:47- You can purchase a test kit
00:38:48that'll give youadvanced warning.
00:38:50When the test is positive,have intercourse that night,
00:38:52the next night, the night afterand the night after that.
00:38:56Or forget aboutovulatory charts, mucus charts,
00:39:00and scheduled sex
00:39:02and let passion take over.
00:39:08- We're not using those.- Why not?
00:39:10He may recommend themto other clients.
00:39:11- I don't want to use them.
00:39:13I'm sick of them.No, we're not using them.
00:39:15- Maybe he'll recommend them.
00:39:17- No. I don't want to use them.I'm sick of them.
00:39:27- I don't know what you expectto learn by watching us eat.
00:39:33- I'm observing how you live...
00:39:37so that I can betterdesign your house.
00:39:39- Well, we wouldn't be behavinglike this if you weren't here.
00:39:42- That's the HeisenbergUncertainty Principle.
00:39:46You can't observe a thingwithout changing it.
00:39:49- Mm.
00:39:51- What do you thinkof the plates?
00:39:53Drew made them.
00:39:56- He knows that.- They're great, aren't they?
00:40:00- Of course.
00:40:05I can't help wondering whatyou'd do with a bigger canvas,
00:40:08express emotionsthat can't be contained
00:40:12on plates.
00:40:14- People need plates.They have a use.
00:40:16It's not just art, you know.You're providing a service.
00:40:24- What matters is that youenjoy the process.
00:40:27- I used to enjoy it.Now it's just work.
00:40:32- Most artists would behappy there was work.
00:40:35- He promotes meto all his colleagues.
00:40:37They provide color samplesfor me to match.
00:40:40- They didn't ask you to match.
00:40:41They simply wanted youto coordinate
00:40:42with their tableclothand napkins.
00:40:44- I don't want to be toldwhat colors to use.
00:40:48- Drew, they're tryingto put together a tabletop.
00:40:53- Fuck their tabletop.
00:40:59- The salad is excellent.
00:42:01- You're wearing your hairwith more abandon.
00:42:04I like it.
00:42:05- Thanks.
00:42:07You pick up on everything,don't you?
00:42:10- Everything of interest.
00:42:17- You can get that.I don't mind.
00:42:19- Oh, it'll goto voice mail.
00:42:37You see, an architectmust be many things--
00:42:41sculptor, artist,
00:42:43but before you can build,
00:42:46you must have an idea.
00:42:50- The nautilus shell.
00:42:52- It's classic,and it's curving.
00:42:55I like all of that.
00:42:57I'm not attracted toright angles and straight lines.
00:43:01They're hard and inflexibleand man-made.
00:43:05There are no right anglesin nature.
00:43:12- Ah, it must be so freeingto make such big gestures.
00:43:17My world is so small.
00:43:20- Well, here,I don't need all of this.
00:43:23It's a nice big piece.
00:43:24You can reallystretch out on it.
00:43:26- I'm a little intimidated
00:43:27by a big blank pieceof white paper.
00:43:30- Well, then paint it black.
00:43:38a staircaseisn't just a way
00:43:40of gettingfrom one floor to another.
00:43:42It's a room in itself.
00:43:45You saw what we didat the Hatch House.
00:43:48- I was never inside.
00:43:50- Oh.
00:43:59- Incredible.
00:44:03- The resultof excellent chemistry
00:44:04between architect and client.
00:44:19- Oh, what are you doing?
00:44:21- Well...
00:44:23Putnam usually hasa decent bottle of wine
00:44:27in his cooler.
00:45:13- The sleeping space...
00:45:17The centerof a couple's life together,
00:45:20the placewhere they talk, sleep,
00:45:24sleep late...
00:45:26make love.
00:45:30- The center of my husband'slife is the bathroom.
00:45:35He spendsa lot of time there.
00:45:37- Well...
00:45:39that's understandable.
00:45:41Bathing is pleasurableand therapeutic.
00:45:44It's one of the simplest waysto unwind--
00:45:46the sensual contactwith water.
00:45:50It's oneof the precious times
00:45:52when we are absolutely alone
00:45:55and completely naked.
00:45:59- He just sits on the toilet.
00:46:09I have trouble sleeping.
00:46:12He insists on keeping the TV onin the bedroom.
00:46:17I have to waituntil he falls asleep
00:46:20to turn it off.
00:46:23I need a room of my own.
00:46:29- Architecture can't forcepeople to connect.
00:46:34It can only planthe crossing path,
00:46:37remove barriers,
00:46:38make the meeting placesmore inviting.
00:46:42- You always thinkof modern as cold.
00:46:44This is cozy.
00:46:47- The concept of cozy has alwaysbeen a problem for modernism.
00:46:51But it'sa major concern of mine...
00:46:54along with comfy.
00:47:03A group of chairs,a sofa,
00:47:06a pile of cushions...
00:47:08to make that work is--it's very subtle.
00:47:12Most meeting placesare sterile.
00:47:14People avoid them.Nothing happens there.
00:47:19Others are...
00:47:21full of life.
00:47:24seem to attract people.
00:47:28People feel more...
00:47:51This arrangementis particularly successful.
00:49:00This is nice.
00:49:02- Mm-hmm.
00:49:04- You must have come home fromwork early to prep all this.
00:49:07- I did.Where were you?
00:49:10- Oh, I, uh...
00:49:13Miles showed me the insideof the Hatch House.
00:49:17- Really? I would have likedto have seen that.
00:49:19- You should.It's amazing.
00:49:22- Yeah?The owners were there?
00:49:24- No, um...
00:49:26You should really see it.You'd realize he's a genius.
00:49:29- Yeah, well, the problemwith geniuses
00:49:31is they're a painin the ass.
00:50:03- Oh.
00:50:10- Mike Conway,Conway Construction.
00:50:13- Miles Moss, architect.- Miles.
00:50:15- Hi.
00:50:17Looks likeit's clearing up.
00:50:19- Yes, this afternoon,if the forecast is reliable.
00:50:22- So, uh, this is...
00:50:27- I want you to knowthat Drew's contribution
00:50:30to the designhas been crucial.
00:50:33She has been my muse.
00:50:39- Oh, my God.
00:50:47- Wow.
00:50:56- The parking garage is here.
00:50:59You enter throughthe main doorway here
00:51:02into a floatingstairway space.
00:51:06It's a design ideainspired by Drew.
00:51:09- Can you really build thison our budget?
00:51:12- Well, I thinkthat's a question for Mike.
00:51:16- I have no idea what this is.
00:51:18Um, what's the skin?
00:51:20- Titanium, of course.
00:51:22- Titanium.- Yes.
00:51:24A magnificent metal--
00:51:26noble, mysterious, vital,
00:51:30just as Cronus,the first of the Titans
00:51:33who ruled over the earth,the heavens, and the sea.
00:51:35- Do you know a supplier?- Of course.
00:51:37- And a sub?- Yes, yes.
00:51:40Let me walk youthrough the floor plan.
00:51:48- There areno straight lines.
00:51:50- Straight lines are a symptomof the new illiteracy.
00:51:53It will lead to the downfallof human civilization.
00:51:56- People like straight walls,you know.
00:51:57They're--they're practical.
00:51:59You can--you can put furnitureup against them.
00:52:01- Squares and rectanglesmake no sense in human terms.
00:52:04They have a negative effecton social interaction.
00:52:07They only expressthe rigid desires of people
00:52:09who are too preoccupiedwith systems
00:52:12and their meansof production.
00:52:13The entire universeis curved.
00:52:15Einstein proved that.
00:52:17- Why don't you let himpresent his idea
00:52:19before criticizing it?
00:52:21- That's all right, Drew.
00:52:23I like clients to provide activeand aggressive criticism,
00:52:26as long as they haveabsolute faith in me.
00:52:28I find thatthe best work happens
00:52:30when everyone hasan open mind.
00:52:32Remember, you're payingfor my talent and experience.
00:52:35You're wasting moneyif you don't listen to my ideas.
00:52:38- All right.So where are the rooms?
00:52:41- The living spacesare here and here.
00:52:43The kitchen space is here.
00:52:44And these arethe sleeping spaces.
00:52:47- You mean bedrooms?
00:52:49- You could call them that.
00:52:51- What's this thing--this line here?
00:52:53Is this a wall?
00:52:54- Yes, it's madeof Quietstone.
00:52:56It's a soundproofing material.
00:52:58It's as thin as Sheetrock,but twice as sound resistant.
00:53:01It createscomplete separation.
00:53:04- Complete separationfrom what?
00:53:06- Your side of the housefrom Drew's side of the house.
00:53:09- Oh, I knew it.I knew it.
00:53:11I told you that doing separateinterviews w-was a mistake.
00:53:14Why don't you--Just build a duplex.
00:53:16We'll live next doorto each other.
00:53:17- I was just respondingto Drew's sound concerns
00:53:19and your music concerns.
00:53:21I think you're making moreof this than was intended.
00:53:23- All right, Mike, ballpark,what--what are we looking at?
00:53:29- I've gota thousand questions
00:53:30before I could give youa solid number,
00:53:32but I'd have to sayat least, uh...
00:53:34$500 a square foot.
00:53:36- Five hun--
00:53:37That's--that's overa million bucks!
00:53:40Are you out of your mind?
00:53:41- Mike, if you havea thousand questions,
00:53:43wouldn't it be good to getsome answers first
00:53:45before making wild guesses?
00:53:47- Um, where arethe load-bearing walls?
00:53:50- The loads are beingtransferred here, here...
00:53:53and here.
00:53:55- Well, I'm not telling youanything you don't already know,
00:53:57but it would be more efficientto stack them.
00:54:00- It would be more efficient,
00:54:02but they wouldn't be happyliving there.
00:54:05Now's the timeto make changes, folks.
00:54:07It's cheaper to use an eraseron the drafting board
00:54:09than it is a wrecking ballat the site.
00:54:11- We can't allow the engineeringto dictate the building's form.
00:54:15Structure hasto accommodate design.
00:54:17- Oh, okay, thank youfor your time, Miles.
00:54:20Send me your final bill.I will take care of it.
00:54:22- What? No.- Yes. No, we're done.
00:54:24- It's just a first pass.Nothing's set in stone.
00:54:26- Stone would be cheaper.
00:54:27- Most people findthat what they want
00:54:29is 50% overthe original budget.
00:54:31- What we want? - Yes, what we want.
00:54:36- Mike and Ineed to get together,
00:54:37go throughall his questions.
00:54:39There are alwaysless expensive alternatives,
00:54:41if need be.
00:54:43I find its better to negotiatethan pound my fist on the table.
00:54:47- This would save youa whole bunch right there.
00:54:51- Those roomswould be prisons
00:54:53for the peoplewho had to live in them.
00:54:56- I'm sure that Milescan come up
00:54:58with creative solutionsthat lower the cost,
00:55:01yet still maintainthe integrity of the design.
00:55:04- You know what?
00:55:05Give me a chanceto get together with Mike.
00:55:07We'll go through his questionsand come up with some options.
00:55:09- We can do that.
00:55:11- Fine. All right.
00:55:13Mike, I'll--I'll call you tomorrow.
00:55:16- - Bye, bye.
00:55:19- Where's my storage space?
00:55:20- Give me the luxuries of life,
00:55:23and I'll happily dowithout the necessities.
00:55:25- That makes no sense.Where's the bathroom?
00:55:29- You thinkI forgot bathrooms?
00:55:30- No, your bathroom here.
00:55:32- Oh, oh, it's, uh...
00:55:38- Yesterday was a big mistake.
00:55:40It's justcompletely ridiculous.
00:55:42- What do you mean"completely ridiculous"?
00:55:44- It won't happen again.
00:55:46I had a weak moment.
00:55:47- It's been a long time
00:55:49since I've connected with anyonethe way I connect with you.
00:55:52- Oh, no, I'm sorry, Miles.I just can't.
00:55:55It's not that I don't thinkyou're an amazing person.
00:55:57And I'm completelyattracted to you.
00:55:59But I just can't. I'm married.I don't want to hurt Colin.
00:56:02I don't want to hurt you.
00:56:03- Hurt me?- Yes.
00:56:05- You've made methe happiest man alive.
00:56:07- No, don't say that.I feel awful--just guilty.
00:56:10It's deceitful.
00:56:11- It's not your fault.I set you up.
00:56:13I've been in love with yousince we first met.
00:56:15- No. Don't say that.
00:56:18No, it's over.
00:56:29- You're his muse?How "amusing."
00:56:34You think I don't knowwhat's going on?
00:56:37You two have been meetingbehind my back...
00:56:39conspiring to makethis house more expensive
00:56:41and less re-saleable.
00:56:43Unless you can bringthis guy in line,
00:56:44we are goingin whole nother direction.
00:56:47A million dollars--that's insane.
00:56:55- Oh!
00:57:26- Drew,what are you doing?
00:57:28You're getting paintall over the floor!
00:57:29- It's an art studio.That happens.
00:57:33- How can youhear yourself think?
00:57:34- I'm not thinking.
00:57:36Don't do that!This is my room!
00:57:39- What has gotten into you?
00:57:40Why are you making such a mess?- Because I want to.
00:57:43Miles gave mea big sheet of paper,
00:57:46and I'm having fun.
00:57:48Is that allowed?
00:57:49- Oh, so, what?Now he's your muse?
00:57:51Is that it?
00:58:20- I designed it in a sequenceof natural curves,
00:58:24to flow inand out of the landscape.
00:58:26The contractor saysit's impractical.
00:58:29As if I had intendedpracticality.
00:58:31- We don't have to go backto the drawing board.
00:58:33We just have to bringdown the cost.
00:58:35- Why?
00:58:37Years from now, when you'reenjoying your beautiful home,
00:58:40you won't even rememberhow much it cost.
00:58:42- There must be wayswe can save.
00:58:46- Sure, sure.
00:58:48Take out the structural glass,put in a wall.
00:58:52Lose out the stone,carpet throughout.
00:58:56Replace the titaniumwith, God forbid, stucco!
00:59:00With a painter or sculptor,
00:59:02you wouldn't daresuggest alternatives,
00:59:04but an architect hasto put up with anything!
00:59:07Imagine trying to finda replacement
00:59:09for the touchand feel of titanium...
00:59:13the fabric of our lives.
00:59:16It's too badthat clients today
00:59:18aren't the committed patronsof the past.
00:59:22Now it's allabout return on investment.
00:59:27- You really thinkthat's my motivation?
00:59:30- It's your work, too.
00:59:32You're advocatingcutting your own ideas.
00:59:36You're submittingto arbitrary power,
00:59:38which has always,throughout history,
00:59:42crushed human sensibilityand truth.
00:59:46You've been colonized.
00:59:54- Every projecthas its limits.
00:59:57- You'll just have to findcreative solutions.
01:00:26- Fewer windows,uh, less square footage overall,
01:00:29big reductionin the structural glass--
01:00:31that's significant--
01:00:32no Quietstone.- Wow.
01:00:35I'm glad you've been ableto cut corners.
01:00:37- There are no corners.
01:00:38- I mean, it looks likeyou've made a genuine effort.
01:00:40- I want my clientsto be happy.
01:00:42- Mike,any other suggestions?
01:00:44- You could replacethe titanium with stucco.
01:00:46- Never.
01:00:48The Stone Housewill not be stucco!
01:00:51- I do like that--the Stone House.
01:00:56- Well, I'll, uh, runthis latest revision by the subs
01:00:59and get the final numbers.
01:01:01The cost reductionswill be significant, I think,
01:01:03but I have to say,
01:01:04it will still be morethan your original budget.
01:01:06- Well, hopefullysubsequent generations
01:01:09will find that the Stone Housewas worth the extra expense.
01:01:17- That's a yes.
01:01:23- - Come on, honey.
01:01:33both: Oh!
01:01:34- Ooh!- Oh!
01:01:41- Thank you.
01:01:43- Whoo!- Yay!
01:01:46- Oh, it will bea very quiet house
01:01:48if it's just the two of you.
01:01:51How old are you now,honey--39, 40?
01:01:54- I thought you saidyou never ask a woman's age.
01:01:56- Colin'sgetting up there too.
01:01:59You should takesome precautions.
01:02:01I've been doinga little research.
01:02:04We know a very good doctorwho can help you.
01:02:06He has a wonderful facilitywith an emergency backup system
01:02:09in casethere's a power outage.
01:02:11And his practiceisn't so big
01:02:13that you'd get lostin the shuffle.
01:02:15You know, if you'd like,I could make an appointment,
01:02:18and then you could,you know, go over
01:02:20and freeze some spermor harvest one or two eggs,
01:02:23and, you know,you wouldn't have to worry.
01:02:25You'd have a backup plan, youknow, just in case you need it.
01:02:27- Mom, is that dinnerconversation--sperm and eggs?
01:02:30- I'm sorry, honey.You're right.
01:02:32- And can we losethis flower arrangement?
01:02:34I can't see around it,over it.
01:02:35- They're beautiful.They're from our garden.
01:02:37- I know that,but I can't have a conversation.
01:02:40- And, you know, sweetheart,when the time is right,
01:02:43I know a wonderfulRussian nanny
01:02:44who costs a lot lessthan you would think.
01:02:47- Aren't you gettinga little ahead of yourself?
01:02:48- I'm just trying to help, okay?- I appreciate that.
01:02:51- She's gonna need her own room.You might as well plan for that.
01:02:53- We're not buildinga separate bedroom
01:02:55for a potential nanny
01:02:56to take careof potential children.
01:02:58- Right.
01:03:00The nanny can stayin the study.
01:03:03- How many bedrooms total?
01:03:05- They're sleeping spaces.- Huh?
01:03:08- There--there's one true bedroom
01:03:11and a space for a daybed.
01:03:15- Daybed?What's a daybed?
01:03:17You're spending a lot of money
01:03:20for a housewith only one bedroom?
01:03:21You're nuts!- Okay, Joseph.
01:03:23It's not your house. Let themmake their own mistakes.
01:03:26- The architectureis really quite special.
01:03:29He's--he's a genius.
01:03:32- Genius.Genius does not design
01:03:34a million-dollar housewith one bedroom.
01:03:36- I just don't understand
01:03:38why you didn't useElizabeth's brother-in-law.
01:03:39- The space for the daybed
01:03:42could easily be turnedinto a bedroom.
01:03:44We just add a doorand a closet.
01:03:46- We can't make any changeswithout consulting Miles.
01:03:47- It's our house, Drew.
01:03:51- You close that big holein the ceiling,
01:03:53you'll probably have roomfor a couple more bedrooms.
01:03:55- Yeah, but tiny.
01:03:56- No, that area is partof the staircase.
01:03:59It's--it'sthe main design feature.
01:04:01- Hmm. Looks likewasted space to me.
01:04:04- Well, you know, you couldmaybe squeeze in
01:04:06another bathroom here.
01:04:08Oh, and if you push outthe kitchen wall there,
01:04:11you know,you could have a little mudroom
01:04:12for when the childrencome in from playing.
01:04:15- Can't they just wipetheir little feet on the mat?
01:04:17- If we're gonna make changes,now is the time to do it.
01:04:22- Boy, you don't look so good.-
01:04:25I'm gonna be sick.
01:04:30- It's probablythe shellfish.
01:04:32We'll all be sick.
01:04:49- Uh-huh.
01:04:50Yeah, tax equity investment
01:04:52equal to present valuedistributions...
01:04:56discounted at a minimumunlevered target IRR.
01:05:00Yeah, based on the project'scapacity factor.
01:05:03Whether or not the partnershipflip structure yields returns.
01:05:06Right.The two lease structures--
01:05:09sale leasebackand inverted lease.
01:05:20Feeling any better?- Not really.
01:05:23Sorry I couldn't saygood-bye to your parents.
01:05:25- They understood.If you're sick, you're sick.
01:05:28Not muchyou can do about it.
01:05:46- What are you reading?
01:05:48- A very interesting analysisof whether a partnership flip
01:05:51yields higher returnsthan a sale leaseback.
01:05:55The conclusionis pretty surprising.
01:06:06- I'm pregnant.
01:06:10- Are you joking?
01:06:14Drew, honey.
01:06:41- Did you get my message?
01:06:42- Oh, yes.
01:06:45- And?- You can't change the walls
01:06:47without changing the structureand supports.
01:06:49I'd have to revise the plans.
01:06:51The structural engineerwould have to revise his plans.
01:06:53And Conway would issue achange-order for the extra cost.
01:06:56- Yeah, I know, but we needmore bedrooms.
01:06:59- Why?
01:07:01- A house this sizeshould have more bedrooms.
01:07:04It's just common sense.
01:07:05- Is common our goal?
01:07:07I don't know why peoplehire architects
01:07:09and then tell themwhat to do.
01:07:11- Because it's our house.
01:07:12- Well, often, the opinion
01:07:14of the client must bedisregarded for their own good.
01:07:17- Do--- We're having a baby.
01:07:20- What?
01:07:26That's great news.- Thank you.
01:07:29- The space for the daybed
01:07:32can easily be modified
01:07:34to make room for the baby.
01:07:38- Oh, I'm glad you agree,
01:07:40'cause if we don't start makingsome practical compromises,
01:07:42we're gonna end upwith a white elephant.
01:07:44- Oh, really?
01:07:45Would "Art and Architecture"magazine
01:07:47put a white elephanton its cover?
01:07:49- "Art and Architecture"magazine?
01:07:51- A feature writercalled me yesterday.
01:07:53The Stone House is a finalistfor their October issue.
01:07:57- Wow.
01:07:59- That's pretty good.
01:08:20- Michael. Mike Stone.
01:08:22- No.
01:08:25What about Braydon?
01:08:27- Braydon?That sounds like a horse.
01:08:31- I like Joseph.Joseph. Joseph Stone.
01:08:36- Regular Joe.
01:08:37- Well...- Wow.
01:08:39What about Grayson?
01:08:42- You're just making stuff up.
01:08:43- Well...
01:08:47What about Uptonor Hudson...
01:08:50or Grace?
01:08:52- That sounds like a law firm--Upton, Hudson, and Grace.
01:08:55What happened to somethingsimple, like--like Jane?
01:08:59- - That's pretty. Jane.
01:09:01- Plain Janeand Average Joe.
01:09:04- No.- Wow.
01:09:05Wow.It's fantastic, Miles.
01:09:10- Incredible.
01:09:11Let me ask you,can you paint it?
01:09:13- The titanium?
01:09:15Why would you wantto do that?
01:09:17- I'm saying down the road,you know, for a change of pace.
01:09:20- That's insane.It's--it's beautiful.
01:09:24It has a 100-year warrantyagainst corrosion.
01:09:27- Well, it's just...
01:09:29more silver than I thoughtit would be.
01:09:32- I love it.
01:09:35- Gary.
01:09:36- Ew.
01:09:40- Yeah, that rollsright off the tongue.
01:09:43- Oscar.- Oscar?
01:09:46Wow. Middle schoolwasn't hard enough.
01:09:52Jeff is not a namefor an adult.
01:09:55- Jeffrey.
01:10:00- Imogen.
01:10:01- Do you want her to hate us?Is that what you want?
01:10:03I mean, really,if you want to show the world
01:10:05that you're creative,sweetheart,
01:10:07do it in a way that doesn't harminnocent bystanders.
01:10:09- Is that what you thinkI'm doing?
01:10:11- Kids want to fit in.They don't want to be different.
01:10:14- What if the childisn't as conservative
01:10:17and unimaginativeas the father?
01:10:21- Oh, yeah?W-w-what if he is?
01:10:23What if he's--what if he'sactually quite capable
01:10:25o-o-of dealing sensiblyand prudently
01:10:27with practical matters?
01:10:29I mean, have you seenthese change orders--
01:10:30these extras addedby your genius?
01:10:32The costskeep spiraling upward,
01:10:34just likethis fucking staircase.
01:10:36- Why do we always do thingsyour way?
01:10:39- We don't do thingsmy way, sweetheart.
01:10:41We do them the right way--with research and planning.
01:10:45- You claimthere's all this logic,
01:10:47but it alwaysends up your way.
01:10:50You argue with me until youwear me down and I give in.
01:10:54- You know what?You see things wrong.
01:10:56Sometimes I wish I could just--
01:10:58I could just reach insideyour head and flip a switch,
01:11:00you know, just changeyour perspective.
01:11:02But I guess, you know,we bring different things
01:11:05to the tableas life partners, right?
01:11:06I'm good at making money.You're good at spending it.
01:11:10I'm good at making calculated,
01:11:11informed decisionsthat yield positive results,
01:11:14and you're good at making quick,impulsive decisions
01:11:15and neverthinking twice, right?
01:11:24What, is it lunch?
01:11:29- There you go. Good girl.
01:11:31That's his preschoolmusic teacher at Montessori.
01:11:33Are you gonna get him?Go get him. Go get him.
01:11:37- Max has a naturalsense of rhythm.
01:11:39You should see himin ballet.
01:11:41- It used to turn me on
01:11:42when I'd hear him talkabout business.
01:11:44He was so confident.
01:11:47It was not confidence.He's just stubborn.
01:11:50- You're out of your mindto think of leaving Colin.
01:11:52How much difference does it makewho the guy is, anyway?
01:11:54Once you have a baby, the guybecomes so much less important.
01:12:00Do you really think
01:12:01that you want to beon your own right now?
01:12:06- How did the relationship workbetween architect and client?
01:12:08- Ah, truly inspired,a wonderful collaboration,
01:12:13great chemistrybetween architect and client.
01:12:16- Oh, good.
01:12:18- Your details are off.
01:12:20You obviously haveno field experience.
01:12:22Your--your construction drawingsare just pretty pictures.
01:12:26- You're not even usingthe latest set!
01:12:27These were revised!
01:12:29- You've changed themso many times,
01:12:30I don't even knowwhat I'm building anymore!
01:12:32This is completelyunprofessional.
01:12:34Let me tell you--I am not losingmoney on this job
01:12:37based on your incompetence.
01:12:39My advice to you is learnhow to work with real life!
01:12:41both: Ooh.
01:12:42It looks like the chemistry
01:12:44between architect and contractorisn't quite as good.
01:12:46- Constructionis very stressful,
01:12:48and we're usingsome very unusual materials
01:12:51for a residence--titanium, for example.
01:12:54- The floating staircaseis impressive.
01:12:56- It wasa true collaboration.
01:12:59I was his muse.
01:13:01- You were his muse?- Don't write that.
01:13:05- Society needs a good image of itself.
01:13:07That's the job of the architect.
01:13:09If a clientwants a house designed,
01:13:12most architectswill design one,
01:13:14but a conscientious architect
01:13:16will ask firstwhy this house is needed.
01:13:18What is its raison d'être?
01:13:21- Hmm.- The architect may conclude
01:13:23we don't need this houseand walk away.
01:13:26That's why I don't havea lot of clients.
01:13:29- There seemsto be conflict
01:13:31between youand the contractor.
01:13:34- To a man with a hammer,everything looks like a nail.
01:13:44- Yet another stack of change orders.
01:13:47I don't pay these by tomorrow,Conway walks off the job.
01:13:49The cost isout of control, Miles.
01:13:51It's like you're just--
01:13:52you defy me and then buildwhatever the hell you want.
01:13:54- Cost is very simple.It is materials plus labor.
01:13:57You want a $5 million housefor a million dollars.
01:14:00How's that my fault?Want me to pay for it myself?
01:14:02- What are all the extras?- Essential details.
01:14:04- You said less is more.
01:14:05- Less is only morewhen more is no good.
01:14:09And these stairs--I've been thinking about them.
01:14:11They're just too dangerouswithout a handrail.
01:14:13- A handrail?
01:14:14Can you imaginehow ridiculous that would look?
01:14:17- I'm saying it's dangerous.
01:14:18I can't believethe Building Department
01:14:20would even allow it.- They won't.
01:14:22Creativity is stifled by anoverzealous concern for safety.
01:14:26We will put intemporary handrail
01:14:28and remove itafter inspection.
01:14:29- Isn't that illegal?
01:14:31- It's your house,not the city's.
01:14:32- Do you see what I meanabout all this wasted space?
01:14:36- Wasted space?There is a purpose to beauty.
01:14:40- If we fill this in,we add two rooms.
01:14:42- Fill it in?You don't need two more rooms.
01:14:44- Don't tell me--
01:14:46How can you beso incredibly arrogant?
01:14:48- If I have to choosebetween honest arrogance
01:14:51and hypocritical humility,I choose honesty.
01:14:54There's no reasonto change it.
01:14:56- What are you--Oh.
01:14:58You think--you think you canprove anything by drawing it.
01:15:00- I prefer drawingto talking.
01:15:02It's faster,and there are no lies.
01:15:03Is this what you want--
01:15:05bisect this spaceand create two rectangles?
01:15:06- Yes.What's wrong with that?
01:15:08- For you,maybe nothing, Colon.
01:15:10You're a rectangular man.
01:15:12But for Drew, who is fluidand curvaceous,
01:15:15whose spiritis spontaneous and free,
01:15:17she can't livein those rooms.
01:15:19- Do not talkabout my wife like that.
01:15:21You are crossinga line there.
01:15:22- Again, there is a line--
01:15:23a straight line,a line in the sand,
01:15:25a line thatcan't be crossed!
01:15:27- All right, you know what?You know what?
01:15:28I'm not paying another dime.That includes your bill.
01:15:31- Then I'll file a lienon your property.
01:15:32- Really?So I should get a lawyer?
01:15:34Is that where this is headed?
01:15:35- Where there's a will,there's a lawsuit.
01:15:37Ignorance of the law
01:15:39never stopped anyonefrom practicing it.
01:15:40You wouldn't nickel-and-dimea surgeon, would you?
01:15:42You respect his knowledge.
01:15:44You understandthe need for his services.
01:15:46When I figure the amount of timeI spend on a project,
01:15:49it works outto about $15 an hour.
01:15:51I feel likea poor seamstress.
01:15:52Do you want to knowthe real reason
01:15:54I didn't puta handrail in, huh?
01:15:58- It makes it very difficultto catch yourself if you fall.
01:16:31- Don't you thinkyou're overreacting?
01:16:32I mean, God, your hormonesare all over the place.
01:16:34- My hormones?It can't possibly be you.
01:16:37- I had to fire him.He threatened me physically.
01:16:40- Miles Moss?
01:16:42- Where are you--where are you going?
01:16:43You're eight monthspregnant.
01:16:44You are the leastpractical woman I know.
01:16:47- I need to be alone.
01:16:49- Why do you never rememberthe good times?
01:16:51We never--
01:16:53We're having a stressful time,but we have good times, Drew.
01:16:56Last year, in Mexico--
01:16:58Remember, we walkedinto the hotel lobby,
01:17:00and the mariachi bandwas playing our song?
01:17:02- Our song?What song is that?
01:17:05- How can you not knowwe have a song?
01:17:08- I feel like we'rein two different marriages.
01:17:11What songare you talking about?
01:17:14- "My Heart Will Go On"...
01:17:18from the "Titanic" movie.
01:17:21- This is whywe can't be together.
01:17:24- Drew, don't do this.
01:17:27Don't do this.
01:17:29Look, a marriagecannot always be exciting
01:17:30and inspiring, you know.
01:17:32You settle in,and you get comfortable.
01:17:34That's normal.
01:17:35I'm a good guy.
01:17:37I'm doing everythingI'm supposed to do.
01:17:38I'm stable, emotionallyand financially,
01:17:40more than you know.
01:17:41There is nothingwrong with us.
01:17:43Why do you invent problemswhere none exist?
01:17:45- I'm suffocating.
01:17:47If you find yourselftrapped in a box with no air,
01:17:49you don't ask permission.
01:17:50You just cut a holeso you can breathe.
01:17:53- I don't understand that.- No, you don't. You don't.
01:17:57- Drew, don't--
01:17:59Come here, please.
01:18:00Come here.
01:18:02Don't do this.
01:18:05We'll finish the house, okay?
01:18:08We'll finishthe house your way,
01:18:10but then, please...
01:18:12let's get this nut caseout of our lives.
01:19:00- Drew?
01:20:48- So cute.
01:20:50Our philosophy is that children
01:20:51should love comingand love learning.
01:20:54If they don't jump outof the car and run right in,
01:20:56we want to know about it.
01:20:58Now let me show youthe children's cubbies.
01:21:06- Putnam Hatch.- Yes.
01:21:08- I was in your house.
01:21:10- You were in my house?
01:21:12- The Hatch Houseon Fulton Road.
01:21:14- What were you doingin my house?
01:21:17- Miles Moss showed me around.
01:21:19- Who is Miles Moss?
01:21:22- The architectwho designed your house?
01:21:24- The architect who designedmy house was Leo Sullivan.
01:21:28- Yeah, that's right--Sullivan and Moss.
01:21:31- No, that's not right.
01:21:33That was James Moss,Sullivan's business partner.
01:21:36Look, I don't knowwho your friend is,
01:21:37and I don't knowhow he got access to my house,
01:21:39but if either of youcomes back,
01:21:41I'm gonna haveyou arrested.
01:22:18- Hi.
01:22:21- Who designedthe Hatch House?
01:22:24- What?
01:22:25- Why doesn't Putnam Hatchknow you?
01:22:28- W-what are youtalking about?
01:22:30- I just met him.
01:22:31He doesn't know you.
01:22:34- That's not true.
01:22:37Why do you have the keysto his house?
01:22:40- Why are you asking meall of these questions?
01:22:44- I don't knowwho you are.
01:22:46I don't knowwhat's going on.
01:22:49Did you or did you notdesign that house?
01:22:55- We all workedon it together.
01:22:57- Who's "we"?
01:23:00- Sullivan,my father, and me.
01:23:09Come on, come sit down.Sit down, sit down.
01:23:20- I left Colin.
01:23:32- That's great news!
01:23:33We don't need himanymore!
01:23:35- What?
01:23:37- The houseis almost finished.
01:23:39The--the bank will make sureit's completed
01:23:41even if Colin stops paying.
01:23:43- I thought you'd bea little more sympathetic
01:23:47and a little less ambitious.
01:23:50- I'm sorry.You're right. I'm...
01:23:51Being totally selfish.
01:23:56You're contemplating makinga big life change, and...
01:24:01I'm worryingabout finishing the house.
01:24:07It's just thatthe magazine people
01:24:11are coming to take photosand finish the story.
01:24:15We made the coverof "Art and Architecture."
01:24:21You can build a careerout of that.
01:24:24- I thoughtyou had a career.
01:24:31- It could be better.
01:24:42- This is your first house,isn't it?
01:24:46- We make a great team, Drew.
01:24:50Maybe we could livehere together...
01:24:54you, me and the baby.
01:25:05- Oh, no. You don't--Don't--don't look at that.
01:25:07Don't look at that.Don't--
01:25:08It's not--
01:25:22"Best graduate design projectof 2002."
01:25:28Oh.- Drew, I'm sorry.
01:25:30I had to getthe house built.
01:25:32It's a good design, Drew.
01:25:35I've had a long timeto think about it.
01:26:04- Drew?
01:26:12Oh, no.
01:26:24Drew, forgive me.- Aah!
01:26:26- I could never get anyof my projects built.
01:26:29I spent countless years
01:26:30designing handicap-accessiblebathrooms...
01:26:37Drew, I never met the rightclient until I met you.
01:26:41You're the one.We had the same inspiration!
01:26:44It's possible!Drew, please!
01:28:57- Oh.
01:29:08She painted the titanium.
01:29:13- That's gonnavoid the warranty.
01:29:41- The color's calledGrandma's refrigerator.
01:29:43It's on the chart I submitted.
01:29:46It's all planned out.
01:29:47I-I-I can't makean impulsive decision
01:29:50while climbing a ladder.
01:29:51Hold on.Where's the color chart?
01:29:55I have the chart right here--
01:29:57Dill pickle, dead salmon,dog's ear, baby's bottom,
01:30:01Grandma's refrigerator.
01:30:04He's not sure about the yellow.
01:30:05He's confused
01:30:06because his grandma'srefrigerator was white.
01:30:08Can you talk to him?
01:30:09- Frank?- Yeah.
01:30:10- Take Imogen.- Imogen.
01:30:13- Hey, Frank.Hi. It's Colin.
01:30:15Yeah, I know.
01:30:17I know. My grandmother'srefrigerator was green.
01:30:19It's just the name the companygave the paint color.
01:30:21It doesn't mean anything.
01:30:23No. Look, she startedanother job.
01:30:24She's bookedfor the rest of the year.
01:30:27Let me explain something.
01:30:30Drew's an artist.She's not a painting contractor.
01:30:32You don't get to choosethe color.
01:30:34It's not repairand maintenance.
01:30:36Well, she's not tryingto please everyone.
01:30:38She's trying to move them,you know,
01:30:40draw themout of their comfort zone,
01:30:42make them think and feel.
01:30:43Her work isvery mysterious Frank.
01:30:46It's compellingand surprising.
01:30:49Just sit with it for a while.
01:30:50Let Drew do her thing,
01:30:52and I'm sure that you'll bevery happy in the end, okay?
01:30:55Okay. Bye.
01:30:57- Thank you.
01:30:59- Here, take that.I got to take her for a nap.
01:31:01- Yes.- Hmm?
01:31:04Come here.Come here.
01:31:08A littleGrandma's refrigerator there.
01:31:14All right, you, here we go.
01:31:16Whee!Oh, boy.
01:31:19- Bye!- Oh, boy.