Black Friday

  • last year
Reporter Freya Taylor has been out and about in Lancashire finding out where you think you can get the best Black Friday deals...
00:00 It's Black Friday weekend, the sales are set to allow retailers to sell excess stock and
00:05 merchandise at cheaper prices. Boohoo Man has revealed that Manchester, Salford and
00:10 our very own Preston have ranked as the highest for the largest Black Friday deal searches.
00:15 We went out to see what people thought of Black Friday and if they'd be out buying any
00:18 Christmas prezzies today.
00:19 Just in general, it's pretty good. It can get messy if people are trying to scramble
00:25 over each other, you know, like you see in crazy videos on the internet. But it usually
00:30 doesn't happen. You can usually get some pretty good stuff. Yeah, usually, you know, I have
00:34 birthdays and Christmases, you know, so it's a lot around in December, so not just Christmas.
00:41 So yeah, you can get into one.
00:43 My mum likes Lush, so I go to Lush. I don't know. I'm trying to think. My brother has
00:50 a Lush, so it's hard to buy for. Sometimes I go to H&B, like sort of tech stuff, music
00:57 stuff, film stuff. So, okay. Yeah, I'd say it's good.
01:00 I think it's good, especially coming up to Christmas time, because it means that you're
01:05 getting to save money on presents and things like that. And obviously, with the cost of
01:09 living crisis, it's not been particularly great this year. I think families will be
01:13 really struggling. But I also think there's sort of a malicious aspect to it. Like, I've
01:20 seen videos from like years ago of like shops. I mean, it's not that busy here today, but
01:25 shops, people like running in rampage and people getting trampled. Like, people have
01:29 been killed over Black Friday. It's that sort of greed to save money, basically. But on
01:37 the whole, as long as it's calm and sort of respectful and, you know, and it is Christmas
01:43 time as well, so there'll be like a lot of nice Christmas gifts that are on sale. I'm
01:49 a bit of a Black Friday person myself. If there's a deal on, I'm going to go get it,
01:53 basically. But yeah, I'd say it is good, but people need to sort of be respectful of people.
01:59 There's a lot of like snatching things and there's a lot of sort of, yeah, like gatekeeping
02:07 over it. You know, if there's something that you really want on Black Friday that you know
02:11 is going to be on sale, but there's like one on the shelf and someone's going to go and
02:14 collect that, then, you know, there is that sort of anger. But then that other person
02:20 might have had the same mindset, you know. So yeah, it is good, especially like I said
02:25 with possibly the, but it can get a bit out of hand, I think, for like a HMP. I've got
02:30 a lot of friends that love films and TV and stuff like that, so I'd like buy them films
02:35 and things like that. Mum presents. Marks and Spencers, that's what I'd buy for my mum.
02:45 Yeah, but also I think like online shopping as well. I think high streets have like much
02:53 less business, you know, especially because of COVID as well, because Amazon has just
02:57 like taken over because they do Black Friday stuff and they do it for like so many products.
03:02 So I think, like a reason why there's not as many people here today as well is because
03:07 people were just like, "I'm just going to get that at home. Why would I go out to the
03:10 shops when it's a bit cold?" You know, it's like sometimes it can be a bit crazy. Why
03:15 wouldn't I just do it from my phone? But yeah, I have to admit, if I couldn't find
03:21 something, it would be Amazon that I'd go towards, but it would be just the sort of
03:25 general mum shops if I'm buying for like sort of older female relatives. But yeah, HMP is
03:32 like my happy place and I know it's a lot of my friends as well.
03:35 I think it's great for discounts. I didn't do anything this Black Friday, I just stayed
03:43 indoors. But yeah, once my friends went out, most of them.
03:49 I'm kind of skinny right now because I'm not working. It's like my job's kind of just closed.
03:55 So I don't have to save money, unfortunately. If I was still working, I would, but I'm not.
04:01 I feel like it's good when you've got loads of money, but I'm a uni student. So I was
04:07 thinking like, "Oh, what do I need to buy?" But I don't really need to buy anything.
04:10 Probably Death Row have in the past. Like I said, I was actually thinking to say like,
04:15 "Do I need to buy anything? Can I save any money?" But I don't. I just be spending it,
04:19 which is probably kind of the whole gimmick. But yeah.
04:22 Not really. I was looking on Amazon. Again, that's probably where I do most of my shopping
04:30 when I was a uni student. It's actually there.
