Lewis Hamilton Says Brad Pitt Picked Up F1 Racing 'Real Quick' For New Movie

  • last year
Lewis Hamilton Says Brad Pitt Picked Up F1 Racing 'Real Quick' For New Movie


00:00 Brother man, this is insane to be on this track
00:03 here in Las Vegas for this incredible event.
00:05 What did it feel like to be behind the wheel
00:08 of the Mercedes on this track tonight?
00:10 - You gotta remember, I've been doing this a long time.
00:11 - I know!
00:13 Was it like another day at work for you?
00:15 - Yeah.
00:16 (laughing)
00:17 - This is nothing compared to--
00:19 - It's like sleeping for me.
00:21 - How fast were you in the car tonight?
00:24 - We weren't going very fast because there's a whole set up
00:26 with the drones and we had to be in a certain speed.
00:31 I think we only got up to like 80 miles an hour.
00:33 So it's nothing.
00:34 This weekend we'll be probably 220, 230.
00:38 - 230?
00:39 Because there's a straightaway that's so long.
00:42 How about how long would you say that straightaway is?
00:47 - Honestly, I don't know.
00:49 I think it's like two miles or something like that.
00:50 - Whoa!
00:51 - It's something like that.
00:52 But we also have really low down force
00:55 and so I reckon this might be the fastest we'll ever go.
00:59 - Is that right?
01:00 - I think so.
01:01 - How do you prepare your body for going
01:03 the fastest you will ever go in a race?
01:06 - It's just a lot of physical training.
01:09 I think people don't realize what we do
01:11 in terms of the physicality side of things.
01:14 We can lose up to 10 pounds in the race.
01:15 I remember racing in Austin or particularly like Malaysia,
01:19 you can lose up to 10 pounds in an hour and a half.
01:21 So it's just a lot of running, a lot of cardio.
01:24 We can't be big and bulky like an NFL player, for example.
01:27 The car won't go anywhere.
01:28 So, and then it's just cultivating a really positive
01:33 and focused mental attitude
01:34 because the amount of information you're taking in
01:37 at 200 miles an hour is--
01:40 - It's hairpin kind of decision making.
01:42 - Split second decisions, yeah,
01:44 that your life also depend on.
01:46 - Great.
01:47 - So, yeah.
01:48 - Okay, I do wanna ask you,
01:49 'cause we're here in Las Vegas for this incredible event,
01:51 but also the Formula One Grand Prix is gonna be here
01:54 for the first time since you've been alive.
01:56 - 30 years, yeah.
01:57 - Do you know what I mean?
01:58 Like this is unreal.
01:59 What does it feel like to be driving this track
02:03 through the streets of Las Vegas?
02:05 - I mean, I haven't done it yet,
02:06 but I mean, I'm super excited.
02:08 I think, you know, growing up, I've, you know,
02:11 growing up in England, you're watching all these movies
02:13 and you're seeing all these places in the States.
02:15 And like New York was always a dream for me
02:18 to go to New York.
02:18 I used to see all the taxi cabs and the buildings.
02:21 I remember going when I was 17
02:23 and my mom saved up, took me out there.
02:25 We had the best three days of our lives.
02:27 And then getting to come out and go to Austin, for example,
02:32 and see just the different cities
02:34 and the different vibes in these different cities.
02:36 And growing up watching "Casino," for example,
02:39 and now, you know, and I've--
02:41 - A little different this time.
02:42 - Yeah, like I've been out here and experienced "Casino,"
02:44 but like now I'm racing through,
02:46 I'm gonna be racing through the strip with all those lights.
02:47 It's gonna be, and there's only 20 of us that do it.
02:50 - Surreal.
02:51 - Out of eight billion people, whatever.
02:52 So it's crazy.
02:54 - Speaking of that, I wanna go back.
02:55 You cart racing at the age of eight, right?
02:58 What was that first win like for you?
03:01 Do you remember what it was like to,
03:02 that first opportunity, that first podium?
03:04 You were like, I think this is,
03:06 yeah, I think we're gonna do a lot more of this.
03:08 - Honestly, I don't remember the first podium that I had
03:12 or the first win I had.
03:12 I remember the first time I drove a go-kart and I was five.
03:16 And I remember, it was like three corners
03:21 and I got in and by the second lap,
03:25 I picked up this braking technique
03:27 that I used through my whole karting career.
03:29 And it's a part of the driving that I do today.
03:33 So I was meant to do what I'm doing.
03:35 - Yeah, I mean, anybody who can get in a kart
03:37 and pick up a braking technique.
03:40 - From the get-go.
03:41 - Yeah, you're probably doing the right thing.
03:42 'Cause I would've been like, where does the key go?
03:44 (laughs)
03:45 Which one goes fast?
03:46 This one or this one?
03:49 It's unreal.
03:49 - It is really cool to see.
03:52 And also, because your passion is so evident, right?
03:56 The way that you succeed,
04:00 the way that you bring your whole team with you
04:02 when you succeed,
04:03 the way that people, like the biggest celebs on the planet,
04:06 are inspired by you.
04:08 I was reading about the film that you're working on,
04:12 the first of its kind for the sport,
04:14 really capturing what it feels like to be behind the wheel
04:17 of one of these incredible pieces of art.
04:20 What does it feel like to know
04:22 that you're about to bring this to people
04:23 who've never experienced this sport before?
04:26 - Honestly, it's a real privilege.
04:29 And I always wanted to be a Formula One driver.
04:33 I never thought of the other things that would come along.
04:36 But over the years, you come up with new dreams
04:39 and it's such a great platform.
04:42 I'm thinking about like, hey, we're in the States,
04:43 we've got three Grand Prix's here.
04:44 How in Austin, I brought 60 young girls from Austin,
04:48 from different backgrounds who wanted to inspire them
04:52 to become engineers,
04:54 or there's opportunity in our industry to get into.
04:56 So we've really, having the platform and the opportunity
05:01 to be able to put a ladder down and help people come up,
05:06 shine a spotlight on great black creatives
05:09 and diverse creatives.
05:10 And for now, this movie, for example,
05:13 it's gonna be amazing.
05:15 - It's gonna be amazing.
05:16 - It's great to see more and more people
05:17 from different backgrounds are into this sport.
05:20 What I'm working on with this nonprofit organization
05:23 I started is trying to,
05:24 it's not been a diverse sport for a long, long time.
05:27 And so I'm trying to change that.
05:29 I'm trying to change that.
05:29 I'm trying to put the work in
05:31 and make sure that we create opportunities
05:33 for people to come through.
05:34 - Yeah, I mean, you are,
05:36 not only did you walk through the door,
05:37 but you held it open for other people
05:39 to walk through as well.
05:40 - Mission 44, our logo is a door that's staying open.
05:44 So you're right.
05:45 - Come on, man.
05:45 - We all have a responsibility to do that, right?
05:47 So, and that's, and then I get to race cars, which is--
05:51 - Come on.
05:52 And put Brad Pitt in his place.
05:54 You know what I'm saying?
05:55 (laughing)
05:56 Put Brad Pitt in his place.
05:57 - I'm dancing these two.
05:58 (laughing)
05:59 These two, it's been interesting seeing these two
06:01 drive on the track.
06:03 - Okay, what was it like to see them behind the wheel
06:06 for the first time?
06:07 Did you give them pointers?
06:08 Did you let them, were you in the ear?
06:10 How did they do?
06:11 - Well, I was, I went round track with Brad in LA.
06:15 We went out for a day and had some fun.
06:17 And I was really actually,
06:19 it was really interesting to see.
06:20 He's like a big racing fan.
06:21 He rides bikes.
06:23 So he already had--
06:25 - And we're not talking about bicycles.
06:26 - No, he already had the ability.
06:27 You could see he was, he just needed to hone in
06:29 on that fine tuning, 'cause he's not spent time racing
06:33 or anything like that.
06:34 So he picked it up real, real quick.
06:37 Damson took a little bit longer,
06:38 but he's also then started to get really good.
06:40 So it's interesting.
06:41 And I'm excited to see,
06:43 we've already seen a clip, like a little trailer.
06:45 It's looking amazing.
06:47 Joe is doing such a great job.
06:48 - Let me tell you, George Russell told me a little bit
06:51 about the movie.
06:52 - Oh, he did?
06:53 - Yeah, he took,
06:54 (laughing)
06:55 Oh, what'd he say?
06:57 Yeah, he told me he saw the trailer.
06:59 - Yeah, yeah.
07:00 We showed all the drivers in Austin.
07:02 - What was their response?
07:03 - I think they were all blown away.
07:05 I think they weren't really,
07:08 you know, when you're working in an industry or anywhere
07:11 where people are used to their ways,
07:14 sometimes it's a lot of work to convince people
07:17 to think out the box.
07:19 And so initially when we brought up this whole movie idea,
07:22 I'm sure there are people like,
07:24 American company, for example,
07:26 it's not been a part of the culture here.
07:28 Are they really gonna be able to capture it?
07:30 You have to encapsulate what Formula One
07:31 is truly about, right?
07:32 And that's like a UK company coming over
07:36 and doing an NFL movie.
07:38 You know what I mean?
07:39 Because basketball is not part of our group.
07:41 You know, when you're growing up, you're playing soccer.
07:43 - Right.
07:44 - But that's where I come in
07:45 and that's why I've been working with the team,
07:47 really making sure that it's a cool BS, basically,
07:50 on any crazy things that might happen in the racing scenes.
07:53 And, you know, make it authentic and exciting.
07:56 And I think we've been able to achieve that.
07:58 - It's incredible, man.
07:58 It's incredible.
07:59 I wanna talk to you before we move on,
08:01 real quick to a rapid fire round about Mission 44.
08:05 It's not lost on me that you have worked very diligently
08:09 to create opportunities for more people
08:13 to be a part of this sport,
08:14 more people to be a part of this industry,
08:16 more people to have a leg up in this experience
08:20 and have a similar experience that you had,
08:23 you know, for a love of something.
08:25 What is it like to see the faces of young people,
08:28 in particular people of color,
08:30 who this whole world has opened up to them
08:33 because you've said,
08:34 "I think there might be something here for you."
08:36 - Honestly, that's the thing that really keeps me going.
08:39 - Really? - You know, yeah.
08:40 - More than the races, more than the wins?
08:43 - Yeah, I think, I mean, racing's always been my passion,
08:46 but it's been a lonely road since I was a kid, you know?
08:48 My dad was the only one person of color
08:50 that was along with me.
08:52 And there were so many experiences that weren't comfortable.
08:57 And when I do now work, for example,
09:01 with Mercedes, a huge organization,
09:02 and when you're at the racetrack
09:03 and you're the only person of color in the meeting room,
09:05 you're looking around, you're like,
09:06 "How is that still the case
09:07 "in the world that we live today?"
09:09 And so, after the work that we started doing
09:12 with the Hamilton Commission,
09:13 and now the work we're doing with Mission 44,
09:15 and I see, for example, in Austin,
09:16 when we had those 60 young girls come,
09:19 or the year before, we also had the same thing,
09:21 or I was in Brazil and I brought another 60 kids,
09:24 or sorry, we brought 100 kids to the track.
09:26 And it's just, honestly, you get emotional,
09:30 and you're like, there's so much talent out there.
09:33 And all they need is to spark that interest.
09:37 And they can fly.
09:39 So, for me, that's the most important thing
09:42 that I've got to do.
09:43 The racing comes second.
09:45 That's, for me, I've also got to utilize
09:48 this platform that I have.
09:50 - Many people don't, though, and it's--
09:52 - On those certain topics.
09:54 And it's great to finally see that the work's
09:57 starting to actually have an effect.
09:59 - Paying off major, big time.
10:01 Brother, I love you for it, seriously.
10:03 - So this is called our Speed City Rapid Fire.
10:05 (imitates rapid fire)
10:09 They told me that you loved the sound effects,
10:11 so I thought I would, they said that you would love it.
10:14 I don't know, maybe not.
10:15 Favorite music to listen to in the car?
10:17 - In the car like this, yeah.
10:20 I know, I can't listen to music in the car.
10:22 - If you don't have AC in the car,
10:22 you probably don't have a MP3.
10:25 - Sometimes I wish I had music while I'm driving.
10:27 - What would you listen to?
10:29 - I'd probably be listening to Drake and J. Cole
10:32 or something like that.
10:34 - Not mad at it.
10:34 - Kendrick.
10:35 - Ah, not mad at it.
10:37 Okay, dream car.
10:39 You probably own it, but I don't know,
10:41 maybe you have another one out there
10:43 that you haven't been able to get a hold of quite yet.
10:46 - I do have my dream car.
10:47 - I know it, I mean, of course you do.
10:50 What is it?
10:50 - My dream car was when I was a kid growing up,
10:55 naturally crazy about cars, little toy cars.
10:59 And I would, so for Christmas or birthdays,
11:03 that's what I would be asking for.
11:04 That's like, I want a book on cars.
11:05 So I remember getting a book of the world's fastest cars
11:08 when I was like 19, so I was 10.
11:12 And on the front cover was this yellow McLaren F1 XP1,
11:17 which was the world's fastest car at the time.
11:22 And then--
11:23 - It looks like a rocket.
11:23 - Yeah, and I got signed to McLaren
11:26 around the same sort of time, I think it was,
11:28 or like three years later I got signed to McLaren
11:30 and I went to the factory and that car was right there.
11:32 - You were 13?
11:33 - I was 13 when I got signed to McLaren.
11:35 And I saw that car was right there
11:37 and I nearly passed out.
11:38 I was like, just a kid giggling, running around this thing.
11:42 And every day I'd go to the office, I would see that car.
11:45 And at the time I was like, I said to my boss,
11:48 what have I got to do to get that car?
11:50 I will literally sell my kidney.
11:51 Like, what do I gotta do?
11:53 - What do I gotta do?
11:54 You want a kidney?
11:56 13 years old, I love it.
11:57 - We both.
11:58 I was like,
11:59 so he's like, if you win three world titles,
12:03 you can have the car.
12:04 But we didn't win races, championships for a while.
12:08 So then I obviously joined this team
12:10 and I obviously that deal had gone.
12:13 I won seven now, but it wasn't for that team.
12:17 - I'm here to get my--
12:18 - I had to go and buy it.
12:18 So I bought--
12:20 - Did you get a discount for the family?
12:22 - No, no, it was a vintage, it's now a vintage car, so.
12:25 - Fire though.
12:27 - It's at home and I don't drive or anything,
12:29 but it's like a piece of art.
12:31 - Of course.
12:31 Oh my gosh, I love that story.
12:33 Okay, not afraid of speed, clearly.
12:36 But what are you afraid of?
12:38 - Spiders.
12:39 Man, my--
12:41 - Wait, what?
12:42 - Man, when I was four or five years old,
12:46 I'd seen all the horror movies,
12:48 'cause my sisters are 10 years older than me.
12:51 And they would be babysitting me
12:52 and they would be watching Freddy Krueger.
12:54 I'd seen all the Freddy Krueger movies
12:56 by the time I was five.
12:57 Jace, I could never sleep.
12:58 I was traumatized.
13:00 And then I watched Arachnophobia when I was five years old.
13:03 - But that's the one, with the (imitates spider)
13:06 with the little sound when it lands on you.
13:07 No way!
13:09 - That thing terrifies me still today.
13:11 - To this day.
13:11 - I need to get therapy, bro.
13:13 - I'm not mad at you, I get it, I get it.
13:16 When he's walking up the stairway
13:17 and they were coming down the stairs, it's like, ugh.
13:19 - I don't do spiders.
13:20 - It's the worst.
13:21 - I see that, I run.
13:21 - Same, I'm not mad at you.
13:23 - Okay, favorite passenger for you in the car.
13:27 Who's the person you love to ride with?
13:29 - Roscoe, my dog.
13:30 - Who is the worst passenger?
13:34 My mom, it's my mom.
13:37 Maybe not for you, I don't know if you've ever
13:38 ridden in the car with my mom, but mine is my mom.
13:41 - Worst passenger?
13:43 - Everything is terrifying to her.
13:45 - Probably one of my aunties.
13:48 My auntie Vanessa's, she'd just be talking the whole time.
13:52 Oh, turn here, turn here, slow down.
13:55 And I'm not even going fast, I'm below the speed limit.
13:57 - I don't know if you know, I do this for a living,
13:59 so I think you're good.
14:01 I'm actually dying to know the answer to this question,
14:05 my last one.
14:07 When they make the film about your life,
14:10 because it is an incredible story, truly,
14:14 has been already, and I know will just continue to be,
14:17 when they make the film about your life,
14:19 who would you like to see play one of you,
14:22 like one of the versions of you,
14:23 who would you like to see play you in the movie?
14:25 - I don't think he's been discovered yet.
14:27 - Is that right?
14:28 - Yeah.
14:29 - You're right, 'cause I haven't sent my audition tape.
14:32 I mean, think about it, think about it,
14:33 just think about it, just for a second,
14:35 just think about it.
14:36 - It could work.
14:41 - It could work.
14:41 - It could work.
14:42 - I'm just saying, I work on my accent.
14:44 - I think you have to go through that process.
14:46 - I got a car.
14:48 I audition.
14:49 (upbeat music)
14:52 (upbeat music)
14:55 (upbeat music)
14:58 (upbeat music)
15:00 (upbeat music)
