My Daddy Dearest: Full Episode 39 (Stream Together)

  • last year
Bong (Ogie Alcasid) was discovered alive, but his appearance was unfamiliar because the curse on him seemed to be still active, as he transformed into a lady and was given the name Sampaguita by the kid who saved him.
00:00 [music]
00:10 Duende, Tay! There's a duende inside the fish!
00:13 Thank you so much for saving me!
00:16 Why can't Winnie enter the mansion?
00:18 I made a force field that surrounds the whole mansion.
00:21 She can't return to our area.
00:23 Why didn't you tell the police the truth?
00:26 I was just trying to make Aunt Daphne's dream come true.
00:30 Instead of seeing Aunt Camila in jail.
00:34 Temporary restraining order?
00:36 It means you cannot get close to the child within 50 meters radius.
00:40 Who's Daisy's friend?
00:42 Who will save her from those villains?
00:45 [music]
00:59 [music]
01:22 Ready, get set, go!
01:25 Ouch!
01:29 What's the problem?
01:31 Why can't I enter the mansion?
01:36 Oh, why did she enter?
01:39 I didn't.
01:43 If she's the one who can enter,
01:47 then I'm the one who's not allowed.
01:50 Maybe that barrier is really for me.
01:53 Maybe my beloved Aunt Mika made that barrier.
01:57 Maybe I'm not welcome in our area anymore.
02:01 But it's okay.
02:04 I'm sure that Daisy is safe.
02:07 But how about my last pick, Dustin?
02:11 What about your dad?
02:13 Where is he?
02:15 Is he safe?
02:17 Sir, where are you going?
02:22 I'll just look at what we saw, sir.
02:25 Aren't you wondering what that is?
02:29 Yes, I am.
02:31 What's that animal inside?
02:34 Animal?
02:35 Maybe an alien.
02:37 Alien?
02:38 How can it be an alien?
02:39 It's not a real alien.
02:41 That's what you said about the Aduindes.
02:46 Wait.
02:47 Isn't the world already over?
02:51 We saw so many things.
02:55 What's that?
03:02 Who is that, dad?
03:05 Isn't that the alien in that tree?
03:09 Slowly.
03:15 Don't rush.
03:18 Wait.
03:19 There's still a step.
03:20 One, two.
03:24 Are you ready?
03:30 Ready?
03:32 Ta-da!
03:33 Look.
03:35 I thought you're going to bring me here.
03:38 I didn't know that the cart is here.
03:40 Why?
03:41 This is your favorite place, right?
03:43 You're always happy when you're here.
03:46 That's true, sir.
03:47 They're still here, dad and mommy.
03:52 You know what, Daisy?
03:55 We can't do anything.
03:57 I won't bring your dad back.
03:59 Okay?
04:00 We can't change the past.
04:03 But we have the power to change the future.
04:09 You can't always be like that.
04:11 You're always sad and crying.
04:15 Do you think your dad will be happy when he sees you?
04:20 He'll be sad, too.
04:22 That's why you should always smile.
04:25 So that your dad will be happy, too.
04:29 Okay?
04:32 How can that be an alien?
04:35 Look.
04:36 It has a beautiful face.
04:39 It's so cute.
04:42 Dad has a crush on a girl.
04:46 Crush?
04:47 How can I have a crush on an alien?
04:51 I don't mind if you have a crush on her.
04:54 Mom's been gone for a long time.
04:57 So, I approve that you'll find a new lover.
05:04 You talk like you know a lot about love.
05:08 You're still young.
05:11 Who is she?
05:15 And what is she doing here?
05:19 Who are you?
05:22 Where am I?
05:23 What did you do to me?
05:25 Huh?
05:30 What's the occasion?
05:31 Why did you bring me here?
05:34 I have a lot of things to do at the shop.
05:37 Relax.
05:39 I already talked to Jing.
05:40 She said that you can finish everything there.
05:44 So, why are we here?
05:48 You've been so stressed for quite a while now.
05:51 So, I thought of bringing you here to relieve your stress.
05:55 Thank you for the effort.
05:58 But, I'm more worried about Daisy.
06:02 Because, she really wants to go to this park.
06:06 Camila, I know that you love Daisy.
06:09 But, can't you put your worries aside?
06:13 Give yourself a break. Enjoy.
06:17 How can I enjoy?
06:22 I'm thinking that my niece is in the hands of a bad person.
06:27 I talked to the attorney.
06:29 I asked if there's a way to transfer Daisy's custody to me,
06:36 instead of Mercedes.
06:38 What did he say?
06:39 He said that I can.
06:40 He said that I need to have a strong evidence to be presented to the court.
06:46 Then, I can transfer the guardian status of Mercedes.
06:53 How can you do that?
06:55 You have a TRO.
06:56 If you approach Daisy, you'll be the one who'll be in danger.
06:59 Do you have a video cam?
07:02 I have one. Why?
07:03 Let's go.
07:10 Miss, wait.
07:12 Don't touch me. I'm sick.
07:13 Wait, calm down.
07:15 People might think that we're doing something to you.
07:18 Who are you?
07:21 I'm Val.
07:23 This is my only son, Junior.
07:25 We saw you here. We didn't know.
07:30 Don't worry, Miss.
07:32 We're not bad people.
07:37 What's your name?
07:45 I don't remember anything.
07:48 Dad, maybe she has amnesia.
07:57 Thank you so much for letting me borrow this.
08:01 Your dress really suits you.
08:04 If you want, you can wear it.
08:07 You don't have to wear anything.
08:10 I don't want to wear this.
08:12 You helped me a lot.
08:15 Where's your dad?
08:18 He went to the town to buy our food.
08:23 Because the last fish that dad caught has a dwindle inside.
08:30 What?
08:31 Don't understand that.
08:34 What should I call you?
08:38 I know.
08:41 While you're not remembering your real name,
08:45 I'll call you Miss Sampaguita.
08:50 Sampaguita?
08:52 Yes.
08:53 We saw you near the flower of Sampaguita.
09:00 So, that's why I'll call you that.
09:04 Sampaguita?
09:07 It sounds so good.
09:13 Camila, what are you doing here?
09:15 You can't be seen near here.
09:17 Why? I'm not inside the mansion.
09:20 And I'm far from Daisy.
09:23 Okay, where will you use that camera?
09:27 This?
09:28 I'll record Daisy.
09:32 I need to get evidence that she's being chased by her family.
09:36 That's a strong evidence to go to court.
09:39 I don't know about this Camila.
09:42 I'm not following your plan.
09:44 Is there any other way?
09:46 I don't know anything.
09:48 If you know something, just tell me.
09:51 I'm ready to do anything to save my niece.
09:58 Let's see if your plan will continue.
10:03 Sampaguita sounds good to me.
10:11 It sounds so good.
10:14 Sampaguita?
10:23 I'm from the precinct.
10:26 I asked if there's any report that a woman is missing.
10:29 What did they say?
10:33 They said there's no one.
10:34 But I asked them if there's anyone,
10:38 I told them I can find you here.
10:40 Thank you for your help.
10:44 It's so hard to do this.
10:47 I don't remember anything.
10:48 I feel like I don't know myself.
10:51 I'll do everything to find your real family.
10:56 And don't worry,
11:00 while you're here at home,
11:04 I'll save you.
11:06 Hey, it's your dad.
11:10 You're just a kid.
11:12 You're old.
11:13 Put this inside.
11:14 Put it there.
11:15 We need to go out later.
11:18 Where are you going?
11:21 We need to buy some stuff.
11:24 We need to go to Manila.
11:27 Dad,
11:28 let's bring Sampaguita to Manila.
11:32 If no one is looking for her here,
11:36 she might be from Manila.
11:40 Are these stories true?
11:47 A mother,
11:48 a demon,
11:49 saw a demon inside her fish.
11:53 Demon?
11:54 That's crazy.
11:57 A village in Cavite is talking about a haunted cocoon
12:02 that was found in the middle of the jungle.
12:04 It's said that this cocoon is the home of an alien
12:08 that landed in their place.
12:10 Shut up!
12:11 You're just being a nuisance.
12:14 Mom, mom, dad.
12:16 What is it, darling?
12:17 My friend said that
12:19 Aunt Daisy's house is outside again.
12:22 What?
12:24 Aunt Daisy's house?
12:27 What?
12:28 Is Leila there?
12:33 There's no one outside.
12:35 But, daddy,
12:37 my friend saw her.
12:39 She's hiding in the bushes.
12:43 Who's that friend of yours?
12:46 This one.
12:49 Oh, no.
12:50 Mom,
12:51 he's just worrying about Leila's imagination.
12:56 You thought that the pixie was real.
12:59 You showed it to me.
13:01 Son,
13:02 those pixie are not real.
13:04 They're just a fantasy.
13:06 Oh,
13:08 it's a fantasy.
13:10 [Screaming]
13:20 So,
13:21 do you believe that now?
13:25 No,
13:26 that's the last prize.
13:30 Aunt Sampaguita,
13:32 is this place familiar to you?
13:38 Think about it, sis.
13:41 You might know this.
13:42 I watched it on TV.
13:44 If a person is amnesiac,
13:46 they can help to bring back his memory.
13:50 If he saw something,
13:52 it's a place he used to go.
13:58 I don't remember anything.
14:00 I feel like
14:02 I've been here only now.
14:07 Does that mean
14:09 you've been here only now?
14:12 If you're rich,
14:15 maybe your family is rich.
14:20 Where are you, Daisy?
14:25 Camila, the coach is calling.
14:26 I'll answer this.
14:27 Okay.
14:34 Daisy,
14:36 I'm sorry for what I did.
14:40 Am I a bad aunt?
14:43 I want to ask you
14:45 to pray that Daphne really hurts you.
14:47 I know it's bad,
14:48 but I need to get it
14:50 so that I can save you.
14:58 I'm sorry.
15:12 I'm sorry.
15:16 I'm so sorry.
15:19 Oh my!
15:21 You're a bad aunt now, Daphne.
15:23 You're caught.
15:24 You're a bad aunt to the police.
15:25 You're a bad aunt to the police.
15:32 I took a video
15:34 because I want to compare
15:36 how they hurt my niece.
15:39 Here.
15:41 I'm here to show you
15:42 how they hurt Daisy.
15:43 I'm here.
15:44 Show it to the people
15:46 to see how much you're a liar.
15:49 I'm sorry.
15:56 Where is it?
15:58 It's just there.
16:01 Sir, you can see
16:02 how much this woman is a liar.
16:04 That's why you should put her in jail.
16:06 I used to let her go.
16:08 Now, I'll be in charge.
16:12 What? She's gone?
16:13 She's not here.
16:18 She's not here.
16:19 She's not here.
16:20 She's just there.
16:28 Do you want me to throw my hair
16:30 at you?
16:31 No, I don't.
16:32 I believe you.
16:34 But wait, Rina Ming.
16:36 What should we do with Camila?
16:38 The police can't see
16:40 Camila's video.
16:42 If that happens,
16:43 they'll catch Daisy
16:44 and my niece will be gone.
16:46 Don't worry.
16:48 My powers can handle that.
16:51 I believe you.
16:53 You won't have any more problems.
16:56 Daisy,
17:22 is your book complete?
17:24 Yes, it is.
17:25 I'm going to read it.
17:26 Huh?
17:27 Here, take this.
17:29 Put it in your pocket.
17:31 Thank you.
17:32 Here.
17:34 You're welcome.
17:36 Come here.
17:39 What did I tell you?
17:41 You should always smile.
17:44 When you're smiling,
17:45 the whole world smells you, D.
17:47 You're right.
17:48 Okay, be good.
17:54 Love you, Daddy.
17:55 Love you, baby.
18:11 Junior!
18:16 They're lucky.
18:18 They're able to study
18:19 in a good school.
18:22 Why don't you
18:24 study like your father?
18:26 He said
18:27 I'll be studying next year.
18:31 He needs someone
18:32 to help him with his business.
18:34 That's not possible.
18:38 Your father should not
18:39 make you work.
18:40 He should make you study.
18:43 That's okay with me.
18:45 We also need to save money.
18:48 So, when I get in,
18:50 I'll make sure
18:52 I study well
18:53 so that my father's expenses
18:55 won't be wasted.
18:58 Let's go.
18:59 My father is looking for us.
19:02 Wait a minute.
19:16 Where is he?
19:26 Do you have a problem?
19:28 My father left me.
19:31 What?
19:32 Maybe you left him with you.
19:34 No, I always carry him.
19:37 Maybe he's here somewhere.
19:40 I'll look for him outside.
19:42 Okay, but hurry up.
19:53 CJ, thank you.
19:55 You're so kind.
19:57 I'll pay you right away.
19:59 You should've thought about that.
20:01 You have more important things
20:03 to worry about.
20:05 The cases that Ms. Mercedes
20:07 filed against you
20:09 seem like she's determined
20:11 to put you in jail
20:12 so that she can keep you away from Daisy.
20:14 Maybe she shouldn't have allowed you
20:16 to go to Daisy's house.
20:19 Maybe she should've stopped you
20:21 before all of this happened.
20:23 CJ, don't blame yourself.
20:25 It's all my fault.
20:29 I did all of this.
20:31 But you know what?
20:32 I don't regret what I did.
20:35 Now, I'm more determined
20:37 to get Daisy
20:39 and her baby.
20:41 No one can stop me.
20:48 Oh no,
20:49 the owner left his wallet.
20:52 What should we do?
20:54 Let's give it to the police.
20:57 We need to go back to the market.
21:07 Excuse me,
21:09 have you seen a wallet?
21:14 A wallet?
21:25 Bong is not crazy.
21:27 There are pixies.
21:29 Bong's curse is true.
21:31 I have a dream about my personality.
21:34 What is it about?
21:35 I don't know.
21:37 Who is it?
21:38 I don't know.
21:39 They are so unlucky.
21:40 Their neighbor is a pixie.
21:42 Daisy will be here soon.
21:44 And her car doesn't have a force field.
21:46 This is my chance
21:47 to get into the mansion.
21:49 Is your family in your dream?
21:52 The question is,
21:53 where can we find them?
21:55 I have another clue in my dream.
21:57 The name of a place.
21:58 Camilla's Flower Farm?
22:01 I'm so happy.
22:02 I'm so happy.
22:03 I'm so happy.
22:04 I'm so happy.
