Space Cowboys Bande-annonce (EN)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:07 (cris de joie)
00:09 - Une fois, quatre des meilleurs pilotes
00:12 de l'air de l'Union Européenne
00:13 ont été traités pour voler dans l'espace.
00:16 - C'est là où on va!
00:17 - Et ils ont volé à la vitesse la plus rapide
00:20 au dessus du ciel.
00:22 - Ils étaient destinés à être les premiers.
00:24 - Mesdames et Messieurs,
00:25 je voudrais que vous rencontriez
00:27 les premiers Américains
00:28 à croiser dans l'espace.
00:30 - Mais notre pays avait d'autres plans.
00:33 (cris de joie)
00:35 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:40 - Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
00:42 Eleven days ago, atmospheric tracking determined
00:45 that Russian satellite ICON
00:47 will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere in 30 days.
00:50 - Now...
00:51 - The guidance system on this thing is a dinosaur.
00:53 - The only men for the job...
00:55 - Is there anyone still alive who can fix this thing?
00:57 - ...are the boys.
00:59 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02 - I can't fill up a space shuttle with geriatrics.
01:05 - The clock's ticking, Bob, and I'm only getting older.
01:08 - NASA wants to send us into space.
01:10 (rire)
01:11 - I told them I'd only do it
01:12 if the original team did the job.
01:14 - I'm gonna need to pray about this.
01:16 Why the hell not?
01:18 - You and your entire crew will have to meet
01:21 the exact physical requirements as any other astronaut here.
01:24 - No!
01:25 - These men are the pioneers of this business.
01:28 - My damn teeth are...
01:30 - Damn, Jerry.
01:32 - They were around when rockets were born.
01:35 - Stick to their protocol, will you, Hawks?
01:37 - No.
01:38 (explosion)
01:39 - Oh.
01:40 - Suck it, too.
01:42 (grunts)
01:43 - I have never met a kid who didn't dream
01:45 of being an astronaut when he grew up.
01:47 - You ever meet a kid that wouldn't grow up?
01:49 (explosion)
01:50 (roar)
01:51 - Thank you, God.
01:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:55 - Welcome to space, Frank.
01:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:00 - You'd get a load of this.
02:02 (whoosh)
02:03 - General, just what sort of modifications
02:05 have your people made here?
02:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:11 - I'm not getting this crew killed, you included.
02:13 - You miss, you're never gonna make it back to the ship.
02:16 - General, I thought this couldn't be hard.
02:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:22 - End of transmission.
02:24 Merci.
02:25 Merci à tous !