• last year
00:00:00 Drama
00:00:02 The following program can be watched by children up to 12 years old, only with the agreement or together with the parents or the family.
00:00:10 The program may contain scenes of physical or mental violence, minimum duration and intensity and licentious language.
00:00:17 Good morning! Look, this is breakfast. I prepared it especially for you.
00:00:22 Where can I find a Danut? A woman like me, a caring mother, a sensitive, smart, beautiful woman.
00:00:28 It's hard to find your soul in her.
00:00:30 You tried where you should.
00:00:32 Can I look at him every day and fall in love with my child?
00:00:34 So you're not doing a paternity test?
00:00:37 Stefania came into the bathroom and noticed that Maria has a scar on her back.
00:00:44 The test results force me to make a choice.
00:00:48 What if we don't find out who the father of the child is?
00:00:50 Do you want to say you agree to call a surrogate mother?
00:00:53 Let's try.
00:00:54 Ioana and I are a family and we will have a child, understand?
00:00:57 I can't leave the family.
00:00:59 Yes, Sergiu, what do you want with this guy?
00:01:01 I want you to put him on the doctor's pump, the one who's after Ioana.
00:01:04 Maybe we didn't synchronize. Maybe in another life.
00:01:08 I'm looking for those tickets you always get at the opera.
00:01:10 Why?
00:01:11 I want to surprise her, Maria.
00:01:13 Why are you doing this?
00:01:14 That's how I feel.
00:01:15 You're helping me, my career.
00:01:18 Andrei, what did you do?
00:01:19 Nothing, I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:01:21 This is what I'm talking about, my friend.
00:01:22 What did you do with Robert?
00:01:23 I just had to scare her. She told me he was going to the battle and she just defended him.
00:01:28 What if we organize a casting for a movie?
00:01:32 Hello, father-in-law.
00:01:35 I can't be your father-in-law anymore.
00:01:36 We're getting married.
00:01:38 I can't be with a man who thinks violence is the best solution.
00:01:42 Ioana, wait a minute. Where are you going?
00:01:43 I was stupid to think I could make a house with you.
00:01:46 Ioana, please.
00:01:47 I'm sorry.
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00:02:48 [phone ringing]
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00:02:57 Yes?
00:02:58 I thought you weren't going to answer.
00:03:01 I thought you were going to give up.
00:03:03 You just know me.
00:03:08 Andrei, why are you doing this?
00:03:10 Because...
00:03:13 I don't know.
00:03:14 I'd like to find the right words to express exactly why I'm doing this, but...
00:03:19 I really miss you, Ioana.
00:03:22 I'm sorry.
00:03:24 Andrei, I need you to be calm.
00:03:27 That's all.
00:03:28 Yes, but...
00:03:29 Please.
00:03:30 Please.
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00:03:43 [phone ringing]
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00:04:07 Problems in paradise?
00:04:10 What are you doing here?
00:04:13 Nothing.
00:04:14 I just wanted to help a friend in need.
00:04:18 I don't need your help, thank you.
00:04:22 Help?
00:04:23 Did you hear me? Help?
00:04:25 For whom?
00:04:27 And especially...
00:04:28 Why?
00:04:29 You need to help me.
00:04:32 Did you hear how she talks to us?
00:04:34 Yes, but I understand her.
00:04:36 What would I be if I were abandoned on the day of the wedding?
00:04:39 But I'm a serious girl.
00:05:01 What are you doing?
00:05:02 Hey!
00:05:04 What's wrong with you?
00:05:06 Nothing.
00:05:09 I was just thinking.
00:05:11 Yes.
00:05:13 I can see that.
00:05:15 What are you thinking about?
00:05:18 Fine.
00:05:20 Fine, if you don't want to tell me, don't.
00:05:23 I can't get used to the thought that...
00:05:30 that Lili is with...
00:05:32 Alin.
00:05:34 It's weird.
00:05:37 It's a relationship.
00:05:39 Yes.
00:05:43 It's true. I'm thinking about this all the time.
00:05:47 And I can't say I'm happy
00:05:50 that Alin and Lili are together here.
00:05:54 But...
00:05:58 People change, don't they?
00:06:00 Yes.
00:06:01 So suddenly?
00:06:03 Yes.
00:06:05 We both know that Alin...
00:06:09 She likes boys.
00:06:11 I have pictures proving that.
00:06:13 And people don't change their sexual orientation so easily.
00:06:18 Even if Lili is the kind of woman
00:06:24 that all men want.
00:06:26 Not even homosexuals.
00:06:28 So?
00:06:31 Do you have to make an obsession out of this?
00:06:34 Do you have to think about this day and night?
00:06:38 Or do you have to consume yourself?
00:06:40 Come on.
00:06:41 Let's go have breakfast.
00:06:44 Come on, come on.
00:06:46 Come on.
00:06:47 Fine, fine.
00:06:48 I'm probably thinking too much.
00:06:51 For too long.
00:06:52 Come on, come on, come on.
00:06:56 Fine, I'll go first.
00:06:57 No, wait.
00:06:58 I'll come.
00:06:59 Come on, don't worry.
00:07:02 I'll come right away.
00:07:04 I'll come.
00:07:05 If I say I'll come, I'll come.
00:07:08 Yes? Who is it?
00:07:13 It's me.
00:07:15 Dad.
00:07:17 Can I come in?
00:07:18 Yes.
00:07:24 What's my daughter doing?
00:07:26 What we were doing yesterday.
00:07:28 Nothing special.
00:07:29 Why are you crying?
00:07:32 What?
00:07:34 You know, the walls in this house are very thin.
00:07:40 And...
00:07:41 I can't pretend that I don't hear my daughter suffering.
00:07:47 So?
00:07:49 I have to go to the hospital tomorrow.
00:07:54 And it's the first time I'll hear her cry.
00:07:57 And I'll see her.
00:07:59 Go on.
00:08:01 And every time I imagined this moment,
00:08:07 there was someone there.
00:08:10 It was him who was holding my hand and laughing or crying with me.
00:08:16 When we first saw each other, my child.
00:08:19 And now there's no one.
00:08:23 I'm...
00:08:24 I'm alone, dad.
00:08:27 You're not alone.
00:08:30 My daughter.
00:08:32 I'm here.
00:08:36 And I'll always be with you.
00:08:40 You know what? We're going to the hospital together tomorrow morning.
00:08:46 Yes?
00:08:47 Listen to me carefully.
00:08:51 As long as I live,
00:08:54 you'll never be alone.
00:08:58 Come on.
00:09:11 I have to do this.
00:09:14 Hey.
00:09:19 Sorry.
00:09:20 Do you have a minute?
00:09:22 Why?
00:09:24 Because...
00:09:28 I'd like to talk a little about the incident with Mario.
00:09:32 I think you got it wrong.
00:09:34 And I think you need an explanation.
00:09:36 I don't see why I'd need an explanation.
00:09:40 Because I don't want you to think I'm different than I really am.
00:09:46 I know it was stupid of me, even though my intentions were good.
00:09:51 God, what am I saying?
00:09:53 The thing is...
00:09:56 Maria.
00:09:59 I'm not the most mature person you've ever met.
00:10:02 And it'll probably take some time for me to be the man I want to be.
00:10:08 But this was about my brother.
00:10:11 And he didn't want to get to where he got.
00:10:14 He talked to Mario just to scare him a little.
00:10:16 I insisted on this.
00:10:18 To talk to him just a little.
00:10:20 But Mario...
00:10:22 He understood things differently.
00:10:25 And that's why...
00:10:27 I know what I'm saying won't be enough to make you forgive me.
00:10:32 But I really want you to know that...
00:10:35 I like you.
00:10:39 As a man.
00:10:42 I mean, as a woman, but I don't want you to think I'm different.
00:10:46 But...
00:10:47 What?
00:10:49 Just...
00:10:50 What?
00:10:52 Did I say something funny?
00:10:54 It's nice.
00:10:56 It's okay.
00:10:58 It's enough.
00:11:00 You don't need to explain anything.
00:11:02 And we...
00:11:03 Are we okay?
00:11:05 Yes.
00:11:07 We're okay.
00:11:10 We're okay.
00:11:11 We're okay.
00:11:13 Thank you.
00:11:18 You're welcome.
00:11:19 So...
00:11:26 Capital infusion.
00:11:28 And this company...
00:11:30 ARI...
00:11:31 Will take all your debts.
00:11:35 It's a minimalist explanation, but...
00:11:37 Dad helped us.
00:11:39 He was the one who started it all.
00:11:41 It wasn't easy to convince him.
00:11:43 And Alin...
00:11:45 And Alin, if it wasn't for him, I'd be in a lot of trouble.
00:11:48 And goodbye, company.
00:11:49 But you, Lily...
00:11:50 What's your point?
00:11:53 Stefan...
00:11:55 What are you doing, servant?
00:11:58 What are you doing with my food?
00:12:00 Did I tell you I'm done?
00:12:02 Get out of my house.
00:12:05 Get out of this house.
00:12:06 Get out of my house.
00:12:08 Who's the servant?
00:12:09 You.
00:12:10 How dare you talk to my niece like that?
00:12:13 Where do you think you're going?
00:12:14 What century are you living in?
00:12:16 What world are you living in?
00:12:18 When did you ever see that we tolerate such things in this house?
00:12:21 Get out. Get out of my house.
00:12:23 Eva, I'm sorry.
00:12:24 Not Eva.
00:12:25 Not Eva.
00:12:27 Until she apologizes to my niece, she has nothing to look for in my house.
00:12:31 Is that clear?
00:12:36 Fine. I'm done eating.
00:12:39 I'm sorry.
00:12:40 It's okay, it's okay.
00:12:41 It's over.
00:12:42 Get down.
00:12:43 Please.
00:12:44 I'm so sorry.
00:12:51 It's okay.
00:12:54 It's not the first time I hear that.
00:12:56 Can I help you?
00:12:58 It's okay.
00:12:59 Please.
00:13:01 [footsteps]
00:13:03 [crying]
00:13:07 Hello?
00:13:14 What are you doing, Narciso, mom?
00:13:16 What can I do?
00:13:18 I'm coming to get my head and run away.
00:13:21 What happened?
00:13:22 Nothing, mom.
00:13:24 I'm a stupid cat.
00:13:26 I'm a dead cat.
00:13:28 [sighs]
00:13:29 Okay, I'll let you go, but...
00:13:31 Narciso, mom, don't forget about me, okay?
00:13:34 Please.
00:13:35 And whatever you're up to, whatever you're feeling, tell me, mom.
00:13:38 Come on.
00:13:39 I know how to solve everything.
00:13:41 Yes. Come on.
00:13:43 I love you, mom.
00:13:44 And listen, I'm going to say this.
00:13:46 Keep your head up, mom.
00:13:48 Because this isn't the best time of our lives, it's true.
00:13:52 But we'll know how to get up quickly.
00:13:56 I love you, mom.
00:13:58 Okay, mom.
00:13:59 We'll talk later.
00:14:01 Yes.
00:14:02 Come on.
00:14:03 I love you, mom.
00:14:04 I'll see you at the train.
00:14:06 Bye-bye.
00:14:07 Oh, God.
00:14:15 I'm going to let you go now, okay?
00:14:27 When you're ready tomorrow, I'll be ready too.
00:14:29 We'll go together, okay?
00:14:30 Okay.
00:14:31 That's how I want you.
00:14:32 You know you can't eat anything if you smile from time to time.
00:14:37 And it's good for the kid, too.
00:14:40 But if it's not a "lui" and it's a "ya"...
00:14:42 Whatever it is...
00:14:44 It's healthy.
00:14:46 Yes, that's what they say.
00:14:48 It's an expression.
00:14:49 And you, what are you doing?
00:14:51 You're doing...
00:14:52 Look, that's how I am.
00:14:54 You're doing...
00:14:55 [laughs]
00:14:57 This is full of expression.
00:15:02 What are you doing?
00:15:09 Huh?
00:15:10 Still sad?
00:15:12 Still thinking about him?
00:15:14 Mom, please, I can't talk about this.
00:15:16 Oh...
00:15:18 My beautiful daughter.
00:15:22 Listen to what your mother says.
00:15:26 To reach the light, you must first go through the darkness.
00:15:33 We're sorry.
00:15:37 It will be good, you'll see.
00:15:41 When?
00:15:43 When God wants it.
00:15:46 Come on, come on, raise your head.
00:15:48 Come on, smile.
00:15:50 Look at you.
00:15:52 You're so beautiful.
00:15:54 Come on.
00:15:56 Oh, young people, young people.
00:16:00 Sorry to bother you again.
00:16:17 Is it possible?
00:16:19 So formally, it's your house.
00:16:22 Of course it's possible.
00:16:23 Yes, I know, I just don't want to stress you out and I don't want you to think about anything else.
00:16:29 I was thinking that maybe you'd like a cold air.
00:16:33 Especially since you haven't left the house for almost a week.
00:16:35 At least I'd like a walk by the lake.
00:16:39 You invite me for a walk?
00:16:42 Maybe, yes.
00:16:44 Although I'd prefer a tea on the pontoon.
00:16:47 Of course, I'm not insisting.
00:16:50 You make the tea.
00:16:53 Okay.
00:16:54 Green, forest fruit?
00:16:56 Green.
00:16:58 Sugar, honey?
00:16:59 No, I don't drink sweetened tea.
00:17:02 Perfect.
00:17:03 Me neither.
00:17:04 Perfect.
00:17:05 Well, see you on the pontoon?
00:17:07 Yes, perfect, correct, yes.
00:17:08 Sorry.
00:17:14 Green, unsweetened.
00:17:16 Perfect.
00:17:27 What is it?
00:17:28 What is it?
00:17:32 You know, it can't be like this anymore.
00:17:35 The invoices tripled.
00:17:37 And only the two of us are paying.
00:17:40 I know she's my sister.
00:17:42 But we won't be in the same boat.
00:17:45 What are you saying?
00:17:46 They're the ones who are saying it.
00:17:49 You know, I'm going to do it.
00:17:51 I'm going to have a family council tomorrow and I'm going to tell them everything.
00:17:57 Yes, yes.
00:17:58 Family council.
00:17:59 It can't be like this anymore.
00:18:00 You'll see.
00:18:01 Yes, family council.
00:18:05 I had to hear that. Family council.
00:18:13 Good afternoon.
00:18:15 What do you want?
00:18:17 Leave the girl alone. She's barely calmed down.
00:18:20 I know I started this relationship with...
00:18:23 With Stangu.
00:18:24 But at the same time...
00:18:27 I'll be honest with you, I haven't loved anyone like I love her.
00:18:33 I can't live without her.
00:18:35 I can't.
00:18:38 And I can't leave her alone, especially now that I know how much she needs someone to be by her side.
00:18:43 And someone to help her get over the chaos in her mind and soul.
00:18:50 So please, let me be by her side.
00:18:53 And I promise you that I'll do anything to make her happy.
00:18:59 Look me in the eye.
00:19:02 If you and Robert ever treat my daughter like she's your object of attraction again, I'll destroy you.
00:19:12 I'll be petty, but when it comes to my family, I'll go all the way.
00:19:16 Do you understand?
00:19:20 Tomorrow, the first ultrasound is scheduled.
00:19:26 It would be nice to have my father there.
00:19:32 You don't know this from me, right?
00:19:34 Come on.
00:19:36 What is this?
00:19:47 Bobita!
00:19:49 What is this mess in our kitchen?
00:19:52 What is this?
00:19:53 It's dirty.
00:19:55 What do you want me to do, honey?
00:19:57 Seriously, now?
00:19:59 I'll be the girl in the house, you'll fight with everyone, you'll kick everyone out.
00:20:03 I won't do it anymore. I've been doing it for so long.
00:20:06 I do it, I take it off, I do it again. I won't do it and I don't want to do it anymore.
00:20:09 Stop it. Why are you so quiet?
00:20:12 I told you to do something.
00:20:13 Honey, please, I don't want to get into this. I have to go to the store now.
00:20:16 Tell me, do you want something?
00:20:17 But I'm afraid to say I want something.
00:20:21 I want, I don't know, some fruits.
00:20:23 Fine.
00:20:25 Listen, Bobita, I promise you that tomorrow I'll take care of having a girl in the house.
00:20:32 Thank you.
00:20:35 And when you leave, I'll come by to hug her a little bit.
00:20:42 As you wish.
00:20:44 Bye.
00:20:47 Ioana?
00:20:54 Yes?
00:20:55 You have someone here who wants to see you.
00:21:05 I'll leave you then.
00:21:08 Maybe you have something to discuss.
00:21:18 These are for you.
00:21:41 I'm sorry.
00:21:49 I couldn't resist a second without you, Esteva.
00:21:54 I don't have to say anything.
00:21:57 I didn't come to ask you anything. I came just to remind you that I'm here.
00:22:04 And I'll be with you, no matter what you do.
00:22:08 No matter if you hate me or if I'll be unbearable.
00:22:15 I'll be here.
00:22:18 Next to you.
00:22:21 You won't even feel me.
00:22:25 I promise.
00:22:30 It'll be fine.
00:22:33 I trust you.
00:22:51 Veronica?
00:22:54 Ah, Bobby!
00:22:56 What's wrong? Did something happen?
00:22:58 No, nothing happened. I'm just doing my job.
00:23:01 Why do you say that?
00:23:03 Well, that's it.
00:23:05 I've been thinking about my sister all day.
00:23:08 I'm waiting for her to give me a sign, for her to send me money.
00:23:11 It's like she's on earth. God, forgive me. I don't know what to say.
00:23:15 That's it. I'm doing my job.
00:23:17 And you, what, you want to work or what?
00:23:19 Well, yes. But who's going to hire me? Where am I going now?
00:23:23 To go to the garbage, just like that?
00:23:25 Just like that, from the bottom to the top? No.
00:23:27 Listen, why don't you talk to Diva?
00:23:30 She's looking for someone to help her with the chores.
00:23:33 Get out of here.
00:23:34 But you know she doesn't pay you well.
00:23:35 Get out of here. I'm a waitress at Diva's. God, forgive me.
00:23:38 I'd rather go to the garbage. Get out of here.
00:23:41 I don't know, I said I know.
00:23:44 Well, come on, that's it.
00:23:45 Hey, but I didn't say anything I shouldn't have, right?
00:23:48 Come on, it's fine.
00:23:49 Yeah? Fine. Come on.
00:23:52 Come on, Grisha.
00:23:54 Thank you anyway.
00:23:55 [music]
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00:24:20 [music]
00:24:25 [music]
00:24:30 Bon appetit.
00:24:31 Thank you.
00:24:33 [music]
00:24:38 You were right.
00:24:40 About what?
00:24:45 I think I like a little cold air.
00:24:51 And this view is wonderful.
00:24:56 Did you have something like that in Paris?
00:25:03 I wouldn't want to compare Paris
00:25:09 with this view of the Snagov's Sea.
00:25:14 Yeah, you're right.
00:25:19 Although I think they have something in common,
00:25:23 this view from here and Paris.
00:25:26 What is it?
00:25:28 I, every time,
00:25:37 when I come here, regardless of whether it's summer, autumn, winter,
00:25:42 I like to
00:25:46 sit and look at the sunset.
00:25:49 And that makes me miss Duka.
00:25:55 And to fall in love.
00:25:58 I think that
00:26:04 love and travels are hand in hand.
00:26:08 Am I wrong?
00:26:10 No, I think you're right.
00:26:14 You?
00:26:16 What do you think when you look at a sunset?
00:26:20 I don't know, at...
00:26:24 At longing.
00:26:27 The longing of someone who knows that he's waiting for me.
00:26:33 And that river in Somac.
00:26:39 To see it before and to hug me.
00:26:43 - It's so cliché. - No, it's not true.
00:26:51 Seriously, it's the most beautiful thing I've heard.
00:26:56 Can we talk, please?
00:26:59 If you're thinking of getting that capital infusion again,
00:27:04 better let me read this again.
00:27:06 No, about that, I'm not going to read it.
00:27:09 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:11 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:13 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:15 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:17 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:19 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:21 I'm not going to read it.
00:27:23 - Read it again. - No, about that, I wanted to talk.
00:27:27 No?
00:27:30 Even if it seems hard to believe,
00:27:37 I wanted to say that I'm sorry.
00:27:41 Don't look at me like that.
00:27:45 Despite the things I believe in, I have a conscience.
00:27:48 But I'm so curious, why did you...
00:27:51 start all this chaos?
00:27:55 What did you miss?
00:27:58 A father.
00:28:00 A father who believes in me.
00:28:06 And who shows me that belief, at least from time to time.
00:28:10 Who tells me I'm on the right path,
00:28:14 and that no matter what happens, he's by my side.
00:28:18 A father who doesn't forget he has three children.
00:28:23 Not one.
00:28:25 And yes, I'm talking about Andrei.
00:28:27 You always showed him what we all needed.
00:28:32 Support and love.
00:28:35 Is that clearer now?
00:28:38 I don't know what to say.
00:28:45 I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
00:28:51 And to get to the firm.
00:28:58 To be with me.
00:29:00 That's all.
00:29:02 Good.
00:29:07 Good.
00:29:12 I'll do everything I can.
00:29:15 Peace?
00:29:17 Peace.
00:29:24 Hello!
00:29:31 You know I came with peace.
00:29:35 Bravo, great. And I'm begging you to leave me alone.
00:29:40 I made a mistake, I exaggerated.
00:29:43 I admit, sometimes I get angry and say stupid things.
00:29:47 But...
00:29:49 Please, forgive me.
00:29:51 Okay, can you leave me alone now?
00:29:54 Okay.
00:29:56 By the way,
00:30:00 who's that girl who's hanging around here?
00:30:04 Maria?
00:30:06 Yes, yes.
00:30:07 Who is she? What's her deal?
00:30:10 So that's what they were, huh?
00:30:13 You thought you found this idiot
00:30:16 who tells you shit about everyone here?
00:30:19 Well, girl, I'm not your servant spy.
00:30:23 Listen, Danuta,
00:30:33 I hope these girls have something in mind.
00:30:35 Because, as far as beauty is concerned, it's okay.
00:30:38 Ah, I was careful.
00:30:41 I chose them all to have at least one degree.
00:30:45 At least one degree?
00:30:47 Yes.
00:30:48 What do you mean, at least one degree?
00:30:50 Do you want me to go to the extreme?
00:30:52 Do you want me to have some hair on my head?
00:30:55 Come on, girl.
00:31:03 Hey.
00:31:04 What's hidden?
00:31:06 What's hidden?
00:31:07 No.
00:31:08 What's hidden?
00:31:09 What?
00:31:10 What's hidden?
00:31:12 Ah, oranges.
00:31:13 Yes, oranges, yes.
00:31:14 No, no, no, no. After oranges.
00:31:16 Ah, these.
00:31:18 These are some photos.
00:31:22 With models from the new agency I'm collaborating with.
00:31:26 Yes.
00:31:27 And, look, I was consulting with Diva
00:31:29 because I have to choose one of these girls
00:31:32 for the next campaign, for a shampoo.
00:31:34 Yes, for a shampoo.
00:31:35 Yes, for a shampoo.
00:31:36 I thought of a shampoo.
00:31:38 Look, this one.
00:31:41 I thought she'd look good in it.
00:31:43 Anyway, I'd choose this one.
00:31:46 Listen, if he were to choose, what would you say?
00:31:51 Yes, yes, yes.
00:31:52 And she'd have beautiful hair.
00:31:53 If he were to choose, I'd say we should put her on the shortlist.
00:31:56 Yes, yes.
00:31:58 Hey, Bobita.
00:32:00 Where are you going?
00:32:01 Who's going to put those in the fridge?
00:32:04 What do you mean, who?
00:32:05 Well, who?
00:32:06 You.
00:32:07 Me?
00:32:09 I'm going to put them in the fridge?
00:32:12 Listen, I'm going to put those in the fridge.
00:32:14 Yes, I think he's still upset.
00:32:16 Let's see.
00:32:17 Irina Popescu.
00:32:20 I'm not waiting for you to call.
00:32:35 Well, I called because I forgot to thank you.
00:32:41 For?
00:32:43 For today.
00:32:46 I'm much calmer now.
00:32:49 I'm glad you say that.
00:32:52 Are you feeling okay?
00:32:54 Yes, I'm fine.
00:32:57 I'm just very sleepy.
00:32:59 Then close your eyes and let me hug you and caress you in your dreams.
00:33:06 I will.
00:33:09 Good night, Andrei.
00:33:12 Good night, Ioana.
00:33:15 I love you.
00:33:17 I love you too.
00:33:20 Listen.
00:33:31 Can I ask you something more personal?
00:33:35 Of course.
00:33:36 You don't have to answer me if you don't want to.
00:33:39 It depends.
00:33:41 What's your best memory?
00:33:45 It's not a hard question.
00:33:50 My last role.
00:33:53 Odette.
00:33:55 The Swan Lake.
00:33:59 I've been all over the world with this show.
00:34:03 And I danced in the biggest show cells.
00:34:07 I never thought I'd get to see them.
00:34:12 And yet...
00:34:15 I danced there.
00:34:17 In those cells full of thousands of spectators who applauded and screamed with enthusiasm.
00:34:28 Minutes in line after each show.
00:34:33 Sometimes...
00:34:36 I can't believe I've lived something like that in reality.
00:34:40 And...
00:34:44 On the night of the premiere...
00:34:47 I received the most beautiful bouquet of roses.
00:34:53 A hundred white roses.
00:34:59 It was so...
00:35:01 Beautiful.
00:35:03 Bright.
00:35:08 I was in the City of Lights.
00:35:13 Yes.
00:35:15 But that joy didn't last long.
00:35:20 And it got dark.
00:35:22 And the night has its beauties.
00:35:27 When it's dark, the light is better seen.
00:35:34 We're going home. I think it's getting late.
00:35:39 The Swan Lake.
00:35:43 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:35:48 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:35:52 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:35:57 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:00 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:05 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:10 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:15 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:20 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:25 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:30 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:35 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:40 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:45 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:50 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:36:55 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:00 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:05 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:10 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:15 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:20 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:25 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:30 I'm going to see the Swan Lake.
00:37:35 It's so clean here.
00:37:40 Do you remember when I went to see Elena for the first time?
00:37:45 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:37:50 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:37:55 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:00 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:05 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:10 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:15 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:20 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:25 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:30 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:35 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:40 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:45 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:50 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:38:55 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:00 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:05 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:10 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:15 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:20 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:25 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:30 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:35 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:40 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:45 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:50 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:39:55 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:00 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:05 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:10 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:15 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:20 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:25 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:30 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:35 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:40 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:45 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:50 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:40:55 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:00 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:05 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:10 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:15 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:20 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:25 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:30 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:35 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:40 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:45 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:50 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:41:55 I thought she wouldn't come back home.
00:42:00 I think if we keep quiet, we'll be able to catch a bee.
00:42:06 Did you catch it?
00:42:08 Julia, I don't think it's time for your nonsense.
00:42:13 Okay.
00:42:18 I don't want you to misunderstand me for what I'm about to say.
00:42:23 I don't want you to take it the wrong way, but we need to talk.
00:42:28 We need to talk.
00:42:33 These are just a few of the bills that me and Curelu pay.
00:42:38 These are just a few of the bills that me and Curelu pay.
00:42:43 I know there are a lot of people who use the utilities in this house,
00:42:48 I know there are a lot of people who use the utilities in this house,
00:42:53 and everyone has to think about it and contribute to it financially.
00:42:58 and everyone has to think about it and contribute to it financially.
00:43:03 Who said it shouldn't be like this?
00:43:06 You see, you took it personally and I didn't mean to say that.
00:43:10 That's not what I meant.
00:43:11 Why are you getting mad? We'll pay.
00:43:14 Everyone will pay their share. Everyone.
00:43:20 Because the Zamfir family doesn't ask for a deposit and doesn't stay in the house for a deposit.
00:43:25 And I'm going to go work as a maid because I'm not ashamed, let's be clear.
00:43:29 We'll pay.
00:43:34 Yes. Well done, Mom.
00:43:38 Anything else?
00:43:40 What else can we do to feel bad?
00:43:43 It was too beautiful this day for you to ruin it, right?
00:43:47 Okay.
00:43:52 Hey, Hamza, do you have anything to eat?
00:44:00 I'm starving.
00:44:01 I know where the kitchen is, look for something in the fridge.
00:44:03 Okay. See, I have a package.
00:44:05 Yeah, okay, take care.
00:44:06 Mario, this house is perfect, I swear.
00:44:09 I can already see you coming, there are a lot of guys dancing,
00:44:13 we take the camera, we put it on a wall, we film you entering the house,
00:44:17 you walk past the dancers, you're beautiful on one hand and you're beautiful on the other.
00:44:22 Do you have a lift?
00:44:24 We'll put you in the lift.
00:44:25 Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop. What video are you talking about?
00:44:29 What are you doing, Mario? Didn't you tell me?
00:44:30 I want to make a video from the new song "Casa aici", can you talk to Ștefan, please?
00:44:34 What video? Wait a minute, he took me too fast.
00:44:37 Listen, let me explain.
00:44:38 I'm going to make a new song and I want to make a great video, so he can see it, okay?
00:44:42 I need this house, I beg you, please, please, help me.
00:44:46 Help you?
00:44:47 Please, just like I asked you not to hit Robert.
00:44:50 See, I haven't forgotten you and I'm still upset.
00:44:52 I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, I'm sorry, but please, this is my chance.
00:44:57 Please, talk to Ștefan.
00:44:59 I'm sorry, I interrupted the negotiation, but can I know where the bathroom is?
00:45:01 My name is Natura.
00:45:02 You're the first on the left.
00:45:04 Please.
00:45:10 If you talk to her, I think...
00:45:12 I don't know, I'll see.
00:45:14 I'll think about it.
00:45:16 Bye.
00:45:17 Am I bothering you?
00:45:29 No, no, no, it's just that I was just thinking...
00:45:33 What are you doing?
00:45:35 I need help.
00:45:40 Well...
00:45:41 How can I help you?
00:45:45 Tell me what to do.
00:45:53 Well...
00:45:56 I haven't slept in a few days.
00:45:59 I don't eat.
00:46:01 I'm finishing this casting.
00:46:06 I dream that I forget the lines, that I'm speechless, that I don't make it on time.
00:46:12 I can't do it anymore.
00:46:13 Girl, is this really important to you?
00:46:19 Very important.
00:46:21 I promised myself that if I don't get this casting, I'll quit acting and do something else.
00:46:27 Well, what did I do to help you?
00:46:35 I don't know.
00:46:36 At least tell me it'll be okay.
00:46:41 My dear...
00:46:48 You should know that nothing in this world is more important than your soul.
00:47:00 And no one can make you happy if you don't want to be happy.
00:47:06 And then...
00:47:09 If you want something so bad in this world, you'll get it eventually.
00:47:17 You'll get it.
00:47:19 Just don't give up.
00:47:21 Go all the way.
00:47:23 I understand.
00:47:27 And...
00:47:28 And put your hand up and eat something.
00:47:31 Look at yourself, you're so skinny.
00:47:33 God, look at yourself, you're so skinny.
00:47:35 Look at yourself, you're on your knees.
00:47:37 Look at yourself.
00:47:39 Look at yourself, look at yourself.
00:47:43 You can sing on your own.
00:47:45 Thank you, Mom.
00:47:47 Live, my dear, live.
00:47:50 It'll be good for you.
00:47:52 [singing]
00:47:54 Bobby!
00:48:00 Are you waiting for someone?
00:48:03 Oh, you're not answering.
00:48:06 You're not answering.
00:48:07 Let it be, you'll see.
00:48:08 You're not answering.
00:48:10 What are you doing here?
00:48:16 Bobby, are you home?
00:48:17 Let's settle this.
00:48:18 I won't be doing yoga at my place.
00:48:20 Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:48:21 I didn't come for this.
00:48:23 Can I come in?
00:48:24 Yes, come in.
00:48:25 Come in.
00:48:26 But why did you come?
00:48:27 Yes.
00:48:31 Bobby told me you needed a woman in the house.
00:48:34 Yes.
00:48:35 And I came to ask if the offer is still valid.
00:48:39 You're asking this for yourself?
00:48:42 Yes.
00:48:43 Oh, yes?
00:48:46 Yes.
00:48:47 Interesting.
00:48:48 Mom, I didn't think you'd live this clip.
00:48:51 Maria Veorica Zanfir
00:48:53 is coming to be a woman in the house at the diva.
00:48:56 How could I refuse such an honor?
00:48:59 A coffee?
00:49:01 A tea?
00:49:02 Something?
00:49:03 Considering that you only drink tea when you're cold.
00:49:07 We'll stay for a coffee.
00:49:09 Right?
00:49:10 Let's have a coffee then.
00:49:12 Come in.
00:49:13 Come in, let's have a coffee.
00:49:17 Are you ready?
00:49:19 Ready.
00:49:22 Look at him.
00:49:35 He's calm.
00:49:37 He's a little man.
00:49:41 Do you want to hear his heart?
00:49:43 Yes, I do.
00:49:49 That's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.
00:50:02 I'm sorry.
00:50:06 It's okay.
00:50:07 It's okay.
00:50:08 It's okay.
00:50:09 It's really life.
00:50:13 Do you trust me?
00:50:25 Don't ever doubt that.
00:50:28 I'm sorry.
00:50:29 I'm sorry.
00:50:39 I'm sorry.
00:50:40 Who are you?
00:51:08 What a pleasant surprise.
00:51:10 I didn't expect such beauty.
00:51:13 Sorina, I'm glad to meet you.
00:51:16 You dance wonderfully.
00:51:19 I'm sorry, I forgot to give you this compliment, but...
00:51:32 I saw you at the party.
00:51:36 Last week.
00:51:38 Thank you.
00:51:41 Have you ever thought about starting a career in showbiz?
00:51:45 A woman like you would have to win.
00:51:49 After you.
00:51:52 Black swan.
00:52:03 Black swan.
00:52:05 What are we waiting for?
00:52:11 Have a little patience.
00:52:13 What are you doing here?
00:52:15 I called him and told him you trust me.
00:52:18 Ready?
00:52:20 Thank you, Ioana.
00:52:23 Thank you for making me miss the most beautiful moment of my life.
00:52:27 Thank you.
00:52:29 It seems you already chose a father for your child, right?
00:52:32 No, I didn't.
00:52:33 No?
00:52:34 No. Andrei offered to be with me.
00:52:36 I couldn't refuse.
00:52:38 Idiots.
00:52:39 I don't think I can keep him. I'm leaving.
00:52:42 No, Andrei, you promised something.
00:52:44 Please calm down
00:52:47 and start behaving like responsible men.
00:52:50 I called you because it's time to find out who the father of the child is.
00:52:55 All three of us have the duty to offer our child the best.
00:52:59 Even if the truth is not convenient for us.
00:53:02 So, what do you propose?
00:53:05 We're going to do a paternity test.
00:53:08 Now.
00:53:13 I want to eat what I like, even if I like it a lot.
00:53:18 I want to enjoy the family moments, even if it's after a day's work.
00:53:22 I want to smile and do what I like, even if I have a little problem.
00:53:26 In Dr. Maxx's pharmacies, we listen to people and give them what they want.
00:53:30 Because we put them first.
00:53:32 That's why we come with special prices.
00:53:34 Now, Dr. Maxx's Silimarine at only 9.99 lei.
00:53:37 This is its supplement. Read the brochure carefully.
00:53:40 Dr. Maxx's pharmacies. Dr. Maxx's prices.
00:53:45 The next day.
00:53:47 Emotions?
00:54:00 Not so good.
00:54:01 You just don't get through this every day.
00:54:04 Terrible.
00:54:05 I have a recruitment for a paternity test.
00:54:10 Who is the father?
00:54:11 I am the father.
00:54:13 Ah.
00:54:14 Make up your mind.
00:54:15 That's why we're doing the test.
00:54:16 Make up your mind who's going first.
00:54:18 Me.
00:54:19 So you don't have to argue with me.
00:54:20 Oh, God.
00:54:21 Can I go?
00:54:24 What's with you, bro?
00:54:30 I'm going to take him out of that window.
00:54:32 You're not taking anyone out of that window.
00:54:35 You'd better go and get some orange juice.
00:54:38 Or water.
00:54:39 You're hungry, Ioana?
00:54:40 Something to eat.
00:54:42 No, I'm not hungry.
00:54:43 I'm not going. I don't want to lose my job.
00:54:45 I've lost a lot of jobs lately.
00:54:48 Fine. I'm going.
00:54:50 Don't make her mad.
00:54:53 Don't make her mad.
00:54:56 I don't know what I'm doing to you.
00:54:57 To both of you.
00:54:58 To both of us.
00:54:59 You're both eating.
00:55:00 Mm-hmm.
00:55:01 To both of us.
00:55:02 See, Ioana?
00:55:03 People already see us as two.
00:55:06 The kid with two dads.
00:55:11 I don't understand why you're playing this game.
00:55:13 I'm not playing any game.
00:55:14 No? Then God will play the dice.
00:55:17 When Robert, when that idiot Andrei.
00:55:21 Robert.
00:55:22 We're doing this test so no one else gets the dice, okay?
00:55:25 You'll come back to me, Ioana.
00:55:28 Soon you'll come back to me.
00:55:31 We'll see.
00:55:36 I don't know how to explain it to you, but everything happened when I was writing the song.
00:55:40 I... I...
00:55:41 Did you see this house?
00:55:42 This is my sister.
00:55:43 And be careful. How would it be to see him on the screen,
00:55:46 standing here in a Polish bear costume?
00:55:48 "Die, die, die, die."
00:55:50 "Die, die, die."
00:55:51 And be careful.
00:55:52 If God helps you and you change the lyrics, you'll be hit in the face.
00:55:55 And if he's crying, he's the one who's going to be in trouble.
00:55:57 As long as Caterina wants me to die, I can't do anything tonight.
00:56:00 I'm going to die.
00:56:01 I'm going to die.
00:56:02 I'm going to die.
00:56:03 As long as Caterina wants me to die, I can't do anything tonight.
00:56:05 Marius, listen to me.
00:56:08 Mom, you're going to die if you're not you. You are.
00:56:12 You have to be the protagonist of the video.
00:56:15 Do you realize how it's going to look on the dance floor?
00:56:17 Yeah, right.
00:56:18 It'll be all on the dance floor, but I don't dance, so I'm sorry.
00:56:21 Wait a minute, so you can see that scene.
00:56:23 I'm not interested in your scene.
00:56:26 But what's wrong with this? It's not eaten, Marius.
00:56:30 Don't be a fool.
00:56:31 Don't be a fool. I want to make her famous and she...
00:56:34 Honey!
00:56:36 I'm not interested in your scene.
00:56:38 Forget it, honey.
00:56:40 You have a perfect eye.
00:56:43 I told you.
00:56:44 Perfect.
00:56:45 Wait a minute. If the girl doesn't want to, what are you going to do?
00:56:48 Let me think.
00:56:50 Any woman has her feelings at the beginning, so it's not all lost.
00:56:54 [Sighs]
00:56:57 [Groans]
00:57:11 Good evening, Mom.
00:57:12 Right.
00:57:13 I've been thinking.
00:57:14 [Groans]
00:57:15 I thought, if you want to welcome me,
00:57:22 you should know that I'm a housewife.
00:57:24 I've run a flower shop, I raised three kids, a house.
00:57:28 But a palace, not a house.
00:57:31 I'm upset about Leo.
00:57:34 He left without saying anything.
00:57:36 We were neighbors.
00:57:38 He left the country.
00:57:40 He went to make money, so we could put something on the table.
00:57:44 But I'm a housewife. I wash, I do the laundry, I cut trees.
00:57:48 I do whatever I want. I go around the yard, I do anything.
00:57:50 I have a lot of faith in your daughter.
00:57:52 And it's better this way.
00:57:54 We don't want a stranger in the house.
00:57:56 And it's good for us, too.
00:57:58 Thank you.
00:57:59 You know what I didn't understand?
00:58:01 Do you drink tea or coffee?
00:58:03 [Laughs]
00:58:05 If you drink tea when you're sick, I don't refuse coffee.
00:58:09 This coffee, right?
00:58:10 Well, that's why you're there.
00:58:12 Coffee, sugar.
00:58:14 Do you know how to make cappuccino?
00:58:18 No.
00:58:20 [Screams]
00:58:24 Mom!
00:58:25 Look at that, she's naked.
00:58:27 She ran away because she's dirty.
00:58:29 Hey, you're not even wearing any clothes.
00:58:32 I'll kick you out of here, can't you see?
00:58:35 I'm in your house?
00:58:37 Yes.
00:58:38 I do something in your house and in your property.
00:58:40 Let's show them who we really are.
00:58:42 In our house, on my property.
00:58:44 I don't want to.
00:58:45 I don't want to.
00:58:46 Leo, do something!
00:58:48 [Screams]
00:58:50 Get out of here!
00:58:52 [Screams]
00:58:54 Yes, I'll manage.
00:59:02 Your wife.
00:59:10 Thank you.
00:59:14 [Chuckles]
00:59:16 Are you okay?
00:59:23 Yes.
00:59:25 It's the most terrible day of my life.
00:59:29 It's a good thing Mom's not here.
00:59:31 She would've died of heartache.
00:59:32 Yes.
00:59:34 The truth is, no one knows how I got to this point.
00:59:38 Normally, this should be the happiest day of a couple's life.
00:59:43 Maybe it will be.
00:59:45 And maybe we need this to find some peace.
00:59:51 I will raise this child no matter who the father is.
00:59:54 Yes?
00:59:55 Good.
00:59:56 Well done.
00:59:58 Come on, Mom.
01:00:01 Hey, son.
01:00:08 Don't worry, I'm being respectful.
01:00:11 How can I put it in a simpler way for you?
01:00:14 I want to warn you that you're on the wrong path.
01:00:18 Why are you still so sure you'll raise this child no matter who the father is?
01:00:21 Are you thinking about what you're saying?
01:00:23 Calm down.
01:00:24 I'm very calm.
01:00:26 I'm very calm and I'm very good at handling situations.
01:00:30 I'm just saying this as a man, but also as a doctor.
01:00:37 This child of yours...
01:00:39 Her father has the right to raise her.
01:00:42 What you don't understand is that a child has to live in a family.
01:00:47 And a family is made up of two people who love each other.
01:00:49 What you don't understand is that Ioana is taking this paternity test
01:00:54 just to find out who the father of the child is.
01:00:58 Do you understand?
01:01:00 Because for her, it's extremely important.
01:01:03 Ioana...
01:01:05 I don't understand.
01:01:07 What's up?
01:01:16 What's up?
01:01:24 So...
01:01:27 I'm doing this for Leo and for Bobby.
01:01:32 It's a paternity test anyway.
01:01:35 Here's the contract. Do you know how to read it?
01:01:38 Yes, of course. I read it all the time.
01:01:41 - Really? - Yes.
01:01:43 Here, read it.
01:01:45 "You sign that you're moving into a house of a...
01:01:47 a baby."
01:01:48 "Extremely popular with the press."
01:01:51 "And you have a confidentiality clause there
01:01:55 that says you're not allowed to...
01:01:58 say anything about the house, what you saw, what you heard."
01:02:02 - Yes, yes. - "Absolutely nothing, no one."
01:02:05 "Not even your mommy."
01:02:07 "Mommy's dead."
01:02:10 "And one more thing."
01:02:13 "If something leaves the house,
01:02:16 you'll see it costs you 100,000 euros."
01:02:19 - How much? - 100,000.
01:02:21 That's too much.
01:02:23 - 100,000 euros? - Yes.
01:02:25 Where did I get this money?
01:02:29 If I had it, I wouldn't be here.
01:02:32 You should learn to be a bit more careful.
01:02:36 Never mind.
01:02:46 It's just a formality.
01:02:49 You know I'll give you 3,500 a month.
01:02:53 And you won't have to come every day.
01:02:56 Really?
01:02:59 Oh, God.
01:03:01 Hey, what happened?
01:03:06 I thought this video proposal was really cool.
01:03:10 I'm not interested in any cool proposal.
01:03:13 It's just a video, nothing more.
01:03:16 You'd be better off doing something during this time.
01:03:19 After the accident, I gave up on public life.
01:03:25 I gave up on Facebook, Instagram.
01:03:28 Social media doesn't exist for me anymore.
01:03:31 Are you serious?
01:03:34 Why?
01:03:37 I don't get it, Garcian.
01:03:39 You're young, you're beautiful.
01:03:41 You know how it is to ask your ex-colleagues what you're doing?
01:03:48 And you don't do anything?
01:03:53 I don't know how it is to see pictures from the premiere.
01:03:56 And you just stay at home.
01:03:59 I don't know how it is, but...
01:04:03 Now you want to live like this your whole life?
01:04:07 Yes.
01:04:08 For me, that world doesn't exist anymore.
01:04:11 I buried the accident in the evening.
01:04:16 I understand.
01:04:22 I didn't understand.
01:04:24 They don't exist for me anymore, and I don't exist for them.
01:04:30 I'll go to the four walls to find peace.
01:04:36 I'm sorry.
01:04:38 I'm sorry.
01:04:41 It's been five years since we've been together.
01:04:57 It's been five years since I left.
01:05:03 And it would be selfish of me...
01:05:06 to ask him after all this time...
01:05:10 to ask him...
01:05:13 to take it from the beginning.
01:05:17 What are you doing, girl? You're talking to yourself.
01:05:23 No, mom, I'm just repeating a text.
01:05:26 But...
01:05:28 It's been five years since I've been alone.
01:05:33 I mean, I'm sad.
01:05:35 What do you say, should I cry or is it too early?
01:05:41 Well...
01:05:43 I don't know what to say now.
01:05:47 I don't want to be rude, but...
01:05:51 I've seen a lot of movies in my life.
01:05:56 I've seen a lot of bad movies on TV.
01:05:59 And I was thinking that a beautiful girl like you...
01:06:03 should say something...
01:06:06 something that would touch a man's heart.
01:06:10 Well, that's what I want too, but...
01:06:12 I don't know how to do it.
01:06:15 Yes, I mean...
01:06:17 you should say something...
01:06:20 something that...
01:06:23 that people want to hear.
01:06:26 People have a hard time with it.
01:06:28 You should say something about happiness, about love.
01:06:31 Something beautiful.
01:06:33 You know?
01:06:34 - I mean... - Because they have a hard time with it.
01:06:36 Yes, yes, yes.
01:06:37 So, at first I was upset, and now I see the sun shining, and...
01:06:41 the love in my heart...
01:06:44 But I don't know what to... how to do it.
01:06:51 I know.
01:06:57 I know.
01:06:58 In a world full of darkness...
01:07:04 he and her share their destiny.
01:07:09 And they never give up on their hopes...
01:07:14 that they will live happily until they grow old.
01:07:19 - Oh, how beautiful. - That's it.
01:07:26 What's wrong, Mama Gelo? Why are you crying?
01:07:28 No, I'm not crying. I was just thinking...
01:07:31 I was thinking about my soul, because I feel bad about everything.
01:07:35 I'm alone in this world.
01:07:39 But you're not alone, Mama Gelo. You're with us.
01:07:42 My daughter, you should know that...
01:07:46 I've seen it in books.
01:07:49 You don't live in vain in this world.
01:07:54 You were born to make people happy.
01:07:57 You should have faith in yourself.
01:08:00 You should be lucky.
01:08:02 Just be careful not to let the white horse pass by you.
01:08:06 Because you know, the white horse will pass by you once in your life...
01:08:09 if you don't put the leash on it.
01:08:11 It's gone.
01:08:12 She said, "What a beautiful horse."
01:08:14 I said, "With love."
01:08:16 In a world full of darkness...
01:08:23 he and she will unite their destinies.
01:08:25 And they won't give up. They hope they'll live happily...
01:08:30 until they grow old.
01:08:34 - Ioana, are you okay? - Yes.
01:08:44 Here, drink this. It has a lot of vitamins. You need it.
01:08:48 Thank you.
01:08:50 - Let's go, honey. - Come on.
01:08:52 My dear...
01:08:54 After all, I don't care if you love each other.
01:09:00 It's your business.
01:09:02 But we need to know one thing.
01:09:05 If he's my child, I'll raise him alone.
01:09:09 And Mama can make a new life for herself, with whoever she wants.
01:09:14 Robert, this child grows up here.
01:09:16 I'll raise this child.
01:09:18 Yes.
01:09:19 He's here, and I'll raise him.
01:09:21 I choose who and how he'll grow up.
01:09:24 Yes, exactly.
01:09:25 And then I'll ask for custody, and we'll raise the child together.
01:09:29 Right?
01:09:30 We'll be with Mama and Dad, nice.
01:09:33 And we'll eat each other's lives until the child turns 18.
01:09:37 What do you say?
01:09:38 What can I say?
01:09:39 - Good. You're a man of nothing. - Shut up.
01:09:41 - Termina. - Okay, okay.
01:09:43 I said stop it.
01:09:45 You're like two kids playing in the school yard.
01:09:49 And a child's life is at stake.
01:09:52 Come on, Oana.
01:09:54 Come on.
01:09:55 I was waiting for you.
01:10:10 I can tell you didn't stay in Romania, my girl.
01:10:13 Everything's fine here.
01:10:15 My brother doesn't have a soul.
01:10:17 I'm sorry to say this, but unfortunately we can't help you.
01:10:22 In this house, no video will be filmed, and Maria won't dance.
01:10:27 Well, if that's her option, we'll withdraw.
01:10:33 How? We're leaving so soon? I like it here.
01:10:36 Yes, we have to film this video.
01:10:38 Please don't go, miss. Especially the woman.
01:10:41 I promise I'll never upset you again.
01:10:44 That's it, brother.
01:10:46 Bro, I'm sorry. You know I'm always there for you.
01:10:49 Now, it's impossible.
01:10:51 Come on, see you.
01:10:53 Come out on the terrace, I'll bring my clothes.
01:10:55 Okay, I'll wait for you.
01:10:57 Bye-bye.
01:11:00 Hey.
01:11:02 Bye-bye.
01:11:04 Hey, I feel sorry for you.
01:11:07 You're a little crazy after this.
01:11:10 It's not true.
01:11:12 Listen to me carefully.
01:11:14 Don't come to me when it's over.
01:11:17 You see, this hides something, and when you find out,
01:11:21 you'll be in trouble.
01:11:23 [♪♪♪]
01:11:25 [♪♪♪]
01:11:43 [♪♪♪]
01:11:45 Let's recap and see how we're doing.
01:11:56 Which one will say, "We're looking for a mother
01:11:59 who will have my qualities"?
01:12:02 Yes. Well, to be kind, to be healthy,
01:12:06 to be warm and friendly,
01:12:09 and, as my father used to say,
01:12:13 to be sensitive.
01:12:15 Sensitive, yes.
01:12:17 Do you want some?
01:12:19 Chocolate biscuits.
01:12:21 They're my favorites.
01:12:23 Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.
01:12:25 So I'm a good father, but where did you learn that?
01:12:29 I've been through life, young man.
01:12:31 I'm going to check something on the tablet, okay?
01:12:34 Okay.
01:12:35 I've been through life, and I'm very curious.
01:12:39 You're wonderful.
01:12:42 I knew it.
01:12:44 I'm a mother.
01:12:46 I gave birth to three children.
01:12:48 But I'm a mother-mother, not a mother-carrier.
01:12:52 Yes.
01:12:54 Can I ask you something?
01:12:56 Yes.
01:12:58 What is a mother-carrier?
01:13:00 I mean, what does she carry?
01:13:03 Well, the child.
01:13:05 The girl, more precisely.
01:13:07 She carries her for nine months,
01:13:09 and then she goes to her right-hand man.
01:13:12 Oh.
01:13:14 And what does she have to do as a mother?
01:13:18 Nothing.
01:13:20 Let me explain.
01:13:21 You know, there are women who can't have children
01:13:26 in their natural way.
01:13:28 Ah, like the man, to meet at the bed,
01:13:31 and then the woman comes.
01:13:33 Yes, like that.
01:13:35 And in modern medicine,
01:13:37 they take an egg from a woman...
01:13:39 Ah, the man's sperm, you know.
01:13:41 Exactly.
01:13:43 And in the lab, they combine them
01:13:47 and form an embryo.
01:13:50 And this embryo is implanted in a woman
01:13:53 who can have children in the end.
01:13:55 And she's a mother-carrier.
01:13:58 Ah. And she gives birth...
01:14:03 Yes. It's very simple.
01:14:06 It's simple, but...
01:14:08 the child is hers, or how does she keep the child?
01:14:11 Well, no...
01:14:13 - Danu? - Yes.
01:14:15 I think you're losing yourself in a lot of useless explanations,
01:14:18 while I see there are a lot of dishes in the sink.
01:14:21 Ah, yes, forgive me.
01:14:23 - I'll be right back. - Thank you for the cookies.
01:14:28 What?
01:14:30 Why didn't you explain it to Sogi?
01:14:33 Well, he brought me chocolate cookies.
01:14:35 Extraordinary. He brought you chocolate cookies.
01:14:37 - Very good. - Shh!
01:14:39 Come on.
01:14:41 What a beautiful man your father is.
01:14:52 If it wasn't for him, I don't think you'd have accepted to stay with me in Bamiaza.
01:14:56 I was hoping you'd understand.
01:14:59 I understand you both.
01:15:01 You and the child.
01:15:04 And speaking of which,
01:15:08 today, when I heard the first beatings of my heart...
01:15:12 I don't know, but...
01:15:15 I felt like it was mine.
01:15:18 Do you realize how I felt?
01:15:22 It's the first time I see him.
01:15:24 He's alive, he's alive, he's growing.
01:15:27 And he has the right to live for real.
01:15:30 That's why I called him.
01:15:33 Yes, yes, you did well.
01:15:36 Anyway, the test results will come in a week,
01:15:38 and then we'll know what we did.
01:15:41 It's not that easy.
01:15:44 Andrei, I'm very scared.
01:15:49 Hey, I'll be there for you no matter what.
01:15:54 You know Robert won't give up that easily.
01:15:57 And you think I'm scared of Robert?
01:16:00 Ioana, let's just enjoy this beautiful day.
01:16:07 I say so.
01:16:10 Let's enjoy that we met in this life,
01:16:14 and that we'll have a child.
01:16:17 I wish it were that simple.
01:16:23 I know a medicine that protects you
01:16:26 from all the evil in this world.
01:16:29 That's it.
01:16:33 Hey, did you hear anything from the bank?
01:16:50 Which bank?
01:16:53 What do you mean, which bank?
01:16:55 The bank!
01:16:57 The one that wants to take our house!
01:17:00 What's wrong?
01:17:03 No, tell me, if it's another misfortune,
01:17:06 at least we should be prepared.
01:17:08 Where have you been?
01:17:10 I saw my nephew.
01:17:13 Which nephew?
01:17:15 Well, I went to the ultrasound with Ioana.
01:17:18 You?
01:17:20 Since when do dads go to the ultrasound with their daughters?
01:17:25 Since their mothers keep on nagging them and they don't like it.
01:17:29 Look, that's what you and your daughter are like.
01:17:31 Both of you are selfish.
01:17:33 My daughter is upset and she's fighting alone with this situation
01:17:39 that doesn't seem to have an end.
01:17:43 And you're being attacked by the organs.
01:17:46 Organs?
01:17:48 But it wasn't normal.
01:17:49 It wasn't normal until you're not normal anymore.
01:17:53 Can't you see that no one understands you?
01:17:55 You brought your sister's son-in-law here,
01:17:57 I didn't say anything.
01:17:58 And now you're always nagging her.
01:18:00 "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."
01:18:02 You should know that this doesn't stay that way.
01:18:04 It really doesn't stay that way.
01:18:06 Where's my daughter?
01:18:08 Where's Ioana?
01:18:10 You went for a walk with Andrei, is that good?
01:18:13 You never thought about that.
01:18:16 Robert is the father of the child.
01:18:19 Good thing you know who the father of the child is before the medicine.
01:18:24 The doctor.
01:18:26 You're mad at me.
01:18:32 It's okay.
01:18:33 Kisses.
01:18:42 Never,
01:18:43 but never make me act like a character in front of my friends.
01:18:48 But what did I say?
01:18:49 What did you say?
01:18:50 100,000 euros, remember.
01:18:52 100,000 euros you'll pay until you die
01:18:55 if you ever say anything of what you heard in this house.
01:18:58 In this house you don't need to see anything,
01:19:00 you don't need to talk anything,
01:19:02 you don't need to realize anything,
01:19:03 you don't need to listen.
01:19:05 Never.
01:19:06 Do you understand? Never.
01:19:07 It was a curiosity, I asked, that's all.
01:19:09 You didn't have to ask anything.
01:19:10 If it wasn't for Leo, my good friend,
01:19:12 an elegant and fine man,
01:19:14 I would never have welcomed you in my house.
01:19:16 Never, do you understand?
01:19:18 Yes.
01:19:19 And what about my 500 euro plus?
01:19:23 This coat.
01:19:24 This coat makes 500 euros.
01:19:27 Think about it, how long are you going to work here, in this house?
01:19:31 If you break something,
01:19:33 you'll pay for it with your own money
01:19:35 and you'll work your whole life for it.
01:19:38 This coat
01:19:40 is washed
01:19:42 with a hand wash
01:19:44 or with a broom.
01:19:47 Do you understand?
01:19:48 Yes.
01:19:49 Since you've been pregnant, you seem more beautiful.
01:20:03 It's no use saying that pregnant women simply bloom.
01:20:08 I would like to never leave you again.
01:20:15 To let me take care of you.
01:20:17 To love you.
01:20:20 To give you flowers every morning.
01:20:24 Or to wake up, to hug you and not be afraid.
01:20:30 Look, Ioana,
01:20:33 since I met you,
01:20:35 since I fell in love with you,
01:20:38 I learned that love is...
01:20:41 it's a mystery.
01:20:43 It's a miracle.
01:20:46 I learned that love actually means freedom.
01:20:51 And that every day next to you is a lesson in trust.
01:20:56 On the one hand, I'm glad you left our world.
01:20:59 Because you chose to come back.
01:21:02 And now I'm convinced you'll never leave again.
01:21:06 Look,
01:21:08 if you trust me,
01:21:12 and if you understand that love also means freedom,
01:21:16 I'd like to never see you again until the test results come.
01:21:21 Why?
01:21:26 Because
01:21:28 it's much easier for me to be alone.
01:21:30 And seven days aren't an eternity.
01:21:34 But with him, you see?
01:21:40 Andrei, I asked for a transfer from the hospital.
01:21:43 No, of course not.
01:21:45 Be it.
01:21:48 Okay.
01:21:50 We'll do it however you want.
01:21:55 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
01:21:58 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
01:22:02 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
01:22:06 Look, I'm hiding in the corner
01:22:09 I'm holding my kiss, my longing for you
01:22:12 I caught you quickly, quickly, today
01:22:20 When we're together it means yesterday
01:22:22 When we're apart it means today
01:22:25 But you've only seen defects in me
01:22:32 You can't change someone if you do it only for yourself
01:22:36 You haven't seen when I'm going away
01:22:40 A girl who sees the perfect in you
01:22:44 A girl who will be lost in the crowd
01:22:47 And instead of her, now I'm telling you
01:22:51 I found someone else like me
01:22:56 It's imperfect
01:22:58 If minus with minus I make plus
01:23:01 The law of my love is defect plus defect
01:23:04 I found someone else like me
01:23:07 It's imperfect
01:23:09 If minus with minus I make plus
01:23:12 The law of my love is defect plus defect
01:23:16 Look, I'm freeing my finger
01:23:24 Eye after eye you're crying, but honestly
01:23:28 I'm not going to leave you
01:23:33 Street corners, through thousands of thoughts
01:23:36 Maybe I've read you in the wrong order
01:23:39 But you're deporting me
01:23:45 A girl who sees the perfect in you
01:23:48 A girl who will be lost in the crowd
01:23:51 And instead of her, now I'm telling you
01:23:57 I found someone else like me
01:24:00 It's imperfect
01:24:02 If minus with minus I make plus
01:24:05 The law of my love is defect plus defect
01:24:08 I found someone else like me
01:24:12 It's imperfect
01:24:14 If minus with minus I make plus
01:24:17 The law of my love is defect plus defect
01:24:20 Think about it if you can
01:24:26 They wear white weapons
01:24:29 We are transformed into hoaxes
01:24:32 Andrei
01:24:36 My soul hurts to see you so sad
01:24:41 So depressed
01:24:44 It's not possible, in a week you left the house
01:24:48 And this for a business meeting
01:24:52 Andrei, you have to decide to do something with your life
01:24:57 I know what I want to do with my life
01:25:00 I know I love Ioana, but...
01:25:02 If you love her, you have to show her
01:25:05 You have to do something for her, show her she's not alone
01:25:09 I told her she's not alone, but she doesn't want to be helped by anyone
01:25:12 Andrei, one thing is to tell someone you love them
01:25:16 And another is to show them
01:25:19 Ioana is a lonely woman
01:25:22 This is what I know from my experience as a woman
01:25:27 Do something for her
01:25:31 Do something for her
01:25:33 She doesn't leave me, mom
01:25:35 She doesn't leave me
01:25:37 Andrei
01:25:47 Please, get yourself in her situation
01:25:50 Think about it
01:25:53 And you'll see it's very hard, it's not easy
01:25:56 Ioana is a lonely woman
01:26:01 Helpless
01:26:03 Do something for her
01:26:07 Show her she's not alone, please
01:26:10 How?
01:26:15 Show her
01:26:18 She'll understand that whatever happens
01:26:21 You'll be there for her
01:26:26 With her
01:26:28 Come on, wake up
01:26:31 Come on, wake up
01:26:33 Today is the day of the results from the analysis
01:26:36 Come on
01:26:39 Yes?
01:26:41 God, you're so beautiful
01:26:57 Like a princess
01:26:59 But where are you going?
01:27:01 I'm going to that casting for the main role
01:27:04 I have some emotions
01:27:06 Me too
01:27:07 Dad, I've never had such emotions in my life
01:27:10 Do you want dad to come with you?
01:27:12 No, everyone is laughing at me
01:27:14 How can dad come with me to the casting?
01:27:17 But look, you can hold my hands tight
01:27:20 And I feel that this will do me a lot of good
01:27:24 Look, I'm holding your hands now
01:27:27 Because I trust you
01:27:29 You're the most beautiful actress in Romania
01:27:32 And even if you don't get this role
01:27:36 Dad will still love you
01:27:39 But I want to get it, dad, I want to get it
01:27:42 To help mom, to help you all
01:27:45 I'm scared to think what will happen to us when the house is evacuated
01:27:50 You didn't become an actress to pay for the house
01:27:53 I'm an economist
01:27:55 And I'll find a way out
01:27:58 You have to be the best for you
01:28:02 And for us
01:28:04 To make us proud of you
01:28:07 Dad loves you, my actress
01:28:11 I'm holding your hands
01:28:15 Thank you
01:28:16 I'm holding your hands
01:28:18 Hold them
01:28:19 So, this is it
01:28:26 So, you got engaged to that diva
01:28:30 The one who came to us in a swimsuit on the day of the flower
01:28:35 And she was crazy about Leo
01:28:37 And?
01:28:38 Mom, she's crazy
01:28:41 And?
01:28:42 You think I'm stupid?
01:28:46 I'm not stupid at all
01:28:48 No
01:28:49 What are you talking about?
01:28:51 I'm fine with her holding my hand
01:28:53 And being attached to me
01:28:55 I know what to do
01:28:56 Yes
01:28:57 Oh my God, what is this?
01:28:59 She has nothing in the fridge
01:29:01 A pie, a soup, a stew, a meatball, a vegetable, nothing
01:29:05 Nothing
01:29:06 What does she eat?
01:29:07 Leaves
01:29:08 Look
01:29:09 Broccoli, asparagus, chia seeds
01:29:14 Why does she make chia seeds?
01:29:17 That guy, that fat guy
01:29:22 He's just skin and bones
01:29:23 The one with Goga?
01:29:25 With yoga, mom
01:29:27 Yoga, he's like that, he's energetic, he's sunny, he's the moon, he's I don't know what
01:29:32 Listen, but what does he do?
01:29:36 Him?
01:29:37 Yes
01:29:38 He's walking around with your Maria
01:29:40 And she believes in "bearing mothers"
01:29:43 Bearing what?
01:29:45 Stupidity, mom
01:29:47 Mom, please, I'm begging you, I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart
01:29:51 Don't go crazy like this
01:29:54 What are you talking about?
01:29:55 You don't know what that saying says
01:29:57 Kiss a bottle and you get everything
01:29:59 What did I get? 35 million a month
01:30:02 3,500 darons?
01:30:05 Yes
01:30:06 That means you get more than my sister gives me
01:30:11 Because she's not a fan anymore, she's a magnet for fried fish
01:30:16 That's it, on the grill
01:30:17 Look at her face
01:30:19 What is this?
01:30:21 Look at this, 2,000 lei were made in one day
01:30:26 From desperate women
01:30:30 A lot of people don't even touch them
01:30:34 You're a smart guy, mom
01:30:39 You're a smart guy
01:30:42 You're a smart guy
01:30:43 You're a smart guy
01:30:44 Ioana
01:30:56 I'm here
01:30:59 And these are for you
01:31:05 For me? Why?
01:31:07 Why?
01:31:11 Because I've missed you
01:31:13 I know you told me you wanted to leave me alone, but a week has already passed
01:31:18 And the result will come out in a few hours
01:31:21 Yes, Andrei, but I missed you
01:31:24 Yes, but this wait is very hard
01:31:28 And I don't want to be alone
01:31:30 Let's go for a walk
01:31:34 Come on
01:31:37 Please
01:31:40 And we'll decide together what to do
01:31:42 Chocolate vanilla ice cream
01:31:54 That's exactly what I wanted to know
01:31:56 See, he says we're a good match
01:32:01 Aren't we a good match?
01:32:04 I'm a good match with a lot of people
01:32:07 I'm a humble guy, I don't show off
01:32:10 Hello?
01:32:18 Yes, girl
01:32:20 Yes, I'm on my way
01:32:25 Yes, it's very crowded, whatever you want
01:32:29 Yes, yes, yes, I'll be there now, ok?
01:32:32 I'll be there now
01:32:33 Stay there, I'll be there now, bye, bye, bye
01:32:37 Where are you going?
01:32:39 I wanted to invite you to a movie
01:32:41 Unfortunately, I repeat, unfortunately
01:32:45 I have to go now, but we'll go tomorrow, ok?
01:32:48 I had to pick someone up from the airport, I forgot
01:32:52 What? A boyfriend?
01:32:53 No, in the summer
01:32:55 Kisses, bye
01:32:57 Bye
01:32:58 Andrei, but we...
01:33:15 Ioana, please don't say anything
01:33:18 I brought you here because before I find out the test result
01:33:23 I want you to be my wife
01:33:27 I'm serious
01:33:29 And I won't ask you if you want to be my wife
01:33:33 Because I asked you before and I left you at the altar
01:33:35 Now you'll die with me
01:33:40 Because I don't accept, nor do I refuse
01:33:42 Excuse me, am I late?
01:33:49 It's ok, it's ok
01:33:52 Look, this is from us, for you, for your future wife, ok?
01:33:57 Thank you
01:33:58 Shall we go in?
01:33:59 Well, shall we go?
01:34:02 Let's go
01:34:07 Ok
01:34:09 Bye
01:34:10 I don't drink
01:34:21 I had a heart attack recently
01:34:24 Ok, as you wish
01:34:27 But we just came back from Paris and we're happier than ever
01:34:33 And you, dear, you're not going to ask us anything?
01:34:37 What did we do? How did we resolve this?
01:34:41 Because the company is moving forward
01:34:43 Isn't that right, my dear?
01:34:46 That's right, my dear
01:34:50 Let's put the books on the table, my dear
01:34:52 Let's do it
01:34:53 If it wasn't for Ticu to present us with an investment fund
01:34:58 Because now there is a serious investment fund
01:35:01 Which is willing to...
01:35:03 Make a capital infusion
01:35:05 We were dust
01:35:08 And now you're not dust anymore
01:35:11 No
01:35:12 Because the company came out of bankruptcy
01:35:15 And we're not dust anymore
01:35:17 Because the company came out of bankruptcy
01:35:19 And we're not dust anymore
01:35:23 Right?
01:35:25 Right, my little bear?
01:35:27 The bear feels
01:35:30 Let's put the books on the table
01:35:37 Yes, I'm glad you're happy
01:35:45 I can only wait to have a grandson
01:35:51 Us too
01:35:53 A grandson would make us all happy
01:35:59 I have to go out for a bit, but I'll be right back
01:36:04 I'm ready to start
01:36:14 Are you the witnesses?
01:36:16 Irina should be here
01:36:20 Irina knows about the wedding?
01:36:22 Yes, but only Irina
01:36:24 Can we wait a bit?
01:36:26 We have to start
01:36:28 No, we can't
01:36:29 Maria?
01:36:34 You can be the witness if you want
01:36:37 I don't know why you're so unprepared
01:36:44 It's just a formality, I sign and...
01:36:46 Yes, so you only need an ID card and that's it?
01:36:50 I can't take it anymore, I feel like I'm suffocating
01:36:59 I told you you wouldn't make it
01:37:01 I wish we could spend all day, one vote at a time
01:37:06 Even though we both know I'm playing with money
01:37:08 But what about the elephant's love?
01:37:13 She's doing it because she's crazy
01:37:15 Where are you? Can we meet?
01:37:18 Not today, I'm helping a friend
01:37:22 You're in too?
01:37:24 I said a friend, not a lover, calm down
01:37:30 What can I say?
01:37:33 Bye, I have to go, bye
01:37:37 Bye
01:37:38 I don't have it with me
01:37:49 Iris, I didn't know you were coming
01:37:58 Me neither
01:37:59 Iulia told me you're getting married
01:38:02 Is that all?
01:38:04 Where's Irina?
01:38:06 She's at the wedding, you'll see
01:38:08 Let's start from here
01:38:10 You're here to end the wedding
01:38:14 Because this wedding is to be ended in a legal way
01:38:17 You have to show your consent in a public way
01:38:21 Mr. Andrei Oprea, you're not married to anyone
01:38:24 Are you marrying Miss Ioana Popescu?
01:38:27 Yes
01:38:29 Miss Ioana Popescu, you're not married to anyone
01:38:35 Are you marrying Mr. Andrei Oprea?
01:38:38 Happy birthday, my love
01:39:02 Let's be happy, both of us
01:39:05 We'll become three together
01:39:08 You know how much I love you, right?
01:39:12 You know you're everything to me
01:39:14 You know I'd do anything for you
01:39:16 And this gift is just the prelude to the real gift
01:39:20 That's coming, my love
01:39:22 I don't know what's coming
01:39:24 We'll find a mother for our child
01:39:31 Danuta, let the wedding begin
01:39:34 Let it begin!
01:39:36 Happy birthday, my love!
01:39:39 Yes
01:39:48 Considering our agreement, free of charge
01:39:53 And the legal conditions being met
01:39:56 I declare you married
01:39:59 Congratulations!
01:40:01 Great!
01:40:02 Thank you very much
01:40:10 We'll call you
01:40:12 You had some great rehearsals
01:40:14 Good luck in the future
01:40:16 Next!
01:40:17 Come on, please
01:40:18 What a cutie!
01:40:20 I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back
01:40:22 What?
01:40:23 I told you, they're like the AAC team
01:40:38 What time is she supposed to tell us?
01:40:40 To have seen the result of the paternity test?
01:40:44 Or what?
01:40:45 What are you waiting for?
01:40:49 Okay, I'll tell you
01:40:50 Let the young couple enter!
01:40:53 Mom, Dad
01:41:03 I hope you believe me when I tell you
01:41:07 That what we did today is not crazy
01:41:09 Ioana is my soulmate
01:41:13 She's the woman I love
01:41:15 She's the woman I want to raise my children with
01:41:18 The woman I want to grow old with
01:41:20 And my love for her is so great
01:41:22 So deep
01:41:24 That today I decided to never live without her again
01:41:27 So we got married
01:41:30 And we did it just for us
01:41:34 We did it because we're both convinced
01:41:37 That we'll always be together
01:41:39 I hope from the bottom of my heart that you won't be upset
01:41:41 On the contrary, that you'll be with us with all your heart
01:41:47 With all your heart
01:41:49 So that it's in a good time
01:41:51 Thank you
01:41:55 Me too, me too
01:41:57 Bravo, bravo
01:42:01 I'm so happy
01:42:03 I'm the happiest
01:42:08 Oh, how sweet
01:42:10 Very nice
01:42:15 I'm sorry to bother you
01:42:17 But I was in a bit of a hurry with the wedding
01:42:20 The results came from the paternity test
01:42:26 The child she's carrying in her hand
01:42:32 Is my child
01:42:34 What?
01:42:36 My child
01:42:38 Please
01:42:40 The show never ends
01:42:42 Watch all episodes online on Antena Play
01:42:44 I think that's why I need to live simply
01:42:46 You don't want to cast this guy
01:42:48 Believe me, it's not for you
01:42:50 He'll hurt you a lot
01:42:52 Why? Do you think I'm not good enough?
01:42:54 Or talented enough?
01:42:56 Do you want to be a father for the child I have?
01:42:58 I don't want to be a father
01:43:00 I don't want to be a father
01:43:02 I don't want to be a father
01:43:04 I don't want to be a father
01:43:06 I don't want to be a father
01:43:08 Do you want to be a father for the child Ioana has?
01:43:10 Or do you want me to tell Ioana
01:43:12 Because I didn't choose you?
01:43:14 I thought you were a man
01:43:18 Wait and see what happens
01:43:20 I'm convinced that Maria would be very happy with you
01:43:22 I don't know if I want to
01:43:24 You and Diva are not normal
01:43:26 Let's solve this with Andrei
01:43:28 He said you'll take care of it
01:43:30 And I didn't take care of it?
01:43:32 What about me?
01:43:34 I'm sorry
01:43:36 I'm sorry
01:43:38 I'm sorry
01:43:40 I'm sorry
01:43:42 I'm sorry
01:43:44 I'm sorry
01:43:46 I'm sorry
01:43:48 I'm sorry
01:43:50 [BLANK_AUDIO]
