• 2 years ago
Watch the official “A Road Trip” clip from ABC’s medical drama series The Good Doctor, created by Park Jae Bum.

The Good Doctor Cast:

Freddie Highmore, Hill Harper, Christina Chang, Richard Schiff, Will Yun Lee, Fiona Gubelmann, Paige Spara, Noah Galvin and Bria Samoné Henderson

Stream The Good Doctor now on ABC!


00:00 You know, I remember every important thing that has ever happened to me based on what song I was listening to at the time.
00:08 I remember smells. Like our parking garage smells like fabric softener.
00:14 And when my brother died, it smelled like burnt food.
00:17 Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I had no idea.
00:21 How did he, um... If you don't mind me asking.
00:28 My father was mean. He killed my pet, so my brother and I, we ran away.
00:35 Then he fell off a train we were playing on, hit his head and died.
00:39 I never went back home. Dr. Glassman has watched out for me ever since.
00:48 Okay, so maybe he's not that much of a nebby jerk.
00:55 What are you smelling right now?
00:59 Pine trees.
01:02 I'm never gonna forget that when he told me about your brother and your dad, it smelled like pine trees.
01:10 But I don't want you to ever forget that right after he told me we were listening to...
01:16 Ouch, no, not... Remember that.
01:21 No, thank you.
01:23 There.
01:25 Oh, so good.
01:29 This is the one you will not forget. Do not forget this.
01:34 [music]
