Love Yourself, and the World Will Be Saved || Acharya Prashant (2019)

  • last year
00:00 When you kill, you do not kill a stone.
00:08 What does the word killing refer to?
00:16 Consciousness.
00:19 In some way the mosquito is like you.
00:23 If you love yourself, how can you kill the mosquito?
00:26 It's a strange logic, but this is it.
00:33 Liberation requires that you do not kill the ones who are like you.
00:40 Jesus pointed at it when he said, "Behave with the neighbor as you would behave with
00:48 yourself."
00:49 Why?
00:50 Because the neighbor is like you.
00:53 Just as the neighbor is like you, the goat or the bird too is like you.
01:11 The greater your circle of empathy is, the greater will be your empathy towards yourself.
01:22 It's almost as if it is your own empathy that spreads radially outwards in concentric circles.
01:34 The greater is the intensity of the source of empathy at the center, the greater is the
01:40 spread of empathy, then it starts encompassing more and more conscious beings.
01:50 In other words, the more deeply you want liberation for yourself, the more will be the domain
02:02 of conscious beings you would seek liberation for.
02:06 [Music]
