Dyche on Everton's 3-0 Utd loss

  • last year
Dyche on Everton's 3-0 Utd loss
00:00 First and foremost, how are you feeling after that?
00:21 I think it's a tough one to call because for a large part of the game we were very good,
00:27 particularly the first half. They get off to a worldy obviously, with a lifetime goal in a way.
00:37 They got the better end of the first 15 minutes but then I thought we re-gripped it well,
00:42 pressed better, broke their game up, made them end up kicking it long, which we wanted to press in that manner.
00:49 We created chances and we couldn't score a goal.
00:52 Inevitably that costs you in the end because second half obviously they get the penalty
00:57 and then it's tough going from there against the side, the informed side in the division.
01:01 Given the timing and the nature of their opening goal, it could have led to a big sense of deflation.
01:06 Were you actually quite pleased with how the players responded to it?
01:09 It took a little bit of time but like you say they created a lot of chances after that.
01:12 Yes, we've been speaking with the players for a long period now about the mentality through games,
01:17 the consistent mentality and pushing the boundaries of what we believe we can achieve.
01:23 A goal goes in and it's how you respond to it. I thought after the next seven or eight minutes
01:29 when they got a grip of the game right, because it calmed them down scoring such a good goal,
01:33 I thought we re-gripped it and we got on the front foot and like I said played some really good stuff
01:38 and opened them up. High chance count yet again but didn't score a goal.
01:43 I think that was a frustration in the first half but a lot of it was a good performance.
01:48 Overall it still remains a tough one to call today because a lot of what we were trying to do was delivered.
01:55 A worldy, tough decision and then a good finish from their lad and the game's got away from you.
02:01 What did you make of the penalty decision and what did you make of the team's response to that?
02:05 I just think the way this VR is, I know I'm a big fan but it's just all over the place.
02:09 I think we all know that. You keep staring at someone and you see there's so many contacts in a box now
02:16 but the way I look at it, you're never going to get it. We've got a covering defender.
02:20 Players nowadays play for these things and that's standard by the way but the game's got to work that out I think.
02:26 Then going on about VR generally for fans, I've said this recently when we had the Liverpool game,
02:32 the screen thing is a farce. Everyone's talking about speeding the game up
02:38 and they go over to the screen and we all know what the outcome is.
02:41 Good or bad decision, just get on with it. Just call it, get on with the decision and we'll all move on.
02:46 Why are they standing there staring in front of the screen? We all know what the outcome's going to be.
02:50 I can't remember, you might tell me different. I haven't seen a referee overturn one yet.
02:54 It's exactly what he's been told. He walks over, stands there for a minute and then gives exactly what he's been told.
02:58 So I don't understand it. If I was a fan I'd be frustrated by that.
03:02 Well I am a fan but you get what I mean.
03:04 What's your understanding of a clear and obvious error?
03:08 Yeah, seriously, I will be trying to speak to them and going, "Right, okay, what is it?"
03:12 Because we were told, as you know, the directive was we're going to give the referees more power.
03:16 The referee made a very strong decision and then of course the power's taken away and you go, "I have no clue."
03:22 So I think I'll just have to ring the powers that be and say, "Look, can you explain to me again,"
03:27 because I have asked, like all managers do, "Could you explain to me again what is an actual clear and obvious error
03:34 and why and all the rest of it?"
03:36 Do you ever get the chance to look back and think it should have been a penalty or not?
03:39 Like I said, you can debate them all you want because everyone will decide one way or the other.
03:43 For me, the idea of VAR, they look for contact and that's not the idea that it should be, in my opinion.
03:48 If the referee makes a solid decision like that, I thought it was meant to be that they give the referee the power
03:53 and then they take that away and they say, "Well, there was contact," and like I say, you can find contact in every box, in every decision.
04:00 It's a tough one to call. If it went against us, would I be disappointed? No, I'd probably go, "No, I can see why that wasn't given as a penalty."
04:09 What will you try and take away from this game, this performance, to help move forward going forward?
04:13 The mentality because it's going to be really, really important. We all know the recent news.
04:17 As in just in all the words that we can all use about it, it's currently a fact until the appeal,
04:23 so therefore the mentality has got to be right. We kept trying to get something from the game.
04:27 Of course, it's very difficult when the second and the third go in, but the mentality, we hit the bar, we kept trying to create chances.
04:34 The biggest positive to me, although it hasn't paid us back so many times at home this season, is the chance count.
04:39 The chance count is incredibly high again, but we've got to be clinical.
04:46 It's a tough one to call for me today because I think a lot of the performance was right.
04:49 Fans were terrific. They're having their own say in what's going on, but they were terrific
04:54 and I think that's going to be important as well. That connection with our fans is going to be really important going forward.
04:59 Hi, Sean. With the interruptions of VAR, is it losing the enjoyment of the game?
05:04 What's that?
05:07 The VAR getting involved?
05:09 I think from a fan's point of view, it's different for me because I'm doing a job, but from a fan's point of view,
05:14 they tell me it is. It's losing the flow of a game and all the rest of it.
05:19 I am actually a fan of it, but I just don't get all this looking at a screen thing.
05:23 The whole point is we're trusting them to make a decision. We're trusting the people in a room and the referee to make a decision.
05:28 Why do they have to go and stare at a screen when you all know the outcome?
05:31 I might have it wrong, but I haven't seen one that's turned around, I don't think.
05:34 Maybe I've got that wrong, but that's the way it seems to me.
05:37 I think it could be a lot quicker by just going, 'Right, this is a decision. Everyone gets on with it. Crack on.'
05:42 What solution would you try and offer to the public?
05:45 The one that I just said. Take away the screen and just go, 'Right, this is a decision. The referee's given the decision. End of.
05:51 Let's all move forward.' Not go and stand in front of the screen.
05:53 I don't know how long the referee stood in front of the screen for, but it felt like quite a long time to me
05:58 to give the decision that he'd been told in his ear is the decision.
06:01 I just don't see the point of it.
06:03 And just on the team, is there fear that they might...
06:05 I think it's all about micing them up as well. What's that all about?
06:08 All the referees are just going to the radar, surely, and just, you know, 'Have a great game. See you later.'
06:12 I don't really understand that either.
06:14 Is there fear that the team might slip into bad habits in conceding two or three goals when the heads...
06:21 No, no. One's a worldie. One's, I would say, I'd argue, a contentious penalty.
06:26 And then one's a good finish. So, no. You know, different goals, different reasons.
06:30 But they're not cutting us open. They're not causing loads of trouble.
06:32 I think they only had nine efforts at goal. Man United's side is top of the form chart.
06:36 So, I think that shows the defensive feel of the performance was still strong.
06:41 But a worldie, a decision goes against you for a penalty. We all know the stats and facts on penalties.
06:47 And then a good goal from their point of view and a loose one from us. But we're chasing the game at that stage.
06:51 Sean, how do you feel the players responded to the news of the last week or so?
06:57 Well, they only came back together two days before the game, obviously, because of internationals.
07:01 But we spoke with them. They were very, very clear-minded about, 'OK, it's currently anyway. It's done until we know more.'
07:10 So, therefore, we've got to focus on what we're doing, what we have been doing, because there's been some very good performances.
07:15 Got good points on the board before the ten points taken away. Good points on the board, especially in lieu of the last couple of seasons.
07:22 I said that only progress this season. There's clear signs of that. Now we've had a big knock. The whole club's had a big knock.
07:27 Get that part, move forward. This one as well. Dust ourselves down and get ready for the next one.
07:33 That's going to be the key mentality each game as it comes.
07:36 After the Palace game, I think the gap between Everton and the relegation zone was eight points.
07:41 And now it's almost flipped and I think the gap's now five points to Luton who are in that final safety position.
07:48 How much does the messaging need to change from you guys? How much has the messaging changed?
07:52 Because, obviously, the situation is vastly different and the team had previously been doing so well.
07:57 The messaging is just that, look, we can cry it in and we can moan about it and we can say it's unjust,
08:02 which I think we all think is and I think the whole of football, by the response, seems that everyone thinks it is.
08:07 But the fact of the fact is it's currently there, so therefore let's get on with it.
08:11 I'm not really one for crying it in. It's done, well, currently, until the appeal and let's see what happens with that.
08:17 But we can't guarantee that, of course. So we said to the players, the only thing we can guarantee is what's happening in this moment
08:22 and what we can do about it. So we've got to take on the challenge each week as it comes or bi-weekly as it comes.
08:28 And just on Beto, he wasn't in the squad today, can you tell us?
08:32 Someone fell on him in training, on his knee. It's not serious, but it just flared up a little bit and it was just a day before coming into the game.
08:40 So, it's a precaution.
08:42 Cheers, everyone.
08:49 Thank you very much.
