• 2 years ago
Title: Operation Seasoning

Plot: Zayto awakens from a long sleep to find the Cosmic Cruiser orbiting Earth, and the team has a plan: using a time-coordinated attack where Tarrick's spy disrupts for forcefield long enough for the two Megazords to enter the atmosphere and start destroying Squidrills worldwide, they can start releasing the imprisoned Ranger teams and fight back. Heckyl gifts Squillia a spa treatment for the day and offers to stay and cover her whilst she's away, but Omwhyzo prevents her from leaving. Heckyl then blows his cover and morphs into the Dino Charge Dark Ranger to lower the forcefield, but fails and is captured and imprisoned. Unaware the plan failed, the Cosmic Megazords are pulled in by Earths gravity and neutralized. All the Rangers bar Aiyon and Zayto are captured: Zayto sends the Zords back into the Morphin Grid for protection, but faints again as the two are rescued by the Resistance. Solon and Aiyon question him over his fainting: Zayto reveals he was resurrected by the Morphin Masters using a portion of their magic, which is what sustains him. But as he uses magic it is depleting fast, reluctantly admitting that when the last is gone he will die again and forcing the others to keep it secret. With a new plan to use Grid Battleforce's Transporters, Zayto uses magic to turn Solon giant as a distraction so Aiyon can teleport Squillia's Mega Squidrill, sending it crashing into the prison allowing the captured humans and Rangers, including Heckyl, to escape. Solon takes a fainted Zayto back to base to rest while the other Rangers summon their Zords and take out the remaining Squidrills. Tarrick kills Omwhyzo, while Billy and Heckyl capture Squillia.


