What People Close To Taylor Swift Really Think About Her _ HIGHLIGHTS

  • last year
What People Close To Taylor Swift Really Think About Her _ HIGHLIGHTS


00:00 Taylor Swift recently gave a reported $55 million in bonuses to people working on her
00:06 Eras tour.
00:07 Taylor Swift's employees expose what it's really like working for her.
00:12 When Taylor Swift released her music video for "The Man," she not only showcased her
00:22 acting skills, but also her ability to transform into a completely different person.
00:28 And that person was none other than Tyler Swift, her male alter ego.
00:35 But let's give credit where credit is due.
00:38 Behind every great transformation, there is a great makeup artist.
00:42 And for Taylor Swift's male transformation, that artist was Bill Corso.
00:46 Known for his work in blockbuster films and TV shows like Deadpool and American Horror
00:50 Story, Bill Corso definitely had the skills to bring Tyler Swift to life.
01:02 But what impressed everyone even more was how perfectly he captured Taylor's features
01:06 while also transforming her into a man.
01:09 But it wasn't just about makeup.
01:11 Taylor's transformation into Tyler also required hours of work and patience.
01:15 According to Corso, Taylor would sit still for 5 hours in the makeup chair for several
01:20 days in a row to achieve the perfect look.
01:23 And that's not all.
01:24 Taylor took her transformation one step further by hiring a movement coach to help her move
01:29 and act like a man in the music video.
01:35 Talk about dedication to her craft.
01:37 But let's be real, we shouldn't be surprised by Taylor's commitment and professionalism.
01:41 After all, she is known for putting her heart and soul into everything she does.
01:45 And when you put your whole heart and soul into something, that probably means you're
01:49 rising.
01:50 Simone De La Rue, also known as the personal trainer to the stars, has quite an impressive
01:55 clientele list.
01:57 From supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley to actress Anne Hathaway, her workout methods
02:01 are highly sought after by celebrities looking to maintain their toned physiques.
02:06 One famous name on that list is none other than Taylor Swift, known for her catchy songs
02:11 and iconic dance moves.
02:12 It comes as no surprise that the singer loves to get moving.
02:15 In fact, Simone once mentioned that Taylor's love for dancing is what makes her workouts
02:20 fun and enjoyable.
02:22 But she's also a personal trainer who knows how to keep her clients' secrets.
02:25 It wouldn't be surprising if part of her job description was to sign a non-disclosure
02:30 contract before working with Taylor.
02:33 And even then, it's highly unlikely that Simone De La Rue would share any personal
02:36 information about her clients.
02:38 But who knows, maybe one day we'll get a glimpse into the intense workouts that keep
02:41 Taylor in such great shape.
02:43 In the early days of her career, Taylor was known for her love of sparkles and princess-like
02:48 dresses.
02:49 But as she has grown up in the public eye, so has her sense of style.
02:53 She is no longer just a country sweetheart, but a fashion icon who takes risks and experiments
02:58 with different looks.
03:00 One brand that Taylor has been particularly fond of in recent years is Faith Connection.
03:04 The brand's designers have revealed that Taylor has not only reached out to them through
03:08 her team, but she has also made direct requests for specific pieces.
03:12 This just goes to show how much Taylor loves the brand and how comfortable she is in experimenting
03:16 with different styles.
03:18 Taylor Swift's style evolution over the past decade can be described as nothing short
03:23 of impressive.
03:24 Britney Spears has a girl crush on Taylor Swift because their first meeting, we took
03:29 a picture and she became.
03:30 Britney Spears reveals she has a girl crush on Taylor Swift.
03:36 Britney called Taylor the "most iconic pop woman of our generation" in an Instagram
03:40 post.
03:41 The "Women & Me" author shared photos of herself from 2003 and 2008 with a teenage
03:46 Swift.
03:52 This is way back when, but kinda cool, Spears 41 wrote.
03:55 "During my 'Oops' tour, I got a knock at my door.
03:57 My good friend at the time was the assistant to my manager who was trying to become a manager
04:01 himself.
04:02 He gave me a little bit of a knock and then he said, 'I have a girl named Taylor who
04:05 wants to come in and sing for you.'
04:06 I was like, 'Of course.'"
04:13 In a recent Instagram post, Britney paid tribute to Taylor as the "most iconic pop woman
04:18 of our generation."
04:19 Swift walks in and sings a beautiful song with her guitar.
04:22 I was like, "Wow, wow, she's unbelievable."
04:25 The caption reads, "We took a picture and she then became the most iconic pop woman
04:29 of our generation.
04:31 Kinda cool she plays stadiums and I prefer her videos over movies any day.
04:34 She's stunning.
04:35 Girl crush."
04:36 The photos show a sweet moment between the two as Taylor sings for Britney, who is more
04:47 than happy to welcome her into her world.
04:49 It's amazing to see how far they've both come since then, with Taylor being one of
04:53 the biggest names in music today and Britney still continuing to make chart-topping hits.
04:59 Who would've thought that these two talented women would become such great friends?
05:06 It just goes to show that anything is possible when you put your mind and heart into it.
05:10 And in this case, music has brought them together.
05:12 Spears' witty tone and admiration for Swift's talent and success shines through her post,
05:17 as she jokes about being visited by the teenage Swift during her tour.
05:20 It's heartwarming to see two successful women supporting each other and recognizing
05:24 each other's achievements.
05:25 The Toxic singer also shares her preference for Swift's music videos over movies, emphasizing
05:29 the power and impact of music in pop culture.
05:32 It's clear that Spears holds Swift in high regard, calling her the most iconic pop woman
05:36 of her generation and expressing her admiration for her stunning talent and beauty.
05:39 This exchange between two powerhouse artists highlights the importance of female solidarity
05:44 and lifting each other up in a male-dominated industry.
05:47 Both Spears and Swift have faced their own challenges and criticisms, but they continue
05:51 to inspire and support each other in their respective journeys.
05:54 We can all learn from this uplifting moment between the two talented women.
05:58 Let's support and celebrate each other's successes, just like Spears and Swift have
06:02 shown us.
06:03 After all, there's no limit to what we can achieve when we have each other's backs.
06:06 It's also worth noting how Britney acknowledged Taylor as the most iconic pop woman of her
06:10 generation.
06:11 Shows the mutual respect and admiration they have for each other.
06:14 Something we can all learn from in a world where women are often pitted against each
06:18 other.
06:19 So here's to Britney and Taylor, two amazing pop icons who continue to inspire us with
06:23 their music and friendship.
06:25 We love to see it.
06:34 Taylor Swift's employees expose what it's really like working for her, part two.
06:39 Taylor Swift, known for her catchy songs and epic music videos, has been the subject of
06:44 much scrutiny over the years.
06:50 From her relationships to her creative decisions, there always seems to be someone ready to
06:54 criticize every move she makes.
06:57 But one thing that often gets overlooked is Taylor's relationship with her dancers.
07:01 Her dancers are not just higher hands who show up for a paycheck.
07:04 They are a close-knit group of friends who have been with Taylor for years.
07:09 And this bond is evident in the way they perform on stage together.
07:17 Take Todrick Hill for example.
07:18 He's not only a dancer, but also a close friend of Taylor's.
07:22 When the music video for "Look What You Made Me Do" was released, many people accused
07:26 him of allowing Taylor to rip off Beyonce's iconic formation dance.
07:35 But Todrick was quick to defend their friendship, stating that the two have a mutual respect
07:39 for each other and that it was simply a coincidence.
07:41 In fact, many of Taylor's dancers have spoken out about how she has been there for them
07:45 during their tough times in their personal lives.
07:48 And when they're not on tour or rehearsing for a show, they often spend time together
07:51 as friends.
07:52 It's easy to judge someone based on rumors and speculation, but Taylor's relationship
07:56 with her dancers proves that she is not the distance and cold celebrity that many people
08:00 make her out to be.
08:02 She values their friendship and has created a supportive and loving community within her
08:07 team, something that goes far beyond just her music career.
08:10 Images can say more than 1,000 words.
08:13 When Taylor Swift won the Emmy in 2015, she knew she didn't do it alone, and her staff
08:17 played a significant role in this achievement.
08:20 The singers celebrated together with them, and some members of the crew posted pictures
08:24 with the award.
08:25 For example, Camila Marshall posted a picture with the caption "Just another day at the
08:29 office."
08:30 She's not the only one, and many members of the crew did the same.
08:33 It shows that Taylor might be demanding, but she also shares the good moments with them.
08:37 I mean let's be real, winning an Emmy is definitely not "just another day at the
08:41 office."
08:42 Unless your office is some kind of magical place where dreams come true and unicorns
08:46 roam freely.
08:47 In that case, I'm gonna need a job application.
08:50 Jokes aside, it's clear that Taylor Swift values her team and they play a crucial role
08:55 in her success.
08:56 They work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly, and their
09:00 hard work doesn't go unnoticed.
09:03 As they say, teamwork makes the dream work.
09:05 And it's not just about winning awards, but also putting on a show for her fans.
09:09 Taylor's concerts are known for their elaborate stage designs, amazing costumes, and flawless
09:14 performances, but none of that would be possible without the hard work and dedication of her
09:18 team.
09:19 So next time you see a picture of Taylor Swift with her staff, remember that they are much
09:22 more than just employees.
09:24 They are a family working together to create magic and bring joy to millions of fans around
09:28 the world.
09:29 Taylor Swift's super close team of hair stylists, makeup artists, and wardrobe staff
09:33 adores the star.
09:35 Jemma Meridian, who does Taylor's hair, often posts her client on Instagram praising
09:39 her for being a beautiful soul while also repping her own abilities as a stylist.
09:44 If they hated working for Taylor, wouldn't they simply keep quiet and collect the paycheck?
09:49 In August 2023 Forbes revealed that the singer gave more than $55 million to those who helped
09:54 her heiress tour show come to life.
09:56 And the 50 truck drivers of her tour reportedly got a $100,000 bonus each.
10:02 Say what you want about the star, but she seems to treat her employees well.
10:05 Now where can I sign up to be part of Taylor Swift's squad?
10:08 Not only do her team members get to travel the world on tour with her, but they also
10:11 get paid handsomely and treated like family.
10:14 I mean have you seen how she surprised her stylist with a brand new car for Christmas?
10:18 Talk about boss goals.
10:19 And it's not just her team that loves her.
10:21 Fans of Taylor Swift can't get enough of her either.
10:24 From singing along to every song at her concerts, to defending their queen on social media,
10:28 the Swifties are a loyal bunch.
