New Radnor residents share their hopes for pub restoration

  • last year
00:03 Well, I've lived here about six years.
00:28 I'm kind of a returner, because I was actually
00:30 brought up in Kington.
00:32 And when I wanted to return when I retired,
00:36 I just thought I already knew Radnor.
00:39 And I thought, oh, that's where I'd want to live.
00:41 It's a lovely village.
00:43 I don't really remember the Radnor Isles myself,
00:45 because I was fairly young when I was around here.
00:48 So I wasn't really a pub goer at the time.
00:50 But I've heard a lot of good things from other villagers.
00:58 I've lived in New Radnor for 17 years.
01:05 And when we moved in, there were two pubs.
01:08 And there was a shop.
01:09 And there was a post office.
01:11 And it was a really thriving village.
01:14 Unfortunately, now there is just our lovely shop and nothing
01:17 else.
01:18 So it will be lovely to see the Radnor Arms back open
01:22 and serving the community.
01:26 I have lived here 25 years in January.
01:39 We came to Radnor to take on the village shop, which was opposite
01:44 the pub in those days.
01:45 I have been here five years.
01:48 And we came here for the air, I think,
01:52 apart from anything else.
01:53 No, we just found our way here.
01:56 Great.
01:59 It was just a typical village pub.
02:02 Wonderful.
02:03 We lived in the shop opposite.
02:04 Friday night, we'd on our feet all week.
02:07 We could come over with a tray, get a takeaway,
02:10 stagger 10 steps across the road,
02:12 and collapse in front of the fire and eat our supper.
02:16 And it was just everything you want of a village pub, really.
02:18 Yeah.
02:22 There are lots of opportunities to make it a real community
02:25 hub again.
02:27 We used to have things like pony trekking.
02:31 And they'd stop here, saddle up-- no, no, unsaddle, unseat,
02:35 and go and use the pub.
02:37 And then on their way-- or I'm not
02:39 sure if they used to stay overnight sometimes as well
02:41 in the stables at the back.
02:44 So to see that sort of life in the village again,
02:46 cyclists, walkers.
02:51 [CHATTER]
02:55 Warm, friendly space, comfortable.
03:06 Somewhere you can get coffee, because I don't actually
03:08 drink very much.
03:09 And somewhere you can sort of just meet up with friends,
03:12 maybe have a quick meal somewhere.
03:14 Just somewhere to go.
03:17 The Radnor Arms was always the real locals' pub.
03:20 And Nigel, who was the landlord, did a really fantastic steak
03:25 and chips.
03:25 He did fantastic food.
03:27 It was always a good atmosphere.
03:29 And we really miss that, people being able to get together
03:32 over a pint.
03:37 So what we want from the pub is a proper local
03:47 with good food, good beer, good company,
03:51 and for it to be sustainable in as much as possible.
03:57 For me, the ability to A, pop in and have a nice pint,
04:11 that really sounds good.
04:13 And also, it is a place with an amazing sunset.
04:18 So that is going to be brilliant.
04:20 But also, there's so much excitement
04:22 about it being a kind of center, something
04:25 that people can come to chat about what
04:27 they want to do locally.
04:30 There's lots of participants already popping out
04:32 of the woodwork here and there.
04:34 Like I met a guy the other day who
04:35 was thinking of tying it into a walk, for example.
04:40 It's just great opportunity.
04:42 And I personally can't wait for this to get up and running.
