Kenny Pickett Talks First Game With New Steelers OC

  • last year
Kenny Pickett discusses his first game with the Pittsburgh Steelers new play caller and offensive coordinator.
00:00 - I think we came together as a unit,
00:01 you know, huge shout out to coach Falk and coach Sully.
00:06 You know, I think those guys had a great job
00:07 preparing us this week.
00:08 I think we did a great job of coming together
00:09 and staying together in a time of adversity,
00:11 coming on the road and getting a really big time
00:13 AFC North win that we needed.
00:15 So, you know, it feels good.
00:17 - It seemed like Pat was there all game,
00:18 right from the beginning.
00:19 Was that something you knew was going to be a thing
00:21 or was it just reacting to some settings?
00:23 - Yeah, you know, kind of just, you know,
00:24 playing off of what they were showing defensively,
00:26 felt like they, you know,
00:27 were showing a lot of middle field open,
00:28 you know, coverages where we need Pat to, you know,
00:31 step up and be big for us, which he was, you know,
00:34 had him in some one-on-one routes too to move the chains.
00:36 I think Pat, you know, had an unbelievable game,
00:37 really happy for him, you know,
00:39 battling back off an injury, a hamstring, which isn't easy.
00:42 So it's great to have 88 out there.
00:43 - Did the way the game was called feel different to you?
00:46 - You know, it's definitely different.
00:47 It's a new play caller.
00:48 So it's, you know, you kind of get used to the flow
00:50 of how he likes to call things.
00:51 And that's something that we're going to continue
00:53 to kind of iron out, you know,
00:55 but felt like every drive we were, you know,
00:56 having productive drives, moving the ball really well,
00:59 you know, some penalty things and a turnover that we wish,
01:02 you know, you want to take out, you know,
01:03 that would help us put more points up.
01:05 But overall, you know, happy with how those guys played.
01:08 Kind of flow of calls, like how Coach Sully
01:10 likes to call games and our communication
01:13 on the sidelines is great, which he's been there with,
01:14 you know, my right-hand man since I got here.
01:17 So the communication has always been great with Coach Sully.
01:19 And it's just, now that he has to call the plays,
01:20 it obviously it's just an adjustment,
01:22 but felt like we handled it really well.
01:24 - Do you think the change impacted the way you played
01:27 or anybody on your side?
01:28 - Oh, it's like I always preach, it's the team.
01:30 I think, I think it impacted our team
01:33 and the flow of the game.
01:35 Like I said, just a play caller and, you know,
01:37 instincts and where they go is different.
01:39 Each guy's different.
01:40 Each guy sees it and feels it differently.
01:42 So, you know, having those conversations
01:44 with Sully on the sideline
01:45 and knowing our plan of attack every drive
01:47 and how we're going to adjust to what they're showing
