Tropic Movie

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Tropic Movie Trailer HD - US Release Date: December 1, 2023
Starring: Louis Peres, Marta Nieto, Pablo Cobo
Director : Edouard Salier
Synopsis: Lázaro and Tristán (19), twin brothers and best friends, are training together for the Astronaut Academy entrance tests. One day, Tristán is contaminated with some mysterious residue which makes him monstrous physically and weakened mentally. This disaster forces Lázaro to let go of how he remembers his brother and learn to love him as he is now, in a world where there is no room for monsters.
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 the space force enters a new era and if we want to compete against the Chinese, the Russians, the Americans, the European Space Force must send its youngest astronauts possible.
00:13 So you have 4 hours for this first test.
00:16 Aren't you too sad that he is leaving for space?
00:21 No, we prayed at the academy, we'll see.
00:24 What do you do if you're not praying?
00:27 And I'm not leaving without you.
00:30 Tristan!
00:31 Help me!
00:34 The origin of the liquid is still under analysis.
00:42 We don't know where it comes from for now.
00:46 What is it then?
00:49 My brother.
00:51 The house of the sun.
00:53 Is it a trip to a decapitation?
00:55 They're going to intern you, do you understand that?
00:58 (screams)
00:59 Lazaro and Tristan have always been very friendly.
01:02 It seems obvious to us that this proximity is penalizing him today.
01:07 Maybe the only thing you're interested in is whether I'm going to finish this contest.
01:11 It's me.
01:14 You have to leave.
01:15 Are you afraid of me?
01:20 Or me?
01:27 We're not together.
01:28 (dramatic music)
01:30 (dramatic music)
01:32 (dramatic music)
01:33 (dramatic music)
01:35 (dramatic music)
01:37 (dramatic music)
01:40 (dramatic music)
01:41 (dramatic music)
01:46 (dramatic music)