• 2 years ago
SOUTH PARK SNOW DAY Gameplay Trailer
00:00 [XBOX SOUND]
00:02 Hey, you ready to come play another game?
00:05 Okay, new kid, we have all new rules this time.
00:08 Now you can play alone or with three of your closest friends.
00:11 Unless you don't have any friends, then you can just join matchmaking and play with randos.
00:14 Now listen, Cloud has information that the elves are preparing to launch a massive attack on our kingdom.
00:20 They've been spotted advancing their forces near Stark's Pond.
00:23 We have to take them out before they kill us out.
00:25 Good luck!
00:27 Yeah, get 'em, new kid!
00:30 They're attacking into a swarm. Show no mercy, new kid!
00:34 You can't keep running into arrows and stay alive, dumbass.
00:37 Okay, very nice, guys.
00:45 I know you're hiding something, pal. And we're gonna find out what it is.
00:48 Weapons are nice, new kid, but this game's also about using cogs.
00:51 You got Fart Escape, a blast from the ass. Try it out!
00:56 You've been using that Fart Escape a lot, so be careful with your cogs.
00:59 Hey, Player Two, you died again.
01:02 Well, you're just the best little healer, aren't you?
01:05 You're making a mistake, Cartman.
01:08 Are you denying that you were gearing up your entire army to attack our fucking base?
01:12 Says who? Says Clyde! And do you always trust what Clyde says?
01:16 Hell no, Clyde's a total dumbass!
01:19 You're all acting crazy.
01:22 Got weapons here.
01:23 It's the apocalypse!
01:24 Prepare to die!
01:25 Kick that fucking ass ass!
01:26 Good luck trying to ruin this game. I'm sure you'll manage.
01:32 [XBOX SOUND]