Court métrageTranscription
00:00 -Sometimes when I play with Eli, he wants to be the princess and I'm the prince.
00:04 -Oh, that's okay. Your daddy always wanted to be the princess too.
00:07 -Hello. Who doesn't want to be Cinderella?
00:09 -Were you excited when I was born?
00:13 -Of course I was. It was the best day of my life.
00:17 -Hi! How are you? Sorry.
00:20 -Let's eat. I'm starving.
00:21 -Okay.
00:22 -Darling.
00:23 -Hey, sweetie. You had a bad dream?
00:27 -He's not gonna learn to sleep on his own if you keep letting him into our bed.
00:30 -He needs our comfort right now. He's eight!
00:33 -I really hate it when you argue with me in front of our friends.
00:36 -Is that what this is about?
00:38 -No.
00:39 -I don't feel like we're partners in this.
00:42 -You haven't for a long time.
00:44 -You're here!
00:51 -Look at you! You have grown a foot since I've seen you.
00:54 -Where's Uncle Gabriel?
00:56 -Papa isn't here because Daddy and him are being divorced.
00:59 -What?
00:59 -It must be hard fighting for the right to marry and then ending up in a divorce like everyone else.
01:03 -I thought we were gonna grow old and die together.
01:10 -When Owen was born, Gabriel fell in love with him.
01:16 And you fell by the wayside.
01:18 If it hadn't been so sweet, it would have been tragic.
01:21 And now it is tragic.
01:22 -Oh my God! Why do you always do that?
01:25 -What? I thought you wanted me to be honest.
01:26 -No! Actually, I don't.
01:28 -The court often prefers that a child have one primary residence.
01:34 -Are you saying Gabriel wants primary custody?
01:36 -He is my biological child!
01:37 -The law in this state considers both of you to be Owen's parents.
01:40 -Having custody will be a lot of work.
01:44 -You have to feed him and do parenting things.
01:47 -I do parenting things all the time!
01:49 -Time to get up! Come on!
01:51 -You don't have a relationship with him!
01:52 -Why are you doing this?
01:53 -You're destroying everything that we built together!
01:56 -You think this is what it means to be a father?
01:58 I can't even talk to you anymore!
02:00 -Do it! There's nothing to say.
02:02 -I can't face work.
02:05 -What do you say we do something fun?
02:07 -I love Owen more than anything.
02:12 -Hey buddy! I missed you!
02:14 -I know you wanna control everything.
02:17 -But is this fighting worth the trouble?
02:19 -I'm not sure of anything anymore.
02:21 -If you're there for me, believe me, I will be there too.
02:26 -Of course, dad didn't come with you.
02:30 -He had the nerve to ask me who was the mother and who was the father.
02:33 -I should be happy he didn't ask me who was the man and who was the woman during sex.
02:37 -He asked me that.
02:38 -What?!
02:39 [Générique]