Tales of the Unexpected. S09 E04. The Verger.

  • 8 months ago
First broadcast 22nd January 1988.

Albert Dobson is a very good verger who has served the church for years.

Richard Briers ... Albert Dobson
Patricia Routledge ... Milly Dobson
Andrew Burt ... The Vicar
Rowland Davies ... The Bank Manager
Geoffrey Chater ... The Magistrate
Bruce Boa ... Mr. Groober
Bradley Lavelle ... The Lawyer
Geoffrey Beevers ... The Health Inspector
Andrew Seear ... Man in Teashop
Debbie Norris ... First Waitress
Glenda Smith ... Second Waitress
Garth Walker ... Café Owner
Mike Carnell ... Passerby
Tony Kassell ... Schoolboy
