Cannabis During Pregnancy Triggers Complications

  • 7 months ago

Pregnant women using cannabis in any form face higher risk of a preterm birth, a baby with a low birth weight, and the need for a neonatal intensive care stay. University of Toronto investigators reached these conclusions after reviewing and meta-analyzing 57 studies. Specifically, the pregnant cannabis users were 1.7 fold more likely to have a preterm birth, 2.6 fold more likely to bear a low birth weight baby, and 2.5 times more likely to have their baby require specialized care in the NICU.

We can’t say it often enough: don’t use recreational drugs of any kind during pregnancy. Try to avoid using any medications as well. If you must, be certain that you take meds under the watchful eye of your medical team.

#cannabis #pregnancy #lowbirthweight #prematurity #nicu