HEAL Akan Bagikan Dividen Lebih Besar di Tahun Depan

  • last year
PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (HEAL) berjanji membagikan dividen tahun depan lebih besar dibandingkan saat ini.

“Tahun 2023 kami membagikan dividen Rp7 per saham berdasarkan pendapatan 2022. Rencananya, kami akan membagikan dividen Rp8 per saham di 2024, berdasarkan kinerja 2023,” kata Direktur HEAL Aristo Setiawidjaja dalam konferensi pers usai Public Expose Live 2023 secara daring pada Rabu (29/11/2023).


00:00 Next, we go to Hermida Hospital's emitter, BT Medica Loca Hermina TBK,
00:05 which promises to share a larger dividend next year.
00:08 The news is optimistic, seeing the rapid growth this year.
00:12 BT Medica Loca Hermina TBK, or HEAL, promises to share a larger dividend next year than now.
00:21 From HEAL's side, the growth from the beginning of the year to the end of September 2023
00:27 is Rp 348.84 billion,
00:30 or 42.07% higher than the same period last year,
00:34 which was Rp 245.52 billion.
00:37 In addition, the income of patients is also recorded to increase by 16.13%,
00:42 to Rp 4.22 trillion,
00:44 from the previous amount of Rp 3.64 trillion.
00:47 Based on the segment,
00:49 the income of hospitals is recorded at Rp 2.61 trillion,
00:53 and the non-hospital segment is recorded at Rp 79.24 billion.
00:58 HEAL also plans to open four new hospitals in 2024.
01:03 Two of them are international hospitals.
01:07 The four hospitals are located in Madiun, Pasuruan,
01:10 the capital city of Nusantara and Jakarta.
01:13 Hermina Hospital Madiun and Hermina Hospital Pasuruan
01:17 are targeted for operation in the first semester of 2024.
01:21 Various sources of IDX Channel.
01:23 [Music]
01:30 The audience in anticipation of the 46th anniversary
01:34 of the re-activation of the Indonesian capital market,
01:37 PT Bursa Efek Indonesia,
01:38 PT Kliering Penjaminan Efek Indonesia,
01:40 and PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia
01:42 re-held the Public Expo Live 2023 virtually
01:47 on 27-30 November 2023.
01:51 Investor and media registration can be done
01:54 through linkbit.ly/pubexlive2023 and idx.co.id.
02:00 And this information ends our meeting on News Screen this time.
02:03 View the News Screen every Monday to Friday at 14.30
02:08 And keep updating your economic and business information
02:11 by watching IDX Channel,
02:12 New Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
02:15 I'm Gizya 7. Thank you and see you.
02:18 [Music]
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02:52 [Music]
