• 2 years ago
00:00 I need to know what happened.
00:04 Well, we have a new student with us today.
00:09 Would you like to introduce yourself?
00:11 Madison Nears.
00:12 Everyone calls me Maddie.
00:14 Welcome to the Split River High Afterlife Support Group.
00:17 Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
00:21 How'd you die?
00:27 The police are considering this a missing person investigation.
00:30 What was her name again?
00:31 Maggie somebody?
00:32 Maddie!
00:33 It's Maddie.
00:34 They can't hear you!
00:35 Look at me.
00:36 Nicole.
00:37 They can't see you.
00:41 Nothing ever changes here.
00:43 It all just resets.
00:45 You try to leave campus, you just bounce right back to where you died.
00:49 They found a bunch of blood smeared all over the boiler room.
00:54 You shouldn't watch this.
00:56 I don't know who did this to me.
00:57 Stop!
00:58 Stop!
00:59 Oh, you were murdered.
01:00 Welcome to the club.
01:01 Can we maybe try to raise our hands?
01:05 I need to know what happened.
01:08 Let the people in charge figure out what happened.
01:10 Wait, has somebody's plot thickened?
01:13 I wasn't ready to die.
01:14 I have people who need me.
01:15 Wait up!
01:16 I don't know how I'm going to survive without her.
01:25 I just wish he knew I'm right here.
01:32 He's hiding something.
01:33 Did you hurt my daughter?
01:37 You might not like the answers to your questions.
01:44 Maybe it's a good thing you don't remember.
01:49 I found something.
01:54 High school used to feel like an eternity, and now it actually is.
02:01 (dramatic music)