从“多男偏好”到“两男恐惧” 90后妈妈:生两个儿子如一辈子为银行打工

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 在中国人的传统观念里,“传宗接代”就是他们这一生最重要的责任,导致重男轻女的思想根深蒂固。但如今,中国社会上对生男孩的态度和意愿已经悄悄改变,以前比较传统的想法就会认为生儿子越多越好,但现在已经变成“有一个儿子就好”。(主播:颜江瀚、梁宝仪)


00:00 In traditional view, it is a very important responsibility to receive the child in the family.
00:04 And it also extends the idea of "heavy man, light woman".
00:07 But now, the attitude and will of Chinese society towards boys
00:13 has been changing quietly.
00:15 From "multi-male" to "male-female",
00:18 it has turned to the current "two-man fear".
00:21 In the past, the more traditional idea was that the more sons, the better.
00:25 Now it has become "one son is enough".
00:28 And the mothers in their 90s think that if they already have a son,
00:32 if they have another son,
00:34 they will have to work for the bank for the rest of their lives.
00:38 The concept of "two-man fear" was proposed by Professor Shi Renbing
00:44 from the University of Science and Technology, Huazhou.
00:46 After analyzing more than 30,000 samples,
00:50 he concluded that many Chinese families are afraid of having two sons.
00:54 The current "two-man fear" is still rising.
00:59 Many netizens think that
01:00 the expenses of wedding gifts and wedding gifts are the main reasons.
01:06 Some netizens jokingly described that
01:08 having a daughter is to recruit businessmen to the bank.
01:11 Having a son is to build a bank.
01:14 It means that if you have a daughter,
01:16 you can rely on your son-in-law to earn money to support you.
01:19 But if you have a son, you have to work harder.
01:22 You have to prepare for the money your son will need to marry his wife.
01:28 Professor Shi also mentioned that in the past,
01:30 boys had better economic, insurance, and inheritance benefits than girls.
01:36 But now, as the concept of "having a son and inheriting a son" gradually fades away,
01:41 the concept of "raising a child is not necessarily to prevent aging" and "having many children is not necessarily to benefit many people" has also emerged in society.
01:46 On the contrary, the role of a daughter in the process of retirement is becoming more and more important.
01:52 This also makes the idea of ​​having a daughter better.
01:56 However, the culprit of the two-man fear phenomenon is
02:00 the cost of raising a son and a daughter.
02:05 According to Professor Shi's analysis,
02:07 in terms of age and school,
02:11 the cost of raising a son and a daughter is not much different.
02:14 But after the child becomes an adult, it is a different matter.
02:18 Especially in the big events of buying a house and getting married,
02:22 in most Chinese families,
02:23 the cost of raising a son is usually greater than that of raising a daughter.
02:29 So if you have two sons in your family,
02:32 it means that the parents must prepare two sets of real estate and two sets of cash.
02:39 This expense is also worrying for rural and urban families with high housing prices.
02:50 In China, there is a social concept that
02:54 if you want to get married, you must have a house in the town or city.
03:00 The professor believes that in order to eliminate the two-man fear phenomenon of some families,
03:04 the government should quickly optimize domestic fertility policies and measures,
03:08 and pay attention to the social chaos of high wealth and marriage in the city.
03:14 In addition, he said that the phenomenon of China's low fertility rate has been concerned in recent years.
03:19 Now there is a two-man fear phenomenon.
03:21 If a family has a son and wants to have another one,
03:24 they are worried that if they have another son,
03:25 this will inevitably exacerbate the phenomenon of China's low fertility rate.
03:29 [MUSIC]
