Kody Brown Says He Wasn't In Love with Any of His Ex-Wives _ E! News(1)

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Kody Brown Says He Wasn't In Love with Any of His Ex-Wives _ E! News(1)
00:00 The blame lays on one thing and one thing only.
00:02 Cody Brown opens up about his relationships
00:04 with his former sister wives, Janelle, Christine, and Mary,
00:08 and says there's no love lost between him and his exes
00:11 because there wasn't any to begin with,
00:13 at least on his part.
00:15 Cody gets candid on the TLC series one-on-one special.
00:18 This experience required that I have more than one wife.
00:22 And so I come into this, Mary and I get married,
00:25 and I get married again to Janelle,
00:29 and I get married again to Christine.
00:31 And I look back, and because I was
00:35 so anxious to be living the principle of plural marriage,
00:39 that I was not vetting who I was marrying
00:42 to be compatible with me.
00:44 The blame lays on one thing and one thing only.
00:46 If you're going to marry, and you're
00:48 going to marry for eternity, you should start out in love.
00:52 I thought it was acceptable.
00:55 I thought I could make up the difference.
00:57 I thought everything in this situation with all three wives,
01:00 this isn't about being in love.
01:03 This is about growing a family together.
01:04 We love each other.
01:05 We're required.
01:06 The gospel requires us to love each other.
01:09 But I never really actually suffered in a fit of passion
01:14 in this place.
01:15 How do you feel you started out with Robin then?
01:18 Was it different?
01:19 Yeah, it was.
01:19 Were you different?
01:20 Well, I fell in love with Robin.
01:22 I never fell in love with anybody else.
01:23 I was just choosing to be in that covenant of love
01:28 with them.
01:29 I met Robin, and there was a safety and a vulnerability
01:33 that I had never experienced in my life.
01:35 And I met her, and I started weeping for joy,
01:40 and then it stopped for months.
01:41 I've spent two years watching and seeing Christine
01:45 and Janelle talk about me without me.
01:49 And they're just trash talking me.
01:50 So I'm like going, I don't want to ask about anybody else,
01:53 because I don't want anybody talking about me.
01:55 What are they trash talking me about?
01:57 They're trash talking me because I'm guilty.
02:00 Actually, yes, I am.
02:01 I'm not loving them.
02:03 And I think that--
02:05 no, I'm accusing them.
02:06 They say, no, no, no, we're not doing that.
02:08 But I think they're trash talking me because it makes--
02:12 you know, if I'm small, it makes them feel OK
02:16 for how they treated me.
02:17 Listen, I might not have been in love, but I was being loving,
02:21 and I was trying to love, OK?
02:23 Sometimes I would feel in love, all right?
02:27 So I was doing--
02:28 I was making all the effort.
02:31 That the emotion wasn't always perfectly there,
02:37 I don't think I'm accountable for that part of it.
02:41 As for Robin, she says she had no idea
02:43 she was the only one he had actual feelings for.
02:46 I did not know that until, like, just recently.
02:49 Really?
02:50 I did not know that--
02:54 and it still makes me wonder, because I
02:56 wonder if it's just the rewriting of history.
02:58 So there seems to be a lot of that.
03:01 When your husband is saying he wept for joy for months
03:05 because he had found you--
03:07 But I don't think he was saying that to them.
03:09 Does he take--
03:10 No.
03:11 But that's just how he was feeling.
03:12 So when a person is feeling that kind of inner joy,
03:16 it's kind of hard just to suppress it and just be like,
03:18 OK.
03:19 Well, I did my best.
03:20 I don't know what else I'm supposed to--
03:22 what else I was supposed to do.
03:24 But I did my best to not have it be something
03:27 that was painful for them.
03:29 Christine Brown also recalls the moment
03:31 she realized Cody was truly in love with Robin.
03:34 It broke my heart.
03:35 That was one of my first moments of heartbreak,
03:38 was that moment.
03:39 And I was just sitting at the edge of my bed
03:40 and watching him get ready to go on a date with her
03:43 before they were married.
03:44 And I was like-- he's like, I don't know what's wrong with me.
03:46 And I'm like, I'll go like, blah, blah, blah.
03:48 Oh, you're in love with her.
03:51 And he looked at me, and he's like--
03:52 because I said it out loud.
03:53 I'm like, you're in love with her.
03:54 And he's like, I am.
03:56 I am in love with her.
03:57 And he got really giddy.
03:58 And I was like, oh, God.
04:00 It hurt.
04:01 It hurt so bad.
04:03 It was so bad.
04:04 Because you realize at that point,
04:06 everything now is going to change.
04:07 In the special, Mary and Janelle Brown
04:09 give their POVs on the turning point in the plural marriage
04:12 and how they began to realize Cody might not
04:15 be able to give them the same attention
04:16 that Robin was now getting.
04:18 I think it's very unfortunate that the rest of the family
04:25 had to go by the wayside to get that.
04:28 I think that he has, in his life,
04:31 had the capacity to love and care for multiple of us, right?
04:40 Like, we've got a big family.
04:42 I think he has the capacity.
04:43 And for whatever reason, he's not doing it.
04:46 I was in love with the idea of him.
04:47 We really did start to know each other
04:49 better after we were married.
04:50 I do think I loved him as much as I could.
04:53 And we became much more in love as the years went by, I think.
04:58 We did get married young.
04:59 And I don't think that that's necessarily a problem,
05:01 because I've seen many couples that navigate that.
05:03 But somewhere along the line, we failed to navigate that,
05:06 I think.
05:07 It was a very functional marriage.
05:09 But now he's grown and changed.
05:11 And I've grown and changed.
05:12 And I think maybe he does have more affinity or more
05:15 connection with Robin.
05:16 And that's OK.
05:17 But I think it's unfair to judge our early years
05:20 with that same perspective, because he was not the guy
05:23 back then.
05:23 He is now.
05:24 And as far as the trash-talking allegations go,
05:27 Janelle and Christine recently spoke
05:28 to E! News about where they think
05:30 Cody is really coming from.
05:32 He seems to think that you guys are trash-talking him.
05:34 Do you think that that's a fair assessment?
05:36 I think he's trying to find fault, because he's not
05:38 liking things that are happening in his life.
05:40 So I think he's trying to find fault with other people.
05:43 His relationship with his kids is his responsibility.
05:46 I do.
05:46 I feel like that's the case.
05:47 And that's it.
05:48 He needs to fix it.
05:49 Yeah.
05:49 I feel bad that he feels like that.
05:51 But it does feel like he's trying to find a reason.
05:55 (upbeat music)
05:58 you
