
  • last year


00:00 Dr. Bandit Nittaworn, the chair of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs,
00:07 is a former finance minister of Thailand.
00:11 Dr. Bandit said that according to the latest economic figures of the Bank of Thailand,
00:15 the GDP has decreased by 2.4% this year.
00:21 The next year's forecast is to be 3.2%
00:25 excluding the digital wallet.
00:27 But overall, the figure is 3.8%.
00:31 If we take all the figures of the Bank of Thailand,
00:34 it shows that the Thai economy is in the process of recovering and expanding.
00:40 There are significant driving factors, such as domestic consumption,
00:44 better export, and gradually recovering tourism.
00:49 But the big concern is that the growth rate should be higher.
00:55 After the Thai economy has grown at a low rate,
00:58 the GDP has decreased by 2.4% compared to other countries in the region.
01:06 How can we prevent the expansion of the economy at a low rate for more than 10 years?
01:13 If we look at the growth rate of the Asian region,
01:17 it has grown by 4.5%, but Thailand has grown lower.
01:21 But Dr. Bandit said that the Thai economy has a potential to grow by 5%.
01:28 There is still a chance for it to expand.
01:31 So, the important thing to do is to subsidize.
01:34 What Thailand lacks now is the ability to produce,
01:38 invest in business, and create a strong investment.
01:43 At the same time, there are still many risks waiting,
01:46 such as the deterioration of the global economy,
01:48 the conflict on the side of the government, and the rising price of the rice.
01:53 What the government may not give as much importance as it should
01:57 is the ability to produce, invest in business,
02:01 and create a strong investment.
02:04 I think it's not heard of from the current policy package.
02:09 The current policy package focuses on paying.
02:12 As Bank Cha said, even if it is added, it will be about 3%.
02:16 But it will be only once. But the economy
02:19 will continue to grow.
02:20 The point that I think should create a feeling that it is a problem that needs to be solved
02:25 is how to get out of the trap of low growth.
02:28 It needs a big push as well, but it is a big push on the investment side,
02:32 on the creation of a strong investment, on the creation of a competitive field
02:36 that is more democratic, and on the investment.
02:38 Dr. Supawut Saichua, who consulted with the Patthara Institute
02:43 and the Patthara Association of the Economy,
02:46 said that the current crisis in Thailand is a very slow recovery.
02:49 It is a result of the slow growth.
02:52 The growth of the investment is not to be trusted.
02:57 I think Thailand is having a lot of problems
03:00 because of the debt.
03:01 This time, it is a very slow recovery crisis.
03:05 Let me show you the numbers.
03:07 In 2020, the world's GDP fell by 2.8%
03:12 because of COVID, but we went down by 6.1%.
03:14 No one can avoid COVID.
03:18 In 2021, the world grew by 6.3%,
03:21 fell by 2.8%, and grew by 6.3%, and grew by 1.5%.
03:25 Next year, it grew by 3.5%, and grew by 2.6%.
03:28 This year, the world will grow by 3%, and we are still stuck at 2.4%.
03:31 This is the source of the crisis, isn't it?
03:33 Dr. Sompawin Manpasern, the Deputy Director-General
03:37 and the Deputy Director-General,
03:39 the President of the Economic Intelligence Center, or EIC,
03:44 and the Deputy Director-General,
03:46 the President of the Executive Board,
03:47 and the Executive Board of the Thai Bank,
03:50 say that Thailand's economy is not sick,
03:53 but is weakening under the increasing security and uncertainty
03:58 on the side of the market, the conflict between the government,
04:02 the change of the climate,
04:04 and the crisis in the currency.
04:07 Thailand is not sick, but weak.
04:11 The Bank of Thailand or the Ministry of Finance said
04:13 that the economy is growing, and is at a potential.
04:17 But the reality is that the potential is decreasing.
04:20 Not only us, but also the outside world is getting more infected.
04:24 Therefore, I think Thailand's economy is very challenging.
04:28 We saw that many decades ago, we grew by 8%, 5%,
04:31 and today, we are 3%. We are happy.
04:33 If we look at the big picture,
04:36 I agree with what Dr. Krupawut said,
04:38 that we cannot argue with the definition of the crisis.
04:40 I asked everyone, economists, and the villagers,
04:43 whether they think the economy is good or not.
04:45 I think we should all agree that it is not good.
04:48 We have heard it.
04:49 Everyone thinks that it is not a crisis yet.
04:52 But if you ask whether it is growing slowly,
04:54 I must admit that it is really growing slowly.
