14 Tips to Lose Belly Fat Effortlessly

  • 7 months ago
These are 14 tips that'll help you lose weight and reduce your belly fat fast without crazy strict diets. It's important to reduce visceral fat because not only is it unattractive, but it's also very unhealthy. Most people force themselves to follow a strict diet, but those rarely work. Instead, just by following some basic principles, you'll be able to burn that belly fat as you reduce your overall body fat percentage lower and lower.

Our bodies are wired to store fat around our Center of mass which happens to be the belly love handles and hips. And there's a very good reason for this. Storing pounds fat on more distal areas like your hands and your feet would require a lot more energy to carry around and to do the things that we need to do on a daily basis to survive. And this defeats the whole biological purpose of storing fat, to begin with, which is essentially your body trying to stock up on energy in the form of body fat in case of a future famine where there's a shortage of food or in other words a shortage of energy. In sports like wrestling and judo, we can see that our center of mass gives us the leverage we need to carry heavy weight loads without expending a ton of energy. Your body already naturally knows this so that's why one of the first areas to gain fat when you overeat is your belly. Unfortunately, even though your body is wired to view this as very efficient not only in the stomach area the last spot that most people want to gain fat but it's also very unhealthy to carry large amounts of fat around your midsection. Now even though your body is quick to store fat around your stomach it's very hesitant to let it go and will usually be one of the last spots that it pulls fat from. So you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage low enough for your body to burn the fat everwhere else before it starts pulling energy from the fat stored around your midsection. This is done mostly through diet so a lot of times many people follow a strict diet which becomes more and more difficult the longer you try to stick to it. So today I want to give you guys 15 quick guidelines that you can use to start burning body fat and belly fat as soon as possible without having to torture yourself in the process.
And the very first extremely effective thing that you can do is limit the number of high sugar foods that you eat. Sugar doesn't only taste good at the moment but it makes you crave more sugar in the future. When you habitually eat things like cookies ice cream and cake you actually wind up decreasing the sensitivity of your palate which makes natural healthy sources of sugar like fruit taste much less sweet and satisfying. There are also studies that show a direct link between having a high sugar intake and having higher levels of abdominal fat. This is due to the fact that Sugar spikes insulin which is a fat-storage hormone and it also decreases insulin sensitivity. So this doesn't mean that you can never have any sweets you can rewa