百格大事纪|安华奇巧回应 内阁改组实锤?

  • last year

12月1日 #百格大事纪,帮你汇整新闻重点。

隆市解除“禁酒令” 伊青团斥开倒车
伊党赞国盟公平拨款 谴责政府要挟反对党
反驳“小拿破仑”指控 外交部称没亏待沙努西
安华“鬼马”回应 暗示12月内阁改组?
SRC三控状无进展 纳吉要申请DNAA


00:00 The Supreme Court of China accused the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister's Office of hiding a small "Napoleon"
00:05 and was countered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' press release, which played a "Lawson Gate".
00:09 For more information, please follow the "Bai Ge Da Shi Ji" on December 1.
00:14 Good evening, I am Weimin.
00:17 The first question I want to ask you is, do you feel happy?
00:20 Statistics Bureau released the latest data,
00:22 showing that the happiness index in Malaysia rose from 118.3 in 2021
00:28 to 121.2 in 2022,
00:31 which is a total increase of 2.5%.
00:34 The chief statistician of the Statistics Bureau, Muhammad Uzair, explained that
00:37 the calculation of the happiness index is mainly composed of economic and social indexes.
00:44 In 2022, the economic index increased by 3.6%,
00:49 while the social index increased by 1.8%.
00:53 If we divide it into 13 states and one federal office,
00:57 the biggest increase in the happiness index in 2022 is in Boli, Sarawak and Penang.
01:03 As for the three happiest states in the country, they are Sarawak, Sabah and Penang.
01:10 The Kuala Lumpur Municipal Government officially implemented the ban on the sale of liquor
01:16 in convenience stores, grocery stores and Chinese medicine shops on November 1, 2021.
01:20 After the Prime Minister Anwar took over the federal sub-district,
01:23 he lifted the ban on the sale of liquor freely.
01:27 As a result, this measure caused dissatisfaction among the youth groups in the Islamic Party's federal sub-district.
01:32 The group's PR director, Abdulaziz,
01:36 believed that this would exacerbate the serious social problems.
01:39 He pointed out that the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Government approved
01:43 a total of 1,519 nine-card applications on November 23,
01:48 and rekindled the controversy over the sale of liquor in convenience stores.
01:52 The culprit was the newly-appointed Vice Chairman of the Tax Administration of the Rong City Government,
01:56 who was in the Action Party.
02:00 Abdulaziz pointed out that the government was not concerned about the nine-card application
02:05 and let the big horse drive the car.
02:07 So he called on Muslims to be "wake up".
02:10 In addition, the application for fair election funding
02:14 became a weapon for the opposition to criticize the government again.
02:17 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
02:19 tweeted today that he blamed the United Nations for continuing
02:24 the "political culture of the jungle rule of law"
02:27 and used the government to allocate funds as a condition to threaten the opposition.
02:31 It shows that the reform agenda of the West has been buried.
02:36 Abdulaziz said that although they had already negotiated with the government,
02:39 there was still no result.
02:41 On the other hand, the state-run state-owned enterprises allocated funds regardless of the government, and there was no need to negotiate.
02:47 His statement also corresponds to the fact that
02:49 the day before yesterday, Mohamed Sanouki, the governor of Giza,
02:52 announced that he would allocate 220,000 ringgits
02:54 to the three opposition members of the state.
02:58 Speaking of Sanouki, he previously accused the Minister of Tourism, Zhang Qingxin,
03:02 of not doing his job well in the state council,
03:06 and accused the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister's Office of possibly having small Napoleon,
03:11 deliberately modifying the official Tainan trip,
03:14 and not arranging a seat for him at the meeting.
03:17 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs today issued a complaint,
03:20 and said that in this trip, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Prime Minister
03:24 have made special considerations for Sanouki,
03:27 arranging for him to attend the trip to the Black Mountain Immigration Bureau,
03:31 the Customs and Security Checkpoint.
03:34 The complaint also clarified that
03:36 Sanouki had not originally planned a pre-membership meeting with the Prime Minister,
03:41 but when Sanouki decided to attend,
03:44 the Prime Minister had prepared a chair for him,
03:47 and Sanouki temporarily asked to visit Thailand and Siro
03:51 and also obtained the Prime Minister's permission.
03:55 Next, we will bring you to the news of the cabinet's reform.
03:58 Today's Baigou News reported that
04:00 two news people from the government and the top of the ruling party
04:04 have revealed to the Daily Free that
04:06 the cabinet may be reorganized,
04:08 and may involve appointing a new Minister of Health.
04:12 In the afternoon,
04:13 when Anhua was questioned by the media after the Friday gathering,
04:17 he hinted that the cabinet would be reorganized this month in a "ghost horse" way.
04:21 At that time, Anhua called a 12-year-old boy who was ready to sign the document
04:26 and asked him to ask on behalf of the reporter.
04:30 (Anhua's question)
04:52 Although Anhua did not further confirm,
04:54 but this sentence "I agree" is really impressive.
04:59 Finally, the three charges of the SRC International Company's
05:03 27 million yuan black money laundering case
05:07 have been under control for more than five years but have not progressed.
05:11 So, through lawyer Safiei,
05:12 he applied to the Supreme Court for a trial,
05:14 released, but not equal to five crimes.
05:16 Safiei said, in order not to harm both parties,
05:19 especially the interests of the parties,
05:21 he asked the court to dictate Article 173 of the Criminal Procedure Act
05:25 to sentence D.N.A.A.
05:27 The judge then asked the prosecution,
05:30 why the SRC did not make a decision on the petition in time.
05:34 The prosecution's explanation is that
05:35 this case involves a lot of people who are in the spotlight,
05:38 and many relevant documents need to be reviewed.
05:41 In addition, NACI and other cases have not been tried yet.
05:44 In the end, the judge ruled that
05:46 the SRC must make a decision on the petition on January 19 next year.
05:51 So, today's "The Century of the White Pavilion" is here.
05:53 Thank you for watching.
05:55 (upbeat music)
05:57 (electronic beeping)
06:00 (upbeat music)
