Young Turks on Viral Personalities | How Orhan Awatramani aka Orry Gained Publicity? | Oneindia News

  • last year
Join The Young Turks as they delve into the world of viral internet personalities and explore how Orhan Awatramani captivated the public's attention. From the rise of online influencers to the dynamics of gaining fame in the digital age, this discussion unpacks the factors behind the success of internet sensations. Tune in for insights, opinions, and a deep dive into the phenomenon of viral internet personalities.

#YoungTurks #InternetPersonality #OrhanAwatramani #ViralSensation #DigitalAgeInfluence #OnlineInfluencers #SocialMediaFame #DigitalMediaDiscussion
00:00 Hello and welcome on One India. You are watching What's Trending with me Arushi Ranjan. I know
00:06 we are coming here after so long because we were busy covering election news. You can
00:10 watch election related stories on our channel. But today we are here and we are here to talk
00:15 about a very trending topic or shall I say a buzzing topic and that is Yeh Auri Karta
00:22 Kya Hai. Yes, we are going to talk about viral internet personality, especially Orhan Aftarmani.
00:29 A person who randomly got viral on internet. And let me tell you he is not the first one.
00:35 Before him many internet personalities have gone viral. Like Priya Prakash Warrior, someone
00:40 spotted in a cricket match or like what's that so beautiful, so elegant, just looking
00:47 like a wow lady. She got viral on internet. There are many internet personalities going
00:52 viral. So we will discuss all of that about that. What's the reason behind it? Is it an
00:57 agenda to make them viral or they are just getting people's attention and going viral?
01:02 I'll start with Ansh. I'm joined by my colleagues Ansh Pandey and Ishika Jaiswal. We will discuss
01:07 in depth about all of these viral internet personalities and what's the reason behind
01:12 it. So Ansh, Orhan Aftarmani, a guy who is spotted with all the Bollywood celebrities
01:18 these days, especially star kids. Yeah, Ishika. What do you think that did he really get into
01:25 public's eye on internet randomly or was there an agenda behind it, the whole Bollywood's
01:31 agenda or someone's agenda to make him famous and get into people's attention so that he
01:36 goes viral on internet because now he's also in Big Boss house. Well, thanks Arushi. See,
01:42 Michael Jackson once said, a very famous statement of his, that I am the last known star to the
01:50 world. After me, there is no star. So actually, he was asked about internet. So at that time,
01:56 he had said that because of the internet, there will be many rising superstars. But yes, their
02:03 rise will be very spontaneous, not for a long time. Now this Orhan Aftarmani, the only known
02:12 thing about him is that he has connections with Bollywood. He works in Reliance. That's the only
02:20 thing everybody knows. He is a manager. That's it. That's nothing more than that. People know
02:28 about him. But still people don't believe that actually, how did he become so famous? So
02:33 internet is definitely playing a good part here. And he has images with many Bollywood stars.
02:42 Just in a single pose, everybody. Okay, just in a very single pose. Okay. Only at that time,
02:47 the question started and what exactly is he doing? And why is he with so many superstars?
02:53 And he has gone so popular due to this that the film superstars, the film stars,
03:00 they comment on his post. That is very rare. Okay. So, and now he's in Big Boss, definitely. So yeah,
03:07 I don't believe he's planted. But yeah, but mostly internet has played a big part here. That's what I
03:12 believe about him. Definitely. It's all of the internet's role in this on making Auri viral.
03:18 And also, I think psychologically, there is a thing that if you watch constantly someone coming
03:23 on, because everyone follows Bollywood stars, believe it or not. People nowadays don't say that
03:27 I am a Bollywood fan. But most of the Indians are, they are following Bollywood star kids, especially.
03:33 And if you watch someone constantly popping up on stories of Bollywood stars on feed, and then
03:39 when Auri shares someone's picture, like I recently saw Tara Suteria's picture he shared,
03:45 and she re-shared it. And many Bollywood stars do that. So if you constantly view someone on
03:50 stories and all, then you will of course want to know who this person is, like how rich he is that
03:56 he's hanging out with Bollywood stars. And he's not a Bollywood star. So that's a curiosity point,
04:01 which comes in people's mind and they dig into it and then they search and someone goes viral.
04:07 So as we were saying that he's in Bigg Boss house, right? I'm not following Bigg Boss,
04:12 Abhi, but I have seen some clips going viral of him talking to Salman Khan and then him in the
04:16 house saying that, I live, I am a liver. And also the t-shirt where it was written, I am a liver.
04:23 So Ishika, if you're following Bigg Boss for now, like, what is he doing exactly in the Bigg Boss
04:29 house? And what I think is when Bigg Boss OTT was there, it will come on next season also,
04:36 then OTT makes sense to personalities like Auri because OTT and digital and internet personalities,
04:43 they correlate. But on the main Bigg Boss, which is broadcasting on television, calling someone
04:50 like Auri, what's the agenda behind this? And what is he exactly doing on Bigg Boss? I want to know
04:56 that because I'm not following it. I think he was just for one or two days in Bigg Boss house. And
05:01 I think it's just for publicity. If he wouldn't be seen with Star Kids, I don't think Auri would
05:08 be in Bigg Boss right now. And his concept of I am living is definitely crazy. And I really want
05:13 to know why he said this I am living if I'm a liver, I'm living, I'm eating, I'm an eater.
05:20 Again, a catchy line, I think to grab attention.
05:24 Firstly, for grabbing attention. And second thing I believe is that
05:26 he wants to hide what exactly does he do? Yeah, most exactly.
05:31 And also you need a tagline for yourself.
05:33 The being human tag.
05:39 Being human.
05:39 His tag is I am a liver.
05:41 He's a liver now.
05:42 What I think like I was going on Instagram and I saw a real weird person was decoding why he
05:49 is in Bigg Boss. And what that person was saying is that first the Bigg Boss makers and the
05:55 Bollywood people made him famous by clicking pictures with him. And to be honest, he just
06:01 popped up suddenly.
06:03 Yeah, he just popped up suddenly.
06:05 And then they bought him in Bigg Boss. Their main agenda was to grab attention.
06:10 And also on Bigg Boss, he made a statement that he earns or he charges 20 to 30 lakh rupees per
06:18 photograph. I am not sure.
06:21 But he will charge money from you. That's what he said.
06:27 Once I get famous, I'll be getting money then.
06:30 Yeah, but also like without doing anything like if we take Auri without he didn't do
06:38 anything specific or anything information on the internet. He just went viral.
06:43 And there are many past viral personalities who went viral on the internet.
06:47 Can you guys remind of someone who went viral on the internet?
06:51 Like I remind of Priya Prakash warrior, the blinking girl.
06:53 That blinking girl.
06:54 Yeah, she went viral.
06:55 And after that she came in one movie also.
06:57 And actually there also people were saying because they wanted to promote the movie.
07:01 So they promoted that clip and she became the viral internet crush and personality.
07:07 Now I'd like to ask you guys, what do you think Ansh? How to go viral on internet?
07:14 See, do something very, not a very great answer, but do something out of the box.
07:21 Out of the box, either you can do something stupid.
07:24 Now either you can create something.
07:26 So, I'm not getting exactly what you're saying.
07:30 Something like that.
07:31 Weird.
07:32 Yeah, people go crazy when they see that.
07:35 Okay, what is this?
07:36 This is something interesting.
07:37 Like that.
07:37 Something unique.
07:39 Exactly.
07:39 Something unique.
07:40 So you have two options.
07:41 Now either you do something stupid out of the box, either you do something creative out of the box.
07:45 By both ways you get famous, but by the first way you get famous at just one point of time.
07:51 But after that, that goes away.
07:53 Away.
07:53 As soon as someone else will come.
07:54 Yeah, as soon as someone else comes up with something new.
07:56 They're most like meme material people.
07:58 Okay.
07:59 I think you guys have heard the name of Puneet superstar.
08:02 I think you guys have heard about him.
08:03 Now he's not that much of internet sensation.
08:06 Now that's the biggest drawback of internet that it is very spontaneous.
08:11 You go viral, but that's not gonna last long.
08:14 For example, if someone...
08:16 You're replaced when someone else comes.
08:19 Yeah, yeah, definitely.
08:20 That's true.
08:21 What do you think?
08:21 How to go viral on internet, Ishika?
08:23 Do something crazy.
08:24 Something crazy is what people do.
08:26 Crazy as in?
08:27 Crazy as in what?
08:29 Just like, oh my god, what was that line?
08:32 So beautiful, so elegant.
08:34 Just looking like a...
08:35 People are literally using that in the serials, like in TV serials.
08:39 Even biggest personalities are using this.
08:42 Like recently the Neeta Ambani and Mukesh Ambani show there happened.
08:45 And Ranveer Singh was using that for Neeta Ambani to compliment him.
08:49 So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a...
08:51 And you know what the other side of the story is?
08:55 If we go serious about it, then that lady, her name is Jashneen Kaul.
08:59 If I am correct.
09:00 Yeah, yeah.
09:01 Yeah, so earlier what she was showing on her reels,
09:03 it is only for 2000 rupees, it is only for 3000 rupees.
09:07 And now when you visit her store, then her suits, her dresses cost 8000, 9000, 10,000.
09:14 This happened after her reel went viral.
09:18 This happened after that.
09:19 She had suddenly raised the price of it.
09:21 And on every cloth she has a tag going on.
09:24 Wow.
09:25 Yeah, yes.
09:27 Yeah.
09:28 So guys, as I was saying, let's go serious about it.
09:33 Do you think that because of these viral things, going viral without doing anything,
09:40 internet is a place where we can learn a lot of things, especially when I talk about Instagram.
09:47 So on Instagram nowadays, only 10% of the content is informational.
09:51 Other than that, all the content are just for entertainment, humoristic and memes going on.
09:58 And that too, if I say, it doesn't make specially sense to me personally,
10:02 that it is so elegant, so beautiful and just one reel pops up and everyone is following it senseless.
10:09 So what do you guys think?
10:11 Because of these internet personalities going viral without doing anything
10:18 and people's attention going on that side,
10:21 the main motto of internet, the main motto of digitalization is fading away,
10:27 which is education, which is information,
10:29 which is making our youth stand equally to other nations' youth.
10:33 What do you think?
10:34 Exactly.
10:35 Actually, that lady, that looking girl, wow, actually, she was promoting her content.
10:42 She was promoting her shop.
10:43 But what meme stars do, they just cut that one single clip and then that just go viral.
10:50 Now, actually, that's something that is indeed happening.
10:53 And the real motive of internet is actually fading away.
10:56 That's what I believe too.
10:57 Okay.
10:59 But one good thing is that she got, I mean, no one was watching it before,
11:03 but after this line got viral, now everybody is watching it.
11:06 That's true.
11:06 But how much did you increase the price of the shop after that?
11:08 But wasn't that the exact motive?
11:13 Now, that was exactly the motive.
11:15 What a marketing technique.
11:17 That's a great marketing technique, ladies and gentlemen.
11:21 Please add this in your chapter, this marketing technique.
11:25 I think all the marketing brands should use this.
11:28 And you know what, even though she's pricing her clothes so much,
11:32 people are visiting it, people are buying her clothes.
11:34 And the special thing about this is that she has, can you imagine, clothes of every size.
11:40 This is the biggest point in a brand.
11:43 You're talking about size, which brands usually don't sell.
11:47 Yeah, that's a positive side.
11:49 That's a positive side, yeah.
11:51 That's a good thing.
11:52 In Auri, I would like to go back to the topic of Orhan Aftarmani.
11:57 In his case, what I think is people are getting more curious about him because
12:03 a factor comes, rich, he seems like very rich, but what he does, nobody knows.
12:11 So I think the general, the middle class or lower middle class people
12:15 want to know that how to go viral on internet.
12:17 He doesn't, like, what is he doing?
12:19 So rich.
12:20 I think that's a factor hanging out with Bollywood celebrities.
12:23 It's not usual for everything.
12:25 We would end our show here.
12:28 So that was what we think about the viral internet personalities.
12:32 I think if you are getting fame as well as you are getting money by doing something crazy
12:37 and going viral on internet, why not just go for it and do it and keep watching our show,
12:42 What's Tending.
12:43 We will be active from now onwards.
12:45 Thank you so much for watching.
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