'Below Deck Med's Luka and Natalya on Their Boatmance
00:00 I am loving this season so far.
00:01 What's it been like for the two of you
00:03 watching it back thus far?
00:05 - Extremely difficult.
00:06 Obviously, last season was a lot more fun for me.
00:08 This one's a lot more drama,
00:10 a lot of personal stuff going on in my life,
00:11 but it gets a lot more drama for me.
00:14 - Yeah, it's pretty interesting to watch it back
00:16 and see everything that goes on
00:17 that you don't witness during the actual season, yeah.
00:21 - Seeing everyone else's perspectives
00:23 of knowing what you were up to on deck
00:25 and stuff material. - There's so much going on
00:25 that you have no idea about, yeah.
00:27 - Do you feel like, watching it back now,
00:28 do you feel like Kyle kind of played both sides?
00:31 - He is the devil.
00:33 That's all I have to say on that.
00:34 - Okay, so we're not in a good place.
00:36 - No, not in a good place.
00:37 - Yeah, no comment.
00:38 - No comment.
00:40 - I'm not getting involved yet.
00:40 - I think there was intentions to definitely stir the pot,
00:44 and he succeeded with that, which is annoying,
00:45 'cause he set me and Tumi up
00:46 for a very bad start of the season.
00:48 - How are you and Tumi now,
00:50 and do you wish you handled that any differently?
00:53 - I am quite vocal, so I kind of just had what was the time.
00:57 I was sick at the time, I was tired,
00:58 I was very not happy with the situation,
01:01 but Tumi and I are on a good page now.
01:02 We do agree that it was one person
01:04 who definitely caused the drama, but we are good now.
01:06 - You're good now, and what about the two of you?
01:08 Since we see a little, maybe boatman's brewing?
01:12 - Yeah, yeah, there's a little bit of a boatman's brewing,
01:15 but yeah.
01:17 - Have we taken it offshore, or off the boat, I mean?
01:20 I'm too sure?
01:21 - No, we're just good friends now.
01:22 He lives in Indonesia, I'm in America,
01:25 so we keep in contact just through like Bravo photos
01:28 and posts and like, you know,
01:29 kind of communicating about the season.
01:31 - Are you still with your same boyfriend?
01:33 - No, I am single AF.
01:35 If anyone wants to message me, I'm in the Instagram.
01:38 Natalia's cut off.
01:39 - But you're in a relationship.
01:42 - You are in a relationship?
01:43 - Hello, how's it going?
01:44 - How's it going? - Nice to meet you.
01:45 - I'm glad you're here.
01:46 - How are you?
01:47 - How's it going?
01:48 - Good, how's it going, boy?
01:50 - So you're in a relationship then?
01:52 - Yep, I'm in a relationship at the moment, yeah.
01:55 Back with my partner that I was with before the show,
01:57 we split up to the show and yeah, we're back together now.
02:00 - How does she feel about watching everything back?
02:03 - Yeah, I don't think she's watching it,
02:06 so yeah, it's probably good.
02:07 - Watching with the blindfold on, right?
02:09 - Even I watch it with the blindfold on.
02:10 My parents watch this, and I'm like,
02:12 I was drunk, don't judge me.
02:14 But yeah, it's all like I filmed like a bit ago,
02:16 so it's where everyone's moved past all the stuff.
02:18 - Do you wish that Captain Sandy got more involved
02:20 with you and Toomey, or was it the right move
02:23 to let the two of you kind of just figure it out?
02:25 - No, she was really good.
02:26 She listened to both of us.
02:28 She was there for us both equally.
02:29 I think she managed it really well.