Below Deck Kate Chastain on Bravocon
00:00 >> I love your outfit look great. Thank you has a little
00:03 man doing so well. Thank you. Yeah, a big new milestone.
00:06 >> I can't wait for a start talking we're not there yet I
00:09 might regret that later that you will. You know what how do
00:13 you think to me and Natalia are handling their situation this
00:17 season and how would you have handled that.
00:18 >> You know I have to give credit to Natalia for taking
00:21 the chiefs to job and then stepping back, I'm not sure
00:24 anyone would be comfortable then stepping back that's very
00:27 difficult. I think to me is doing an amazing job as well
00:30 that's too strong personalities. Yeah, how do you
00:34 what do you think about captain Sandy kind of taking a step
00:36 back and letting them figure it out.
00:38 I love captain Sandy I think she's incredible captain and I
00:41 think she's usually very hands on so this is a new kind of
00:46 vibe for her and I think it's going to be okay, I do miss it
00:48 at all.
00:49 I miss the travel and the camaraderie but
00:54 I don't miss it that much.
00:55 >> To come back. It's or anybody you're hoping to run
01:00 into this weekend. Gosh I love and Jason shots, I love Tamra I
01:05 love.
01:05 So many people here I feel like this is the best family reunion.
01:11 Yeah, I saw that you are out last name of Tamra Melissa
01:13 Gorga what was that like so Tara had a great party and I
01:17 thought the high school party like everybody was there.
01:20 >> We're in a hotel suite is off any drama go down or is it
01:24 from me yet, but I'll keep you posted. Yes, what I know that
01:28 you watch all the shows and you recap them so which one are you
01:31 loving right now. I personally am loving real Housewives of
01:34 Salt Lake City to write it so
01:37 different than any other franchise and the women are