• last year


00:00 Mom, dad, mom, dad
00:03 Happy birthday to you
00:06 Hi, uncle
00:08 You're so ugly
00:10 I'm ugly, uncle
00:13 I brought a present for you
00:15 You're a kid, you asked for this car
00:17 I brought a big one
00:19 Are you happy?
00:20 No, uncle, I don't like it
00:22 I don't want this kind of toy
00:25 This is your sister's, I bought a bigger one
00:29 I like this one, look at the inside
00:33 It's ideology
00:36 It's ideology
00:43 What's inside?
00:46 Look at the inside
00:48 What's that?
00:49 Look at this
00:50 It's about human's policy
00:56 Let's stand up, it's your birthday
01:00 It's my birthday, uncle
01:03 I don't feel like it's my birthday
01:05 It's your birthday
01:07 I'm just a normal person
01:09 But you should do an opening for your birthday
01:12 Like this
01:14 Happy birthday, Pemirsa
01:18 Happy birthday, Pemirsa
01:22 For those who like to joke, we're back again
01:25 With a funny story for you
01:27 With me, Rina Nose
01:30 Am I Rina Nose?
01:32 I'm not Rina Nose
01:35 Who are you?
01:36 This is a different person
01:38 I'm proud of you, what's your name?
01:41 My name is Cukcuk
01:43 I'm just a cute person
01:47 With Cukcuk and Indra Jegel
01:50 Hello, happy birthday Cukcuk
01:54 There's a funny story about kids
01:58 Do you know this?
02:00 I know
02:01 A very funny kid
02:03 What's his name?
02:04 Cipung
02:06 Cipung?
02:08 Yes, Cipung
02:10 Let's watch the video
02:12 This is the second video of Cipung
02:14 It's been 2 years
02:16 Cipung's Birthday
02:23 Happy birthday, Cipung
02:25 With the love of Indonesian people
02:27 Rayan Zamalik Ahmad
02:29 Cipung celebrated his second birthday
02:31 On 26th November
02:34 But the netizens are focused on funny moments
02:39 And the unusual things that happened
02:41 On the birthday of Raffi and Gigi
02:43 One of them is the surprise of heavy equipment for Cipung
02:47 One, two, three
02:50 What's this?
02:57 There's a band that sings and gives a bike to Cipung
03:05 And also a birthday song
03:08 Ahmad is also giving a present to Cipung
03:20 A huge bus
03:23 There's a bus in front of me
03:25 It's filled with Cipung's present
03:28 It's filled with Cipung's present
03:30 Cipung's present
03:33 And there's also a moment when Cipung meets Amina
03:38 Amina
03:40 The new sister
03:42 I'll move it to the side
03:44 Someone said that someone wants to celebrate her birthday
03:46 Someone just had a sister
03:48 Tos, let's meet
03:51 Tos, you're shy
03:54 Shy
03:56 It's funny, it's different
03:59 The birthday of a sultan's daughter
04:02 Cipung's birthday
04:04 Happy birthday, Cipung
04:07 Why are you sad?
04:09 I saw Cipung's birthday and got a surprise
04:12 I never got a surprise
04:15 What did you get?
04:16 I got a turtle
04:18 You got a turtle?
04:21 Yes, a turtle
04:22 Cipung's birthday is the second
04:24 How old is your sister's birthday?
04:25 My birthday is the 40th
04:30 40 days
04:32 I don't have a birthday this big
04:37 I chose blue sneakers
04:39 I don't have a birthday this big
04:40 Cipung's birthday is the second
04:42 I got a surprise
04:44 A heavy object, an excavator
04:47 Now, Cipung's birthday is the...
04:49 Cipung's birthday is the best
04:57 She got a surprise, a lot of toys
05:01 Her favorite toys
05:02 When I got a surprise, I got an electric shock
05:07 I like to play
05:11 Cipung likes to play with cars, dolls
05:14 I don't like that
05:16 I like to play with...
05:18 I understand
05:20 You don't play in the playground, in Epek Jakarta?
05:23 Yes
05:25 Cipung's birthday is the morning when she was woke up by Ran
05:30 She was woke up by Ran
05:34 Ran is a singer, Rai, Aska, and...
05:37 Nanwar?
05:39 No, Nurdin
05:42 But there are also comments from netizens
05:47 When Cipung's birthday
05:48 There are?
05:49 You play social media?
05:50 I play social media
05:51 You're smart
05:52 I have 200 accounts on my phone
05:56 So, I'm actually a buzzer
05:58 But it's true
06:02 When Cipung does something, netizens will comment
06:06 There are some of her behavior that makes netizens comment
06:10 Let's see
06:11 The first comment from netizens
06:14 Cipung feels like she wants to open a mine
06:16 Oh my
06:17 She uses an excavator
06:19 It's true
06:20 The second comment
06:22 There's another comment
06:23 Maybe if the dinosaur is not extinct, it will be brought to Andara too
06:28 Ronaldinho is retired to Andara
06:32 Next news from sports world
06:36 Do you like sports?
06:37 I like
06:38 So, there's a news about sports
06:41 I've been standing for years
06:43 It turns out that this is called the concept of helping in friendship
06:48 What kind of sports?
06:49 Let's see
06:50 You have to put your feet on the ground
06:54 Come on, help me
06:57 It's so hard
06:59 Okay, I'll try
07:01 One
07:02 Two
07:03 Three
07:04 It's so fun to play banana boot
07:12 Have you ever played banana boot?
07:14 I've never played banana boot
07:16 I've played banana split
07:20 So, the banana split
07:23 It's called friendship
07:26 I mean
07:27 If
07:28 If
07:29 What's the comment?
07:31 If what?
07:32 If someone falls, you have to help him
07:35 Yes, that's right
07:37 So, it's true, right?
07:38 Yes, but it's not enough
07:42 The technique is not right
07:44 Yes, you have to lift your feet
07:46 It's not the feet, it's the ankle
07:49 So, you can lift it yourself
07:52 Okay, let's go to the next video
07:54 When we play badminton for IG story
07:57 It's like this
07:59 It's not easy
08:12 I can't do that
08:14 That's why you have to look at me
08:17 How to do that?
08:26 That's it
08:27 Hold on
08:31 I can't do that
08:33 I can't do that
08:35 You can't do that, right?
08:36 Yes
08:37 It's easy, you can do that
08:38 I can't
08:39 Let's play
08:42 Let's play
08:43 You're smart
08:45 You're smart
08:47 You're smart
08:48 I'm cool, I can play
08:52 If you're like that
08:54 Why are you like that?
08:58 That's it
08:59 Okay, let's continue to the next video
09:02 Okay, in the next video
09:07 Many people who chase results without process
09:10 This woman is chasing something without process and without result
09:14 How can I do that?
09:15 Okay, I'll win this way
09:20 She's approaching the target
09:39 I can't reach it
09:41 She's still there
09:42 That's called instant karma
09:44 You want to cheat, right?
09:47 You want to play bowling, right?
09:48 Oh my God
09:49 But if you want to play bowling, you have to think about bowling
09:54 You have to think about blowing
09:56 But there's also a devil who likes to play bowling
10:01 What devil?
10:02 Suntel bowling
10:03 Suntel bowling
10:06 There's no bowling
10:07 This is a 40-year-old brother who is chasing the machine
10:10 Okay, don't go anywhere, Mirsa
10:14 Because after this we will read the news and other videos
10:17 Stay tuned
10:19 Kocak Video for you
10:21 Come on, play again
10:35 Entering the age of 30, the condition of the bones, kidneys and muscles begin to decline
10:40 Drink Anlin now, high in calcium, high in protein and collagen
10:45 Anlin, the number one adult milk in Indonesia
10:48 Also available in sachet packaging
10:50 Five letters, Bergizi, Tempeh
10:53 Let's enjoy the Bergizi Tempeh, just with Royco
10:56 The chicken flavor is absorbed into the Bergizi Tempeh
10:59 Five letters, the taste is delicious, just Royco
11:02 The number one cooking spice, enjoy Tempeh
11:06 The only milk with L-reuterine
11:09 Enriched with omega 3 and 6
11:12 Support smart and active body
11:15 The small wonder begins from the inside
11:20 Something sweet to chew with your hands
11:22 Fresh and natural dessert collection, spray cologne and body wash
11:25 Pink cupcake fragrance, so sweet and cheerful
11:27 The foam is so fluffy and fresh
11:30 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection
11:33 Be sweet, be you
11:35 I think all mineral water is the same
11:37 Mineral milk is different
11:39 Mineral milk is indeed different
11:41 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
11:44 Which is important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher
11:48 Mineral milk
11:50 I want to go home
11:54 Not afraid of mosquitoes
11:56 My secret, antiseptic detergent in bathwater every day
12:01 Let my child and my house protected from mosquitoes
12:07 Antiseptic liquid detergent has been tested on 100 mosquitoes causing diseases
12:11 Protect family and house
12:13 That's why Dettol family rarely sick
12:16 Dettol, sure to be protected every day
12:19 Support Rainer for fast, focus, flexible
12:23 So you can create various great ideas now and later
12:27 Provided by S26 Prokel Gold
12:29 Formulated by Wyatt's Nutrition Expert
12:31 Be a great kid now and later
12:33 Normal shampoo, seems to reduce hair loss
12:37 But dry
12:39 Ouch
12:40 Later, hair loss with vitamin micro-puff nourishes hair
12:44 Bye, hair loss
12:45 Bye, dry hair
12:47 Double solution
12:49 Tantin Baru
12:50 Baru, Sari Mi price 2,500, sure to be in
12:54 Sari Mi for beef, sure to be in
12:56 Sari Mi for chicken, sure to be in
13:00 Sari Mi Baru price 2,500, sure to be in
13:05 It's so beautiful in the sun
13:07 But still smells like the sun
13:10 Maybe it's wet hair loss
13:12 Move on to Hair and Shoulders Lemon Segar
13:14 Effective, lose to wet hair
13:16 100% confident, fresh all day
13:18 Hair and Shoulders
13:20 Hair loss
13:21 Can be a sign of hair loss
13:23 Because of lack of neurotropic vitamin B
13:25 NeuroBion, overcome hair loss at its source
13:29 Stop hair loss so it doesn't bother you anymore
13:33 NeuroBion
13:34 Our flag appears again
13:36 Baru, Garnier Vitamin C Serum Morning and Night
13:38 Every morning, brighten up quickly
13:40 Every night, Baru, 10% Vitamin C Morning
13:43 Serum Night, provide black flag twice faster
13:46 Now available at a more affordable price
13:48 Alami in Garnier
13:49 Hey, where are you from?
13:52 From Rapatau Sisbo
13:53 Liar, you just ate squid, right?
13:58 With Padang sauce, right?
13:59 That's why guys, after eating, kiss first
14:02 Kiss, fragrant after eating
14:04 Hi, today I want to share tips to keep your hands soft
14:09 Hands can dry because of frequent washing dishes
14:11 Try Extra Soft Baru Salad
14:13 With No Moisturizer, inspired by Skincare
14:16 Effective, lose to wet hair
14:17 Keep your hands still soft
14:18 Extra Soft Baru Salad
14:20 Clean, no wrinkles, no wrinkles and no stones
14:23 You need Fix Formula 4 Bat
14:26 Lighting syrup that warms wrinkles
14:28 Relieve wrinkles, clean, no wrinkles, no stones
14:31 Fix Formula 4 Bat, 4 steps, relaxed
14:38 Not that easy
14:39 Zilat FlexiVibe, with flexible head
14:42 So your hair is soft, soft, soft
14:44 Soft, soft, soft, make it cool without hassle
14:48 Zilat FlexiVibe
14:50 Molto makes new clothes look
14:51 I wear it again and again
14:53 Baru, Molto Platform Plus Protect
14:55 Ultra Care Technology
14:57 10 times cloth lining protection
14:59 10 times more fragrant
15:00 Keep your clothes always fragrant and look new
15:03 Molto Baru
15:05 Mom, it smells good
15:08 You use my favorite soy sauce
15:10 Wow, Bango soy sauce
15:11 Because it was made using the same ingredients
15:14 Never changed
15:15 Yes, Malika, who is taken care of wholeheartedly
15:18 Becomes one of the four natural ingredients
15:20 That's why it always tastes good
15:27 Hmm, mom's food is always delicious
15:30 Because the taste never lies
15:32 Bango, because the taste never lies
15:35 Hey guys
15:36 I used detergent powder
15:52 So even though the clothes are clean, my hands are rough
15:54 No, I don't want
15:55 Detergent is made from growth
15:57 Then international certification
16:00 Clean, fragrant, and still soft
16:03 Just move to GentleGene
16:05 Galon Le Mineral 100% Free of BPA
16:08 Safe for children and family
16:10 Galon Free BPA, clear and transparent
16:12 Marked with a triangle icon number one
16:15 Galon Le Mineral
16:17 For the health of the family
16:19 Choose the right IndoFood chili for you
16:22 Spicy IndoFood chili
16:25 Extra spicy IndoFood chili
16:29 Spicy IndoFood chili
16:32 Spicy IndoFood chili
16:34 Here, I brought you here
16:43 So you're happy, right?
16:45 Playground
16:46 I don't like playground, uncle
16:48 This is a playground for kids to play
16:50 No, I like it, I want to play
16:52 Don't, uncle, don't take me to a place
16:56 You give me a job
16:58 You don't go anywhere, right?
16:59 I haven't worked for a long time
17:01 You don't go anywhere, right?
17:05 You accompany me to read the news, do you want?
17:07 Yes, I want
17:08 Okay, uncle
17:09 You can read this, right?
17:12 I can
17:13 You read
17:14 But I read the situation
17:16 You help me read the news
17:20 You read, accompany me to be a news host
17:23 Be a news host
17:25 Because there's a photo
17:27 Okay
17:29 A news host at home, this time you read the news
17:31 It's a funny news, okay?
17:32 Okay, thank you, uncle
17:34 The next news, a woman in Probolimbo was laughed at by other women
17:38 Because she accompanied a homeless man with a lot of jewelry in his hand
17:43 I'm sorry, uncle
17:45 I'm sorry, uncle
17:48 Money can change everything
17:53 Let's watch the video
17:55 A woman in Probolimbo was laughed at by other women
18:04 Because she accompanied a homeless man with a lot of jewelry in his hand
18:10 The woman immediately took off her jewelry because she was embarrassed by the homeless man
18:15 Be patient, ma'am
18:19 If you forget, you don't remember
18:23 The next news
18:25 The woman is funny
18:27 She wants to be a homeless man but she shows off her jewelry
18:30 That means you don't have to be a homeless man
18:33 Because you're a homeless woman
18:35 I want to try again
18:38 Don't jump, be careful
18:40 That's so natural
18:43 That's why you shouldn't jump
18:48 I'm sorry, I'm helping
18:51 Don't jump, you'll fall
18:53 There are videos of people who fell and got hurt
18:56 People who fell and got hurt?
18:58 Did I fall and got hurt?
18:59 That's a very conceptual fall
19:01 There's a scene where a CEO fell into a lake when he was far from the field
19:08 Where is it?
19:09 I swear to God that I am fully at the moment
19:16 To the ruler of the sky and the earth
19:18 I am a man of faith
19:21 I'm sorry
19:22 You're wrong
19:31 You jumped too fast
19:33 Luckily you fell into the lake, right?
19:37 Not your career
19:39 I'm just an ordinary worker
19:45 That's right
19:46 Let's go to the next video
19:48 Okay, let's watch it
19:50 There's a scene where a woman fell and got hurt
19:55 What does that mean?
19:57 Let's watch it
20:17 He knew he was going to fall
20:22 He parked his motorcycle
20:24 I'll fall here
20:26 One, two, okay
20:28 It's going to be cheap, right?
20:31 Be careful, focus
20:36 You should look at the standard first
20:39 You fell too gently
20:41 People look at the standard when they ride a motorcycle
20:45 Maybe the standard is too high
20:47 The standard is too high
20:49 So he didn't get the motorcycle standard
20:51 The standard is a luxury car
20:54 Let's go to the next video
20:57 There's a scene where a woman fell when she was riding a motorcycle
21:00 Let's watch it
21:01 I'm going to be an Iron Man
21:14 How was he?
21:16 He was stuck in the barricade
21:18 Yes, he was stuck
21:20 Who put him there?
21:22 Maybe he was the wrong one
21:24 He was using a PR
21:26 Virtual reality
21:28 Maybe it's a PR
21:30 I thought it was a public relationship
21:33 No, it's a relationship
21:36 Public relationship
21:38 Public, not relationship
21:40 Public
21:42 I'm just a DJ
21:44 Public
21:46 Maybe it's a PR
21:48 Maybe he fell on purpose
21:51 Okay, don't go anywhere
21:53 Stay here
21:55 In Bersanda
21:57 Berita Kocak, Netaganda
22:00 Next episode
22:07 Indonesia
22:09 Next episode
22:11 Support Rainer for fast, focus, flexible
22:15 So he can create various great ideas now and later
22:18 Give S26 Prokel Gold
22:20 Formulated by Wayan's Nutrition Expert
22:23 Be a great kid now and later
22:25 Still chubby, how?
22:30 Use new Pantene
22:31 Formula with micro-provitamin that absorbs
22:34 Stronger hair from the inside
22:36 Up to 10 times stronger
22:38 Against aging
22:39 New Pantene
22:41 LactoGro
22:43 The only milk with L-reuterine
22:46 Rich in Omega 3 and 6
22:49 Support smart mind and active body
22:52 LactoGro
22:53 The amazing thing from the inside
22:56 Attention!
22:58 Buy Beter, get free Beter again
23:01 Yay, I got Beter again
23:05 I want to trade
23:07 Hmm
23:08 I want to trade
23:09 Buy Beter, get free Beter again
23:12 There's a new one
23:13 K-Natural White Jeju Lemon
23:15 With Korean Rice Milk and Jeju Lemon
23:18 Against the bacterial body acne
23:20 Wow, so pretty
23:22 Buy K-Natural White Jeju Lemon
23:25 New
23:26 New flavor of broth
23:29 New standard, delicious
23:31 This is the first class broth
23:33 From quality and original spices
23:36 Through slow cook process
23:37 Make the best broth
23:39 The taste of the broth is so good
23:41 This is my favorite broth powder
23:43 Cook delicious, so effortless
23:45 Hmm, delicious
23:47 Delicious
23:49 Great
23:50 Add more, all approved
23:52 Chef approved, the seasoning is delicious
23:54 Cook delicious everyday
23:55 Buy 2 get 1 free from Beesfood
23:57 Eat savory, meet the aroma of the tea
24:00 The thirst is gone
24:02 Eat spicy, the taste is so good
24:06 Only from Pucuk Harum, from Pucuk Teh Pilihan
24:10 Pucuk Harum Tea
24:11 Energy for the body is important
24:15 But nowadays, energy for the brain is more important
24:20 It's time to change to Champion
24:23 The only chocolate drink, more complete with milk and egg protein
24:27 Which not only gives energy for the body
24:29 But also energy for the brain
24:31 Delicious
24:32 Not only gives energy for the body
24:35 But also energy for the brain
24:37 Champion, energy for the body, energy for the brain
24:41 Champion
24:42 Clearbar, the best anti-stress shampoo with technology
24:46 With 10 times super vitamin strength
24:49 Wipe out wet and dry stress
24:52 No more worry about stress
24:54 Clearbar, prove it now
24:57 Now, cook fried chicken, practice and it will be delicious
25:00 Only one seasoning, just Royco
25:02 My favorite, right?
25:03 Yes, because Royco is made from chicken boiled for a long time
25:06 Like a mixture of spices, immediately reveal the perfect flavor
25:08 Fried chicken is savory, just Royco
25:10 Masak Seasoning No. 1
25:12 The latest miracle from Pons Skin Institute
25:15 The first time to find niacinamide
25:17 Now present, new Pons Bright Miracle Cream
25:21 The best combination of niacinamide and irisorcinol from Pons
25:25 Producing niacinamide
25:27 The latest innovation of brightening ingredients with Micro Repel Technology
25:30 Which absorbs into the skin layer
25:32 For smooth skin with the best light, in 7 days
25:36 Pons Skin Institute, miracles happen
25:41 Enjoy the spring sensation from the Korean So Clean series of Camellia Apple
25:46 And Japanese Sakura Strawberry
25:49 LivelySense Technology, present flower and seasonal fruits in the dress
25:55 Camellia Apple gives the fresh smell of the summer in Korea
25:59 The soft smell of Sakura Strawberry, the cool summer in Japan
26:03 The clean dress, the fragrance of the summer every day
26:07 So Clean Experience Series
26:09 Wingscare
26:11 Galon Le Mineral, 100% free of BPA
26:14 Safe for children and family
26:16 The characteristic of Galon Le Mineral is clear and transparent
26:19 Signed by the icon on the third corner, No. 1
26:22 Galon Le Mineral, for the health of the family
26:26 Big discount up to 50% at Transmark Full Day Sale
26:31 Plus additional discount 20% with Aloe Prime
26:34 Mega Credit Card or Mega Sharia Bank
26:37 Starting from daily needs
26:39 Fresh products, home appliances
26:42 Department Store products and electronics
26:45 Shopping now, pay later
26:48 Starting tomorrow from the open shop until 10 PM
26:52 At Transmark all over Indonesia
26:55 New delicious broth powder
26:58 New standard, delicious cooking
27:00 This is the first class taste of broth powder
27:02 From quality choice spices and real meat
27:05 Through the slow cook process, produce the golden broth
27:08 The broth taste is so good
27:10 This is my favorite broth powder
27:12 Delicious cooking, so effortless
27:14 Hmm, delicious
27:17 Delicious, delicious, great
27:19 Add more, all approved
27:21 Chef Approved, delicious broth powder
27:23 Delicious cooking, every day
27:25 Buy 2 get 1 extra, from Wings Food
27:27 Something sweet to chill with your family
27:29 Fresh and natural dessert collection, spray cologne and body wash
27:32 Fragrant pink cupcakes, so sweet and cheerful
27:34 The foam is so fluffy and fresh
27:36 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection
27:40 Be sweet, be you
27:41 Not tasty
27:44 Yes, like there is a sweet taste
27:47 Le Mineral is different
27:49 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
27:52 Which is important for the body
27:54 And also make the water taste fresher
27:56 Le Mineral
27:57 Pollution and blue light make the skin dull
27:59 Word Ultimate Bright Solution
28:01 Double serum vitamin C and niacinamide
28:03 Brighten and prevent hyperpigmentation
28:06 Moisturizer, serum key nutrition
28:08 Ultimate Bright Skin Now
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