Paterson Joseph & Mathew Baynton On Being Wonka Baddies

  • last year
Paterson Joseph & Mathew Baynton On Being Wonka Baddies Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 Guys, just one of the most anticipated films of the year that you are in, and your characters
00:06 are so fun.
00:08 Evil, I thought was the first word you should have said.
00:11 I was going to say, how much fun is it to play such over-the-top baddies?
00:17 Ha! It's a lot of fun. Listen, it's brilliant to be the villain in anything because even
00:25 though people might hate you, they also sort of love you as well because you need a bit
00:29 of that. Otherwise, it would just be sickly sweet. One could come to town, make some chocolate,
00:33 everybody's happy. Boring. So you need somebody to try to destroy him.
00:38 Yes. Key characters.
00:40 It's nice to do a job where more is more and not less is more.
00:43 That's right. There are no boundaries to our acting in this. We can do as many double takes.
00:50 Can't we?
00:51 We couldn't be big enough.
00:53 Do you know, I think in some cases I was small. There were some small bits.
00:58 Well, based on anyone in particular, you're not going to tell me who, but do you take
01:03 inspiration or is it literally just your imagination you can kind of go wild with?
01:07 I think every bad boss I've ever worked for, every bad director, very few of them, that
01:11 I've ever worked for. Dictatorial, cold-hearted and sociopathic.
01:17 That sounds about right for those characters.
01:18 I wish I could sound as if I've got any psychological basis, but I feel like my character was a
01:23 moustache and it led me. The moustache alone led me.
01:27 I think it led us all.
01:28 It sort of led me into the characterisation.
01:29 Matt, as soon as we saw that, we were like, no, we've got to step it up.
01:32 We've got to match that moustache.
01:34 We're not going to be overdone by the moustache.
01:36 It's great. Don't fancy sporting that at any time.
01:39 Oh, I would love to, but I think my children would be embarrassed.
01:42 Or scared.
01:43 Yeah.
01:44 Or both.
01:45 Yeah, true. If I did the boys.
01:48 Obviously, now having worked with Timothy, he is a phenomenon all on his own. Do you
01:54 get the hype around him?
01:56 Oh my gosh, yes.
01:57 Yeah. I mean, you get why and you get the actual hype as well.
02:01 I remember seeing all the still, the sort of behind the scenes stills, photographs when
02:06 we got sent them and I hadn't realised just how much time I'd been spending staring at
02:12 him.
02:13 There's all these pictures. I'm just in the background going.
02:17 You're not the only one.
02:19 He's a magnetic guy.
02:20 He is, he is. And such a, it's weird, strangely, he's like a really serious actor, but also
02:26 has got this kind of mercurial fun on him. So he's got the best of both worlds.
02:32 Yeah, he's amazing as well in this. So well cast. If you guys could have a golden ticket
02:39 that you could, it would take you behind the scenes of anywhere you wanted to go, where
02:43 would you like that golden ticket to take you?
02:47 Behind the scenes? That's such a good question and I really wish we'd been primed for that
02:52 one.
02:53 My first thought is pathetic.
02:55 Always good to go with your first thought.
02:57 I'm sure they can cut it out.
02:58 The dressing room at Tottenham Hotspur.
03:01 Oh God.
03:02 There's a lot of people who would love that answer, so that's okay. I'm not one of them.
03:07 That's just the first thought I had.
03:09 You're an Arsenal fan?
03:10 Yeah.
03:11 Thank you.
03:12 We need to say no more.
03:13 Oh no.
03:14 How about you?
03:15 I don't really have, I can't think of anything. You've caught me completely out. I don't know.
03:23 I tell you, if I could go back in time, I'd love to see the first rehearsal of Hamlet
03:28 and go backstage and see, because Shakespeare's writing a bit of it and go, to be or not to
03:33 be that question here, do this. I'd love to see how the actors coped with that.
03:36 I mean, that's pretty incredible.
03:38 Right? That's quite a highbrow answer too.
03:40 Yeah, that's really great.
03:41 That's alright, but now you've got it later for when someone inevitably asks you the same
03:44 question.
03:45 It's in my back pocket. I'll pretend to be thinking about Shakespeare maybe.
03:49 First rehearsal of Hamlet.
03:50 Football.
03:51 Football.
03:52 Football.
03:53 And now you know who we are.
03:54 That's fine and we'll end there. No, honestly, great film guys. So much fun. Great escapism
04:01 and you just get to be amazing in it.
04:04 Thank you.
04:05 Good luck with it. Thank you so much.
04:06 Cheers.
04:07 Thanks so much.
04:08 Pleasure to meet you.
