Unlocking the secret to a vegan life | Fit & Fab (Stream Together)

  • last year
Maggie Wilson and Tere Licaros discover and share another method to live a healthy vegan life!

‘Fit & Fab’ stars Maggie Wilson and Tere Licaros. Watch the full episodes of #Fit&Fab and other GMA programs here: http://bit.ly/GMAFullEpisodes
00:00 At the start of every year, we all like making resolutions, right?
00:04 Which is really well and good because resolutions help make us better people.
00:08 That's right. But why wait that long to resolve to lead a better, healthier, and happier life?
00:13 We think self-improvement should happen every day, every week, every month, and every hour.
00:18 Definitely. To become more physically female fit and fabulous should be a 24/7 mission.
00:23 I'm Terrelly Caras.
00:24 And I'm Maggie Wilson. And this is Fit and Fab, your ultimate guide to being a better you.
00:29 Reach for the sky.
00:33 Dance to the beat.
00:38 Pamper yourself.
00:41 Go all out.
00:45 Be fit. Be fab.
00:49 This is your time to be all that.
00:54 Be fit. Be fab.
00:58 This is your time to be all that.
01:04 Tonight, we will show you how you can better your lives and lifestyles with really great workplace workouts
01:12 and even the benefits of making your diet a little bit more veggie-friendly.
01:16 And with that on the effort, how can you not be fit and fab?
01:19 Speaking of being fit, we all know that apart from having a regular regimen, you should also complement it with a good diet.
01:26 And to temper things to not being a good diet, no vegetables, no salads on the side.
01:30 But I would have to ask you, Maggie. Have you ever considered of going totally, totally green as in vegetarian?
01:36 Actually, you know what? I went vegetarian for two weeks.
01:39 But, you know, I love my fish and my seafoods and my chicken too much.
01:42 But don't get me wrong. I do love my veggies.
01:44 Same here. I love my vegetables, but it's just really difficult to let go of the things we're used to eating.
01:49 But there are a bunch of celebrities who have made that switch.
01:52 And hopefully, they will inspire us to gradually go green.
01:56 Pam makes sure she keeps fit by doing physical activities.
02:05 Pam is vegan. She practices the most extreme form of the vegetarian diet.
02:16 What I eat are healthy foods. I can enjoy eating a lot and yet stay within my desired weight.
02:24 She doesn't eat meat and any animal by-products.
02:28 And gets all her nutrition from vegetables, fruits, grains and seeds.
02:33 Pam says she was always on the chubby side when she was young.
02:37 And vegetarianism has helped her a lot in losing weight.
02:41 I would eat anything and it was so difficult for me to shed off the excess weight.
02:46 This is Pam before she turned vegan.
02:52 And this is Pam after going green.
02:56 Since becoming a vegan, Pam says she seldom gets sick.
03:08 In our house, we don't have a medicine cabinet. We don't have any vitamin or medicine.
03:13 Because we get our vitamins naturally from fresh sources.
03:18 For example, we get colds. We'll cook sinigang soup.
03:22 That's our natural source of vitamin C to heal our bodies, to heal our respiratory ailment.
03:30 For vegetarians like Pam, choosing this lifestyle is making a stand against animal and environmental cruelty.
03:37 Once you eliminate eating meat and seafood from your diet, you start to pity the animals.
03:44 You start to have more love and respect for the animals.
03:48 Since it's worked for her, Pam has also taught her children to go green.
03:53 Going green gives her the energy to live the life she truly loves.
03:57 30-year-old Isa has always been conscious with her figure.
04:03 Her slim physique helped her to become a finalist in a prestigious beauty pageant.
04:08 But when she got married, staying in shape became second priority to raising a family.
04:13 Isa gained a total of 100 pounds during her two pregnancies.
04:18 To lose weight, she decided to become a pesco-vegetarian,
04:23 a type of vegetarian diet that only includes vegetables and fish.
04:27 I think I can stick with just eating fish and vegetables.
04:33 So that's what I did after I gave birth.
04:35 Now, Isa is as slender as ever.
04:38 My dress size when I was 20, that's my dress size now.
04:42 So it doesn't hurt.
04:44 But aside from the figure-flattering benefits,
04:47 Isa also chose to become a pesco-vegetarian to give her children better nutrition.
04:51 It's healthier if you're breastfeeding, if you're eating more vegetables, you produce more milk.
04:57 She also blends fresh veggies for her 10-month-old daughter.
05:01 Voila!
05:03 Nutrient-rich, homemade baby food.
05:05 Even Isa's family has adapted to her vegetarian diet.
05:09 In fact, this pasta dish with anchovies is a favorite.
05:13 We added anchovies and cherry tomatoes.
05:18 Anchovies are tasty, so you don't need meat.
05:23 More than helping her lose weight, Isa believes that the best benefit of going green
05:27 is that she's become a better, healthier mom.
05:30 If you're eating unhealthy right now,
05:32 it will affect you when you're older.
05:35 For my kids, I want to see my children grow up.
05:38 I want to see them get married. I want to see my grandchildren.
05:42 Aside from vegans and pesco-vegetarians, there are three other types of vegetarians.
05:51 Lacto-vegetarians do not eat meat or eggs but consume other dairy products.
05:57 Lacto-ovo-vegetarians who eat plant foods but also include milk and eggs in their diet.
06:03 And finally, polio-vegetarians who also eat chicken with their greens.
06:09 Experts say vegetarianism, if done right, does wonders for the figure.
06:14 You get the bulk but less of the calories
06:17 because inherently, vegetables and fruits are not calorie-dense.
06:22 More importantly, eating green means living healthy.
06:26 Cholesterol is another type of nutrient that is high in animal-based foods.
06:34 Another one, the type of fat that we call saturated fat.
06:38 Veggie-rich diets also use less salt and sugar.
06:42 That's why students have shown that vegetarianism prevents cancer, disease of the heart, obesity,
06:49 type 2 diabetes and a variety of other diseases.
06:53 Experts add that vegetarian diets should be well-balanced
06:57 since it is possible for these diets to lack nutrients and protein.
07:01 If you think that vegetarianism means eating bland and boring salads,
07:08 then you're in for a surprise.
07:10 There are a ton of vegetarian food options to choose from
07:14 and veggie lovers say they wouldn't notice that they're missing meat with these recipes.
07:19 Mock meats and other vegetarian concoctions now look a lot like their real meat counterparts.
07:26 Can you tell which is meat and which is veggie-based between these burgers?
07:31 And what about these barbecues?
07:36 So, they can look the part, but do veggie meals taste as good as the real thing?
07:42 This is vegetarian chicharon.
07:45 They say that this is made of wheat, but it's meant to taste like chicharon.
07:49 So let's see.
07:50 It's good.
07:56 It's really good. It really does taste like chicharon.
08:03 Next for the taste test, vegetables.
08:06 I'm not a big fan of veggies, but I think I like this one.
08:10 Next on the menu is beef with broccoli and cashew nuts.
08:20 This beef is made from gluten, so it's not really actually meat.
08:25 It's just gluten, which is made from wheat, made to taste like beef.
08:31 So, let's give it a try.
08:32 Let's give it a try.
08:33 It's kind of sour, but it's pretty close to beef.
08:41 Okay, this is fish relleno.
08:45 It's made from gluten also and bean curd, in short, soya.
08:49 So, let's taste it.
08:51 I actually quite like this one.
09:01 Then finally, I got to try the vegetarian barbecue.
09:04 Mmm.
09:10 In fairness, it really tastes like pork barbecue.
09:16 It's good. I like.
09:18 I was kind of iffy about it at first because, of course, the meat is not really meat.
09:25 It's made out of gluten or soya, which kind of tasted kind of weird to me.
09:28 But there were some of the dishes that I actually really enjoyed.
09:32 If you're thinking about being a vegetarian, here are a few tips to help kickstart your lifestyle change.
09:40 First, know why you want to become a vegetarian.
09:43 You're doing it for yourself. You're not doing it for other people.
09:49 You're doing it for your health.
09:50 We should treasure it.
09:55 Consult a dietitian who can go over a list of vegetables that would give you the nutrients that you need.
10:01 Educate yourself about vegetarianism.
10:03 Read vegetarian books and do research on the internet.
10:06 Start with taking out red meat from your diet.
10:09 Then let the other types of meat follow.
10:11 You can also eat processed foods.
10:16 It's not just pork that you said don't eat meat.
10:20 You will eat, let's say, vegetable crackers and so on.
10:24 So stay away from processed foods also.
10:28 Use meatless substitutes.
10:30 Make a list of ingredients of the meals that you usually eat.
10:33 Think about vegetarian alternatives and then make a new list.
10:37 Try one vegetarian recipe per week.
10:40 Plan your veggie menu ahead.
10:42 Make sure there is variety.
10:44 You can't just eat one type of food every day.
10:47 They have to eat a wide area of foods to get the essential nutrients that they need.
10:54 Know where the vegetarian stores and restaurants are.
10:58 And since you're still probably going to dine with meat eaters, tell friends and family about your decision.
11:04 For vegetarians, eating green made them healthier and happier.
11:08 If you'd also like to reap these same benefits and are willing to say goodbye to meat,
11:13 then vegetarianism may be an alternative for you.
11:16 Fit and Fab recommends vegetarianism for
11:19 adults who want to live a healthy lifestyle,
11:22 people who have high blood pressure and prone to heart disease,
11:25 adults who want to lose weight and are willing to take meat out of their diet.
11:30 Want to find out more about how you can work out at the workplace?
11:37 Stay tuned.
11:42 Being career women, we work long, hard hours day in and day out.
11:46 And when you're stuck inside that cubicle in an air-conditioned room under a fluorescent light,
11:51 don't you just feel so tired and exhausted at the end of your workday?
11:55 Well, Fit and Fab has come up with some really great workouts that you can do in your workplace,
12:00 even in your own cubicle.
12:02 They are guaranteed to be the perfect office pick-me-up to perkify your day.
12:06 [music]
12:11 Most people say they don't have enough time to work out,
12:15 that with their busy or hectic schedules, they can't even squeeze in an hour
12:19 or even half an hour to do some fitness activity.
12:22 In the next few minutes, I am going to prove them wrong.
12:25 Just because you're in your workplace, it doesn't mean you can't work out.
12:29 [music]
12:34 It may not seem obvious, but believe it or not,
12:37 people who work a 9-to-5 desk job suffer a lot of strain on their bodies.
12:42 Hours of sitting tend to put weight on all the wrong body parts,
12:45 causing many common work-related pains.
12:48 The most common reason of absenteeism of our employees would be headaches and back pains.
12:54 Call center agents often complain of such ailments because of their sedentary work environment.
13:00 Meet 22-year-old Gladiola, a call center agent at TRG or the Resource Group Company.
13:06 Because TRG caters to clients halfway around the world,
13:09 Gladiola is usually wide awake when most people are sound asleep.
13:13 Because of Gladiola's topsy-turvy schedule, she usually spends her free time catching up on sleep.
13:19 Five days of work, Saturday, Sunday off.
13:24 After work, I just sleep.
13:27 This lack of physical activity often makes Gladiola short of breath,
13:31 even when she only has to walk short distance.
13:34 Taking the stairs becomes a chore she would rather avoid.
13:38 No matter how big or small your office space is,
13:42 you're sure to find some room for these easy workplace workouts.
13:46 With the help of fitness trainer Ruzelle Dieu,
13:49 we'll show you some practical ways to keep in shape even in the office.
13:54 Our first workplace workout is the table push-up.
13:57 Use a fixed or immovable table to do this.
14:00 And every time you go down, be sure to inhale and exhale up.
14:06 And this will surely tone your arm muscles.
14:09 But why would office workers need toned arms, you might ask?
14:13 Fitness experts say that building upper body strength is one of the essentials to a good workout.
14:18 You can also do the chair dips.
14:20 Grab the seat of a steady chair with both hands.
14:24 Your butt should at least be 2 to 3 inches away from the chair.
14:27 Keep your knees bent at a 45-degree angle.
14:31 Gradually lower your butt until your elbows bend to a 90-degree position.
14:37 Be sure that the strength is coming from your arms and not from your legs.
14:42 Another workplace workout is what we call the scissors sit.
14:48 In a sitting position, raise your legs as high as you can,
14:51 then cross your right ankle over the left and vice versa.
14:55 And of course, the jackknives.
15:00 Position your back 45 degrees backward, raise your legs and tighten your abs to hold this position.
15:05 Then bend your knees towards your chest for about 20 to 30 times.
15:09 If you work in front of the computer for hours at a time like Gladiola,
15:14 your shoulders will probably be tired by the end of the day.
15:18 To relieve this type of strain, just shrug it off. Literally.
15:23 Sit upright with your back straight and your hands resting gently on your lap.
15:28 Raise both shoulders up towards your ears, then slowly lower them.
15:34 Repeat about 15 times.
15:36 Take a break and then do another set.
15:40 Now, we meet 24-year-old Christine, a receptionist.
15:45 In my work, I usually sit for about 8 hours a day.
15:50 I answer all incoming calls, welcome on-site visitors.
15:57 This often causes Christine to experience back aches.
16:03 For this kind of work, stretching exercises would be highly recommended.
16:10 For your arms and shoulders, the chair reach and drop is best for relaxation.
16:15 First, sit on the edge of a chair, feet flat, back straight.
16:19 Hold your arms behind your back, palms facing each other and with your fingers locked together.
16:25 Then gently bend your body forward.
16:27 Raise your arms as high as you can while keeping your hands together.
16:32 You can also do the seated figure 4 exercise to flex your hips.
16:37 Again, while seated, place your right ankle across the left knee.
16:41 Then put both hands on the edge of the table at arm's length.
16:46 Bend your body forward while holding onto the edge of the table.
16:49 Repeat with your left ankle across your right knee.
16:53 Last but not the least is the sit and twist.
16:58 While seated, place your left hand on your right knee while your right hand rests on the back of your chair.
17:05 Then twist your upper body towards the right. Repeat on the opposite side.
17:10 Fact! Did you know that simple cubical calisthenics like those demonstrated by our fitness expert can actually burn at least 2-4 calories a minute?
17:20 If you're expecting a phone call that would last for about 30 to an hour, like a conference call, you can do simple cal braces while answering it. Like this.
17:33 Or you can do single cal braces with leg abduction.
17:39 You can also try taking the stairs instead of the elevator when going to your office.
17:47 Even two flights of stairs climbed per day can lead to almost 3 kilograms of weight loss over one year.
17:53 Going for a brisk walk is a great way to reduce stress.
17:57 Walking regularly has also been proven to reduce the feelings of depression and anxiety.
18:03 To make office workouts more practical, here are some additional tips.
18:09 Remember to bring a spare shirt or towel if you're prone to sweating a lot.
18:15 You can also check some useful websites like www.getfitnow.com, which features articles from various exercises and nutrition programs.
18:25 And for our ladies out there, you can go to www.exerciseforwomen.net for information and tips specifically designed for women.
18:34 Mobility at work is very important.
18:37 Well, having less sleep might lead them to less productivity. They're not that active because they lack energy.
18:48 Truth is, some exercise, as long as done correctly and often, beats zero exercise any day.
18:55 So give these workplace workouts a try.
18:58 Not only will they help your body's well-being, but they'll also keep your minds ready and alert for the day's demands.
19:04 Fit and Fab recommends workplace workouts for professionals who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle but do not have a regular exercise routine.
19:13 And office workers whose jobs require little physical activity.
19:18 Another great advantage to online shopping is that the web is a virtual goldmine of fabulous fashion finds.
19:27 We're women and we love to shop, but if you hate the crowds in the malls, especially during sales and the weekends,
19:37 we have found the latest shopping trend that will allow you to shop in the comfort of your own home.
19:42 That's right. Online shopping is super in right now with so many online brands popping up in sites like Multiply.
19:48 Here's how you can be chic through cyberspace.
19:51 As much as shopping is fun, going from mall to mall and shop to shop can get quite tiring.
20:08 Good thing we can now rest our tired toes and let our fingers do all the shopping.
20:13 Online shopping sites have sprouted all over the internet because of the convenience they offer.
20:19 Everything you need from books, bags, clothes, cars, gadgets, games, kitchenware, menswear, you name it and it's all just a click and credit card away.
20:32 Another great advantage to online shopping is that the web is a virtual goldmine of fabulous fashion finds.
20:39 Stuff you definitely won't find in a regular trip to the mall.
20:42 Let's start our virtual shopping spree with beauty products.
20:47 At www.leande.com, we can find these yummy and unique handmade organic beauty products like body creams, shampoos, soaps and lip balms.
20:59 Owner Neva Cares explains that she actually created this line to answer her own beauty needs.
21:04 Neva says that aside from being all organic, Leande products are special because they're not machine processed.
21:26 Being organic, the products have to be handmade.
21:29 That's one of my unique selling points.
21:32 Usually when you use a machine, the parts are metal, the ingredients react badly.
21:39 Almost all the ingredients are imported from different countries like Africa and India due to minimal supply of organic products in our country.
21:49 They even add some natural food ingredients to their products.
21:54 Neva says that though they never meet their customers face to face, just like in a regular shop, they still make sure that their customers are happy with every purchase.
22:23 Another great feature of Leande's online products is that you get instant reviews from other consumers before you even decide to try the products yourself.
22:45 Tired of messy bags? Then click your mouse over to www.bagsbuddy.multiply.com where you'll find your new best friend, Bags Buddy.
22:55 This Bags Buddy is the first design Bags Buddy. It has six same sized pockets and one small pocket for credit cards or IDs.
23:04 Owner Karen Sariña says that these colorful bag liners are the best for ladies who want to clean up their bag acts.
23:12 More often than not, girls have a lot of things inside their bag and they find it hard to fish out, for example, their car keys, their cell phone.
23:20 So I wanted to make a product that would cater to these young women, well, women of all ages.
23:27 Bags Buddy prices range from 140 to 250 pesos.
23:32 These products are made from locally found materials and the unique designs are only available online.
23:39 Best of all, they can be the nicest gifts for ladies of all ages.
23:43 Techie ladies who want to indulge their inner fashionistas will definitely think Ouellette Fajardo of Saks and Paks Leather Goods at www.saksandpakshandbags.multiply.com.
23:58 With her fun and fab laptop bags, the world of high tech just got upgraded to the world of high fashion.
24:04 I'd like it to look like a handbag, a ladies handbag.
24:09 Compared to boring black laptop bags, Saks and Paks bags come in bright colors and fashion-forward designs.
24:16 These bags are made from luxurious faux shantung to croco leather materials.
24:22 The bags are lightweight but durable enough to protect your precious electronic notebook and also complete with compartments for your cables and connectors.
24:34 They also come at reasonable prices from 1,250 to a little over 2,000 pesos.
24:41 They're all my original designs and then I have them made by a subcontractor in Marikina.
24:48 And finally, a shopping spree just isn't complete without clothes.
24:52 Say hello to Atavio Clothing at www.atavio.multiply.com and its sister site www.atavio.net.
25:04 All the nice clothes now are very expensive so we want to make clothes that are hip and very affordable.
25:11 Atavio, which is Spanish for dress or attire, offers a wide range of clothing choices.
25:17 From casual to couture and from tops to pants and even gowns.
25:21 The designs in the Atavio collection come in limited pieces which is great for those looking for unique additions to their wardrobe.
25:29 We post a size chart and then do the measurements from 0 to 6 or we can meet up with our clients for couture, made to order, we take their measurements.
25:43 Artist and TV commercial model, Jenny Lustre, is a big fan of Atavio's online service.
25:51 My work involves a lot of time so normally I finish my work by the time office and mall hours are done.
25:59 It's more practical if it's just on the internet because I can access it from 2 to 3 in the morning and it's easy to pay.
26:07 Jen also says although one can buy clothes just about anywhere, online retailers like Atavio develop a special relationship with their clients.
26:17 When you know the owner of the site, you've developed a long partnership with them, you're their client for a long time, you know what the website looks like and what the client will receive.
26:27 Online shopping can be a fun and less tiring alternative to conventional shopping.
26:32 But be sure you know what you're getting into before you reveal your credit card details on the world wide web.
26:38 First, check if online stores offer secure transactions.
26:42 Find out about the refund and returns policy.
26:46 Putting your credit card number and your account details on the internet makes you vulnerable to people online so you can easily be hacked with your accounts.
26:58 You don't know if your personal account in the bank is safe.
27:02 Always keep a record of your transactions.
27:06 Always keep track of what you spend on especially on your credit card.
27:10 So always keep your bank statements and always have your credit card details.
27:16 Always keep a paper trail of all the things that you spend especially online.
27:21 Know more about the PayPal system.
27:23 It helps protect your credit card information with industry leading security and fraud prevention systems.
27:29 The world wide web presents a world of options for the tech savvy shopper.
27:35 But for the uninitiated, not to worry.
27:37 He did not commit your credit card just yet.
27:40 He can also try a little web window shopping.
27:42 You never know what unique treasures you may find.
27:45 We Filipinas love to keep it simple and comfortable and that is why we just love our flip flops.
27:54 You know what Derek, do you love flip flops?
28:00 Of course I do.
28:03 Flip flops are super comfortable. They also fit and match practically every single outfit that I have.
28:08 Actually there are a lot of shops nowadays that offer different designs.
28:11 That's always to our advantage because there are more designs to choose from and they will match practically anything you choose.
28:17 So I checked out an event recently to give us the latest on flip flop fashion. Watch this.
28:32 We Filipinas love to keep it simple and comfortable and that is why we just love our flip flops.
28:37 And what better season to enjoy them than now, summer.
28:40 Flip flops have become one of summer's fashion essentials.
28:48 They are as basic as basic can be.
28:51 The most common ones with rubber soles and Y-shaped straps give our toes room to move and room to breathe.
28:58 They're just so comfy you can't get enough of them.
29:02 Actually it's kind of funny why Filipinos love wearing flip flops because if you think about it, they've been wearing them for the longest time.
29:08 It's just that they used to be called chinelas.
29:11 But in recent years, certain brands came into the market with really cute designs and different styles and marketed it in such a way that it became acceptable to wear it.
29:23 Not just at home or at the beach but as a fashion statement.
29:28 One shop that's become a popular stop for these sought-after footwear is the All Flip Flops store.
29:34 Just as its name suggests, the store carries hundreds of pairs of flip flops of all sizes, colors and designs.
29:42 But these are not just ordinary flip flops but the popular Havaianas.
29:53 Havaianas are Brazilian-made flip flops that became a hit in Brazil in the 60s.
29:58 More than 40 years later, Havaianas have walked their way throughout the whole globe, selling more than 2 billion flip flops.
30:06 That's enough sandals to circle the globe 50 times.
30:10 But what's the reason why men and women alike go crazy over them?
30:14 Havaianas is unique because it's actually made of a secret rubber formula and it originates from Brazil.
30:22 So in terms of the quality, durability, the flexibility, because rubber interacts well with the skin.
30:30 I'm here at the Rockwell tent with all these fabulous ladies who are crazy about their flip flops.
30:37 Today we're all going to design our own Havaianas.
30:40 The crowd is on their toes to make their own Havaianas.
30:47 A much-awaited fashion event that lets them make a statement by personalizing their favorite footwear.
30:53 Make your own Havaianas is actually a rare occasion where Havaianas customers can mix and match different colors of soles with different colors of straps according to their own preference.
31:04 And this is an international fashion event that has been held in different cities across the globe.
31:12 So this is the first step in making your own Havaianas.
31:15 You will choose the color of the sole of your slippers and you can choose what color of straps.
31:22 To visualize it better, they have this kind of booth.
31:26 So you can tear it up.
31:28 You want to see how it looks like?
31:30 White sole with pink strap.
31:32 You can visualize it.
31:35 So this is their first station in choosing and making your own Havaianas.
31:42 I chose light rose and golden sun as the color of the strap.
31:47 I think it's very feminine and it's got a white feel.
31:51 Ta-da! Yay!
31:54 To personalize our flip flops, there are a variety of hues and embellishment to choose from.
31:59 We also have as additional embellishment, a pair of shoes.
32:04 And we also have as additional embellishment for our flip flops, the lasinas.
32:07 Lasinas is a Portuguese word which means little laces.
32:10 Let's see how my Havaianas will turn out.
32:17 Oh, it's big!
32:19 Oh, it's too much!
32:23 It's okay.
32:25 Ah, okay.
32:27 It's a good fit.
32:29 Pink and then white.
32:32 And then on the other side, it's fab!
32:34 See?
32:36 So, you should be careful, right?
32:43 Yes, I should be careful.
32:45 I should be careful not to damage the strap.
32:47 Okay, I'll be careful.
32:49 But I wasn't the only one who was happy with my own pair of personalized flip flops.
32:55 These other fab ladies are obviously very thrilled with their own choices.
33:01 And this one, blue and white.
33:03 So, you chose the letter D because?
33:06 It's the initial of the name.
33:08 Ah, okay. D, right?
33:10 Why is there a "ngo" instead of "na"?
33:12 For the accent.
33:14 For accent.
33:16 So, how many pairs all in all do you have?
33:18 All in all, I have 32 pairs.
33:21 32 pairs?
33:23 32 pairs?
33:25 Wow! So, all different colors.
33:28 And you buy not only from the Philippines, right?
33:30 Yeah, I also order from the Philippines.
33:33 Really? Why do you like slippers so much?
33:36 It's very comfortable.
33:38 It also matches with your clothes.
33:42 And even in the office, even if I have a meeting, it still fits.
33:46 A flair for flip flops doesn't end with adding accessories like these.
33:50 You can personalize your flip flops by adding flowers, jewels, and who would believe, even scent.
33:57 Think perfume meets flip flops. That's Mallow's.
34:02 Mallow's kicked its way into the flip flop business just last October.
34:07 Owner Jennifer Lau, who's a flip flops fan herself, was looking for a more innovative, fashionable, and functional kind of flip flops.
34:15 People love flip flops and we just want to address the problem of having a very strong rubber scent.
34:21 So, instead of just eliminating it, we went even beyond it by making it scented.
34:27 The idea, according to her, is derived from the softness of marshmallows and the sweet fragrance of a scented flower.
34:35 Mmm, makes sense!
34:37 So, it's scented flip flops. How many scents, all in all?
34:41 Currently, we have four scents. We have the raspberry, bloom candy, and the berry.
34:46 This is a partnership between a French company, so all the research and development are done there.
34:51 The rubber itself is scented?
34:53 Yes, it is.
34:55 How long does the scent last?
34:56 The scent lasts conservatively for three to six months, depending on how you use it.
35:00 So, it could last even more than six months.
35:02 Wow!
35:04 Another fabulous thing about Mallow's is that it's a 100% all-original, all-Pinoy product.
35:11 Actually, not only the Philippines, this is the first ever scented rubber flip flops worldwide.
35:16 Mallow's is truly a new twist on our favorite comfy footwear.
35:21 Not only do they look and feel good, they can also make our feet smell great too!
35:26 With a wide array of different styles, designs, accessories, and twists to it, flip flops are definitely not just about comfort.
35:35 They are a fashion statement as well.
35:38 But girls, don't get too snug just yet.
35:42 Fashion experts have some things to say about wearing our favorite flip flops.
35:48 For those like church, or even school, or work, that deserve more respect, or even a wake, you really shouldn't wear flip flops there.
35:55 Many times when you're wearing flip flops, you're too relaxed, and that's not really a good frame of mind.
36:00 Some workplaces allow it, maybe on relaxed days, but there are really times when you should look more pulled together.
36:06 And there's really no need to insist on wearing flip flops all the time because there are so many other great occasions that they're perfectly acceptable.
36:15 But for comfort, stylish, and fabulous designs, I think that flip flops will stay in the fashion scene for a long, long time.
36:21 And we'll just keep on going crazy over them.
36:25 Here at Fit & Fab, we bring you some easy ways to brush your tools back into shape.
36:32 Today I'm sure you have a ton of makeup since we're always on TV and doing shoots, but I'm sure you also have a ton of makeup brushes.
36:43 Small ones, big ones, medium size.
36:45 But the question is, do you know how to wash your brushes?
36:48 Oh, very simple. Soap and water.
36:50 No, no, no, no. I don't think you can wash them with soap and water.
36:53 I've been doing it that way forever. What are you talking about?
36:56 No, I think there's a proper way to do it. So this week on Fit & Fab's Q&A, we talk to the experts on how to properly wash our makeup brushes.
37:03 And here's what they have to say. Watch this.
37:11 Makeup brushes are an investment. A little bit of TLC will ensure you that they'll stay as good as new for a long time.
37:17 So here at Fit & Fab, we bring you some easy ways to brush your tools back into shape.
37:22 Good quality makeup brushes can range anywhere from 300 to 15,000 pesos.
37:27 If they're made of real hair, they usually last a lot longer, especially if you take care of them well.
37:34 I'm used to if you get cheap brushes that you go to a store, "Hey, cheap! It's only 500 pesos for a whole set."
37:41 But sometimes after a few months, it starts falling apart. So you're gonna have to buy again and again and again.
37:47 Aside from protecting your investments, cleaning your makeup brushes prevents nasty effects on your skin.
37:54 If you use a bad brush, especially for oily skin, when you use it again, it really sticks to your skin.
38:03 So even if there are microbes, whether it's bacteria, parasites, or whatever, dust mites, they will stick to your face if you're oily.
38:11 And for those who are susceptible to pimples, if you use a bad brush, their skin will get irritated.
38:19 So all the more that their pimples can flare up.
38:22 So to keep your brushes squeaky clean, here are a few tried and tested methods.
38:29 Every after use, clean it so that there's no buildup of bacteria.
38:33 For our first method, all you need is a little shampoo or facial soap and our ever-reliable H2O.
38:39 Shampoos work well on brushes because brushes are usually made of hair.
38:44 Lather them up and gently massage out makeup residue and dirt.
38:49 Use a paper towel to blot out the excess liquid, but be careful not to grind or mash the brush head into the paper towel.
38:58 Our second method uses a vinegar and water solution.
39:01 First, mix one part vinegar with two parts water.
39:05 Dip your brush in the mixture and after a minute or less, rinse it with running water and voila, a clean brush.
39:12 Vinegar acts as a disinfectant, which is especially important if you share your brushes with other people.
39:18 For people on the go, method number three is best for you.
39:21 Just spray a little bit of professional makeup brush cleanser on a piece of tissue, then wipe your brushes clean.
39:27 When I travel or shoot, I have a brush cleaner that I use.
39:34 Just spray it on a piece of tissue, wipe it off, and you can use it on your next client.
39:42 These makeup brush cleaners are usually available at beauty shops for around 500 to 2,000 pesos depending on the brand.
39:52 It's important to check the alcohol content, because as much as possible, it should have less alcohol content.
40:01 Because the brush dries out. So if the alcohol content is high, the brush will dry out and it will easily get damaged.
40:09 Whichever way you clean them, make sure you rinse or blot your brushes thoroughly after removing all the excess makeup.
40:16 Then lay the tools flat and let them air dry naturally.
40:21 Allow about four to eight hours for your brushes to dry.
40:24 The fuller or thicker the brush, the longer it will take to dry.
40:28 Once every two weeks, it's pushing it already for me, but once a week is okay already.
40:33 I mean, it's enough time. It's short enough that it's not super dirty yet, but if you leave it any longer, it will get really gross already.
40:42 So there you go, ladies. It might be a bit of a chore, but I'm sure that next time you put on makeup with your soft clean brushes,
40:50 you'll admit that brushing up on the basics of brush care was worth your time.
40:54 We hope we've inspired you to make your life healthier, happier, and more holistic.
41:08 And if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please write to us at fitandfab@gmanetwork.com.
41:13 We always love to hear from you guys. Once again, I am Maggie Wilson.
41:16 And I'm Daryl Aligar. I'll see you all next week on...
41:19 Fit and Fab!
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