Justice Department is ‘Vigilantly Monitoring’ Actions That Infringe on Reproductive Rights, Says Attorney General

  • last year
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland says the Justice Department is vigilantly monitoring any laws or actions that infringe on federal protections of women's reproductive rights.


00:00 Over the past 18 months, the Justice Department has been working to defend the reproductive
00:04 freedoms that are protected by federal law.
00:08 As part of that work, we are continuing to vigilantly monitor state laws and enforcement
00:13 actions that threaten to infringe on women's reproductive rights.
00:18 Last month, we filed a statement of interest in two lawsuits challenging the Alabama Attorney
00:23 General's threat to prosecute people who provide assistance to women seeking lawful
00:28 out-of-state abortions.
00:30 As I said on the day that Dobbs was decided, BEDRA constitutional principles dictate that
00:37 women who reside in states that have banned access to comprehensive reproductive care
00:43 must remain free to seek that care in states where it is legal.
00:48 Our brief explains that the threatened Alabama prosecutions infringed the constitutional
00:54 right to travel.
00:56 It also makes clear that states may not punish third parties for assisting women in exercising
01:02 that right.
01:04 We are also continuing to litigate the suit we brought to ensure that women in Idaho have
01:08 access to the emergency care guaranteed by the Federal Emergency Medical Treatment and
01:13 Labor Act, or EMTALA.
01:17 Idaho's law prohibits abortion even when it is the medically necessary treatment to
01:22 stabilize a patient's emergency medical condition.
01:27 Last week, we filed a brief in the Supreme Court to preserve an injunction that blocks
01:33 Idaho's law to the extent it prohibits doctors from providing the care that is required by
01:39 EMTALA.
01:40 The Justice Department will continue to vigilantly monitor laws and actions that infringe on
01:46 federal protections of reproductive rights.
01:49 And we will take appropriate action to defend those rights.
01:55 We are also continuing to advise federal agencies on legal issues related to reproductive health
02:01 in the aftermath of DOPS.
02:03 And we are defending agencies as litigation arises.
02:06 More than two decades ago, the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug Mifepristone
02:12 as safe and effective to terminate early pregnancies.
02:17 And in an unprecedented decision issued earlier this year, the District Court for the Northern
02:23 District of Texas displaced the FDA's expert judgment and blocked the agency's approval
02:30 of Mifepristone.
02:32 We quickly obtained a stay of that decision from the Supreme Court while the case is on
02:37 appeal.
02:39 And now that the Fifth Circuit has affirmed the District Court's decision in part, we
02:43 are seeking Supreme Court review to ensure that Mifepristone remains available on the
02:49 terms approved by the FDA.
02:52 The Department of Justice will not cease its efforts to preserve access to Mifepristone
02:58 and defend the FDA's expert judgments.
03:01 We continue to work to protect health care providers and people seeking reproductive
03:06 health services.
03:07 We continue to enforce the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, known as the FACE
03:13 Act.
03:14 That law prohibits anyone from obstructing access to reproductive health services, including
03:20 abortion services, pharmacies that provide reproductive health care services, and pregnancy
03:26 counseling services, through violence, threats of violence, or property damage.
03:33 We are working to ensure that prosecutors across the country are equipped to bring FACE
03:39 Act cases, and we have emphasized that Civil Rights Division attorneys are always available
03:45 for consultation and technical assistance.
