12 Angry Men 1959 Full Movie

  • last year
00:00:00 (roaring)
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00:00:33 (roaring)
00:00:35 the. (whistling)
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00:00:47 (door slams)
00:00:50 (door slams)
00:01:02 (chatter)
00:01:04 You did a wonderful job, wonderful.
00:01:07 (laughing)
00:01:10 You did it, man, you did it.
00:01:11 (laughing)
00:01:15 To continue, you've listened to a long and complex case,
00:01:19 murder in the first degree.
00:01:20 A premeditated murder is the most serious charge tried
00:01:24 in our criminal courts.
00:01:26 You've listened to the testimony,
00:01:27 you've had the law read to you and interpreted
00:01:29 as it applies in this case.
00:01:30 It's now your duty to sit down
00:01:32 and try and separate the facts from the fancy.
00:01:34 One man is dead, another man's life is at stake.
00:01:40 If there's a reasonable doubt in your minds
00:01:41 as to the guilt of the accused,
00:01:44 a reasonable doubt,
00:01:46 then you must bring me a verdict of not guilty.
00:01:49 If, however, there's no reasonable doubt,
00:01:51 then you must, in good conscience, find the accused guilty.
00:01:54 However you decide, your verdict must be unanimous.
00:02:00 In the event that you find the accused guilty,
00:02:03 the bench will not entertain a recommendation for mercy.
00:02:07 The death sentence is mandatory in this case.
00:02:10 You're faced with a grave responsibility,
00:02:13 thank you, gentlemen.
00:02:14 The alternate jurors are excused.
00:02:18 The jury will now retire.
00:02:25 (footsteps)
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00:02:35 (somber music)
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00:03:15 (footsteps)
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00:04:13 (somber music)
00:04:15 (footsteps)
00:04:17 (indistinct chatter)
00:04:21 (indistinct chatter)
00:04:24 - You fished gum?
00:04:48 - Oh, thanks.
00:04:50 - This thing is...
00:04:51 Move it.
00:04:52 - I'm gonna have it on.
00:04:57 - You know something?
00:05:05 I called the weather bureau this morning.
00:05:07 This is gonna be the hottest day of the year.
00:05:09 Well, you'd think that at least the air conditioning
00:05:12 is placed in the house, your names.
00:05:13 - Oh, it's that one, yeah.
00:05:17 - Okay, gentlemen, everybody's here.
00:05:20 Now, if there's anything you want,
00:05:22 I'll be right outside the door.
00:05:23 Just knock.
00:05:24 - Okay.
00:05:25 - I never knew they locked the door.
00:05:41 - Sure they locked the door, what do you think?
00:05:43 - I don't know, it just never occurred to me.
00:05:47 - What's that for?
00:05:48 - Oh, I thought we might wanna vote by ballot.
00:05:51 - Great idea.
00:05:52 Maybe we can get 'em elected senator.
00:05:54 (laughing)
00:05:56 - How'd you like it?
00:06:03 - Oh, I don't know.
00:06:03 It was pretty interesting.
00:06:05 - I almost fell asleep.
00:06:07 - I mean, I've never been on a jury before.
00:06:10 - No, I sat on many juries.
00:06:15 - What gets me is where those lawyers talk and talk
00:06:17 and talk, even when it's an open and shut case
00:06:19 like this one.
00:06:20 I mean, you never hear so much talk about nothin'.
00:06:22 - Well, I guess they're entitled.
00:06:24 - They're entitled, it's the system,
00:06:26 but if you ask me, I'd slap those tough kids down
00:06:30 before they start any trouble.
00:06:32 Serves a lot of time and money.
00:06:34 Now, let's get started, huh?
00:06:35 - Good idea.
00:06:36 - Yeah, let's get going, huh?
00:06:37 There's probably all good things to do here.
00:06:38 - I figure we'd start out with a five minute break
00:06:40 and there's one gentleman in the bathroom.
00:06:42 - Yeah, are you gonna sit in on it?
00:06:45 - Gee, I don't know, I guess so.
00:06:47 - You're in my seat.
00:06:54 - Oh, excuse me.
00:06:55 - Hey, that's not a bad view, huh?
00:07:01 What did you think of the case?
00:07:06 I mean, it had a lot of interest for me.
00:07:08 No real dead spots, you know what I mean?
00:07:12 I tell you, we were lucky to get a murder case.
00:07:15 - I figured that's for an assault or burglary.
00:07:17 - Well, they can be the dullest.
00:07:20 Hey, that the Woolworth building?
00:07:24 - That's right.
00:07:26 - Isn't that funny?
00:07:27 You know, I've lived here all my life,
00:07:28 I've never been inside that.
00:07:30 - You had to sort out all that junk,
00:07:32 like that thing with the movies.
00:07:34 - Yeah, you can say that again.
00:07:35 What about that business with the knife?
00:07:37 I mean, asking grown up people
00:07:39 who don't believe that kind of jazz, huh?
00:07:40 - Well, I expect that.
00:07:41 - You know what we're dealing with.
00:07:43 - Yeah, I guess.
00:07:44 Well, your horn works, I'll try your lights.
00:07:49 Pretty on a cold.
00:07:49 - And how, these hot weather colds can kill you.
00:07:52 - They can hardly touch my nose, you know what I mean?
00:07:55 - They sure do.
00:07:57 This got over one.
00:07:59 Oh, come on, Mr. Foreman, let's go here, huh?
00:08:02 - Well, the guy's still in the bathroom.
00:08:03 - Hey, what's new?
00:08:04 I didn't get a chance to see a paper this morning.
00:08:07 - I was only wondering how the market closed.
00:08:10 - You got a seat on the exchange?
00:08:12 - I'm a broker.
00:08:14 - I run a messenger service, the Beck and Call Company.
00:08:19 The name was my wife's idea.
00:08:21 Got 37 men working, started with nothing.
00:08:25 - Okay, men, let's take our seats, huh?
00:08:28 (men chattering)
00:08:31 - Yeah, we can all get out of here pretty quick, huh?
00:08:33 I don't know about the rest of you,
00:08:34 but I happen to have tickets to that ball game tonight.
00:08:36 Yanks and Cleveland.
00:08:38 - Yeah, we got this kid Modulowski in there.
00:08:40 - Oh, he's a real bolus kid.
00:08:42 You know, poom, real jug handle.
00:08:46 You know, poom.
00:08:47 You're a real baseball fan, aren't you, huh?
00:08:50 - Yeah.
00:08:51 - Where do we sit here?
00:08:53 - Well, I thought we'd sit in order, you know,
00:08:55 by jury numbers of one, two, three, four, five,
00:08:57 so on around the table.
00:08:59 That's okay with you gentlemen.
00:09:00 - What's the difference?
00:09:01 - I think it's reasonable to sit in order.
00:09:03 - Let it be.
00:09:04 - Number 12 should be right here.
00:09:05 - Yeah, let's go around the clock.
00:09:07 - One, two, three, four, five, six.
00:09:10 - What was your impression of the prosecuting attorney?
00:09:14 - I beg pardon?
00:09:15 - I thought he was really sharp.
00:09:17 The way he hammered over those points one by one,
00:09:19 logical sequence.
00:09:21 I was very impressed with him.
00:09:23 - I think he did an expert job.
00:09:26 A lot of drive, too.
00:09:27 Real drive.
00:09:29 - Okay, fellas, can we hold it down a minute?
00:09:30 - Sure.
00:09:31 - Fellas, say we'd like to get started.
00:09:35 Gentlemen at the window.
00:09:37 We'd like to get started.
00:09:39 - Oh, I'm sorry.
00:09:40 - Pretty tempting figure, isn't he?
00:09:41 Kid kills his father, Bing, just like that.
00:09:44 - Oh, listen, you analyze the figures,
00:09:45 you'll see it happens all the time.
00:09:46 - I'll tell you, they let those kids ride wild up there.
00:09:48 Well, maybe it serves them right.
00:09:50 You know what I mean?
00:09:51 - Is everyone here?
00:09:53 - The old man is inside.
00:09:55 - Oh, would you knock on the door for him?
00:09:57 - Yeah.
00:09:58 - The Yankee fan?
00:09:59 - No.
00:10:00 - Baltimore.
00:10:04 - It's like being hit in the head
00:10:05 with a crowbar once a day.
00:10:08 - Who do they got?
00:10:10 - I mean, who do they got besides good groundkeepers?
00:10:12 - Say, we'd like to get started.
00:10:14 - Oh, forgive me, gentlemen.
00:10:15 I didn't mean to keep you waiting.
00:10:18 - Baltimore.
00:10:19 - Okay, gentlemen, if I can have your attention.
00:10:23 You fellas can handle this thing any way that you want to.
00:10:26 I'm, you know, I'm not gonna make any rules.
00:10:28 We can, well, discuss it first,
00:10:30 and then vote on it.
00:10:32 That's, of course, that's one way.
00:10:34 And, well, we can vote on it right now.
00:10:37 - I think it's customary to take a preliminary vote.
00:10:40 - Yeah, let's vote.
00:10:42 Who knows, maybe we'll all get out of here, huh?
00:10:44 - Uh-huh.
00:10:45 Okay, then I think that, of course, you know that we
00:10:50 have a first degree murder charge here,
00:10:51 and if we vote the accused guilty,
00:10:54 we've got to send him to the chair.
00:10:57 That's mandatory.
00:11:00 - I think we know that.
00:11:00 - Yeah, let's see you all.
00:11:01 - Yeah, let's see you all square.
00:11:03 - Okay, anyone doesn't want to vote?
00:11:06 - Try it with me.
00:11:07 - Okay, then just remember that this has to be
00:11:11 12 to nothing either way.
00:11:14 That's the law.
00:11:15 Okay, are we ready?
00:11:17 All those voting guilty, please raise your hands.
00:11:21 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
00:11:27 eight, nine, 10, 11.
00:11:31 Okay, that's 11 guilty.
00:11:33 All those voting not guilty?
00:11:37 One, right.
00:11:37 11 guilty, one not guilty.
00:11:41 Well, now we know where we are.
00:11:44 - Boy, oh boy, there's always one.
00:11:47 So, what do we do now?
00:11:50 - I guess we talk.
00:11:52 - Boy, oh boy.
00:11:54 - You really think he's innocent?
00:12:00 - I don't know.
00:12:01 - I mean, you sat in court with the rest of us.
00:12:03 You heard what we did.
00:12:04 The kid's a dangerous killer, you could see it.
00:12:06 - He's 18 years old.
00:12:08 - Well, that's old enough.
00:12:10 He stabbed his own father four inches into the chest.
00:12:13 They proved it a dozen different ways in court.
00:12:15 Would you like me to list them for you?
00:12:18 - No.
00:12:19 - Then what do you want?
00:12:21 - I just want to talk.
00:12:23 - Well, what's there to talk about?
00:12:24 11 men in here think he's guilty.
00:12:26 No one had to think about it twice except you.
00:12:28 - I want to ask you something.
00:12:29 Do you believe his story?
00:12:31 - I don't know whether I believe it or not.
00:12:33 Maybe I don't.
00:12:34 - So how come you vote not guilty?
00:12:36 - Well, there were 11 votes for guilty.
00:12:38 It's not easy to raise my hand and send a boy off to die
00:12:41 without talking about it first.
00:12:43 - Well, now, who says it's easy?
00:12:44 - No one.
00:12:45 - What, just because I voted fast?
00:12:49 I honestly think the guy's guilty.
00:12:51 Couldn't change my mind if you talked for 100 years.
00:12:54 - I'm not trying to change your mind.
00:12:55 It's just that we're talking about somebody's life here.
00:12:59 - We can't decide it in five minutes supposing we're wrong.
00:13:01 - Supposing we're wrong.
00:13:03 Supposing this whole building should fall down on my head.
00:13:05 You can suppose anything.
00:13:06 - That's right.
00:13:08 - Look, what's the difference how long it takes?
00:13:10 Suppose we do it in five minutes, so what?
00:13:13 - Let's take an hour.
00:13:14 Ball game doesn't start till 8 o'clock.
00:13:18 - Who's got something to say?
00:13:24 - I'm willing to sit for an hour.
00:13:26 - Great.
00:13:27 - I heard a pretty good story last night.
00:13:29 - That's not why we're sitting here.
00:13:31 - All right, then you tell me.
00:13:33 What are we sitting here for?
00:13:36 - I don't know, maybe no reason.
00:13:39 Look, this kid's been kicked around all of his life.
00:13:42 You know, born in a slum, mother dead since he was nine.
00:13:46 Lived for a year and a half in an orphanage
00:13:48 when his father was serving a jail term for forgery.
00:13:52 It's not a very happy beginning.
00:13:54 He's a wild, angry kid.
00:13:56 That's all he's ever been, and you know why?
00:13:58 'Cause he's been hit on the head
00:13:59 by somebody once a day, every day.
00:14:02 He's had a pretty miserable 18 years.
00:14:04 I just think we owe him a few words, that's all.
00:14:07 - I don't mind telling you this, mister.
00:14:09 We don't owe him a thing.
00:14:11 He got a fair trial, didn't he?
00:14:12 What do you think that trial caused?
00:14:14 He's lucky he got it.
00:14:16 Know what I mean?
00:14:16 - No.
00:14:17 - Now look, we're all grownups in here.
00:14:20 We heard the facts, didn't we?
00:14:22 You're not gonna tell me that we're supposed
00:14:23 to believe this kid knowing what he is.
00:14:26 Listen, I've lived among them all my life.
00:14:28 You can't believe a word they say.
00:14:30 You know that.
00:14:31 I mean, they're born liars.
00:14:33 - Only an ignorant man can believe that.
00:14:36 - Now listen.
00:14:37 - Do you think you were born with a monopoly on the truth?
00:14:40 I think certain things should be pointed out to this man.
00:14:42 - Come on, this isn't Sunday.
00:14:44 We don't need a servant.
00:14:45 - Come on, we have a job to do now.
00:14:46 Let's do it.
00:14:47 - Rice pops.
00:14:49 It's a product I work on at the agency.
00:14:51 A breakfast with a build-in bounce.
00:14:54 I wrote that line.
00:14:56 - Very catchy.
00:14:57 Say, do you mind?
00:14:58 - Oh, I'm sorry.
00:15:00 I have this habit of doodling.
00:15:02 It keeps me thinking clearly.
00:15:03 - Yeah, we have all this work to do.
00:15:04 There's no point staying here forever.
00:15:06 Okay.
00:15:07 Now perhaps if the gentleman down there
00:15:11 who's disagreeing with us,
00:15:12 well, perhaps you could tell us why.
00:15:14 You know, let us know what you're thinking
00:15:16 and we might be able to show you where you're mixed up.
00:15:18 - Well look, maybe this is an idea.
00:15:20 Now I haven't given it much thought,
00:15:22 but it seems to me that it's up to the group
00:15:24 of us to convince this gentleman
00:15:26 that he's wrong and we're right.
00:15:27 Now maybe if we each took a couple of minutes just to...
00:15:30 Well, it was just a quick idea.
00:15:33 - No, no, no.
00:15:33 That's a good one.
00:15:35 Suppose we go once around the table.
00:15:38 I guess you're first.
00:15:39 - Oh.
00:15:40 Well, uh...
00:15:41 Well, it's hard to put into words.
00:15:45 I just think he's guilty.
00:15:49 I thought it was obvious from the word go.
00:15:52 I mean, nobody proved otherwise.
00:15:53 - Nobody has to prove otherwise.
00:15:55 The burden of proof's on the prosecution.
00:15:57 The defendant doesn't even have to open his mouth.
00:16:00 That's in the Constitution.
00:16:01 - Oh, sure, I know that.
00:16:03 What I meant was is...
00:16:05 Well, I just think he's guilty.
00:16:09 I mean, somebody saw him do it.
00:16:10 - Okay.
00:16:11 Here's what I think,
00:16:13 and I have no personal feelings about this.
00:16:16 I just want to talk about facts.
00:16:18 Number one.
00:16:21 The old man lived downstairs under the room
00:16:23 where the killing took place.
00:16:26 At 10 minutes after 12 on the night of the killing,
00:16:28 he heard loud noises.
00:16:29 Said it sounded like a fight.
00:16:32 And he heard the kid yell out, "I'm gonna kill you."
00:16:35 Second later, he heard a body hit the floor.
00:16:37 Ran to the door, opened it up,
00:16:39 saw the kid running down the stairs and out of the house.
00:16:41 Called the police.
00:16:42 They came in, found the old man with a knife in his chest.
00:16:45 The coroner fixed the time of death around midnight.
00:16:49 Now, these are facts.
00:16:51 You can't refute facts.
00:16:52 The kid is guilty.
00:16:53 I'm just as sentimental as the next fella.
00:16:56 I know he's only 18,
00:16:57 but he's still got to pay for what he did.
00:17:00 - I'm with you.
00:17:02 - Okay, are you finished?
00:17:04 - Yeah, next.
00:17:06 - It was obvious to me anyway
00:17:07 that the boy's entire story was flimsy.
00:17:09 He claimed he was at the movies
00:17:10 during the time of the killing,
00:17:11 and yet one hour later,
00:17:12 he couldn't remember the names of the films he saw
00:17:14 or who played in them.
00:17:15 - That's right.
00:17:16 - And no one saw him going in or out of the theater.
00:17:18 - Listen, what about the woman
00:17:19 across the street?
00:17:20 If her testimony don't prove it, nothing does.
00:17:22 - That's right.
00:17:23 She was the one who actually saw the killing.
00:17:25 - Now, fellas, please, let's go on order here, huh?
00:17:27 Just a minute.
00:17:28 Here's a woman.
00:17:29 (coughing)
00:17:31 Here's a woman who was lying in bed.
00:17:32 She can't sleep.
00:17:33 She's dying with the heat.
00:17:35 You know what I mean?
00:17:35 Anyway, she looks out the window,
00:17:37 and right across the street,
00:17:38 she sees the kid stick the knife into his father.
00:17:41 The time is 1210 on the nose.
00:17:44 Everything fits.
00:17:45 Look, she's known the kid all his life.
00:17:48 His window was right opposite hers
00:17:49 across the L tracks,
00:17:50 and she swore she saw him do it.
00:17:52 - Through the windows of a passing L train.
00:17:54 - Right.
00:17:55 This L train had no passengers on it.
00:17:57 It was just being moved downtown.
00:17:59 The lights were out, remember?
00:18:00 And they proved in court that at night,
00:18:02 you can look through the windows of an L train
00:18:04 when the lights are out
00:18:04 and see what's happening on the other side.
00:18:06 They proved it.
00:18:08 - I'd like to ask you something.
00:18:10 You don't believe the boy's story.
00:18:11 How come you believe the woman's?
00:18:12 She's one of them, too, isn't she?
00:18:14 - You're a pretty smart fella, aren't you?
00:18:19 - Okay, gentlemen, gentlemen.
00:18:21 What's he so wise about?
00:18:24 I'm telling you.
00:18:25 - Hey, now, come on.
00:18:26 Now, we're not gonna get anywhere fighting.
00:18:29 Whose turn is it next?
00:18:30 - Oh, his, number five.
00:18:32 - Now, can I pass it?
00:18:37 - That's your privilege.
00:18:41 How about the next gentleman?
00:18:44 - Oh, well, I don't know.
00:18:47 I started to be conventional.
00:18:49 Very early in the case.
00:18:51 You see, I was looking for a motive.
00:18:55 That's very important,
00:18:56 because if you don't have a motive,
00:18:58 where's your case, right?
00:18:59 Anyway, that testimony from those people
00:19:03 in the apartment across the hall
00:19:04 from the kids' apartment, that was very powerful.
00:19:08 Didn't they say something about a fight,
00:19:11 an argument between the old man and his son
00:19:13 around about seven o'clock that night?
00:19:16 I mean, I could be wrong, but I--
00:19:18 - It was eight o'clock.
00:19:18 - It was eight o'clock, that's right.
00:19:19 They heard an argument.
00:19:21 They couldn't hear what it was about.
00:19:23 Then they heard the father hit the boy twice.
00:19:26 Finally, they saw the boy run angrily out of the house.
00:19:28 What does that prove?
00:19:29 - Well, it doesn't exactly prove anything.
00:19:31 It's just part of the picture.
00:19:33 - Well, you said it provided a motive,
00:19:34 and the prosecuting attorney said the same thing.
00:19:36 I don't think that was a very strong motive.
00:19:38 This boy's been hit so many times in his life
00:19:40 that violence is practically a,
00:19:42 it's a normal state of affairs with him.
00:19:45 I just, I can't see two slaps in the face
00:19:47 provoking him into committing murder.
00:19:49 - It may have been two too many.
00:19:51 Everyone has a breaking point.
00:19:52 - Anything else?
00:19:56 - No.
00:19:58 - Okay.
00:20:00 How about you?
00:20:01 - I don't know.
00:20:04 It's all been said.
00:20:05 You can talk here forever.
00:20:08 It's still the same thing.
00:20:09 This kid is five for all.
00:20:12 Well, look at his record.
00:20:16 When he was 10, he was in children's court.
00:20:18 He threw a rock at a teacher.
00:20:20 When he was 15, he was at reform school.
00:20:22 He stole a car.
00:20:23 He's been arrested for mugging.
00:20:26 He's picked up twice for knife fighting.
00:20:29 Oh, yeah, they say he's real handy with a knife.
00:20:32 Oh, this is a very fine boy.
00:20:34 - Ever since he was five years old,
00:20:35 his father beat him up regularly.
00:20:37 He used his fists.
00:20:38 - Well, so would I.
00:20:39 A kid like that, huh.
00:20:41 - It's these kids, the way they are nowadays.
00:20:44 - When I was a kid, I used to call my father, sir.
00:20:47 That's right, sir.
00:20:50 You ever hear a kid call his father that anymore?
00:20:52 - Fathers don't seem to think it's important anymore.
00:20:55 - You got any kids?
00:20:56 - Three.
00:20:57 - I got one.
00:20:59 22 years old.
00:21:02 When he was nine years old, he ran away from a fight.
00:21:10 He was a good kid.
00:21:11 When he was nine years old, he ran away from a fight.
00:21:14 I saw it, I was so embarrassed, I almost threw up.
00:21:19 I said, "I'm gonna make a man out of you
00:21:23 if I have to break you into trying."
00:21:25 Well, I made a man out of him.
00:21:29 When he was 16, we had a fight.
00:21:33 Hit me in the jaw, he was a big kid.
00:21:40 I haven't seen him for two years.
00:21:42 Kids.
00:21:46 Work your heart out.
00:21:50 Now, let's get going.
00:21:55 - I think we're missing the point here.
00:21:57 This boy, let's say he's the product
00:21:58 of a broken home in a filthy neighborhood.
00:22:00 We can't help that.
00:22:01 We're here to decide whether he's innocent or guilty,
00:22:04 not to go into the reasons why he grew up the way he did.
00:22:07 He was born in a slum.
00:22:08 Slums are breeding grounds for criminals.
00:22:10 I know it and so do you.
00:22:11 It's no secret, children from slum backgrounds
00:22:14 are potential menaces to society.
00:22:16 Now, I think--
00:22:17 - Brother, you can say that again.
00:22:19 The kids who crawl out of these places are real trash.
00:22:21 I don't want any part of them, I'm telling you.
00:22:23 - Listen, listen, I, I've lived in a slum all my life.
00:22:27 - Wait a minute. - Wait, wait, shh, please.
00:22:29 I've played in backyards that were filled with garbage.
00:22:31 I mean, maybe you can still smell it on me.
00:22:33 - Now, listen, Sonny.
00:22:34 - Come on, now, there's nothing personal about this.
00:22:36 - Oh, there was something personal.
00:22:37 - Oh, come on, fella, he didn't mean you.
00:22:39 - Let's not be so sensitive.
00:22:41 - This sensitivity I can understand.
00:22:43 - Okay, look, let's stop the arguing.
00:22:45 We're only wasting time.
00:22:47 Look, your turn down there, let's go.
00:22:50 - I didn't expect a turn.
00:22:53 I thought you were all gonna try to convince me.
00:22:55 Wasn't that the idea?
00:22:56 - Jack, that was the idea.
00:22:57 - Oh, I forgot about that, he's right.
00:22:58 - Well, what difference does it make?
00:22:59 He's the one who's keeping us in here.
00:23:00 Let's hear what he's got to say.
00:23:01 - Oh, no, wait a minute.
00:23:02 When you decided to, you know, do this a certain way,
00:23:04 I think we ought to stick to that way.
00:23:06 - Oh, stop being a kid, will ya?
00:23:08 - What do you mean a kid?
00:23:09 - What do you think I mean?
00:23:10 K-I-D, kid.
00:23:12 - What?
00:23:15 Listen, just because I'm trying
00:23:16 to keep this thing organized,
00:23:18 I mean, here, you take it.
00:23:19 You know, you take on the responsibility.
00:23:20 I'll just keep my mouth shut, that's all.
00:23:22 - What are you getting so hot about?
00:23:23 Calm down, will ya?
00:23:25 - Don't tell me to calm down.
00:23:26 Hey, you wanna take the chair, just take the chair.
00:23:28 That's all there's a seat in the front of.
00:23:30 Listen, you think it's funny or something?
00:23:31 - Hey, forget it, fella.
00:23:33 The whole thing's unimportant, come on.
00:23:34 - Unimportant?
00:23:35 Oh, here, you try it.
00:23:36 - No, nobody wants to change.
00:23:37 - But you're doing a beautiful job.
00:23:39 Sit down.
00:23:39 - Yeah, you're doing great.
00:23:41 Just great, fella.
00:23:42 You stay in there and pitch, you know?
00:23:44 - All right, let's hear from somebody.
00:23:47 - Well, if you ask me to tell you how I feel about it,
00:23:51 it's all right with me.
00:23:53 - Boy, I don't care what you do.
00:23:55 - All right, I don't have anything brilliant.
00:23:58 I only know as much as you do.
00:24:00 According to testimony, the boy looks guilty, and he is.
00:24:03 I sat there in court for six days,
00:24:06 listening while the evidence built up.
00:24:08 Everybody sounded so positive, you know?
00:24:11 I began to get a peculiar feeling about this trial.
00:24:13 I mean, nothing is that positive.
00:24:15 There are a lot of questions I'd like to ask.
00:24:18 I don't know, maybe they wouldn't have meant anything,
00:24:19 but I began to get the feeling
00:24:22 that the defense counsel wasn't conducting
00:24:23 a thorough enough cross-examination.
00:24:25 I mean, he let too many things go by, little things.
00:24:29 - What little things?
00:24:30 Listen, when these fellows don't ask questions,
00:24:32 it's because they know the answers already,
00:24:33 and they figure they'll be heard.
00:24:34 - Maybe it's also possible for a lawyer
00:24:36 to be just plain stupid, isn't it?
00:24:38 I mean, it's possible.
00:24:39 - You sound like you meant my brother-in-law.
00:24:41 (laughing)
00:24:42 (coughing)
00:24:44 - I kept putting myself in the kid's place.
00:24:47 I'd have asked for another lawyer, I think.
00:24:51 I mean, if I was on trial for my life,
00:24:53 I'd want my lawyer to tear the prosecution witnesses
00:24:56 to shreds, or at least try to.
00:24:58 Look, there was one alleged eyewitness to this killing.
00:25:03 Someone else claims he heard the killing,
00:25:05 saw the boy run out afterwards,
00:25:06 and there was a lot of circumstantial evidence.
00:25:09 But actually, those two witnesses
00:25:10 were the entire case for the prosecution,
00:25:12 supposing they're wrong.
00:25:14 - What do you mean, supposing they're wrong?
00:25:16 What's the point of having witnesses at all?
00:25:18 - Could they be wrong?
00:25:19 - What are you trying to say?
00:25:21 Those people sat on the stand under oath.
00:25:22 - They're only people.
00:25:23 People make mistakes.
00:25:24 Could they be wrong?
00:25:25 - Well, no, I don't think so.
00:25:28 - Do you know so?
00:25:29 - Oh, come on, nobody can know a thing like that.
00:25:31 This isn't an exact science.
00:25:33 - That's right, it isn't.
00:25:34 - Okay, let's get to the point.
00:25:42 What about the switch knife
00:25:44 they found in the old man's chest?
00:25:46 - Wait a minute, there's some people who haven't talked.
00:25:48 Shouldn't we go and order?
00:25:48 - They'll get a chance to talk.
00:25:50 Be quiet a second, will you?
00:25:52 What about it, the knife this fine, upright boy
00:25:55 admitted buying the night of the killing?
00:25:57 Let's talk about it.
00:25:59 - All right, let's talk about it.
00:26:00 Let's get it in here and look at it.
00:26:01 - I'd like to see it again, Mr. Foreman.
00:26:03 - We all saw what it looks like.
00:26:04 Why do we have to see it again?
00:26:06 - The gentleman has a right to see exhibits and evidence.
00:26:08 - Say, could you bring us the knife?
00:26:11 - Knife? - Yeah.
00:26:12 - The knife and the way it was bought
00:26:16 is pretty strong evidence, don't you think?
00:26:18 - I do. - Good.
00:26:20 Now, suppose we take these facts one at a time.
00:26:23 One, the boy admitted going out of the house
00:26:25 at eight o'clock in the night of the murder
00:26:26 after being slapped several times by his father.
00:26:28 - No, no, no, no, he didn't say slapped.
00:26:30 He said punched.
00:26:31 There's a difference between a slap and a punch.
00:26:33 - After being hit several times by his father.
00:26:36 Two, he went directly to a neighborhood junk shop
00:26:38 where he bought one of those--
00:26:40 - With switch knives. - Switch blade knives.
00:26:43 This wasn't what you'd call an ordinary knife.
00:26:44 It had a very unusual carved handle and blade.
00:26:47 The storekeeper who sold it to him
00:26:48 said it was the only one of its kind
00:26:50 he had ever had in stock.
00:26:52 Three, he met some friends of his
00:26:54 in front of a tavern about 8.45.
00:26:56 Am I right so far?
00:26:57 - Yes, you are.
00:26:58 - You bet he is.
00:26:59 He talked with his friends for about an hour,
00:27:01 leaving them at 9.45.
00:27:03 During this time, they saw the switch knife.
00:27:06 Four, they identified the death weapon in court
00:27:10 as that very same knife.
00:27:13 Five, he arrived home at about 10 o'clock.
00:27:16 Now this is where the stories offered by the state
00:27:18 and the boy begin to diverge slightly.
00:27:20 He claims that he went to a movie at about 11.30,
00:27:23 returning home at 3.10 to find his father dead
00:27:26 and himself arrested.
00:27:27 - He also claims that the two detectives
00:27:29 arrested him and threw him down a half a flight of stairs.
00:27:31 - Now what happened to the switch knife?
00:27:33 He claims that it fell through a hole in his pocket
00:27:35 on the way to the movie sometime between 11.30 and 3.10
00:27:39 and that he never saw it again.
00:27:41 Now there is a tale, gentlemen.
00:27:43 I think it's quite clear that the boy
00:27:45 never went to the movies that night.
00:27:46 No one in the house saw him go out at 11.30.
00:27:48 No one at the theater identified him.
00:27:50 He couldn't even remember the names of the pictures he saw.
00:27:53 What actually happened is this.
00:27:57 The boy stayed home, had another fight with his father,
00:28:00 stabbed him to death,
00:28:01 and left the house at 10 minutes after 12.
00:28:04 He even remembered to wipe the knife clean of fingerprints.
00:28:07 Now are you trying to tell me that this knife
00:28:09 really fell through a hole in the boy's pocket,
00:28:12 someone picked it up off the street,
00:28:13 went to the boy's house and stabbed his father with it
00:28:15 just to test its sharpness?
00:28:17 - No, I'm just saying it's possible the boy lost his knife
00:28:19 and that somebody else stabbed his father
00:28:20 with a similar knife.
00:28:21 It's just possible.
00:28:22 - Take a look at this knife.
00:28:26 It's a very unusual knife.
00:28:28 I've never seen one like it.
00:28:30 Neither had the storekeeper who sold it to the boy.
00:28:33 Aren't you asking us to accept
00:28:34 a pretty incredible coincidence?
00:28:36 - I'm just saying a coincidence is possible.
00:28:38 - And I say it's not possible.
00:28:40 - When did that come?
00:28:47 (all chattering)
00:28:50 - Where did you get it?
00:28:53 - I went out walking for a couple of hours last night.
00:28:55 I walked through the boy's neighborhood.
00:28:57 I bought that in a little pawn shop
00:28:59 just two blocks from the boy's house.
00:29:01 It cost $6.
00:29:01 - It's against the law to buy ourselves switchblade knives.
00:29:05 - That's right, I broke the law.
00:29:07 - Listen, you pulled a real bright trick.
00:29:09 Now suppose you tell me what it proves.
00:29:11 Maybe there are 10 knives like that, so what?
00:29:14 - Maybe there are.
00:29:15 - But what does it mean?
00:29:17 You found another knife like it.
00:29:18 What's that, the discovery of the age or something?
00:29:20 - You mean you're asking us to believe
00:29:21 that somebody else did the stabbing
00:29:22 with exactly the same kind of knife?
00:29:24 - The odds are a million to one.
00:29:26 - It's possible, but not very probable.
00:29:28 - Okay, fellas, let's take our seats.
00:29:31 There's no point standing around all over the place.
00:29:34 (all chattering)
00:29:35 - You know, it's interesting that he'd find a knife
00:29:37 exactly like the one the boy bought.
00:29:39 - What's interesting about it?
00:29:40 - Interesting?
00:29:42 - I don't know, I just thought it was interesting.
00:29:43 - There are still 11 of us here who think he's guilty.
00:29:46 - Right, what do you think you're gonna accomplish?
00:29:48 You're not gonna change anybody's mind.
00:29:50 So if you wanna be stubborn and hang this jury, go ahead.
00:29:52 The kid will be tried again
00:29:53 and found guilty as sure as he's born.
00:29:55 - Probably right.
00:29:58 - So what are you gonna do?
00:30:01 You know, we could be here all night.
00:30:02 - It's only one night.
00:30:03 A boy may die.
00:30:05 - Well, why don't we just set up house here, huh?
00:30:08 Someone set up a posse to police me
00:30:10 and get a free knuckle duck
00:30:11 and we'll just sweat the whole thing out, right?
00:30:13 (all laughing)
00:30:15 - I don't think he ought to joke about it.
00:30:17 - What do you want me to do?
00:30:18 - Oh, listen, I don't see what all this stuff
00:30:19 about a knife has got to do with anything.
00:30:21 Somebody saw the kid stab his father.
00:30:23 What more do we need?
00:30:25 You guys can talk the years right off my head.
00:30:26 You know what I mean?
00:30:27 I got three garages of mine going to pot
00:30:29 while you're talking.
00:30:30 So let's get done and get out of here.
00:30:32 - The knife was very important to the district attorney.
00:30:34 He spent a whole day-
00:30:36 - He's a 15th assistant or something.
00:30:37 What does he know about it?
00:30:38 - Hey, let's hold it down.
00:30:40 These side arguments are only slowing us up.
00:30:42 - Well, what about it?
00:30:46 - You're the only one.
00:30:47 (dramatic music)
00:30:53 (footsteps tapping)
00:30:56 - I have a proposition to make to all of you.
00:30:58 I'm gonna call for another vote.
00:31:00 I want you 11 men to vote by secret written ballot.
00:31:07 I'll abstain.
00:31:09 There are 11 votes for guilty.
00:31:11 I won't stand alone.
00:31:12 We'll take in a guilty verdict to the judge right now.
00:31:15 But if anyone votes not guilty,
00:31:20 we stay here and talk it out.
00:31:21 (dramatic music)
00:31:25 - That's it.
00:31:26 If you wanna try it, I'm ready.
00:31:27 - All right, let's do it the hard way.
00:31:29 - Yeah, let's do it.
00:31:29 - That sounds fair.
00:31:30 Everyone agreed?
00:31:31 Anyone doesn't agree?
00:31:32 - Fine. - Fine, let's go.
00:31:33 Get past these doors.
00:31:34 - Take the right one.
00:31:36 (dramatic music)
00:31:39 (footsteps tapping)
00:32:08 - Guilty.
00:32:09 Guilty.
00:32:13 Guilty.
00:32:16 Guilty.
00:32:20 Guilty.
00:32:23 Guilty.
00:32:26 Guilty.
00:32:29 Guilty.
00:32:31 Guilty.
00:32:34 (paper rustling)
00:32:37 Not guilty.
00:32:39 Guilty.
00:32:42 - Boy, how do you like that?
00:32:44 - Oh, another chap flips his wings.
00:32:46 - All right.
00:32:47 Who was it?
00:32:48 Come on, I wanna know.
00:32:49 - Excuse me, this was a secret ballot.
00:32:52 We all agreed on that, no?
00:32:53 If the gentleman wanted to remain secret.
00:32:56 - Secret?
00:32:56 What do you mean secret?
00:32:58 There are no secrets in a jury room.
00:32:59 I know who it was.
00:33:01 Brother, you really are something.
00:33:03 You sit here, vote guilty like the rest of us,
00:33:06 and some golden voice preacher starts tearing
00:33:08 your poor heart out about some underprivileged kid
00:33:11 just couldn't help becoming a murderer,
00:33:12 and you change your vote.
00:33:14 If that isn't the most sick and,
00:33:16 why don't you drop a quarter in this collection box?
00:33:19 - Oh, now just wait a minute.
00:33:22 Listen, you can't talk to me like that.
00:33:24 Now, who do you think you are?
00:33:25 - Calm down, calm down.
00:33:26 - Now, what is he thinking?
00:33:27 Is it you or him? - It doesn't matter.
00:33:27 He's very excitable.
00:33:29 Sit down.
00:33:30 - Excitable?
00:33:30 You bet I'm excitable.
00:33:31 We're trying to put a guilty man in the chair
00:33:33 where he belongs.
00:33:34 Someone starts telling us fairy tales,
00:33:36 and we're listening.
00:33:37 - Hey, come on, huh?
00:33:39 - What made you change your vote?
00:33:41 - He didn't change his vote.
00:33:43 I did.
00:33:44 - Oh, fine.
00:33:45 - Now, Lewis, would you like me to tell you why?
00:33:48 - No, I would like you to tell me why.
00:33:50 - Well, I'd like to make it clear anyway,
00:33:52 if you don't mind.
00:33:53 - Do we have to listen to this?
00:33:54 - The man wants to talk.
00:33:56 - Thank you.
00:33:58 This gentleman has been standing alone against us.
00:34:01 Now, he doesn't say the boy is not guilty.
00:34:03 He just isn't sure.
00:34:06 Well, it's not easy to stand alone
00:34:07 against the ridicule of others.
00:34:08 So he gambled for support, and I gave it to him.
00:34:12 I respect his motives.
00:34:13 But the boy in trial is probably guilty,
00:34:15 but I want to hear more.
00:34:18 Right now, the vote is 10 to two.
00:34:20 I'm talking here.
00:34:21 You have no right to leave this room.
00:34:22 - He can't hear you.
00:34:23 He never will.
00:34:24 Let's sit down.
00:34:30 - Shall we continue?
00:34:32 - Well, I think we ought to take a break.
00:34:35 You know, one man's inside,
00:34:36 and I think we ought to wait for him.
00:34:38 - Okay.
00:34:40 - Looks like we're really hung up here, huh?
00:34:44 And that thing with the old man,
00:34:46 that was pretty unexpected.
00:34:47 Wish I could figure out some way we could break it up.
00:34:52 You know, in advertising,
00:34:57 I told you I worked in an agency.
00:34:59 - Mm-hmm.
00:35:00 - You know, there's some pretty strange people working there.
00:35:02 Well, they're not strange, really.
00:35:03 I guess it's just that they have
00:35:05 peculiar ways of expressing themselves, you know.
00:35:08 Well, of course, I suppose it's the same
00:35:09 in your business, too, huh?
00:35:11 What do you do?
00:35:13 - I'm a watchmaker.
00:35:14 - Oh, really?
00:35:15 Well, I imagine the finest watchmakers
00:35:16 in the world come from Europe, huh?
00:35:18 Well, anyway, as I was telling you,
00:35:19 in an agency, when we reach a point like this,
00:35:21 I'm telling you about in an ad agency,
00:35:23 when a point like this is reached in a meeting,
00:35:25 there's always some character ready with an idea, see?
00:35:28 And it kills me.
00:35:30 It's the weirdest thing in the world,
00:35:31 the way they sometimes precede their idea
00:35:33 with a little phrase, see?
00:35:34 Like, some account exec will get up and he'll say,
00:35:36 "Okay, here's an idea.
00:35:39 "Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it."
00:35:43 (laughing)
00:35:44 It's idiotic, but it's funny, huh?
00:35:46 - I got a little excited back there.
00:35:50 I didn't mean to get nasty.
00:35:53 Glad you're not one of those
00:35:56 less-than-emotional-appeal influencing.
00:35:58 - I don't know what's the matter with that fan.
00:36:16 Can't seem to get it started.
00:36:18 (singing)
00:36:22 (singing)
00:36:24 Hey, you a salesman?
00:36:28 - I'm an architect.
00:36:31 - You know what the soft sell is?
00:36:35 Well, you got it, believe me.
00:36:40 I got a different technique.
00:36:44 Glass, drinks, jokes, tricks, you know?
00:36:48 - Yeah.
00:36:51 - Hit 'em where they live, that's my motto.
00:36:54 I made 27 grand last year selling marmalade.
00:36:57 That's not bad, I mean, you know,
00:37:00 considering marmalade.
00:37:01 Hey, what are you getting out of this, kicks?
00:37:06 Or did somebody bump you on the head one time
00:37:10 and you haven't gotten over it?
00:37:12 - Maybe.
00:37:12 - You know, you do-gooders are all alike.
00:37:16 You're always blowing the stacks over some guy in a fan.
00:37:20 What are you wasting our time for?
00:37:21 Why don't you donate $5 to the cause
00:37:25 and maybe it'll make you feel better.
00:37:26 This kid is guilty, pal.
00:37:31 It's as plain as the nose on your face.
00:37:35 So why don't we stop wasting our time here?
00:37:37 We're gonna all get sore throats if we keep it up, you know?
00:37:40 - What difference does it make if you get it here
00:37:41 at the ball game?
00:37:42 - No difference, pal.
00:37:46 No difference at all.
00:37:47 Nice bunch of guys, huh?
00:38:02 - Oh, they're about the same as anyone else.
00:38:04 - Oy, what a murderous day.
00:38:07 You think we'll be much longer?
00:38:10 - I don't know.
00:38:11 - Oh, he's guilty.
00:38:13 - I don't know.
00:38:14 - I don't know.
00:38:15 - Yeah, he's guilty for sure.
00:38:17 Not about the whole world.
00:38:19 We should've, should've been done already.
00:38:21 Oh, I don't mind, you know.
00:38:25 Beat's working.
00:38:27 You think he's not guilty, huh?
00:38:37 - I don't know.
00:38:38 It's possible.
00:38:39 - Well, I don't know you,
00:38:40 but I'm betting you've never been wronger in your life.
00:38:43 If you're wasting your time, you ought to wrap it up.
00:38:46 - Supposing you were the one that was on trial?
00:38:49 - Well, I'm not used to supposing.
00:38:50 I'm just a working man.
00:38:52 My boss does the supposing, but I'll try one.
00:38:56 Supposing you talk us all out of this
00:39:00 and the kid really did knife his father, huh?
00:39:13 - You ready?
00:39:14 Sorry, blue eyes.
00:39:17 - Okay, fellas, let's take our seats.
00:39:22 - Looks like we'll be here for dinner, huh?
00:39:24 - Okay, now, let's get down to business.
00:39:27 Now, who wants to start it off?
00:39:28 - I will.
00:39:29 - Okay, go.
00:39:30 - You, down there.
00:39:32 The old man who lived downstairs
00:39:33 says he heard the kid yell out, "I'm gonna kill you."
00:39:36 Second later, he heard the body hit the floor.
00:39:38 Now, he ran to the door and he saw the kid
00:39:41 running down the stairs and out of the house.
00:39:42 What does that mean to you?
00:39:44 - Well, I was wondering how clearly the old man
00:39:46 could have heard the boy's voice through the ceiling.
00:39:47 - Didn't hear it through the ceiling.
00:39:48 The window was open.
00:39:49 So was the one upstairs.
00:39:50 It was a hot night, remember?
00:39:51 - It was another apartment.
00:39:52 It's not that easy to identify a voice,
00:39:54 particularly a shouting voice.
00:39:55 - He identified it in court.
00:39:57 - That's right, and don't forget the lady across the street.
00:39:59 She looked right in the open window
00:40:00 and saw the boy stab his father.
00:40:02 Now, I mean, isn't that enough for you?
00:40:03 - No, it isn't.
00:40:04 - Boy, how do you like this guy, huh?
00:40:06 It's like talking to a dead fool.
00:40:08 - She said she saw the killing
00:40:09 through the windows of a moving elevated train.
00:40:11 There were six cars on the train.
00:40:13 She saw the killing through the last two cars.
00:40:15 She remembered the most insignificant details.
00:40:17 I don't see how you can argue with that.
00:40:19 - Has anybody here any idea how long it would take, Annel?
00:40:23 This isn't a game.
00:40:35 - Did you see him?
00:40:40 - Hey.
00:40:42 - A nerve.
00:40:43 - All right, listen to me.
00:40:44 - The absolute nerve.
00:40:45 - All right, forget it.
00:40:46 It's not important.
00:40:47 - This isn't a game.
00:40:48 - No, no, calm down.
00:40:49 - Who does he think he is?
00:40:50 - All right, I'm telling you, don't forget it, now.
00:40:53 - Has anybody any idea how long it takes
00:40:55 an elevated train going at medium speed
00:40:57 to pass a given point?
00:40:58 - What does that have to do with anything?
00:40:59 - How long?
00:41:00 Take a guess.
00:41:01 - I wouldn't have the slightest idea.
00:41:02 - What do you think?
00:41:03 - I don't know, maybe 10, 12 seconds?
00:41:04 - I think that's a pretty good guess.
00:41:06 Anyone else?
00:41:07 - That sounds right to me.
00:41:08 - Come on, what's the guessing game for?
00:41:10 What do you say?
00:41:11 - 10 seconds is about right.
00:41:12 - All right, say 10 seconds.
00:41:13 What are you getting at?
00:41:14 - This.
00:41:15 It takes a six-car L train 10 seconds
00:41:18 to pass a given point.
00:41:19 Now, let's say the given point is the open window
00:41:22 of the room where the killing took place.
00:41:24 You can reach out of that window
00:41:25 and almost touch the L tracks, right?
00:41:27 Now, let me ask you this.
00:41:28 Has anyone here ever lived near the L tracks?
00:41:31 - Well, I just finished painting an apartment
00:41:33 that overlooked an L line.
00:41:35 I was there for three days.
00:41:36 - What was it like?
00:41:37 - What do you mean?
00:41:37 - Noisy?
00:41:38 - Oh, brother.
00:41:39 - What's the matter, though?
00:41:40 We're all punching.
00:41:41 - I lived in a second floor apartment
00:41:42 near the L line once.
00:41:43 When the window is open and the train goes by,
00:41:45 the noise is almost unbearable.
00:41:46 You can hardly hear yourself think.
00:41:47 - All right, you can't hear yourself think.
00:41:49 Will you get to the point?
00:41:50 - I will now, just a minute.
00:41:51 Let's take two pieces of testimony
00:41:53 and try to put them together.
00:41:55 First, the old man in the apartment downstairs.
00:41:59 He says he heard the boy say, "I'm gonna kill you,"
00:42:02 and a split second later heard a body hit the floor.
00:42:05 One second later, right?
00:42:06 - That's right.
00:42:07 - Second, the woman across the street
00:42:09 swore positively, she looked out of the window,
00:42:12 and saw the killing through the last two cars
00:42:15 of a passing elevated train, right?
00:42:16 The last two cars.
00:42:17 - Well, what are you giving us here?
00:42:18 - Just, now, just a minute.
00:42:20 We've agreed that it takes 10 seconds
00:42:22 for a train to pass a given point.
00:42:24 Since the woman saw the killing through the last two cars,
00:42:28 we can assume that the body hit the floor
00:42:31 just as the train went by.
00:42:34 Therefore, the train had been roaring
00:42:36 by the old man's window a full 10 seconds
00:42:39 before the body hit the floor.
00:42:42 The old man, according to his own testimony,
00:42:44 "I'm gonna kill you," body hitting the floor
00:42:46 a split second later, would have had to hear
00:42:48 the boy make this statement with the yell roaring
00:42:50 past his nose, it's not possible he could have heard it.
00:42:53 - That's idiotic, of course he heard it.
00:42:54 - Do you think he could have heard it?
00:42:55 - He said he yelled at the top of his voice,
00:42:57 that's good enough for me.
00:42:58 - Even if he heard something,
00:42:59 he still couldn't have identified the voice
00:43:00 with the yell roaring behind him?
00:43:01 - You're talking about a matter of seconds,
00:43:03 nobody can be that accurate.
00:43:04 - Well, I think testimony that could put a boy
00:43:06 into the electric chair should be that accurate.
00:43:08 - Something I don't think he could have heard.
00:43:13 - Maybe he didn't hear it, I mean, with all that L noise.
00:43:15 - Oh, what are you people talking about?
00:43:17 - Well, it stands to reason he couldn't have heard.
00:43:19 - Why should he lie, what's he got to gain?
00:43:22 - Attention, maybe.
00:43:23 - You keep coming in with these bright sayings,
00:43:25 why don't you send them into a paper?
00:43:27 They pay $3 a piece.
00:43:29 - What are you talking to him like that for?
00:43:32 Guy talks like that to an old man
00:43:33 really ought to get stepped on, you know?
00:43:35 You ought to have more respect, mister.
00:43:37 If you say stuff like that to him again,
00:43:40 I'm gonna lay you out.
00:43:42 Now you go ahead, you say anything you like.
00:43:55 Why do you think the old man might lie?
00:44:00 - Yeah, it was just that I looked at him
00:44:02 for a very long time.
00:44:04 Seemed his jacket was split under the shoulder.
00:44:07 Oh, did you notice that?
00:44:09 I mean, to come to court like that.
00:44:11 But, he was a very old man in a torn jacket.
00:44:17 He walked very slowly to the stand.
00:44:22 He was dragging his left leg and trying to hide it
00:44:26 because he was shamed.
00:44:29 I think I know this man better than anyone here.
00:44:32 This is a quiet, frightened, insignificant old man
00:44:37 who has been nothing all his life.
00:44:40 Who has never had recognition
00:44:43 for his name in the newspapers.
00:44:46 Nobody knows him.
00:44:49 Nobody quotes him.
00:44:51 Nobody seeks his advice after 75 years.
00:44:55 Gentlemen, that's a very sad thing.
00:44:58 It mean nothing.
00:44:59 Man like this needs to be quoted, to be listened to.
00:45:05 To be quoted just once, very important to him.
00:45:09 It'd be so hard for him to recede into the background.
00:45:12 - Now wait a minute, what are you trying to do?
00:45:14 Tell us he'd lie just so he could be important once?
00:45:16 - No, he wouldn't really lie,
00:45:19 but perhaps he made himself believe he heard those words
00:45:23 and recognized the boy's face.
00:45:25 - Well, that's the most fantastic story I've ever heard.
00:45:28 How can you make up a thing like that?
00:45:29 What do you know about it?
00:45:31 - Oh, does anybody want a cough drop?
00:45:42 - No, thanks.
00:45:43 - I'll take one.
00:45:44 - You can say what you like.
00:45:45 I still don't see how anybody can think he's not guilty.
00:45:48 - There's something else I'd like to talk about
00:45:49 for a minute.
00:45:50 - Thanks.
00:45:51 - I think we've proved that the old man
00:45:53 couldn't have heard the boy say, "I'm gonna kill you."
00:45:55 But suppose he--
00:45:56 - You didn't prove it at all.
00:45:57 What are you talking about?
00:45:58 - Wait a minute, supposing he really did hear it.
00:46:00 This phrase, how many times have all of us used it?
00:46:03 Probably thousands.
00:46:04 I could kill you for that, darling.
00:46:06 Junior, you do that once more and I'm gonna kill you.
00:46:08 Get in there, Rocky, and kill him.
00:46:09 - I say it every day.
00:46:10 That doesn't mean we're really gonna kill him.
00:46:11 - Wait a minute, what are you trying to give us here?
00:46:13 The phrase was, "I'm gonna kill you."
00:46:15 The kid yelled it at the top of his lungs.
00:46:17 Don't tell me you didn't mean it.
00:46:18 Anybody says a thing like that the way he said it,
00:46:20 they mean it.
00:46:21 - Well, gee, now, I don't know.
00:46:23 I remember I was arguing with the guy I worked next to
00:46:25 at the bank a couple weeks ago.
00:46:27 He called me an idiot, so I yelled at him.
00:46:29 - Now, listen, this guy's trying to make you believe
00:46:31 things that aren't so.
00:46:32 The kid said he was gonna kill him, and he did kill him.
00:46:34 - Let me ask you this.
00:46:35 Do you really think the boy'd shout out a thing like that
00:46:37 so the whole neighborhood could hear him?
00:46:39 I don't think so.
00:46:40 He's much too bright for that.
00:46:41 - Bright?
00:46:42 He's a common ignorant slob.
00:46:44 He don't even speak good English.
00:46:46 - He doesn't even speak good English.
00:46:48 - Mr. Foreman, I'd like to change my vote to not guilty.
00:46:55 - You're what?
00:46:56 - You heard me.
00:46:58 - Are you sure?
00:46:58 - Yeah, I'm sure.
00:47:01 - The vote is nine to three in favor of guilty.
00:47:04 - Well, if this isn't the living end.
00:47:06 - Huh?
00:47:07 What are you basing it on?
00:47:12 Stories this guy made up?
00:47:13 You ought to write for one of those
00:47:15 kooky detective magazines.
00:47:16 You'd make a fortune.
00:47:17 But quite out loud, the kid's own lawyer
00:47:20 knew he didn't stand a chance.
00:47:22 Right from the beginning, his own lawyer knew it.
00:47:24 You could see it.
00:47:26 - Boy, oh boy, I'm telling you,
00:47:27 this guy here is really something.
00:47:29 Look, the kid had a lawyer, didn't he?
00:47:32 He presented this case, not you.
00:47:34 How come you got so much to say?
00:47:35 - Look, lawyers aren't infallible, you know.
00:47:37 - Baltimore, please, huh?
00:47:38 - He was court appointed.
00:47:40 - Now what's that supposed to mean?
00:47:41 - Well, it could mean a lot of things.
00:47:42 It could mean he didn't want the case
00:47:43 or he resented being appointed.
00:47:45 It's the kind of case that brings him nothing.
00:47:47 No money, no glory, not even much chance of winning.
00:47:50 That's not a very promising situation for a young lawyer.
00:47:53 He'd really have to believe in his client
00:47:55 to put up any kind of a good case.
00:47:56 And as you pointed out a minute ago, obviously he didn't.
00:47:58 - Of course he didn't.
00:47:59 Who the heck could?
00:48:02 Except maybe some guy's mother or somebody.
00:48:06 Oh, look, will you look at the time?
00:48:09 Come on.
00:48:10 - Pardon me.
00:48:11 I have made some notes here.
00:48:14 I would like, please, to say something.
00:48:17 I have been listening very carefully
00:48:19 and it seems to me that this man
00:48:21 has some very good points to make
00:48:23 from what was presented at the trial.
00:48:26 The boy looks guilty on the surface,
00:48:28 but maybe if we go deeper-
00:48:30 - Come on, will ya?
00:48:32 - There is a question I would like to ask.
00:48:35 Let us assume that the boy really did commit the murder.
00:48:38 Now this happened at 10 minutes after 12.
00:48:41 Now how was he caught by the police?
00:48:44 He came back home at three o'clock or so
00:48:49 and he was captured by two detectives
00:48:51 in the hallway of his house.
00:48:52 Now my question is,
00:48:55 if he really had killed his father,
00:48:57 why would he come back home three hours later?
00:49:00 Wouldn't he be afraid of being caught?
00:49:02 - He came home to get his knife.
00:49:05 It's not nice to go around leaving knives
00:49:06 sticking in people's chests.
00:49:08 - Yeah, especially relevant.
00:49:09 - Yeah. (laughs)
00:49:11 - I don't see anything funny about it.
00:49:13 The boy knew the knife could be identified
00:49:15 as the one he had just bought.
00:49:17 He had to get it before the police did.
00:49:19 - But if he knew the knife could be identified,
00:49:21 why did he leave it there in the first place?
00:49:24 - Well, I think we can assume the boy ran out
00:49:26 in a state of panic after having just killed his father.
00:49:29 When he finally calmed down,
00:49:30 he realized he had left his knife there.
00:49:32 - This then depends on your definition of panic.
00:49:36 He would have had to be calm enough to see to it
00:49:38 that there were no fingerprints left on the knife.
00:49:40 Now, where did this panic start and where did it end?
00:49:45 - Look, you voted guilty.
00:49:46 What side are you on?
00:49:47 - I don't believe I have to be loyal
00:49:49 to one side or the other.
00:49:51 I'm simply asking questions.
00:49:53 - Well, this is just off the top of my head, but...
00:49:56 Well, if I were the boy
00:49:57 and I'd done the stabbing and everything,
00:49:58 I'd take a chance and go back for the knife.
00:50:00 I'll bet he figured that nobody had seen him running out
00:50:03 and that the body wouldn't be discovered till the next day.
00:50:06 Well, after all, it was the middle of the night.
00:50:08 I'll bet he figured nobody would find the body
00:50:09 till the next day.
00:50:10 - Pardon, this is my whole point.
00:50:12 The woman across the street testified
00:50:14 that the moment after she saw the killing,
00:50:16 that is a moment after the train went by, she screamed.
00:50:20 And then went to telephone the police.
00:50:22 Now, the boy certainly must have heard the scream.
00:50:25 So he knew that somebody saw something.
00:50:28 I just don't think that he would have gone back.
00:50:32 - Two things.
00:50:33 One, in his state of panic,
00:50:34 he may not have heard the scream.
00:50:35 Perhaps it wasn't very loud.
00:50:36 Two, if he did hear it,
00:50:38 he may not have connected it with his own acts.
00:50:40 Remember, he lived in a neighborhood
00:50:41 where screams were fairly commonplace.
00:50:43 - There's your answer.
00:50:44 - Maybe.
00:50:46 Maybe the boy did kill his father.
00:50:48 Didn't hear the scream, didn't run out in a panic,
00:50:50 didn't calm down three hours later
00:50:53 and come back to get the knife,
00:50:54 risking being caught by the police.
00:50:55 Maybe all of those things happened, but maybe they didn't.
00:50:58 I think there's enough doubt that we can wonder
00:51:00 whether he was there at all
00:51:01 during the time the killing took place.
00:51:02 - What do you mean, Del?
00:51:03 What are you talking about?
00:51:04 Didn't the old man see him running out of the house?
00:51:06 He's twisting the facts, I'm telling you.
00:51:08 - Did or didn't the old man see the kid
00:51:10 running out of the house at 1210?
00:51:11 Well, did or didn't he?
00:51:14 - He says he did.
00:51:14 - Says he did.
00:51:15 Boy, how do you like that?
00:51:17 Now look, witnesses can make mistakes.
00:51:18 - Sure, when you want them to, they do.
00:51:20 Or when he wants them to, they do.
00:51:21 You know what I mean?
00:51:22 - Let's keep the yelling down.
00:51:23 - Oh, you keep saying that.
00:51:24 Maybe what we need is a little yelling in here.
00:51:26 These guys keep going off every which way.
00:51:28 Did hear the scream, didn't hear the scream.
00:51:30 What difference does that make?
00:51:31 You people are talking only about the little details.
00:51:33 You're forgetting the important stuff.
00:51:35 I mean, all of a sudden, everybody here-
00:51:36 - I want to talk to the boat.
00:51:37 - I'm talking here.
00:51:37 - There's another boat called for.
00:51:40 Now let's take our seats.
00:51:46 - I never saw so much time spent on nothing.
00:51:48 - It only takes a second.
00:51:50 - Okay, I guess the fastest way is to find out
00:51:53 who's voting not guilty.
00:51:55 All those voting not guilty, please raise your hands.
00:51:57 Still the same.
00:51:59 One, two, three, not guilty.
00:52:01 Nine guilty.
00:52:02 - So now where are we?
00:52:04 I'm starting to get yada-yak here the next Tuesday.
00:52:06 Where's it all getting us?
00:52:07 - Pardon?
00:52:09 I vote not guilty.
00:52:10 - Oh.
00:52:11 - Oh.
00:52:12 - Oh, what are you talking about?
00:52:14 I mean, we're all going crazy in here or something.
00:52:17 The kid is guilty.
00:52:18 Why don't you listen to the facts?
00:52:21 - Tell him, will ya?
00:52:22 - This is getting to be a joke.
00:52:23 - The vote is eight to four in favor of guilty.
00:52:25 - Now what is this?
00:52:27 Love, you're underprivileged.
00:52:28 Brother week or something?
00:52:29 I want you to get up and tell me why you changed your vote.
00:52:33 Come on, now give me reasons.
00:52:34 - I don't have to defend my decision to you.
00:52:37 There is a reasonable doubt in my mind.
00:52:39 - What reasonable doubt?
00:52:40 That's nothing but words.
00:52:41 Here, look at this.
00:52:42 The kid you just decided isn't guilty
00:52:44 was seen ramming this into his father.
00:52:47 Now what about this, Mr. Reasonable Doubt?
00:52:49 - That's not the knife, don't you remember?
00:52:52 - Oh, brilliant.
00:52:53 - I'm telling you, this is the craziest.
00:52:56 I mean, what are we supposed to believe?
00:52:59 I mean, you're sitting here,
00:52:59 you're pulling stories out of thin air, you know?
00:53:01 - Boy, a guy like this,
00:53:02 if he's sitting ringside at the Dempsey football fight,
00:53:05 he'd be trying to tell you that the...
00:53:08 Look, now what about the old man?
00:53:10 Are we supposed to believe
00:53:11 that he didn't get up and run to his door
00:53:13 and see the kid tearing down the steps
00:53:14 15 seconds after the kill?
00:53:16 He's just saying so to be important, right?
00:53:19 - I mean, what's the point of the whole thing?
00:53:20 - Wait a second.
00:53:21 - And the Baltimore Rooters are from again now.
00:53:23 And pop-ups are falling for base hits.
00:53:25 Where were we looking?
00:53:26 - Hold on a second.
00:53:27 Did the old man say he ran to the door?
00:53:29 - Ran, walked, what's the difference?
00:53:31 He got on, didn't he?
00:53:31 I mean, he got there, didn't he?
00:53:32 - No, wait a second.
00:53:33 - He said he ran, at least I think he did.
00:53:35 - Now look, I don't remember what he said,
00:53:36 but I don't see how he could have run to the door.
00:53:38 - He said he went from his bedroom to the front door.
00:53:41 Now, isn't that enough?
00:53:42 - Where was the bedroom?
00:53:43 - It was down the hall somewhere.
00:53:43 - I thought you remembered everything.
00:53:45 Don't you remember that?
00:53:46 - No.
00:53:47 Mr. Foreman, I'd like to see a diagram of the apartment.
00:53:50 - Look, why don't we just have him run a trial all over again
00:53:52 so we can get everything straight?
00:53:53 - Mr. Foreman, how come you're the only one in this room
00:53:54 who wants to see exhibits all the time?
00:53:55 - I want to see this one too.
00:53:56 - I'd like to stop wasting time.
00:53:58 We're going to start wading through all that nonsense
00:54:00 about where the body was found.
00:54:01 - Ron, I'm not somebody else wants to,
00:54:03 but I'd like to find out if an old man
00:54:05 who drags one foot when he walks,
00:54:06 'cause he had a stroke last year,
00:54:07 can get from his bedroom to his front door in 15 seconds.
00:54:10 - He said 20 seconds.
00:54:11 - He said 15.
00:54:12 - He said 20 seconds.
00:54:13 What are you trying to destroy?
00:54:14 - He said 15.
00:54:15 - How does he know how long 15 seconds is?
00:54:17 You can't judge a thing like that.
00:54:19 - He said 15 seconds.
00:54:20 He was very positive about it.
00:54:21 - He was an old man.
00:54:22 Half the time he was confused.
00:54:24 How could he be positive about anything?
00:54:26 I don't see what you're going to prove here.
00:54:35 The man said he saw the boy running out.
00:54:38 - Well, let's see if the details bear him out.
00:54:40 As soon as the body hit the floor,
00:54:42 he said he heard footsteps upstairs
00:54:43 running toward the front door.
00:54:45 Heard the upstairs door open the footsteps
00:54:47 start down the stairs.
00:54:48 He said he got to his own front door as fast as he could
00:54:50 and he swore it couldn't have been more than 15 seconds.
00:54:53 Now if the killer began running immediately.
00:54:54 - Maybe he didn't.
00:54:55 - The old man said he did.
00:54:57 - You ought to be at Atlantic City
00:54:58 at that hair splitter's convention.
00:55:00 - Why don't you stop making smart remarks all the time?
00:55:03 - My friend, for your $3 a day.
00:55:05 - All right, now that you got everything in here,
00:55:06 what about it?
00:55:08 All right, here's the apartment
00:55:09 where the killing took place.
00:55:09 The old man's apartment was directly beneath
00:55:11 and exactly the same.
00:55:13 Here are the L tracks, the bedroom, living room,
00:55:16 kitchen, bathroom.
00:55:17 Here's the hall, here are the stairs.
00:55:19 Now the old man was in this bedroom right here.
00:55:21 He says he crossed to the door and walked down the hall,
00:55:24 opened the front door just in time to see the boy
00:55:26 running down the stairs.
00:55:27 Am I right so far?
00:55:28 - That's the story for the 19th time.
00:55:30 - 15 seconds after the body hit the floor.
00:55:33 - Correct.
00:55:34 - Now let's see, it was,
00:55:35 it's 12 feet from the bed to the door,
00:55:37 the hall is 43 feet.
00:55:40 He would have had to walk 12 feet,
00:55:42 open the bedroom door, walk 43 feet down
00:55:45 and open the front door, all in 15 seconds.
00:55:47 Do you think he could have done it?
00:55:48 - Sure he could have done it.
00:55:49 He can walk only very slowly.
00:55:51 They had to help him into the witness chair.
00:55:52 - You make it sound like a long walk.
00:55:54 - For an old man who had his talk, it is a long walk.
00:55:56 - Oh, what are you doing?
00:55:59 - I'm gonna try it, see how long it took.
00:56:00 - What do you mean you wanna try it?
00:56:02 Why didn't his lawyer bring it up of its own course?
00:56:04 - Maybe he just didn't think about it.
00:56:04 - What do you mean he didn't think of it?
00:56:05 To think a man's a nitty to something,
00:56:07 it's an obvious thing.
00:56:08 - Did you think of it?
00:56:09 - Listen, smart guy, don't matter whether I thought of it,
00:56:10 he didn't bring it up because he knew it had hurt his case.
00:56:12 What do you think of that?
00:56:13 - Maybe he didn't bring it up
00:56:14 'cause it would have meant bullying and badgering
00:56:16 and help this old man.
00:56:17 You know that doesn't sit very well with a jury.
00:56:19 Most lawyers avoid it if they can.
00:56:21 - So what kind of a bum is he then?
00:56:22 - That's what I've been asking, buddy.
00:56:23 Pass me that chair, will you?
00:56:25 Those two chairs, the old man's bed,
00:56:26 I just faced off 12 feet across the room.
00:56:28 This'll be the bedroom door.
00:56:29 - Oh, that's crazy.
00:56:30 You can't recreate a thing like that.
00:56:32 - I would like to see it. - Oh, it's 43 feet.
00:56:34 I'll face on that wall and back again.
00:56:36 - Look, this is absolutely insane.
00:56:39 What are you wasting everybody's time in here for?
00:56:41 - According to you, lawyer, it'd take 15 seconds.
00:56:43 Now we can spare that.
00:56:45 (whistling)
00:56:47 - Come on, knock it off.
00:56:50 - Okay.
00:56:52 Okay, okay, killer.
00:56:53 Yeah.
00:56:58 - Will you stand right there and mark the front door?
00:57:00 It was chain locked according to the testimony, remember?
00:57:02 Has anybody got a watch for the second hand?
00:57:04 - I have.
00:57:05 - When you want me to start, stamp your foot,
00:57:06 that'll be the body falling.
00:57:07 You can tie me from there.
00:57:08 - What are we gonna do, play charades now?
00:57:11 - Come on. - What are we waiting for?
00:57:13 - Well, I wanna wait till the second hand reaches 60.
00:57:15 - Oh, come on.
00:57:17 - Come on, speed it up.
00:57:25 He walked twice as fast as that.
00:57:28 If you want me to walk faster than that, I will.
00:57:30 Lock, door, stop.
00:57:50 - Right.
00:57:51 - What's the time?
00:57:52 - Exactly 41 seconds.
00:57:56 - Oh, Lord. - Here's what I think happened.
00:57:58 The old man heard the fight between the boy
00:57:59 and his father a few hours earlier.
00:58:01 Then when he's lying in his bed,
00:58:02 he heard a body hit the floor in the boy's apartment,
00:58:04 heard the woman scream from across the street,
00:58:06 got to his front door as fast as he could,
00:58:08 heard somebody racing down the stairs,
00:58:09 and assumed it was the boy.
00:58:10 - I think that's possible.
00:58:11 - Assumed?
00:58:12 Brother, I've seen all kinds of dishonesty in my day,
00:58:18 but this little display takes the cake.
00:58:20 You all come in here with your hearts bleeding
00:58:23 all over the floor about slum kids and injustice.
00:58:26 You listen to some fairy tales.
00:58:28 Suddenly you start getting through
00:58:29 to some of these old ladies.
00:58:30 Well, you're not getting through to me.
00:58:31 I've had enough.
00:58:32 What's the matter with you guys?
00:58:35 You all know he's guilty.
00:58:37 He's got to burn.
00:58:38 You're letting him slip through our fingers.
00:58:40 - Slip through our fingers?
00:58:41 Are you his executioner?
00:58:42 - I'm one of them.
00:58:44 - Perhaps you'd like to pull the switch.
00:58:47 - For this kid, you better would.
00:58:49 - I feel sorry for you.
00:58:50 What it must feel like to want to pull the switch.
00:58:53 Ever since you walked into this room,
00:58:54 you've been acting like a self-appointed public avenger.
00:58:57 You want to see this boy die because you personally want it,
00:58:59 not because of the facts.
00:59:01 You're a sadist.
00:59:02 - Let me go, let me go.
00:59:06 - Kill him, I'll kill him.
00:59:08 - You don't really mean you'll kill me, do you?
00:59:10 - Is there anything wrong, gentlemen?
00:59:19 I heard some noise.
00:59:20 - Oh, no, everything's all right.
00:59:21 We're just, you know, friendly little argument.
00:59:24 - Listen, we're through with that diagram.
00:59:26 You can take it if you want.
00:59:27 - Yeah.
00:59:29 - What are you looking at?
00:59:37 (footsteps)
00:59:39 - Well, I suppose somebody has to start it off again.
01:00:00 - I beg pardon.
01:00:02 - I beg pardon.
01:00:03 What are you so polite about?
01:00:05 - For the same reason you're not.
01:00:07 It's the way I was brought up.
01:00:08 This fighting, that's not why we are here, to fight.
01:00:15 We have a responsibility.
01:00:17 This I have always thought is a remarkable thing
01:00:21 about democracy, that we are,
01:00:25 oh, what is the word?
01:00:28 Notified, that we are notified by mail
01:00:32 to come down to this place to decide on the guilt
01:00:36 or innocence of a man we have never heard of before.
01:00:41 We have nothing to gain or lose by our verdict.
01:00:45 This is one of the reasons why we are strong.
01:00:49 It should not make it a personal thing.
01:00:53 Thank you.
01:00:55 - If nobody else has an idea, I might have a cutie here.
01:01:00 I mean, I haven't given it much thought,
01:01:02 but let's throw it out on the stoop
01:01:03 and see if the cat licks it up.
01:01:04 - The cat licks it up?
01:01:05 - Yeah.
01:01:06 - It's the boy.
01:01:07 (men laughing)
01:01:10 - Well, look how dark it's getting out there.
01:01:14 I bet we're gonna have a storm now.
01:01:16 - Boy, oh boy, it's really hot, huh?
01:01:20 Pardon me, but don't you ever sweat?
01:01:24 - No, I don't.
01:01:27 - Well, listen, I was wondering if,
01:01:33 maybe we should take another vote.
01:01:36 - Oh, great.
01:01:37 Maybe we can follow this one up
01:01:38 with a little dancing and refreshments, huh?
01:01:40 - Mr. Foreman?
01:01:43 - Well, that's okay with me.
01:01:45 Anyone doesn't want to vote?
01:01:46 - Hey, come on.
01:01:48 - Man, I'm sorry.
01:01:50 - I think we ought to have an open ballot.
01:01:52 Call out our votes, you know?
01:01:53 Let's see who stands where.
01:01:56 - Well, that sounds fair to me.
01:01:57 Anyone object?
01:02:01 - Okay, I'll call off your jury numbers.
01:02:03 One.
01:02:05 - Oh, that's me.
01:02:06 I can vote guilty.
01:02:08 - Two.
01:02:08 - Not guilty.
01:02:11 - Number three.
01:02:12 - Guilty.
01:02:14 - Number four.
01:02:16 - Guilty.
01:02:19 - Number five.
01:02:21 - Not guilty.
01:02:23 - Number six.
01:02:25 - Not guilty.
01:02:27 - Number seven.
01:02:30 - Guilty.
01:02:32 - Number eight.
01:02:33 - Not guilty.
01:02:35 - Number nine.
01:02:38 - Not guilty.
01:02:39 - Number 10.
01:02:41 - Guilty.
01:02:42 - Number 11.
01:02:45 - Not guilty.
01:02:47 - Number 12.
01:02:49 - Number 12.
01:02:52 - Guilty.
01:02:54 - Number 13.
01:02:55 - Guilty.
01:02:58 - Number 14.
01:03:00 - Guilty.
01:03:02 - Number 15.
01:03:03 - Guilty.
01:03:03 - Number 16.
01:03:04 - Guilty.
01:03:05 - Number 17.
01:03:06 - Guilty.
01:03:07 - Number 18.
01:03:08 - Guilty.
01:03:08 - Number 19.
01:03:09 - Guilty.
01:03:10 - Number 20.
01:03:11 - Guilty.
01:03:12 - Number 21.
01:03:13 - Guilty.
01:03:14 - Number 22.
01:03:14 - Guilty.
01:03:15 - Number 23.
01:03:16 - Guilty.
01:03:17 - Number 24.
01:03:18 - Guilty.
01:03:19 - Number 25.
01:03:19 - Guilty.
01:03:20 - Number 26.
01:03:21 - Guilty.
01:03:22 - Number 27.
01:03:23 - Guilty.
01:03:24 - Number 28.
01:03:24 - Guilty.
01:03:25 - Number 29.
01:03:26 - Guilty.
01:03:27 - Number 30.
01:03:28 - Guilty.
01:03:29 - Number 31.
01:03:29 - Guilty.
01:03:30 - Number 32.
01:03:31 - Guilty.
01:03:32 - Number 33.
01:03:33 - Guilty.
01:03:34 - Number 34.
01:03:35 - Guilty.
01:03:35 - Number 35.
01:03:36 - Guilty.
01:03:37 - Number 36.
01:03:38 - Guilty.
01:03:39 - Number 37.
01:03:40 - Guilty.
01:03:40 - Number 38.
01:03:41 - Guilty.
01:03:42 - Number 39.
01:03:43 - Guilty.
01:03:44 - Number 40.
01:03:45 - Guilty.
01:03:45 - Number 41.
01:03:46 - Guilty.
01:03:47 - Number 42.
01:03:48 - Guilty.
01:03:49 - Number 43.
01:03:50 - Guilty.
01:03:50 - Number 44.
01:03:51 - Guilty.
01:03:52 - Number 45.
01:03:53 - Guilty.
01:03:54 - Number 46.
01:03:55 - Guilty.
01:03:56 - Number 47.
01:03:56 - Guilty.
01:03:57 - Number 48.
01:03:58 - Guilty.
01:03:59 - Number 49.
01:04:00 - Guilty.
01:04:01 - Number 49.
01:04:01 - Guilty.
01:04:02 - Number 49.
01:04:03 - Guilty.
01:04:04 - Number 49.
01:04:05 - Guilty.
01:04:06 - Number 49.
01:04:06 - Guilty.
01:04:07 - Number 49.
01:04:08 - Guilty.
01:04:09 - Number 49.
01:04:10 - Guilty.
01:04:11 - Number 49.
01:04:11 - Guilty.
01:04:12 - Number 49.
01:04:13 - Guilty.
01:04:14 - Number 49.
01:04:15 - Guilty.
01:04:16 - Number 49.
01:04:17 - Guilty.
01:04:17 - Number 49.
01:04:18 - Guilty.
01:04:19 - Number 49.
01:04:20 - Guilty.
01:04:21 - Number 49.
01:04:22 - Guilty.
01:04:22 - Number 49.
01:04:23 - Guilty.
01:04:24 - Number 49.
01:04:25 - Guilty.
01:04:26 - Number 49.
01:04:27 - Guilty.
01:04:28 - Number 49.
01:04:28 - Guilty.
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01:04:30 - Guilty.
01:04:31 - Number 49.
01:04:32 - Guilty.
01:04:33 - Number 49.
01:04:33 - Guilty.
01:04:34 - Number 49.
01:04:35 - Guilty.
01:04:36 - Number 49.
01:04:37 - Guilty.
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01:04:39 - Guilty.
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01:04:40 - Guilty.
01:04:41 - Number 49.
01:04:42 - Guilty.
01:04:43 - Number 49.
01:04:44 - Guilty.
01:04:44 - Number 49.
01:04:45 - Guilty.
01:04:46 - Number 49.
01:04:47 - Guilty.
01:04:48 - Number 49.
01:04:49 - Guilty.
01:04:49 - Number 49.
01:04:50 - Guilty.
01:04:51 - Number 49.
01:04:52 - Guilty.
01:04:53 - Number 49.
01:04:54 - Guilty.
01:04:54 - Number 49.
01:04:55 - Guilty.
01:04:56 - Number 49.
01:04:57 - Guilty.
01:04:58 - Number 49.
01:04:59 - Guilty.
01:05:00 - Number 49.
01:05:00 - Guilty.
01:05:01 - Number 49.
01:05:02 - Guilty.
01:05:03 - Number 49.
01:05:04 - Guilty.
01:05:05 - Number 49.
01:05:05 - Guilty.
01:05:06 - Number 49.
01:05:07 - Guilty.
01:05:08 - Number 49.
01:05:09 - Guilty.
01:05:10 - Number 49.
01:05:10 - Guilty.
01:05:11 - Number 49.
01:05:12 - Guilty.
01:05:13 - Number 49.
01:05:14 - Guilty.
01:05:15 - Number 49.
01:05:15 - Guilty.
01:05:16 - Number 49.
01:05:17 - Guilty.
01:05:18 - Number 49.
01:05:19 - Guilty.
01:05:20 - Number 49.
01:05:21 - Guilty.
01:05:21 - There was a storm we had last,
01:05:24 what was that, November, I don't know, something.
01:05:29 It was quite a storm we had.
01:05:30 It was right in the middle of a game.
01:05:33 We were behind 76, but just out of the ballroom,
01:05:37 right off the tackle, I just started to cut right in,
01:05:39 slash you and slash right in, cut right through.
01:05:43 And we had this kid slathering.
01:05:49 He was a ox, a real ox.
01:05:51 I wish I had another one just like him.
01:05:55 Oh, I forgot to tell you, I was the head coach
01:05:58 at the Andrew J. McCorkle High School,
01:05:59 I didn't realize that's out in Queens.
01:06:01 And anyway, it's time to move along real nicely.
01:06:05 The whole line is just coming apart.
01:06:09 And it starts to come down, cats and dogs, just like this.
01:06:15 Just whoosh, right down.
01:06:19 Well, that was murder, you know.
01:06:22 I swear, I nearly bawled, and just couldn't go no where.
01:06:26 You know.
01:06:29 - What is it with this fan here?
01:06:47 How come?
01:06:48 - I don't know.
01:06:49 - Hey, huh?
01:06:57 Must be the other side of the switch with the lights.
01:07:02 Things are looking up here, huh?
01:07:05 Yeah, huh?
01:07:07 Boy, better.
01:07:14 (chuckles)
01:07:16 Hey, two points.
01:07:22 Any of you guys ever go to the garden?
01:07:31 - That's a damn stupid thing to do.
01:07:35 - Oh, I'm sorry, I, you know.
01:07:38 - Pardon me.
01:07:44 - Well, how do you like it?
01:07:45 Even Steven, pretty surprising, isn't it?
01:07:49 - Yes.
01:07:49 - Say, that business before, when I told you
01:07:55 I was, his name was trying to bait me,
01:07:57 and that doesn't prove anything.
01:07:58 I'm a pretty excitable person.
01:08:01 I mean, where does he come off, calling me
01:08:02 a public avenger, sadist, and everything?
01:08:05 I mean, anyone in his right mind would blow a stack.
01:08:08 He was just trying to bait me.
01:08:11 - He did an excellent job.
01:08:13 - I'll tell you what I think.
01:08:16 We're going nowhere here.
01:08:18 I'm ready to walk in the court right now
01:08:19 and declare a hung jury.
01:08:20 There's no point in this thing going on anymore.
01:08:22 - Yeah, I go for that too.
01:08:24 Listen, let's take it to the judge
01:08:25 and let the kid take his chance with Paul.
01:08:26 - I don't think the judge will accept a hung jury.
01:08:28 We haven't been in here very long.
01:08:30 - Well, let's find out.
01:08:31 - I am not in favor of that.
01:08:33 - Listen, this kid wouldn't stand a chance
01:08:34 with another jury, and you know it.
01:08:37 - Come on, we're hung.
01:08:37 - Nobody's gonna change his vote.
01:08:38 Let's take it inside.
01:08:39 - You still don't think there's room for reasonable doubt?
01:08:42 - No, I don't.
01:08:43 - Pardon me.
01:08:44 Maybe you don't fully understand the term reasonable doubt.
01:08:48 - What do you mean, I don't understand?
01:08:52 - Boy, how do you like this guy?
01:08:54 - I'm telling you, they're all alike.
01:08:55 They come over here running for their life,
01:08:57 and before they can take a deep breath,
01:08:58 they're telling us how to run the show, huh?
01:09:01 Boy, the arrogance in this guy.
01:09:02 - Hey, all right.
01:09:04 Let's stop the arguing for about two minutes in here.
01:09:07 Now, who's got something constructive to say?
01:09:10 - I'd like to go over something,
01:09:11 if you gentlemen don't mind.
01:09:12 An important point for the prosecution
01:09:16 was the fact that after the boy claimed
01:09:19 he'd been at the movies during the hours
01:09:20 that the killing took place,
01:09:21 couldn't remember the names of the movies
01:09:23 or the stars who appeared in them.
01:09:25 This gentleman here has brought up that point
01:09:27 in here several times.
01:09:28 - That's correct.
01:09:29 He's the only alibi the boy offered.
01:09:31 He himself couldn't back it up with any detail at all.
01:09:34 - Putting yourself in the boy's place,
01:09:36 do you think you could remember details
01:09:37 after an upsetting experience,
01:09:39 such as being slapped in the face by your father?
01:09:41 - I think so.
01:09:42 Is there any special details to remember?
01:09:44 The boy couldn't remember the names of the movies he saw
01:09:46 because he wasn't there that night.
01:09:48 - According to the police testimony in court,
01:09:49 the boy was questioned by the detectives
01:09:51 in the kitchen of his apartment,
01:09:53 while the body of his father was lying
01:09:54 on the floor in the bedroom.
01:09:56 Do you think you could remember details
01:09:57 under those circumstances?
01:09:58 - I do.
01:09:59 - Under great emotional stress?
01:10:00 - Under great emotional stress.
01:10:02 - He remembered them correctly in court.
01:10:03 He named the pictures and the stars who played in them.
01:10:05 - Yes.
01:10:06 His lawyer took great pains to bring that out.
01:10:08 He had three months from the night of the murder
01:10:10 to the day of the trial in which to memorize them.
01:10:13 It's not difficult for a lawyer to find out
01:10:14 what played at a particular theater on a particular night.
01:10:17 I'll take the testimony of the policeman
01:10:19 who interrogated the boy right after the murder,
01:10:21 when he couldn't remember a thing about the movies.
01:10:23 Great emotional stress or not.
01:10:26 - I'd like to ask you a personal question.
01:10:28 - Go ahead.
01:10:29 - Where were you last night?
01:10:31 - I was home.
01:10:32 - How about the night before that?
01:10:33 - Come on, what is this?
01:10:35 - No, that's all right.
01:10:36 I left the office at 8.30 and went straight home and to bed.
01:10:39 - And the night before that?
01:10:40 - That was Tuesday night, the night of the bridge tournament.
01:10:44 I played bridge Monday night.
01:10:46 - When you get down on New Year's Eve 1954, let me know.
01:10:49 - Monday night?
01:10:53 Monday night, my wife and I went to the movies.
01:10:58 - What did you see?
01:10:59 - The Scarlet Circle.
01:11:00 It is a very clever whodunit.
01:11:01 - What was the second feature?
01:11:03 - The, I'll tell you in a minute,
01:11:06 the remarkable Mrs. something,
01:11:11 the Mrs. Bainbridge, the remarkable Mrs. Bainbridge.
01:11:18 - I saw that, it's called "The Amazing Mrs. Bainbridge."
01:11:21 - Yes, "The Amazing Mrs. Bainbridge," I think that's right.
01:11:25 - Who was in "The Amazing Mrs. Bainbridge?"
01:11:27 - Barbara Long, I think it was.
01:11:31 Dark, very pretty girl.
01:11:32 Lin or Long, something like that.
01:11:37 - Who else?
01:11:38 - I'd never heard of them before.
01:11:40 Very inexpensive second feature, but unknown.
01:11:44 - And you weren't under an emotional stress, were you?
01:11:47 - No, I wasn't.
01:11:53 - I think the point is made.
01:11:58 - Big point.
01:11:59 (coughing)
01:12:01 - You can talk till your tongue is dragging on the floor.
01:12:03 The boy is guilty, period.
01:12:05 Know what I mean, my friend?
01:12:06 He's got those cough drops.
01:12:09 - We're all gone, my friend.
01:12:11 - Oh, boy, look at that rain.
01:12:15 There goes your ballgame.
01:12:16 - It's over, Sean.
01:12:19 - Sarge, you got the infield covered.
01:12:23 - Say, could I see that knife a second, please?
01:12:28 - Well, we're still tied up six to six.
01:12:31 Who's got a suggestion?
01:12:32 - Five after six, let's get some dinner.
01:12:35 - Well, we'll wait till seven o'clock.
01:12:36 Give it another hour.
01:12:37 - Okay with me?
01:12:38 - There's something I'd like to say.
01:12:42 I mean, it's been bothering me a little,
01:12:43 and as long as we're stuck...
01:12:45 Well, there was this whole business about the stab wound
01:12:48 and how it was made, the downward angle of it, you know?
01:12:51 - Don't tell me we're gonna start with that again.
01:12:53 They've been over it and over it.
01:12:55 - Well, I know they did, but I don't go along with it.
01:12:57 Now, the boy was five feet, seven inches tall.
01:13:00 His father was six, two.
01:13:01 That's a difference of seven inches.
01:13:04 It's a very awkward thing to stab down into the chest
01:13:06 of someone who's more than half a foot taller than you are.
01:13:08 - Give me that.
01:13:09 I'll give you a demonstration.
01:13:12 Somebody get up.
01:13:13 I want you to watch this
01:13:22 'cause I don't wanna have to do it again.
01:13:24 I'll make myself about six or seven inches shorter, okay?
01:13:27 - It's about right.
01:13:28 Maybe a little more.
01:13:29 - Okay, a little more.
01:13:30 - What's wrong?
01:13:39 (all chattering)
01:13:41 - Nobody's hurt, right?
01:13:47 - Right, nobody hurt.
01:13:48 - Well, this is the way I'd stab a man
01:13:54 who was taller than I was.
01:13:57 Look at the angle, down and in.
01:14:00 This is the way it was done.
01:14:02 Now, tell me I'm wrong.
01:14:03 - Down and in, I guess there's no arguing.
01:14:08 - Hold it a minute, will you?
01:14:10 Give me that.
01:14:10 Boy, I hate these things.
01:14:14 Did you ever see a knife fight?
01:14:16 - You? - No.
01:14:18 Anybody here ever see a knife fight?
01:14:20 Oh, I have.
01:14:22 You know, on my back, too.
01:14:24 A lot across the street, backyard.
01:14:26 Switchblades came with the neighborhood where I lived.
01:14:29 Funny I never thought of it before.
01:14:30 I guess you try to forget those things.
01:14:32 - How do you use a switchblade?
01:14:33 - Well, you never use it like this.
01:14:35 See, you lose too much time switching hands.
01:14:39 Here's how.
01:14:43 Underhanded.
01:14:43 Anyone who's ever used a switch nut
01:14:48 wouldn't handle it any other way.
01:14:50 - Are you sure?
01:14:51 - I'm sure.
01:14:52 That's why they're made to open like that.
01:14:54 - You'd say the boy was pretty handy with a knife.
01:14:56 - Mm-hmm.
01:14:57 - You think he could have made the kind of wound
01:14:59 that killed his father?
01:15:00 - No.
01:15:01 Nobody experienced he'd had all his life
01:15:02 handling these things.
01:15:04 I feel he'd have gone for 'em underhanded.
01:15:06 - How do you know?
01:15:07 Were you in the room when the father was killed?
01:15:09 - No.
01:15:10 Neither was anybody else.
01:15:11 - What are you giving us all this mumbo jumbo for?
01:15:14 I don't believe it.
01:15:15 - I don't think you can determine what type of wound
01:15:17 the boy might or might not have made
01:15:18 since he didn't have anything he ought to handle, right?
01:15:21 - What do you think?
01:15:23 - I don't know.
01:15:24 - What do you mean you don't know?
01:15:25 - I don't know.
01:15:26 - How about you?
01:15:33 - I don't know about the rest of 'em,
01:15:34 but I'm getting a little tired of this yackety-yacking
01:15:36 back and forth.
01:15:37 It's getting us nowhere.
01:15:38 So I guess I'll have to break it up.
01:15:41 I changed my vote to not guilty.
01:15:42 - You what?
01:15:45 You heard me.
01:15:46 I've had enough.
01:15:47 - What do you mean you've had enough?
01:15:48 That's no answer.
01:15:49 - Hey, listen, you just take care of yourself, huh?
01:15:52 You know?
01:15:53 - He's right.
01:15:55 That's not an answer.
01:15:56 What kind of a man are you?
01:16:00 You have sat here and voted guilty with everyone else
01:16:04 because there are some baseball tickets
01:16:06 burning a hole in your pocket.
01:16:08 And now you have changed your vote
01:16:09 because you say you're sick of all the talking here?
01:16:12 - Listen, buddy.
01:16:15 - Who tells you that you have the right
01:16:17 to play like this with a man's life?
01:16:20 Don't you care?
01:16:20 - Now, wait a minute.
01:16:22 You can't talk like that to me.
01:16:24 - I can talk like that to you.
01:16:26 If you want to vote not guilty,
01:16:28 then do it because you are convinced the man is not guilty
01:16:30 and not because you've had enough.
01:16:33 And if you think he is guilty, then vote that way.
01:16:35 Or don't you have the guts to do what you think is right?
01:16:38 - Now, listen.
01:16:40 - Guilty or not guilty?
01:16:42 - I told you, not guilty.
01:16:44 - Why?
01:16:47 - Look, I don't have to...
01:16:48 - You do have to say it.
01:16:50 Why?
01:16:51 - I don't think he's guilty.
01:16:54 - Want another vote?
01:17:05 - Okay, there's another vote call for him.
01:17:08 I guess the quickest way is a show of hands.
01:17:10 Anyone object?
01:17:11 Okay, all those voting not guilty, raise your hands.
01:17:15 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
01:17:20 Um, nine.
01:17:30 All those voting guilty, raise your hands.
01:17:36 One, two, three.
01:17:38 All the votes nine to three in favor of acquittal.
01:17:43 - I don't understand you people.
01:17:45 I mean, all these picky little points you keep bringing up,
01:17:47 they don't mean nothing.
01:17:49 You saw this kid just like I did.
01:17:51 You're not gonna tell me you believe that phony story
01:17:53 about losing the knife and that business
01:17:55 about being at the movies.
01:17:56 Look, you know how these people lie?
01:17:58 It's born in them.
01:17:59 I mean, what the heck, I don't have to tell you.
01:18:01 They don't know what the truth is.
01:18:03 And let me tell you,
01:18:04 they don't need any real big reason to kill someone either.
01:18:07 No, sir.
01:18:09 They get drunk.
01:18:10 All their real big drinkers, all of them.
01:18:12 You know that.
01:18:13 And bang, someone's lying in the gutter.
01:18:16 Well, nobody's blaming them for it.
01:18:17 That's the way they are, by nature.
01:18:19 You know what I mean?
01:18:20 Violent.
01:18:21 Where are you going?
01:18:22 Human life don't mean as much to them as it does to us.
01:18:25 Look, they're mushing it up and fighting all the time.
01:18:29 And if somebody gets killed,
01:18:31 so if somebody gets killed, they don't care.
01:18:33 Oh, sure, there's some good things about them too.
01:18:35 Look, I'm the first one to say that.
01:18:37 I've known a couple who were okay,
01:18:39 but that's the exception, you know what I mean?
01:18:41 Most of them, it's like they had no feelings.
01:18:42 They can do anything.
01:18:43 What's going on here?
01:18:46 Well, I'm trying to tell you.
01:18:49 You're making a big mistake, you people.
01:18:51 This kid is a liar.
01:18:52 I know it.
01:18:53 I know all about them.
01:18:54 Listen to me.
01:18:57 They're no good.
01:18:58 There's not a one of them who's any good.
01:19:00 I mean, what's happening in here?
01:19:05 I'm speaking my piece and you...
01:19:07 Listen to me.
01:19:11 We're, this kid on trial here, he's type.
01:19:14 Well, don't you know about them?
01:19:16 There's a danger here.
01:19:20 These people are dangerous.
01:19:23 They're wild.
01:19:26 Listen to me.
01:19:28 Listen to me.
01:19:30 I have.
01:19:31 Now sit down and don't open your mouth again.
01:19:38 It's all done.
01:19:39 Tell you.
01:19:42 Tell you.
01:19:43 (water splashing)
01:19:46 (water splashing)
01:19:49 (water splashing)
01:20:19 It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice
01:20:22 out of a thing like this.
01:20:23 Wherever you run into it,
01:20:25 prejudice always obscures the truth.
01:20:28 I don't really know what the truth is.
01:20:32 I don't suppose anybody will ever really know.
01:20:35 Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent.
01:20:41 But we're just gambling on probabilities.
01:20:44 We may be wrong.
01:20:45 We may be trying to let a guilty man go free.
01:20:48 I don't know.
01:20:50 Nobody really can.
01:20:51 But we have a reasonable doubt.
01:20:54 And that's something that's very valuable in our system.
01:20:58 No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's sure.
01:21:02 We nine can understand how you three are still so sure.
01:21:09 Maybe you can tell us.
01:21:11 I'll try.
01:21:12 You've made some excellent points,
01:21:15 but I still believe the boy is guilty of murder.
01:21:17 And I have two reasons.
01:21:19 One, the evidence given by the woman across the street
01:21:22 who actually saw the murder committed.
01:21:25 As far as I'm concerned,
01:21:25 that's the most important testimony.
01:21:27 And two, the fact that she described the stabbing
01:21:30 by saying she saw the boy raise his arm over his head
01:21:33 and stab down into the father's chest.
01:21:36 She saw him do it the wrong way.
01:21:38 That's absolutely right.
01:21:41 Let's talk about this woman for a moment.
01:21:43 She said she went to bed about 11 o'clock that night.
01:21:46 Her bed was next to the window
01:21:48 and she could look out while lying down
01:21:50 and see directly into the boy's room across the street.
01:21:53 She tossed and turned for over an hour, unable to sleep.
01:21:57 Finally, she turned toward the window
01:21:59 at about 10 minutes after 12.
01:22:01 And as she looked out,
01:22:03 she saw the killing through the windows
01:22:05 of a passing L train.
01:22:06 She said the lights went out immediately after the killing,
01:22:09 but that she got a good look at the boy
01:22:11 in the act of stabbing his father.
01:22:15 As far as I can see it, this is unshakable testimony.
01:22:19 - Well, that's the whole case.
01:22:22 - What do you think?
01:22:23 How about you?
01:22:28 - I don't know.
01:22:32 So much evidence to sit?
01:22:36 This is a pretty complicated business.
01:22:37 - Frankly, I don't see how you can vote for acquittal.
01:22:40 - It's not so easy to arrange all the evidence in order.
01:22:44 You can throw out all the other evidence.
01:22:46 The woman saw him do it.
01:22:47 What else do you want?
01:22:48 - Well, maybe- - Let's vote on it.
01:22:52 - Okay, there's another vote call for.
01:22:54 Anyone object?
01:22:55 - All right, I'm changing my vote.
01:22:58 It's guilty.
01:22:59 - Anybody else, the vote is eight to four.
01:23:01 - Why is this such a personal trial for you?
01:23:04 It's one vote.
01:23:05 - Okay, I say we're a hung jury.
01:23:07 I say we take it into the judge.
01:23:09 How about it?
01:23:10 I wanna hear arguments.
01:23:10 You, you're the leader of the cause.
01:23:13 What about it?
01:23:14 (water rushing)
01:23:16 - Let's go over it again.
01:23:18 - We've been over it again.
01:23:20 The boy in the gray flannel suit here
01:23:22 is bouncing backwards and forwards like a tennis ball.
01:23:25 - There's no point in getting nasty.
01:23:27 You're trying to turn this into a contest.
01:23:29 Okay, maybe we can talk about
01:23:33 setting some kind of time limit.
01:23:35 - Yeah, once a round for the dealer, huh?
01:23:37 - It's a quarter after six.
01:23:42 Someone before mentioned seven o'clock.
01:23:44 I think that's a point at which we might begin
01:23:46 to discuss the question of whether
01:23:47 we're a hung jury or not.
01:23:48 - Don't you feel well?
01:23:51 - I feel perfectly well, thank you.
01:23:55 I was saying that seven o'clock would be a reasonable time.
01:23:58 - The reason I asked about that was because
01:24:01 you were rubbing your nose like,
01:24:02 oh, I'm sorry for interrupting,
01:24:05 but you made a gesture that reminded me of something.
01:24:09 - I'm trying to settle something here, do you mind?
01:24:11 - Well, I think this is important.
01:24:12 - Thank you.
01:24:15 Now then, I'm sure you'll pardon me for this,
01:24:18 but I was wondering why you were rubbing your nose like that.
01:24:22 - Oh, come on, will you?
01:24:23 - At this point, I happen to be talking
01:24:25 to the gentleman sitting next to you.
01:24:26 Now, why were you rubbing your nose like that?
01:24:31 - Well, if it's any of your business,
01:24:33 I was rubbing it because it bothers me a little.
01:24:35 - Oh, I'm sorry.
01:24:36 Is it because of your eyeglasses?
01:24:39 - It is.
01:24:40 Now, could we get on to something else?
01:24:42 - Your eyeglasses made those too deep impressions
01:24:45 on the sides of your nose.
01:24:47 I hadn't noticed that before.
01:24:49 That must be annoying.
01:24:51 - It is very annoying.
01:24:53 - Oh, I wouldn't know about that.
01:24:55 I've never worn my glasses.
01:24:57 2020.
01:24:59 - Listen, will you come on already
01:25:00 with the optometrist bit?
01:25:01 - The woman who testified that she saw the killing
01:25:06 had those same marks on the sides of her nose.
01:25:11 - Oh, he's smooshing.
01:25:12 - I know he's right.
01:25:13 - I know he's right.
01:25:13 - Marge, please.
01:25:15 - Just give me a minute, and I'll be finished.
01:25:18 I don't know if anyone else noticed that about her.
01:25:22 I didn't think of it then,
01:25:23 but I've been going over her face in my mind.
01:25:28 She had those same marks.
01:25:31 She kept rubbing them in court.
01:25:34 - He's right.
01:25:35 Now, she did do that a lot.
01:25:37 - This woman was about 45 years old.
01:25:41 She was making a tremendous effort to look 35,
01:25:46 for her first public appearance.
01:25:48 Heavy makeup, dyed hair,
01:25:52 brand new clothes that should have been worn
01:25:54 by a younger woman.
01:25:56 No glasses.
01:25:57 Well, women do that.
01:25:58 See if you can get a mental picture of it.
01:26:02 - What do you mean, no glasses?
01:26:04 How do you know whether she wore glasses?
01:26:05 Just 'cause she was rubbing her nose?
01:26:07 - Now, she had those marks, I saw.
01:26:09 - Well, so what?
01:26:10 What do you think that means?
01:26:11 - Listen, I'm getting so sick of your yelling at him.
01:26:12 - Oh, come on, forget it.
01:26:14 Hey, listen.
01:26:15 Listen, he's right.
01:26:16 I saw them too.
01:26:17 I was the closest one to her.
01:26:18 She had these things on the side of her nose.
01:26:20 What do you call those on the side?
01:26:22 - Well, what point are you making here?
01:26:23 She had dyed hair, marks on her nose.
01:26:26 Well, what does that mean?
01:26:27 - Could those marks be made by anything
01:26:30 other than eyeglasses?
01:26:35 - No, they couldn't.
01:26:37 - I didn't see any marks.
01:26:39 - I did.
01:26:42 - Strange, but I didn't think about it before.
01:26:46 - Well, what about the lawyer?
01:26:47 Why didn't he say something?
01:26:48 - There are 12 people in here concentrating on this case.
01:26:51 11 of us didn't think of it either.
01:26:53 - Well, what about the district attorney?
01:26:55 You think he'd pull a trick like that?
01:26:56 Have her testify without her glasses?
01:26:58 - You ever see a woman who had to wear glasses
01:27:00 and didn't want to because she thinks they spoil her looks?
01:27:03 Okay, she had marks on her nose.
01:27:06 I'm giving you that.
01:27:08 From glasses, right?
01:27:10 She didn't want to wear them out of the house
01:27:11 or people would think she's gorgeous.
01:27:13 But when she saw this kid killing his father,
01:27:16 she was in the house alone.
01:27:19 That's all.
01:27:20 - Do you wear glasses when you go to bed?
01:27:23 - No, I don't.
01:27:25 No one wears eyeglasses to bed.
01:27:29 - It's logical to assume that she wasn't wearing them
01:27:31 when she was in bed, tossing and turning,
01:27:32 trying to fall asleep.
01:27:33 - How do you know?
01:27:34 - I don't know, I'm guessing.
01:27:36 I'm also guessing that she probably didn't put her glasses on
01:27:39 when she turned to look casually out of the window.
01:27:41 And she herself testified the killing took place
01:27:43 just as she looked out.
01:27:44 The lights went off a split second later.
01:27:45 She couldn't have had time to put them on.
01:27:47 - Wait a second.
01:27:47 - Here's another guess.
01:27:48 Maybe she honestly thought she saw the boy kill his father.
01:27:51 I say she only saw a blur.
01:27:53 - How do you know what she saw?
01:27:54 How does he know all that?
01:27:56 How do you know what kind of glasses she wore?
01:27:58 Maybe there was sunglasses.
01:27:59 Maybe she was farsighted.
01:28:01 What do you know about it?
01:28:02 - I only know the woman's eyesight is in question now.
01:28:05 She had to be able to identify a person
01:28:08 60 feet away at night without glasses.
01:28:11 - You can't send someone off to die on evidence like that.
01:28:14 - Oh, don't give me that.
01:28:16 - Don't you think the woman might've made a mistake?
01:28:18 - No.
01:28:19 - It's not possible?
01:28:21 - No, it's not possible.
01:28:22 - Is it possible?
01:28:26 - Not really.
01:28:30 - You think he's guilty?
01:28:31 - I think he's guilty.
01:28:34 - You?
01:28:38 - No.
01:28:43 I'm convinced.
01:28:44 Not guilty.
01:28:46 - What's the matter with you?
01:28:48 - I have a reasonable doubt now.
01:28:50 - Then let them be blind.
01:28:52 But what about all the other evidence?
01:28:54 What about all that stuff?
01:28:55 - I don't know.
01:28:56 - I don't know.
01:28:57 - I don't know.
01:28:58 - What about all that evidence?
01:28:59 What about all that stuff?
01:29:00 The knife, the whole business?
01:29:02 - Well, you said we could throw out all the other evidence.
01:29:04 - Well, what do we do now?
01:29:12 - You're alone.
01:29:17 - I don't care whether I'm alone or not.
01:29:20 It's my right.
01:29:21 - It's your right.
01:29:25 (water rushing)
01:29:28 - Well, what do you want?
01:29:37 I say he's guilty.
01:29:37 - You want to hear your arguments?
01:29:42 - I gave you my arguments.
01:29:43 - We're not convinced.
01:29:45 We want to hear them again.
01:29:48 We have as much time as it takes.
01:29:51 (water rushing)
01:29:54 - Everything, every single thing
01:30:00 that took place in that courtroom,
01:30:01 but I mean everything, says he's guilty.
01:30:03 What do you think, I'm an idiot or something?
01:30:06 - Why don't you take that stuff about the old man?
01:30:10 The old man who lived there and heard everything.
01:30:13 All this business about the knife.
01:30:16 What, 'cause we found another one exactly like it?
01:30:18 The old man saw him right there on the stairs.
01:30:22 What's the difference how many seconds it was?
01:30:24 Every single thing.
01:30:27 The knife falling through a hole in his pocket.
01:30:32 You can't prove he didn't get to the door.
01:30:35 Sure, you can take all the time,
01:30:37 hobble around the room, but you can't prove it.
01:30:40 And what about this business of the L and the movies?
01:30:47 There's a phony deal if I ever heard one.
01:30:50 I bet you $5,000 I'd remember the movies I saw.
01:30:54 I'm telling you everything that's going on
01:30:56 has been twisted and turned.
01:30:59 This business with the glasses.
01:31:02 How do you know she didn't have mine?
01:31:04 This woman testified in open court.
01:31:07 And what about hearing the kid yell, huh?
01:31:11 I'm telling you, I've got all the facts here.
01:31:16 Here.
01:31:17 Well, that's it, that's the whole case.
01:31:23 Well?
01:31:31 Say something!
01:31:35 You lousy bunch of bleeding hearts.
01:31:46 You're not going to intimidate me.
01:31:48 I'm entitled to my opinion.
01:31:50 Rotten kids, you work your life out!
01:31:57 Go home.
01:32:15 I'm not guilty.
01:32:16 Not guilty.
01:32:21 We're ready now.
01:32:39 (dramatic music)
01:32:41 (dramatic music)
01:32:44 (dramatic music)
01:32:47 (dramatic music)
01:32:50 (dramatic music)
01:32:52 (dramatic music)
01:32:55 (dramatic music)
01:32:58 (dramatic music)
01:33:01 (dramatic music)
01:33:03 (dramatic music)
01:33:07 (dramatic music)
01:33:10 (dramatic music)
01:33:13 (dramatic music)
01:33:16 (dramatic music)
01:33:27 (dramatic music)
01:33:32 (dramatic music)
01:33:41 (dramatic music)
01:33:44 (dramatic music)
01:34:04 (dramatic music)
01:34:07 (dramatic music)
01:34:10 (dramatic music)
01:34:13 Hey!
01:34:39 What's your name?
01:34:41 Davis.
01:34:42 My name's McCardle.
01:34:43 Well, so long.
01:34:48 So long.
01:34:49 (dramatic music)
01:34:52 (dramatic music)
01:34:54 (dramatic music)
01:35:21 (dramatic music)
01:35:23 (dramatic music)
01:35:32 (dramatic music)
01:35:35 (dramatic music)
01:36:03 (lion roaring)
01:36:05 (lion growling)
