لماذا تفاقم عجز الموازنة المصرية في الربع الأول 2023-2024؟

  • last year


00:00 The financial ministry of Egypt announced the first quarter of the financial year 2023-2024
00:08 for Egypt.
00:09 The lack of funding clearly.
00:10 One of these reasons is the increase in the cost of paying debts to Egypt in the last
00:16 quarter.
00:17 If we compare this quarter with the financial quarter of the previous year, how do we find
00:21 the numbers and how did the debt service affect the expenses of the financial ministry of Egypt?
00:27 In the beginning, the deficit rose in our budget by 3.8% to 455.8 billion pounds, representing
00:37 3.8% of the GDP or the total local product.
00:41 Compared to 207 billion pounds, the deficit was in the budget of 2022-2023, the first quarter
00:50 of it.
00:51 The wills.
00:52 The wills recorded a 30% increase in the real estate.
00:55 The economic sector recorded growth and sources of income, whether taxes or others.
01:01 We have 335 billion pounds.
01:04 Wills came better than the previous financial year for the same period.
01:08 And we are talking this time about expenses in the balance sheet, which rose by nearly
01:13 70% the size of expenses in the first three months of the first quarter of this year.
01:19 Compared to the financial year of the deficit, we are talking about 466 billion and 400 million
01:25 pounds of expenses compared to 790 billion and 800 million pounds of expenses for the
01:32 first quarter of this year.
01:33 I will go with you this time about the financial crisis and we will also talk about the expenses
01:37 of the benefits of Egypt's debts, which are doubling.
01:40 The subject is certainly related to the financial classification, related to the CDS, and we
01:45 talked about it in a previous time that we have the cost of insurance on the possibility
01:50 of being affected by the debt.
01:51 It has been reduced by about 33%.
01:52 This is a positive thing, but this does not raise, of course, or perhaps reduce the cost
01:58 of debt service.
01:59 We have another thing.
02:00 We are talking about the increase in expenses for the debt service.
02:03 120% reached 477 billion and a half billion pounds in return for 217 billion pounds that
02:11 we pay in the first quarter of the debt service from the year of the deficit.
02:15 The financial gap expands in the financial year 2023-2024 to reach 824 billion pounds.
02:24 So this was enough to give us a clear picture of the reasons that pushed the balance to this
02:30 deficit.
