• 2 years ago


00:00 After the signing of the Paris Agreement for the 2015 climate, international efforts, annual values and billions of investments to achieve the goals of the agreement,
00:12 but despite all these efforts, the year 2023 will be the year of the largest carbon emissions.
00:21 The expected carbon emissions around the world from fossil fuels increased by 1.1% this year to reach nearly 37 billion tons per square meter of carbon.
00:34 This is a new level and 1.4% higher than the average of 2019 before the pandemic.
00:41 When we add the emissions of land use, it is expected that the total number of global carbon dioxide emissions will reach 41 billion tons this year.
00:50 The global carbon budget, as there is a budget for each country and each year, is also in the global carbon budget.
00:56 This budget has benefited by the fact that there is a 50% chance that the global carbon emissions will exceed the level of the global warming by 0.5 degrees Celsius over a period of seven years.
01:07 The budget still has less than 250 gigatons of carbon dioxide in the global carbon budget,
01:14 which can be absorbed in the air before reaching the zero level of carbon emissions and must achieve the goal of maintaining absorption at 1.5 degrees Celsius.
01:26 Most of the countries affected by the climate are China and India.
01:30 Emissions from coal, oil and gas rose in India and China,
01:36 and the emissions of the European Union decreased by 7.4% this year due to the reduction in the use of fossil fuels.
01:44 But India exceeded the European Union in the third largest emitter in the world,
01:50 paying an increase of 9.5% of coal, 6.5% of oil and 8.8% of carbon dioxide.
01:59 But China is still the dominant emitter in global emissions, and is responsible for 31% of carbon emissions.
02:07 The United States is the largest historically emitter in China with 14%.
02:13 The second largest source of carbon dioxide in fossil fuels is coal, with nearly 15 gigatons of emissions.
02:21 The emissions of fossil fuels in more than 20 countries have decreased, and are a collective responsibility for more than a quarter of the world's population.
02:30 But their progress was not enough to contain the rise in 2023.
02:38 The deforestation is responsible for 4.2 billion tons of carbon annually in the past decade.
02:47 But the emissions from the fires in the Canadian forests we witnessed in 2023 reached 8 gigatons,
02:54 which is about 70% of China's emissions from fossil fuels.
03:00 But this is 2.2 times the amount of carbon dioxide that new forests or healthy forests emit.
03:08 What is required now to achieve the Paris Agreement goals?
03:13 The goal is to reduce the annual carbon dioxide by 9% by 1.5 degrees Celsius.
03:21 But emissions have decreased by 5.4% during the 2020 pandemic.
03:28 But after the economy reopened and restrictions were lifted, the emissions rose again.
