'Rolling up your sleeves and changing the world': Should everyone learn entrepreneurship at school?

  • last year
We speak to Saras Sarasvathy, who holds the Paul Hammaker Professorship at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business about how companies can be better prepared to overcome crises and uncertainty in the future.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 We literally live in a world that entrepreneurs build
00:09 and yet we don't think that entrepreneurship
00:12 is worth teaching.
00:13 So my question for everybody else is
00:15 why aren't we teaching entrepreneurship a lot more?
00:17 Why aren't we investing in how to teach
00:20 entrepreneurship better?
00:21 So that is why this became a quest of my life.
00:25 It is actually way more easy to teach than people think it is
00:29 it is just that we hadn't looked into the research
00:31 of what should we be teaching?
00:33 What is worth learning?
00:35 But there is one aspect of it that makes it very difficult
00:38 for people to see on because entrepreneurship
00:41 is about handling uncertainty, right?
00:43 And we think uncertainty by definition
00:46 is something we cannot teach.
00:47 Think about, you know, rolling up your sleeves
00:49 and changing the world.
00:50 That's why I want everybody to learn entrepreneurship
00:53 because it's not about starting a company.
00:55 It's about seeing crises,
00:57 seeing difficulties as inputs,
01:00 as resources that you build on
01:03 and then you actually transform
01:05 and shape, reshape your own circumstances.
01:08 (upbeat music)
01:11 (upbeat music)
