The Archies: खुशी कपूर (Khushi Kapoor) की डेब्यू फिल्म 'द आर्चीज़' उनके लिए काफी ख़ास है. इस फिल्म का प्रिमियर कल रात मुंबई में नीता मुकेश अंबानी कल्चरल सेंटर में हुआ, जहां खुशी कपूर ने अपने आउटफिट से सबका ध्यान खींच लिया
The Archies: Khushi Kapoor's debut film 'The Archies' is very special for her. The premiere of this film took place last night at Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center in Mumbai, where Khushi Kapoor caught everyone's attention with her outfit.
#TheArchies #KhushiKapoor
The Archies: Khushi Kapoor's debut film 'The Archies' is very special for her. The premiere of this film took place last night at Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center in Mumbai, where Khushi Kapoor caught everyone's attention with her outfit.
#TheArchies #KhushiKapoor