Latest news bulletin | December 6th – Morning

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00:00 Israel intensifies its bombardment in and around Gaza`s second largest city, Khan Younis,
00:05 as hundreds have died since last week`s truce ended.
00:10 The European Commission is warning of an increased risk of terrorist attacks during the Christmas
00:14 period as the Israel-Hamas war intensifies.
00:22 Israel has intensified its ground and air bombardment of Khan Younis in Gaza, and it
00:26 pushed for a definite military victory over Hamas.
00:30 Casualties and others fleeing the fighting poured into the Nasser Hospital in the southern
00:34 city.
00:35 Israeli forces also targeted the Jabalia area of Gaza after warning civilians to flee further
00:40 south.
00:42 Many of those had already been forced to move from their homes in the north, and NGOs say
00:46 there is nowhere safe for people to go.
00:49 The Palestinian Health Ministry says several hundred people have been killed since last
00:52 week`s truce ended.
00:55 Palestinian militants are continuing to fight street by street, as this video by Islamic
00:59 Jihad purports to show.
01:01 The IDF says scores of its soldiers have died in combat since the ground offensive began.
01:09 And Hamas continues to fire rockets towards Israel, with the city of Ashkelon among the
01:14 latest targets.
01:16 It was Hamas` brutal raid into Israel that killed at least 1,200 people that triggered
01:20 the war.
01:21 It continues to hold more than 100 hostages.
01:32 The European Commission is warning of an increased risk of terrorist attacks during the Christmas
01:36 period as the Israel-Hamas war intensifies.
01:42 To face this danger, the EU`s Home Affairs Commissioner Ilva Johansson is putting in
01:46 place 30 million euros to protect vulnerable areas, including places of worship.
01:54 With the war between Israel and Hamas and the polarization it causes in our society,
02:01 with the upcoming holiday season, there is a huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European
02:09 Union.
02:10 The security situation was discussed during a meeting of EU Home Affairs Ministers in
02:14 Brussels on Tuesday.
02:17 Just days after the start of the Israel-Hamas war, several deadly terrorist attacks took
02:21 place on European soil.
02:23 In the French city of Arras, a teacher was killed, and in Brussels, two football fans
02:27 were killed by a terrorist.
02:31 Last weekend, a German tourist was stabbed to death at the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
02:35 And according to experts, there`s a clear link between the fighting around Gaza and
02:39 the security situation in Europe, and that the polarization of opinions is a dangerous
02:43 development.
02:44 Earlier this week in Paris, also there was an attack.
02:48 These attacks are usually linked to the events in Gaza.
02:51 So it`s a very troublesome development.
02:53 We see that this really creates high level of emotions among the audiences in Europe,
02:59 and I don`t think we`ve seen the last of it.
03:01 So again, here for the European Union, it`s pertinent to also work towards solution to
03:07 this conflict, because the longer this conflict lasts, the more we see European populations
03:13 being polarized and divided in a negative sense.
03:17 Security experts previously said that intelligence services can monitor and detect larger terrorist
03:21 attacks, but lone wolf perpetrators still pose a significant threat to Europe.
03:33 A 10-year-old schoolboy has been killed in a traffic accident involving a public bus
03:38 in Saxony, Germany.
03:40 Police say two other people are in serious condition and 11 more have minor injuries.
03:45 Initial assessments say the road was slippery at the time, as wild weather paralyzes the
03:50 country.
03:51 Heavy snow in northern England has caused havoc on highways and knocked out power to
03:56 thousands of homes.
03:57 In Grisdale, in a Lake District, locals told media they had not seen such weather in 60
04:02 years.
04:03 We just get used to the fact that it might take a few days.
04:05 On Saturday, more than 30 centimeters of snow fell in Krakow, the most snow they have had
04:10 in years.
04:11 The three-day program to remove it is costing more than 2.3 million euros and includes 4.6
04:17 thousand tons of salt on the capital streets.
04:35 Heavy snowfall is also interfering with traffic on roads and flights in and out of three airports
04:40 in Russia's capital.
04:49 The past month has seen some of the biggest snowfalls across Europe in years.
05:00 Delegates at the COP28 summit in Dubai have been digesting a series of grim reports about
05:05 the state of the climate and efforts to stem global warming.
05:09 Euronews correspondent Jeremy Wilkes brings us the latest from the UN conference.
05:14 The climate action tracker shows that no country around the world is actually on track to reduce
05:20 its greenhouse gas emissions in order to meet the 1.5 degree target of the Paris agreement.
05:25 We also had the global carbon project which revealed that emissions in 2023 rose by 1.1
05:32 percent globally, over 8 percent rise in India.
05:36 And we had the World Meteorological Organization's decadal review which evens out all of the
05:41 changes you may see because of La Nina or El Nino and it's a pretty bleak outlook for
05:47 our planet.
05:48 I spoke to the report author.
05:50 We've seen accelerating climate change across a wide range of areas of the climate system.
05:56 We see continuing increases in global temperatures.
05:59 We see sea level rise happening at an increasing rate.
06:02 We see ice sheet loss happening at an increasing rate.
06:06 We see the oceans getting warmer and more acidic.
06:09 So we're seeing changes across much of the climate system and they're generally changes
06:14 which are not going in a good direction.
06:17 In the face of such evidence, what we really need to do is to change the conversation according
06:22 to Bertrand Piccard, the founder of the Solar Impulse Foundation.
06:26 We need to show the solutions more than the problems.
06:29 We need to show that decarbonization has to be made through a profitable modernization
06:34 of the countries by having more efficiency, stopping to waste energy and resources and
06:40 polluting but also stopping to waste money.
06:44 So there is a climate urgency.
06:46 Yes, but there is an economic imperative that can probably be much more motivating
06:53 for the world of economy, industry and politics.
06:56 With those thoughts and those reports in mind, the question now is whether at the end of
07:01 this conference we will get an agreement to phase out fossil fuels.
07:05 Jeremy Wilkes at COP28 in Dubai for Euronews.
07:11 At least 85 people have been killed in an airstrike during a religious celebration in
07:15 northwest Nigeria.
07:17 The state's governor says they were mistakenly killed by a military drone.
07:22 Nigeria's army often carries out raids as it fights extremist violence and rebel attacks
07:27 that have destabilized Nigeria's north for more than a decade.
07:30 Analysts have raised concerns about the lack of collaboration among Nigerian security agencies
07:36 as well as the absence of due diligence in some of their special operations in conflict
07:41 zones.
07:45 Two people have been killed after a Russian artillery strike in the southern Ukrainian
07:51 city of Kherson on Tuesday morning.
07:55 The head of the Kherson city administration says a medical facility was also hit, slightly
08:01 wounding four medics.
08:05 Russian attacks on the Dnipro river port city have become routine since the Ukrainian army
08:10 liberated it last year, with civilians' death reported almost daily.
08:24 They demand respect, calling themselves the forgotten heroes.
08:28 And most importantly, they want their voices to be heard.
08:33 Despite the heavy rain, hundreds of Italian doctors and nurses gathered in central Rome
08:37 on Tuesday to strike over working conditions and to protest against recent measures affecting
08:43 the public health sector.
08:47 They want the government to invest more resources to improve employment contracts.
08:52 Above all, they would like the profession to become more appealing to younger people,
08:56 to fill a shortage across the country.
08:58 Italy's health care system has been recently ranked as one of the best in the world, and
09:04 it's one of the country's main assets.
09:07 That's why so many doctors here today are wondering what has happened, especially after
09:10 Covid and after the country was on the front line in the fight against the virus.
09:16 We want to regain that professional and social dignity that has been gradually taken away
09:21 from us over the years.
09:22 We simply ask that this financial maneuver can have an economic and legislative impact
09:29 on a profession that is on the brink.
09:31 Italian health care has guaranteed free care for everyone, without any costs, in a universalist
09:38 way.
09:39 This system is going bankrupt.
09:41 When the emergencies are over, we are put in disarray and we are further penalised.
09:50 Many believe that being a doctor is a vocation and not just a job.
09:54 They claim that if the service is bad, patients end up paying the price.
09:58 Patients are at the heart of our care, and we choose not to let them die every day.
10:05 We need to be helped in this, because care that is not of quality, care that makes us
10:11 go fast and in a hurry, can lead to mistakes, and we don't want to make mistakes.
10:19 Organisers were not expecting such high level of participation.
10:24 Up to 80% of health care workers in each Italian region joined Tuesday's strike action.
10:29 A second one has already been planned before the end of the month.
10:40 France's National Assembly has unanimously approved a bill to ban single-use, disposable
10:45 electronic cigarettes, commonly known as puffs, an attempt to protect young people drawn to
10:51 their flavours and mitigate the environmental impacts.
10:55 Politicians adopted the bill on Monday.
10:57 With government backing, it will now move to the Senate, where it is expected to be
11:01 adopted, and could be in effect by September next year.
11:05 Health officials say 5% of French people are daily vapers, one of the highest vaping countries
11:10 in the EU.
11:15 Thousands of Italians said goodbye to Giulia Cececchini on Tuesday, a student killed by
11:20 her ex-boyfriend.
11:21 Her tragic fate triggered a renewed debate in the country on violence against women,
11:26 a worrying phenomenon in a predominantly Catholic country where gender stereotypes are deeply
11:31 entrenched.
11:32 At least 107 women have been killed in Italy since January, 88 of them by family members
11:37 or by partners, and around 50% of men in some regions believe violence in relationships
11:42 is acceptable, according to a report published in 2021.
