• 2 years ago
రేవంత్ ప్రమాణ స్వీకారానికి చంద్రబాబుకు ఆహ్వానం !! || Revanth Reddy Invite Chandrababu || ABN Telugu
#chandrababu #kcr #jagan #revanthreddy #telanganacm #abnnews


00:00 Right, Sidharth, what are the details about the Cabinet?
00:03 And what are the arrangements for the Telangana CM Revan Reddy's acceptance in the LB Stadium?
00:09 And what are the security arrangements for the VVIPs?
00:13 Please tell us all the updates.
00:14 Thank you, Kanti. We are currently in the LB Stadium.
00:19 In the LB Stadium, tomorrow at 1.45 pm,
00:23 Revan Reddy is going to be the second Chief Minister of Telangana.
00:27 The authorities and the police have arrived here.
00:30 They are examining the arrangements.
00:34 They are also marking the VVIPs' seats.
00:39 They are also checking the seats of the ordinary people.
00:42 The authorities are discussing the arrangements with the Congress Party leaders.
00:49 The leaders are saying that there will be a mass gathering tomorrow.
00:54 Revan Reddy will be coming here from his home to the LB Stadium.
00:58 He will be coming here with his wife Raleigh.
01:01 Congress Party will be coming to power in Telangana after 10 years.
01:06 So, the Congress Party leaders are saying that this should be a celebration.
01:11 The crowd will reach their target easily in ordinary meetings.
01:17 The leaders are saying that the crowd will be more than expected.
01:26 They are trying to split the crowd.
01:30 They are not allowing the people who have come here to the LB Stadium.
01:37 So, they are guiding people to go to Gandhi Bhavan.
01:40 They are also planning to arrange a screen in the Nizam College grounds.
01:48 The Congress Party leaders and the police are examining the arrangements.
01:55 They are also discussing the arrangements for the ministers.
01:59 They are also discussing the positions of the ministers.
02:02 Revan Reddy is the Chief Minister.
02:04 So, he has the authority to choose his team.
02:08 But, some people are not able to become the Chief Minister.
02:12 So, they have some reservations.
02:14 They are guiding Revan Reddy to take them into the party.
02:18 Revan Reddy has also prepared a list of probabilities.
02:22 We will see if Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi will take an approval from Karage.
02:27 Will they announce it there or in Hyderabad?
02:30 Will the ministers also get an approval?
02:38 There are some names in the list of probabilities.
02:44 The losers have also been chosen.
02:50 There are also some names in the list of probabilities.
02:57 The winners have been chosen.
03:02 The winners have been chosen.
03:07 So, he has the opportunity to be the Chief Minister.
03:10 The senior leader, Jeevan Reddy, is the winner.
03:13 He lost the election.
03:16 He is the MLC.
03:19 So, he has no complications.
03:21 He has been confirmed as the Chief Minister.
03:24 He has also promised to contest Kamar Reddy's election.
03:29 But, he has to withdraw Kamar Reddy's nomination.
03:35 He has no minorities.
03:39 So, he has been chosen as the MLC.
03:42 He has also been accused of stealing the ticket.
03:48 But, he did not get the ticket.
03:50 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
03:54 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
03:57 But, he has been accused of stealing the ticket.
04:00 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
04:03 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
04:06 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
04:09 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
04:12 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
04:15 He has been accused of stealing the ticket.
