Economics, Tech and Nuclear Power on Taiwan's Campaign Trail

  • last year
Taiwan's presidential hopefuls talk the economy, the country's northern tech hub and nuclear power.
00:00 Taiwan's three presidential candidates have found their voices.
00:04 In the early stages of this campaign, the spotlight was on the theatrics of deciding
00:07 who would run.
00:08 But with that settled, and just weeks until election day, it's now time for business.
00:14 That includes winning over the block of voters not entrenched behind party lines, the persuadable.
00:19 And that means concrete issues are finally coming to the fore.
00:23 Ko Wenjie of the Taiwan People's Party has taken up a cause that resonates in Taiwan,
00:28 fixing the country's stagnant wages.
00:31 He wants to give tax cuts to companies that give raises, and force publicly traded companies
00:35 to publish how much they pay workers.
00:37 "Over the past 20 years, Taiwan's GDP has grown a lot, but the quality of our jobs has
00:43 not.
00:44 So from a financial standpoint, we know that the boss doesn't share the money he makes
00:47 with his employees."
00:48 It's part of a four-point economic plan that also includes giving more time off for
00:52 workers, a reform of the pension system, and boosting the workforce by bringing in migrant
00:57 workers and encouraging retirees to go back to work.
01:01 He's not the only one finding an audience.
01:03 The Democratic Progressive Party candidate, Lai Ching-de, is gunning for the high-tech
01:08 corridor that runs along Taiwan's northwest coast.
01:11 Winning support here won't be easy.
01:13 This is a bastion of the rival Kuomintang.
01:16 But by promising to expand the tech industry and bring other improvements, he thinks he
01:20 can pull it off.
01:21 "I have proposed a large-scale plan to expand the Taozhumiao Valley.
01:28 Because the scientific area of Hsinchu City should be expanded.
01:35 At the same time, we should solve the problem of transportation, improve the living environment,
01:41 and build the infrastructure."
01:45 And current events are seeping into rhetoric, too.
01:48 Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi is using the ongoing UN climate change conference to hit
01:53 on a point his party has long pushed.
01:55 He says the ruling DPP's plan to phase out nuclear power is a mistake.
02:00 "The nuclear power plan is not only a jump in the ocean, but also a complete backfire
02:09 on the international carbon reduction and nuclear energy reduction.
02:15 The wrong policy is not only more corrupt, but also more disastrous."
02:22 All three candidates have solid bases.
02:24 They hope that policies like these will bring undecided voters on board, raising their chances
02:29 of becoming Taiwan's next leader.
02:32 Eason Chen and John Ventriest for Taiwan Plus.
02:35 Cheat that, cheat that, cheat that.
02:37 Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
