Waikiki Hollywood Thirller Drama Movie in English 2020

  • 7 months ago
Waikiki (2020), directed by Christopher Kahunahana, is a powerful and disturbing film that takes viewers on a journey through the underbelly of Waikiki, a world far removed from the tourist brochures. The film tells the story of Kea, a young hula dancer struggling with homelessness and an abusive relationship. As Kea's desperation mounts, she begins to unravel, and the line between reality and delusion blurs.

The film is a searing indictment of the dark side of tourism and its devastating impact on Native Hawaiian culture and identity. Waikiki is no longer the idyllic paradise it once was, but a place where exploitation and poverty run rampant. Kea's story is a reminder that the beauty of Hawaii comes at a cost, and that the lives of those who call it home are often overshadowed by the glitz and glamour of the tourist industry.

Waikiki is not an easy film to watch. It is raw, emotional, and at times deeply disturbing. However, it is an important film that sheds light on a rarely seen side of Hawaii. Kahunahana's direction is masterful, and he elicits powerful performances from his cast, particularly the lead actress, Kaimana Zalopany.

The film's cinematography is stunning, capturing the beauty of the Hawaiian landscape in stark contrast to the bleak reality of Kea's life. The soundtrack is also noteworthy, featuring traditional Hawaiian music that adds to the film's emotional impact.

While Waikiki is not a film for everyone, it is a powerful and important work of art that deserves to be seen. It is a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll, and it is sure to spark important conversations about the impact of tourism and the plight of Native Hawaiians